• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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44: The Croaking

Mikey was in the living room of the house once again, he was watching his favorite show( for the 3rd time or something) Crognard again and was being a little too over dramatic with replicating it..
"Fear my Barbarian punch!" Mikey shouted in a deep voice as he punched a pillow away and broke a piece of glass and made a roar of anger as Ice cream Kitty played along.

"This is just what i need Ice cream Kitty, and Ice cream cartoon party extravaganza! Pizza wrestling time!" Mikey shouted as he grabbed the cat and playfully wrestled with him and wrecked up the living room. Psiona was rubbing her eyes just wondering what the heck all the noise was, she came into the living room and her eyes widened at what she saw.

"What are you doing?!" Psiona shouted with rage which made him stop and he chuckled nervously.
"Oh.. hey Psiona.. how's it going?" Mikey asked nervously right as Jacqueline and Spike came in with the others.
"Mikey what have you done?!" Leo shouted as they all saw the living room was trashed up.
"Heh heh.. hey guys.. this isn't what it looks like.. i was studying barbarian fighting techniques.." Mikey said in defense.

"This is the third time you've messed the place up in a week!" Leo said as he and the others towered over him with rage, Psiona growled and towered over him and cracked her knuckles.
"I can show you a few fighting techniques.." Psiona said with a growl which made him scarred. But Spike quickly came in and stopped her.

"No need to go that way mom, i'll help him clean this up." Spike said turning to him.
"Good! And as for you!" Raph said as he grabbed the kitty and threw him into the freezer as it hissed at him before he slammed the door.
"And stay there!" Raph said walking back into the living room.
"Just make sure he cleans up after himself, unbelievable.." Psiona said annoyed as she and the others left with Jacqueline and April looking at Spike and Mikey before leaving.
"Sorry about this Mikey.." Spike said sadly as he tried sweeping things, but it was a little tough as he still wasn't used to his snake hands.

Jacqueline decided to meditate outside the house as the others left, she still had the ability to enter ones dreams, and she and Spike would often talk to eachother in his own to get to know eachother better. There were ups and downs to having this power, on the one hand, it let her see the wonders of what people had to offer in terms of imagination, on the other, she didn't like invading others privacy that much. She was still confused on how Bernie survived 40 years with being awake, usually one would start being delusional after being awake without sleep for a week, how he was like that is beyond her.

Jacqueline meditated calmly, as she was trying to see if there was anything to find, she figured she could use her ability's to try and sense an enemy's presence as they had dreams as well. She focused deeply in the forest surrounding her, she felt herself within a black void, completely like the one she met Spike in, but as she thought she wouldn't find something, she started to hear something. She winced in pain as she saw a flash of what looked like.. a frog? She had another flash and heard a croak, she then had another flash that showed 4 frog like mutants somewhere out there. Jaqueline's eyes widened in shock and worry as something was out there.

"I need to tell Spike!" She said getting up and headed into the house quickly. Jaqueline opened the doors and called out for Spike and Mikey.
"Spike! Mikey? Are you there?! There's something i need to tell you!" Jaqueline shouted as she looked around the house, the living room was still a mess meaning Mikey wasn't cleaning like he was told too, she may have expected that from him, but Spike is gone too.
"Spike?" Jaqueline asked worried as she looked around the whole house, but they were both gone and she was getting really worried.
"Spike! Where are you?!" Jacqueline shouted through the whole house.

Spike was slithering with Mikey in the woods trying to convince him to stop, he was really hurt by what Raph said about him and decided to run away.
"Mikey come on, Raph was just mad that's all, you've seen how he gets.." Spike said going through the woods with him.
"You saw how they looked at me Spike! They think i'm a joke.. and i am.." Mikey said sadly, Spike sighed and knew he was upset.
"They're just trying to help you, they aren't gonna be around forever, there comes a time when one will have to be on their own and grow, even without they're family besides them. I promise you once they realize we're gone, they'll go after us and apologize to you once we're found." Spike assured, but something was off as they kept moving, Spike felt his senses going off again meaning they were being watched.

"You.. really mean that?" Mikey asked worried on this still.
"Positive.." Spike said as he started to look around.
"What's wrong bro? You getting bad vibes here?" Mikey asked worried, Spike could feel they're being watched, and his head sent off a warning telling him something was coming.
"Get down!" Spike shouted as he pushed Mikey out of the way, they looked up in the air and gasped in shock as they saw 4 mutant frogs jumping down at them.

