• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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12: It Came From The Depths( Leatherhead)

Within a Kraang laboratory some robots were charging through the halls quickly as a piece of them landed in front of them. A shadow quickly went by them and the robots were chasing it. The robots seemed to have lost it until they heard a loud roar.

A shadow of what looked like an Alligator appeared next to them and it grabbed a couple of robots with it's large hands and tore them apart, more robots fired at the monster until they got a good shot at it and it fell to the ground, the robots came to it and it was holding a strange power cell.

The monster opened it's eyes and roared in rage and knocked all of them away, it smashed through a wall and jumped down into the city, more Kraang droids started to search for it as a result, one passed by a drain and the pair of eyes opened as another growl was heard once again..

We cut to the lair once again where Spike and the turtles were doing they're thing, Spike was reading a comic book while Mikey walked up to them.
"Who wants to try my latest invention? We all love pizza, we all love milkshakes. So i combined them." Mikey announced.

"That sounds disgusting. " Spike said disgusted.
"Spike's right that could not sound less appetizing." Donnie said in agreement.
"I call it, the P-shake!" Mikey introduced and showed them what literally looked like pizza blended together in a cup. Spike and Donnie almost lost they're lunch as they saw that.

"I stand corrected." Donnie said in disgust.
"Your gonna get sick if you drink that dude." Spike warned.
"You guys just have no sense of adventure." Mikey said as he drank it all, Mikey's eyes went white and he held his hand at his mouth, he quickly ran over to the water nearby and puked in it.

"Eugh!" They all said at once.
"Told you!" Spike shouted as Mikey continued hurling in the water.
"Where did i go wrong?!" Mikey asked in pain as he kept puking even more and they looked away in disgust.

Leo continued to watch Space Heroes again as this episode had the captain order his crew to open the airlock which sent hundreds of pink fuzzy aliens out into space while Spike and Raph were weirded out by this.
"You have to be the only person in the world who likes this show." Raph insulted.
"No way, there are millions of spaceniks out there" Leo replied holding out the remote, Spike took it and switched the channel and it turned to the news.

"I'm Joan Grody, with a sewer shocker. City workers attacked! By mutants?" Joan asked as a picture of a mutant appeared on screen.
"Huh?" They all asked in surprise as they watched an interview.

"It was like part man, part reptile, all monster! It came out of nowhere and attacked me!" He said in fear, Spike and the others looked at Raph upset at him.
"Wasn't me!" Raph defended before the tv spoke more

"Take a look at this terrifying footage." Joan says as we see the guy from before with a camera.
"So, some people think the sewers are dark and scary, but actually it's a lot of..." He stopped when a large alligator appeared behind him and roared and started to attack him.
"Somebody help me!" He screamed in fear while they all watched in shock as they see the creature.
"Are malicious mutants menacing Manhattan? Find out next time on Grody.. ( deep voice) to the max!" The news finished.

"I got a bad feeling about this." Donnie said in fear.
"It looked like an Alligator." Spike said recalling the footage.
"The last thing we want is some mutant lurking around in the sewers." Leo said getting up.

"Or some news crew coming here looking for him" Raph added.
"We've got to track this guy down and stop him ourselves." Leo told them, Spike then thought of something.
"Guys, he could just be defending himself from something that made him this way, it could be related to the Kraang." Spike suggested and they looked interested at that.

"Hold on guys, i think i saw a tunnel number. There, tunnel 281" Donnie said as they saw a footage of the tunnel.
"Let's go!" Leo ordered.

The 5 of them made it to that exact number and Donnie moved the police tape over and they went inside, Leo looked down and saw a large footprint.
"Whoa, check these out. What the heck made these footprints?" Leo asked while they all look interested, they look ahead of them and they find a trail leading ahead, they then heard a loud roar and saw pink gunfire.

"I knew it, it's the Kraang!" Spike shouted in anger as he drew his sword and charged on ahead.
"Spike wait!" Leo shouted before he went into the tunnel. Spike charged ahead and saw the large mutant being attacked by more robots while it was fighting them off.

