• Published 13th Sep 2023
  • 1,150 Views, 17 Comments

G5 Adventures in The Smurfs - ponydog127

A little while after their last adventure, our faithful pony heroes team up with the Smurfs when the small blue creatures are being chased by an evil wizard all the way to New York City.

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Meeting the Winslows

“This way, everypony!” Zipp strained as she and the rest of the ponies led the remaining Smurfs up the large fire escape stairs toward the top of the building. “I got a good feeling about this level!”

Hitch sighed drastically. “That’s what you said about the LAST three levels!”

“Not to disagree on the tired feeling, Hitch, but… Papa?” Brainy spoke up nervously. “I'm familiar with 613 shades of blue, and that moon is not one of them.”

Turns out, he was right-- the moon was the same shade of milky white as it usually was, and this sparked worry among the Smurfs. “Stay calm, everyone,” Papa reassured. “If the portal opened once, it can open again.”

“But,” Misty spoke, “how are we gonna open a magical portal when we can't even find Clumsy?”

“We can’t give up,” Sunny told her, helping her onto the next step. “We just have to keep looking.”

“Hey…” Gutsy said, pointing toward a nearby window. “I think I see something from up there!”

“Well, what are we waiting for, then?” Izzy chirped, bouncing up the stairs. “Let’s go!”


Grace had retired to bed early that night, and Patrick was at work in his office, giving Clumsy enough time to sneak out of the box and into the empty living room. But when he saw Patrick’s shadow, he began to get nervous and backed into something…

…something cold and slimy.

And breathing.

He turned and saw that he had backed right into the dog’s snout, causing him to wake and chase after him as Izzy and Gutsy climbed up to the window. “Clumsy?” Izzy called in a whisper. “Is that you?”

That’s when Gutsy spotted the box Clumsy climbed into. This was the right apartment all right… but what they didn’t know was that Clumsy wasn’t exactly in the box.


“HELP!! HELP!!” Clumsy screamed as he was chased by Elway down the hall to the bathroom, where he was able to shut the door and climb inside the sink for safety.

That was far too close for comfort in his opinion. The last thing he needed was to be eaten alive by a Smurf-eating dog.

As he looked around the white-tiled bathroom, Clumsy suddenly spotted a soap dispenser next to him, interest peaking. “Berry Boom…” he muttered to himself, thinking it was some sort of pump-up dessert… and it didn’t sound bad.

Well, in a Smurf’s opinion, don’t knock it till you’ve smurfed it.

Clumsy climbed out of the sink and pumped the liquid into his mouth, finding it to taste strange… and not like berries.

That wasn’t even the weirdest part.

After his stomach grumbled, he burped up a bubble, which startled him into backing up, causing him to accidentally turn on a hair dryer, which blew him into the toilet.

Grace stirred to see Elway pawing at the door, not wanting to deal with it right now. “Patrick…!

Unfortunately, Patrick was too busy in the next couple rooms over to hear her. In the bathroom, Clumsy managed to grab the long chain that flushed the toilet, but in an attempt to not get flushed down, he grabbed the toilet paper roll, only for the toilet paper to spill into the toilet, and Clumsy fell into it again.

Grace sighed as Elway continued to paw at the door... if Patrick wasn't going to do anything about it, she supposed that she would have to.

Meanwhile the Smurfs and ponies had finally made it the box. “I’m sure this is the box,” Papa said. “Oh, when I get my hands on him...” Grouchy muttered angrily. “Now’s not the time, Grouchy,” Sunny said. Suddenly, Pipp gasped upon hearing a sound. “Someone’s coming!”


Grace opened the door and Elway immediately ran in and dipped his head into the toilet bowl.

“No, no, no, no. Come on, come on. Please, please,” she pulled the dog away from the bowl and peered inside to see it clogged with toilet paper. “Elway. Did you do that? That’s… ugh...”

Back with the Smurfs and the ponies they had finally got the box open, only to find that Clumsy wasn’t inside. “Oh, dear,” Papa sighed. “Where did he go?” Hitch wondered. “This guy is starting to get on my nerves...” Zipp groaned. “Welcome to the club,” Grouchy said. “Now what, lads?” Gutsy asked. “What happened to Clumsy?” Smurfette whimpered. Sunny then noticed a silhouette coming from behind a glass door. “Quick, hide!”