Spike ducked out of the way from one of they're attacks, but they fell down on the ground confusing them, Mikey drew his weapons as Spike got on his guard.
"Who are you punks?!" Spike hissed as they got up, they didn't say anything and Spike got a good look at them, one of them was curvaceous female mutant frog wearing a black 16th century dress with a metal aesthetic and a spiked collar while her casual wear consists of form-fitting blue jeans and a pink tank top, she also has black skin and pink spots. Spike looked at the other female and looked at her too, this one was a slightly-muscular female mutant frog covered in Chinese character tattoos wearing a cream-colored Chinese silk robe with a grunge aesthetic while her casual wear is a leather vest over a skull t-shirt, and has jade green skin. Then he looked at the last one he was a lean male mutant frog wearing a suit from that looked to be from the 1930s with a glam aesthetic while his casual wear is a pair of cargo shorts and a chain acting like a belt, and his skin was almost like a dusty brown and had a pale underbelly.

"I told you we shouldn't have attacked them guys! They think we're an enemy by now!" The muscular one said mad at the others.
" How are we supposed to know they're friendly Zetian? We don't even know these guys." The brown one said looking at them.
" Clyde weren't you listening to what they said? They don't look like they could do harm." The black one said in a low femine voice that sounded a bit like Luna honestly..
"Mary's right, we shouldn't have attacked them like that. Sorry about that, we just thought you were enemy's." The green one said as he wore a white shirt that had a unicorn on it.

"Um.. it's okay i guess.." Spike said as they lowered they're guard.
"I'm sorry, who are you guys?" Mikey asked pointing at them.
"Your right, we should introduce ourselves, i'm Zetian, i'm the oldest sister of this group, that's Clyde, a little low witted, but a friendly guy, and this is Bloody Mary, she's often into staying fancy as you can see with her dress. And this is Napoleon Bonafrog, dude's chill, but knows some cool moves" Zetian said looking at each of them.
"Sup?" Napoleon introduced as the others waved at them.

Spike and Mikey looked at eachother before turning back to them.
"Well.. i'm Spike, and this is Mikey, we're both skilled ninja's." Spike introduced.
"What up dog's?" Mikey asked casually.
"Nice to meet you two.. sorry about that still.." Mary said a little ashamed.
"No no it's totally okay, i can understand it, you don't know us and thought we were enemy's, it's cool.." Mikey assured with Spike nodding in agreement.

"So, what are you two doing out in the woods at night? It's dangerous around these parts?" Zetian asked curious on why they were here.
"I ran off from my own home because i felt unappreciated, and my bro Spike here came with me to help! Cause he's the only one who understands me!" Mikey said putting his arm over Spike's shoulder.
"Not entirely accurate, but i did come to make sure he was safe. He's family by this point and wasn't gonna let anything happen to him you know?" Spike asked which made them smile in agreement.

"Totally, that means you have no where to go right?" Mary asked with the others concerned.
"Not at this point no.." Spike said as he didn't want to confuse them with what's happening.
"Nope, we're on our own, so what can you guys do?" Mikey asked curious on seeing they're own moves.
"Us? We're the master of frog stuff, check this out." Napoleon said as the others got in a line, they watched as they started to perform some really cool dance moves like they used some from different generations before they jumped in the air and finished things off by eating a fly and landing down.

"Whoa! gross, but awesome!" Mikey complimented.
"Sweet moves!" Spike said impressed at that.
"Thanks, we practiced them together." Clyde said proudly.
"We're basically the greatest warriors ever seen, our people love us, they give us like awards and stuff, what about you two?" Napoleon said as they sat down.
"Not entirely accurate still.." Zetian said as that wasn't true for the most part.

"We have our own ninja team like you guys, i'm like the leader and stuff,." Mikey said casually and Spike rolled his eyes.
"Your kinda like a frog parallel to our team honestly." Spike said as they were a bit like them too.
"Sweet! Come on guys, let's show em our frog fortress." Napoleon suggested.
"Are you sure we should take them there? Our leader isn't to kind to outsiders.." Mary said a little worried for them.
"They need help guys, come on, follow us you two." Zetian said starting to hop off.
"It's gonna be totally epic guys!" Clyde said as they all went off, Spike and Mikey looked at eachother and shrugged before following them as well wondering what was to come.