"Hey robots! Looking for me?!" Spike shouted in anger with his sword in his hand, the robots turned to him and aimed they're weapons at him.
"Capture both of them!" A robot ordered and they started firing at them both. Spike flipped over some laser fire and deflected some with his sword right back into some of they're heads, Spike used his arm and grabbed a brain through it's chest and ripped it out of the robot and threw it at some more, Spike took a deep breath and breathed some more fire at more robots and that melted some robots down and the brains came out and ran away. The monster roared in anger and chomped down on one of the robots with its jaw and shook it violently and threw them to the turtles who were watching.

"Whoa, i never thought i'd feel sorry for the Kraang." Donnie said in surprise, a robot held out a shocker stick and was about to shock him but Spike grabbed it's head and threw it into some more robots.
"Back off!!" Spike shouted in anger while he was back to back with the monster.

"Who are you?!" He asked in anger.
"Someone who's wanting to help, your not the only one who hates these guys!" Spike said looking at him, the creature growled in response and turned to the robots who had more tasers.
"Then help me out." He said before he and Spike charged at the robots in anger while the turtles watched them beat the crap out of the robots.

"Come on, we gotta help them." Mikey said looking at them.
"I don't think so, Spike looks like he's got things in control right now." Leo responded, they suddenly heard screams of pain as they saw Spike and the monster being tasered by multiple robots.
"But it never helps to join in always." Leo said in anger drawing his sword and they charged at the robots. the monster fell on the ground while Spike tried pushing through the pain.

"Not.. on.. my.. watch!!" Spike shouted as he grabbed a taser with his arm and threw the robots over his shoulder.
"Booyakasha!!" Mikey shouted while he threw his nunchucks at the robots and knocked some down, the others came in and started slicing through the robots as well. a couple robots tried dragging the monster away but Spike and Mikey noticed this and charged at them and sliced them down which looked like the last of them.

"What do we do now?" Donnie asked while they all landed on the ground.
"We get out of here before more Kraang droids show up." Leo told them, Spike and Mikey saw the monster was unconscious and Mikey petted his snout.
"We can't just leave him here." Mikey begged.

"He obviously hates the Kraang just like us, he could be an escaped experiment, i can't just leave someone like that behind!" Spike added in agreement.
"Well what do you want us to do? Take him back to the lair?" Leo asked sarcastic, Mikey only made puppy eyes as a response.

"Oh no, just no! Did you two see what he did to the Kraangdroids? We cannot bring that monster home with us!" Leo said frustrated, Spike looked at this creature and thought about what could happen if they leave him behind, it's like what could have happened if he was never rescued, Spike growled with anger and looked at them.

"Do you think he wanted to be like this?! It's most likely because of them he's like this, imagine what would have happened to me if i was fully mutated by them, if something like this happened, would you leave me to be captured again and be put through worse things? Without looking for reason why he did this?" Spike asked as he looked at the creature, they both had a look of surprise as they thought about this.
"Of course not Spike, even if you were a monster like him, we wouldn't leave you two behind!" Mikey assured and they looked at him with blank faces.
"I said monster didn't i?" Mikey asked embarrassed.

"Yep, sure did." Raph responded with the others nodding in response.
" Well you know what i meant." Mikey said annoyed.
"I thought you said monster?" Raph teased with the others agreeing as well.

"Fine, Spike and I will bring them back ourselves." Mikey said grabbing the creature, we cut to multiple shots of him trying to move the thing while Spike and the others watched him struggle.
"Donnie, you don't happen to have a forklift do you?" Mikey asked looking at them, they said nothing in response.
"No? Okay." Mikey said as he tried moving it again, Spike calmed down and sighed.

"Come on guys, don't you at least want to know what happened to him?" Spike asked looking at them, Leo sighed in response and motioned the others to help them, Spike grabbed his right arm and dragged him along with the others, he didn't have much of a struggle thanks to his arm, but they all were really struggling.