The ponies and Smurfs all dove into the box and closed the lid just as Patrick came through the door. He looked at the box with suspicion and picked it up.

At the same time, Grace had pulled on the matted toilet paper out with a toilet brush. “Gross.”

Patrick placed the box in his office as Grace slowly walked over the garbage can. That’s when she noticed a lump in the wet mass began to wiggle and squirm and began to panic.

Patrick opened the box and saw the Smurfs and ponies staring right at him. His eyes widened and as the others gasped. “Well…” Sunny gulped. “We’ve definitely been spotted.”

Clumsy finally dug his way out of the papery mess, but was now face to face with Grace. The two screamed in fear at each other. Patrick and the other Smurfs and ponies did the same.

Grace swung the toilet brush away, sending Clumsy into the window, causing him to groan in pain. Luckily, Misty was able to recognize the sound of Clumsy's groaning. “That’s Clumsy!”

“Charge, Smurfs! Charge!” Gutsy yelled and the ponies and Smurfs jumped out of the box, sending Patrick to the floor and began scattering around looking for Clumsy. “Excuse me!” Sunny said. “Pardon me!”

“This is for Clumsy!” Grouchy kicked Patrick in the face. Meanwhile, Grace was still panicking over the blue thing that came out from the toilet. “Please don’t hurt me! Please! I just want to go home!” Clumsy begged. “D-D-Did you just talk?” Grace asked inching toward him. “I’m not saying till you put down the giant… spiky… thing.”


Meanwhile the other Smurfs and ponies were busy searching for Clumsy.

“Clumsy where are you?”

“Make yourself known!”

“Smurf us a sign!”

“Come out, Clumsy!”

“Where do you go?”

“Smurf out, smurf out, wherever you are.”

“Come to my voice, laddie.”

Patrick crawled over a basket and grabbed an umbrella from it. “Get out of here!” he called out and swung the umbrella, and Pipp, Gutsy and Brainy narrowly avoided the attack. “Too much aggression!” Brainy exclaimed. “Go back to the sewers!” Patrick continued, but luckily, Grouchy was able to distract him while Gutsy grabbed a hold of him. “You all find Clumsy! The giant is mine!”

Patrick tried to wack Gutsy off, but only succeeded in hitting himself. “Over here, ponies and Smurfs!” Papa gestures to the hallway, and the Smurfs and ponies followed while Gutsy was able to get Patrick to whack himself in the head with the umbrella and send him down to the floor again.


“Okay so you’re like…You’re blue, and…” Grace said, upon realizing what she was about to do, instantly put the toilet brush down. “Oh, gosh, are you okay?”

“Hurry, guys!” Sunny’s voice was heard down the hall. “This way!”

“I think they’re in here!” Hitch cried. “This way! This way!” Grouchy exclaimed. “Follow me, Smurfs,” Papa said. Just then, Elway appeared and began chasing them down the hall again. “Other way!” Misty shrieked. “Other way!”

“Run, Smurfs!” Papa exclaimed. “This is why we can’t have nice things.” Zipp said, and they ran past Patrick as Elway tackled him to the floor. “Clumsy, where the smurf are you?” Grouchy asked irritated. The Smurfs and ponies scattered as Elway tackled Patrick a second time. Gutsy took action and began tying Patrick’s hands together. “Stop bleating like sheep and let me hog-tie you, you wriggly numptie!”

“Grace, we’re being attacked!” Patrick called to his wife. “Do not be fooled by their cuteness!”

“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Grace said walking over to him with Clumsy in her hands as the other Smurfs and ponies stood at her feet with Elway. “They're friendly.”

“You’re lucky your lassie stepped in,” Gutsy warned Patrick as he got off his back. “I was about to make haggis with you innards.”

Patrick looked up at Grace who just gave a confused smile. Then, he passed out, causing Sunny to chuckle nervously. “I guess we better explain this more in detail.”