They had managed to drag the creature to the lair where Spike was sitting in front of it looking concerned.
"I can't believe we let them talk us into this." Raph said annoyed.
"Aww, look at hi, he's so peaceful!" Mikey said as he gave him a teddy bear to hug
"That's because he's out cold." Leo responded at that remark, Donnie came up with some chains and Mikey gasped.
"Whoa, what are those for?" Mikey asked looking at him.

"We can't keep him here unless he's chained to something really big." Donnie said annoyed.
"That is so wrong, he's not gonna hurt us! We're the ones who saved him!" Mikey said hugging him, the creatures eyes opened and it growled as Spike quickly backed up.
"See? He's perfectly calm.. AH!!" Mikey screamed as the monster knocked him off of them, he tore apart the teddy bear in rage while they all looked terrified.
"Or maybe the second thing!" Mikey said in fear

The creature roared in anger and grabbed Donnie by the face and shook him violently.
"Get him off me! Get him off me!!" Donnie screamed in fear, Mikey grabbed the chain and started twirling them.
"I got you bro!" Mikey shouted as he threw the chains at Donnie's body, the others tried to pull Donnie away but the monster was strong enough and threw the chain around his shoulder and threw them all away. Leo recovered and got a taser and shot him in the chest which knocked him down thankfully.

"What is all this commotion? Splinter asked as they see him enter the room
"Sensei, Spike and Mikey made us bring a mutant back to the lair and it attacked us!" Raph quickly blamed pointing at them.

"It needs our help!" Mikey defended.
"It probably wasn't in control of itself!" Spike defended as well.
"It's a dangerous monster!" Raph said in frustration.

"Raphael! There is no monster more dangerous then a lack of compassion." Splinter said as he looked down at him and it growled in anger.
"My mistake." Splinter corrected.

"We're doing what everyone else does to us, judging him by his looks." Mikey defended again looking at one of his arms.
"He's obviously been through stuff we don't know about, and we can't help him if we don't try." Spike added while he was rubbing his snout and Donnie got up
"And, the fact that he had me BY THE FACE!! MIKEY AND SPIKE!!" Donnie screamed in anger

"But he was fighting the Kraang, Splinter." Mikey added in again.
"He's right, it's like you always say, the enemy of my enemy, is my friend." Spike pointed out.
"That is correct.. but what's this about the Kraang?" Splinter asked again,

"They were trying to force him to tell them about something, we couldn't get any more after that, but it sounds important" Leo explained.
"And.. they refused to tell?" Splinter asked confused.

"Yeah, they were all like, zap zap zap, and Spike came in slashing those things apart, and he was like" Rawr never!" Mikey said in a deep voice.
"Hmm i see, you two have made a wise decision Michelangelo and Spike" Splinter responded looking at them
"Huh?" They all asked at once.

"Yes asides from Spike, i never thought i'd hear myself say that either." Splinter told them while he ran his hand down a nearby scar.
"Hmm.. the scars run deep, but they protect a genuine heart. When he awakens Michelangelo and Spike, i expect you both to befriend him." Splinter explained.

"No problemo!" Mikey said with a thumbs up.
"I know a few things about befriending people, i'll think of something." Spike responded as well.
"We need to learn what he knows about the Kraang. In the meantime, you will find whatever this thing before the Kraang can" Splinter explained to the others.

"But we're still chaining him up right?" Donnie asked nervously.
"Of course, i am compassionate, but not insane." Splinter said while he bonked his head a couple times with his staff.

A little while later, the creature was chained to a wall while Spike was watching over. Spike looked at the thing sadly, even if he's never met him before, he could understand he had a deep hatred for the Kraang, Spike hates the Kraang very much as well for taken him away from his home, and looking at him, he was like a dark reflection of what would have happened if Spike was never rescued..

"What happened to you.." Spike asked worried while he held out his hand and placed it on his snout, Spike's head suddenly hurt badly as he started to have flashbacks. He saw what looked like him when he was just a normal alligator, he was flushed down into the sewers by bad people, he was found by the Kraang and watched in horror for the horrific experiments done to him. He then saw the thing the creature stole, it looked like a high tech power cell that was used to power something, he watched his escape through a laboratory and headed off into the sewers. Spike suddenly came back to the real world and gasped in fear at what he saw.

Spike's hands were shaking in both fear and anger, he felt fear and horror for what they did to him and what happened in his life, and he felt pure anger for what the Kraang did to him, he swears he could even feel the rage this creature felt when fighting the Kraang.

"What.. was that?" Spike asked looking at his hands. The creatures eyes suddenly opened and he growled in anger
"Where am i?" He asked while looking around he got up and roared in anger.
"Whoa whoa, calm down! I'm not gonna hurt you!" Spike shouted putting his arms in front of him, the creature looked down and saw him.

"Who are you?! What is this place?!" He asked in anger while he was trying to break free of his chains.
"Please calm down, i'll explain everything if you just let me, okay?" Spike asked a little afraid, the creature started to calm down and sighed.
"Fine.." He said before sitting down, Mikey finally came in holding some soup.

"Well well, look who's awake!" Mikey said walking up to him.
"Who are you two? What am i doing here?!" He asked looking around
"I'm Spike, this is Michelangelo, we saved you from the Kraang." Spike quickly explained, the creatures eyes went pale and he roared in rage.
"KRAANG!!" He shouted in rage as he was trying to break free of the chains, but they were strong enough to hold them and he fell back on the ground breathing heavily.

"Whoa whoa! It's okay! We brought you here so you can get better, and nothing will help you get better them my world famous, Pizza noodle soup!" Mikey announced holding a spoon to him.
"Do you seriously blend everything pizza related into something else Mikey? You got sick from the last thing you made, what could be different here?" Spike asked confused, the creature took a sniff at the thing before taking it himself and Mikey braced himself

"This is the best thing i've ever tasted." The creature told them and Spike was surprised.
"Unless you've never had cooked food before then.." Spike corrected himself.
"Really? Alright? Someone finally likes my cooking!" Mikey said in joy, he and Spike sat down while they fed him more of the soup which Spike was still weirded out by.

Meanwhile with the other turtles, they were swimming through a deep pool looking for whatever this creature had, they emerged from the water, they all shook the water off of them while Raph did his more violently.
"Sometimes it's good to be a turtle." Raph told them, a street sign suddenly flew by them and Raph ducked his head which nearly sliced it off.
"AHH!!" Leo and Donnie screamed in horror thinking it was cut off until Raph's head popped back up.
"Sometimes it's good to be a short turtle." Raph said in fear.

The place was shaking all over while they looked worried.
"What's going on?" Raph asked in fear.
"This whole place is booby trapped!" Donnie said afraid as well as things were coming down.
"Run!!" Leo shouted, they all proceeded to scream in fear while running through some more tunnels while multiple deadly traps went off.

Back with Mikey and Spike they were just about done feeding the creature and were ready to move on.
"So, what's your name anyway?" Mikey asked him.

"I.. don't have one.." The creature responded.
"You don't have a name? Ha! Well today's your lucky day! Cause i'm a genius at naming stuff!" Mikey responded with a smile.
"He actually is, he'll find a good one." Spike said in agreement. Mikey proceeded to look at each part of his body trying to find a suitable name for him.
"Your head is kind of leathery.." Mikey said looking at it, Spike then got an idea.

"Leatherhead! How about that?" Spike suggested and Mikey smiled.
"Heck yeah bro! You like that one?" Mikey asked him.
"Leatherhead it is, thank you." Leatherhead told them.

"No problem, nice to meet you, again, my names Spike." Spike said holding out his claw, Leatherhead took it and they shook, he then noticed somethings off with it.
"What.. happened to your arm? It looks different then you other one" Leatherhead asked looking at his right arm. Spike sighed sadly and let go of his.

"It's.. a similar thing for what happened to you, can we go to this later? I'm.. still a little upset from it." Spike said while he was looking at it.
"I.. understand.." Leatherhead responded with some concern.

"So, we've been meaning to ask you, why did you go all crazy eyes on my brother Donnie?" Mikey asked him.
"Your.. brother?" Leatherhead asked confused.
"Yeah, instead of shaking his hand, you shook his face. along with the rest of his body." Mikey explained, Leatherhead looked back on that moment and saw the stuff he did.

"There are times when i lose control. When i awaken, i am horrified what i have done.. A monster like me, deserves to be chained" He said with regret.
"I've felt your fear.. i don't know how but.. i did.. you never wanted to hurt anyone did you?" Spike asked concern while Mikey looked interested at that mention.

"Yes.. i never wanted this, it was because of them i was like this." Leatherhead said with a little anger at their mention.
"I know how it is, i've been captured by them as well, i don't know what would have happened to me if i wasn't rescued by Mikey and his brothers, looking at you.. it makes me dread what i could become.." Spike said while rubbing his head.
"You've.. been captured by them too?" Leatherhead asked concerned and Spike nodded sadly, Mikey let this play out as this could help them both.

"A few months back.. i was held in captivity for over a week, i was placed in a cramped cell, alone, without a way to contact my friends and family... i don't even know if i'll ever see them again.." Spike said while he had tears in his eyes.

"Your.. family?" Leatherhead asked sadly, Spike took out a photo of him and the mane 6 and showed it to him.
"They were the only family i had, i never knew my real parents, but they were the best thing in my life for a long time, until i was taken away from them.. they don't even know if i'm alive still.." Spike said in fear and sadness while Leatherhead looked at the photo.

"Your friends with.. horses?" Leatherhead asked confused while he looked at it.
"Ponies from the land of Equestria, they're my friends. The one with the rainbow mane is Rainbow Dash, the pink one is Pinkie Pie, this one's Applejack, this shy one's Fluttershy, and this one is Rarity.. and the last one here is Twilight.." Spike explained as he pointed to each of them, Leatherhead looked really sad seeing this, he looked like a happy life before they took him, he felt even more rage knowing what happened to him.

"I'm.. truly sorry.. i never thought someone could go through such things like me.." Leatherhead said with regret.
"It's okay, i've had my new friends help me after i was freed, and we can help you, if you just let us." Spike asked while Leatherhead held the photo and looked at it.
"Very well, i'll tell you what i know, and hopefully it will help you get home one day." Leatherhead answered putting the photo away for later.
"Thanks Leatherhead. Now why don't we start by trying to find out stuff together?" Spike suggested, they both nodded in agreement and continued to talk things out.

Back with the other turtles, they were screaming in fear while trying to avoid more traps, they were running away from some spiked barrels while they saw a sign that said" Get out" on it, they all screamed in fear as they ran into it and the wall burst down. They groaned as they got up and looked around with interest, Donnie looked at a nearby wall and placed his hand on it. It triggered a switch and the wall opened up and it revealed a special device that looked extremely important.

"This things putting out some serious power!" Donnie said in amazement, he took out a couple needles and put them together, that got him tazed badly and he went flying back making a loud crash as a result.
"Why am i the one who always has to touch the weird Kraang stuff?!" Donnie asked frustrated, the three of them took it and started to head back.

"Any idea on what it could be used for?" Leo asked with interest.
"Well with the right components, it could power almost anything. Flashlight, blaster cannon, city on the moon." Donnie listed looking at it.
"Why would the gator even want this thing?" Leo asked confused
"Why don't we take it back to the lair and ask him?" Raph suggested.

"Great but who's gonna carry it through the water?" Donnie asked them, they both made smirks and he realized this.
"Aw man!" Donnie said in fear.
"I'm sure it'll be fine, but you go first okay?" Leo asked him, Donnie nervously walked to the water hoping he wasn't gonna be zapped, he closed his eyes and braced himself until Raph suddenly shook him making him freak out.
"Not funny!" Donnie shouted in anger, Raph simply chuckled at that and smacked him into the water.

The turtles made it back to the lair and Mikey walked up to him
"Hey guys! Leatherhead is totally off the chain!" Mikey said in a chill voice
"You mean you set him free?!" Raph asked in anger while the others looked furious.

"No, off the chain means he's cool." Mikey responded and they all sighed in relief.
"Spike wouldn't let me set him free just to be safe, but he and Spike are actually getting along pretty well." Mikey said as Spike and Leatherhead are next to eachother while Leatherhead has more soup.

"Well, glad he didn't let you do anything more stupid." Raph insulted while they walked up to them.
"So, Leatherhead, about the Kraang?" Leo asked nervously, his eyes went pale suddenly and he growled in anger, Spike quickly put his hand on him trying to calm him down.
"They're not here Leatherhead, please calm down!" Spike begged trying to keep him calm, Leatherhead breathed heavily and his eyes returned to normal and sat back down while Spike rubbed him.
"There, it's okay." Spike assured calming him down.

"Wow, i can't believe that worked!" Raph said in surprise.
"At least he didn't grab me by the face again.." Donnie said in relief.
"He's right, why don't you start asking him something simple, like how was your day?" Mikey suggested, Leo groaned as he didn't like this.

"So Leatherhead.. how was your day?" Leo asked a little nervous.
"It started out awful." Leatherhead responded sadly.
"Yeah you were attacked by the.. Ow!" Mikey said in pain as Spike whacked his head telling him to not mention them.

"I know, it started out rough, we just want to ask you a few questions, then we'll let you go and we can solve this together, do you think you can handle that?" Spike asked trying to keep him calm.
"Yes." Leatherhead responded, Leo and Raph looked at Donnie who was nervous.

"Um.. okay... we just wanted to ask you what.. this is?" Donnie asked nervously showing them the device they found. Leatherhead growled in anger even more and roared in rage.
"Thief!!" Leatherhead shouted trying to grab him by the face again, but Spike was keeping him down the best he could, he placed his hand on him trying to calm him down again.

"They didn't know what it is! We aren't thieves we promise!! Please calm down Leatherhead! This isn't you!!" Spike begged trying to stop him from attacking them, Spike's head suddenly hurt badly again as he saw a first person shot of Leatherhead in front of them, his vision was red with anger but it started to return to normal as he took deep breaths and calmed down again.

Spike groaned in pain as he rubbed his head.
"Whoa, what was that?" Mikey asked in shock.
"Are you okay Spike?" Donnie asked concerned.
"Yeah.. my head just hurts.. a lot.." Spike said in pain while rubbing his head more, Leatherhead calmed down again and started to breath normally again.

"I am sorry, that device is extremely important, i've been guarding it with my life for a while.." Leatherhead said looking at it.
"Why? What is this thing?" Spike asked holding it. Leatherhead took a deep breath and looked at them.
"Come with me please, we'll discuss this at a safe place i know." Leatherhead asked them.

"Do you think we should trust him?" Donnie asked nervously.
"If it'll get us answers, we have no choice." Leo said a little upset, Spike undid his chains and handed Leatherhead the device.
"Let's go to this place of yours okay?" Spike asked looking at him. Leatherhead nodded in response and started walking out of the place with the others following curiously.

He had led them to what looked like a old subway line that no longer was working, he led them inside a train and placed the device down and played some music to help him calm down more.
"Okay, we're here where you need to be, can you please explain to us why you freaked out like that?" Leo asked with the others wanting to know.

"I am sorry, but there is a dangerous force inside me that i cannot control. That is why i have been alone for so long." Leatherhead answered while they looked on with interest. Leatherhead explained to them that he once belonged to a kind boy who raised him, but was found by his parents and was thrown into the sewers. He was taken to the Kraang's dimension and mutated him with horrific and terrible experiments. He didn't let his spirit break however and he broke free and stole the device and had escaped through a portal around six months ago and showed them it.

"What do the Kraang want to do with this?" Donnie asked with worry.
"To power the portal, without it, no Kraang can enter or leave this dimension. I swore to keep it from them and spare this world from they're evil, and that includes Spike's world too, even if it costs me my own life." Leatherhead explained, they were about to ask him a couple more questions until they heard a large crash.

"Give to Kraang the power cell that Kraang has come to demand that you give to Kraang!" A robot shouted while Mikey looked scarred.
"It's the Kraang!" Mikey said in fear.
"Quick! Barricade the doors!" Leo ordered while some robots were shooting at them, a few robots started to come in and take the cell, but Spike took out his own sword and sliced each of them apart and threw the brains out the door, he grabbed one of they're arms and shut the door and locked it up.

There was silence for a moment and they thought they were safe, but suddenly a blade pierced through the door and more came from multiple places, a droid started to stand up until Leatherhead punched it's head off, more robots were reaching they're arms out trying to get the cell.

"We're surrounded!" Raph said with frustration.
"We'll never hold them off!" Mikey said in fear.
"We gotta get out of here! Donnie, can you get this subway car running?" Leo asked looking at him.
"These tracks are dead, there's no electricity!" Donnie said trying to hold back the door.

"What about the power cell could that work?" Spike asked while he sliced off some more arms and tossed them out of the car.
"I might be able to hook it up to the motor but i'll need time." Donnie answered, Leatherhead stood up and gave Spike and Mikey the cell.

"I will by you time, my friends, you have trusted me. Now i am trusting you, i will deal with the Kraang" Leatherhead told them and Spike smiled at that.
"Go get em buddy!" Spike said opening the door and Leatherhead came out and roared in anger.

Leo used his sword and opened a hatch for Donnie to put the cell into. Leatherhead continued to fight off the robots while they were trying to get into the car.
"Donnie! We're running out of time!" Leo said while he and Spike were holding back the door.
"I'\m working as fast as i can!" Donnie said in frustration. Leatherhead was starting to be overwhelmed by the droids as there were too many.

"Donnie! We could use it, now!!" Spike shouted while he was holding on the door still. Donnie placed the cell inside.
"Got it!!" Donnie shouted, the subway car shone a bright pink and suddenly went flying through the tunnels at super fast speeds tearing apart any Kraang droids there were.
Everyone was screaming in fear as it looked like they were warping through space.
"STOP IT NOW!!!!" Spike shouted closing his eyes, Donnie quickly pulled the lever and the car was slowing down and it stopped on the streets.

A small bell was heard and the doors opened.
"Let's never do that again.." Spike said rubbing his head in pain.
"Where the heck are we?" Leo asked while everyone looked out.
"According to my calculations, a sewage plant." Donnie answered and they saw some buildings having smog come out into the sky.
"Wow.. it's as beautiful as they say..." Mikey said in amazement.
"Leatherhead.. i hope your okay.." Spike said hoping they'll see him again one day.

Back in the subway, a broken droid was crawling up to another while it stuck it's brain out.
"Kraang, we must notify Kraang that the ones called the turtles and dragon have taken Kraang's power cell from Kraang." The droid told him. A loud crash was heard and they looked in fear as Leatherhead stood up.

"You won't be telling anyone, anything!" Leatherhead said with anger, he took out the photo of Spike and his friends and looked at it sadly before becoming more furious.
"And you will pay for harming my friend!!" Leatherhead shouted with fury as he proceeded to tear them apart..

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this one! I know it may seem weird to have Spike suddenly become quite defensive of Leatherhead in this episode, but given the circumstances i think he'd back up Mikey for this one. I hope you all liked the interactions i had in this chapter and hope you look forward to more!

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