Leo and the others were back in the house cleaning up after the place was trashed.
"Man i can't believe Mikey left us to clean up this mess, i figured Spike get this place done at least." Leo said as they were cleaning.
"They totally ditched, i haven't seen them for hours." Casey said annoyed as well.
"Yeah maybe because you guys were total jerks, you guys never appreciate him, Spike's the only one who does. He probably went out to make sure he was safe." April said upset with them.
"Even though i've known my son for a week at this point, i can tell he's not one to leave others behind.." Psiona said a little ashamed as well, they heard panting and saw Jaqueline run into the room looking worried.

"Jaqueline? What's wrong?" April asked worried walking up to her.
" Guys, it's Spike and Mikey, i can't find them! I searched the whole area from them, i couldn't find them anywhere!" Jaqueline explained which shocked them.
"What?!" Psiona asked with shock as they all stopped what they were doing, Donnie just came into the room holding his computer looking worried as well.

"And i think i know why, listen to this: Local campsites have been ravaged by what witnesses call, green lizard like monsters on two legs." Donnie said as they saw screens of each one.
"Nah, you think? Would Mikey and Spike really trash those campsites?" April asked worried on this.
"He wouldn't do such a thing, they could be in trouble." Psiona said with worry as this was new to her.
"Let's try and find them, come on!" Leo said as they started leaving the house.

Spike and Mikey followed the punk frogs to a huge tree that towered over the forest.
"This is our place." Napoleon said and they looked at the thing in awe.
"It's enormous.." Spike said amazed seeing how tall it was..
"It's larger then any tree here, makes it special." Clyde said as they went up to the top, they made a frog croak that echoed over to the top, and they watched as a elevator lowered down to them and opened up.
"Get in guys." Zetian said pointing at it.
"Are we sure this is safe?" Spike asked worried as it looked old.
"Positive." Mary said as they closed the door and the elevator started rising up.

Spike looked over the view of the forest and could see just how high up they were, it was almost as high as the TCRI building honestly. They arrived at the top and saw a ton of different mutant frogs out they're making loud croaks.
"How did these guys happen?" Spike asked confused on seeing them all. They continued to follow the 4 frogs to a throne like area and saw a large frog on the top.

"Napoleon? Your back with your punk siblings?" The leader asked upset at them.
"They always come back sire, like indigestion, why not just stay away punks?" A frog with a staff mocked.
"Whatever Genghis! Attila this is Mikey and Spike, they're great warriors, and a genius and stuff!" Napoleon introduced.
"We found them in the woods not far from here." Mary said looking at them.
"I doubt that they're friends of yours." Genghis mocked again.
"Shut it Genghis! I don't even care what you think, gosh!" Napoleon said annoyed at him.

"Rude." Spike said annoyed with him.
"Thank you." Clyde said glad that he thinks that too.
"And that's no way to talk to us, we're Michelangelo and Spike, i'm 15, he's 14, i love pizza, Ice cream kitty, ninjutsu.." Mikey listed out before Attila spoke some more.
"Tell me, Michelangelo and Spike, why do you have no home?" Attila asked them.

"We were stuck in that farmhouse on the edge of the woods with our brothers and some humans." Mikey explained which shocked all of them.
"Bah! With humans?!" Attila asked angry on hearing their name with the other toads mad as well.
"Uh oh.." Mary said with worry as all of them came out of the tree.
"Yeah, and we can't go back because.." Mikey said before he was interrupted again.
"Of course you can't go back, your free now. Free from the tyranny of your masters, stay among us kind folks." Attila offered.

"Yes! Take that Rasputin!" Napoleon said pointing at one with a mustache who looked like a scientist.
"Come on guys, let's show you around." Zetian said as they started escorting them away.
"This is gonna go wrong isn't it.." Spike asked looking at Mary.
"I'm afraid so.." Mary said worried as they left.

"Humans again. They still have that turtle and snakes poor brothers in their clutches! You know what to do Genghis." Attila said turning to him.
"Sir yes sir! Operation liberate reptiles! Frogs go!" Genghis ordered as a bunch of frogs started to charge from the tree..

We cut to a montage where Spike and Mikey were spending time with the frogs, Spike was showing Mary and Zetian some ninja moves, even if his body's not the best right now, he's still got some skills. Mikey was just chilling out with Napoleon and Clyde, they showed Mikey some hopping moves like how they do. Spike showed Mary and Zetian him breathing green fire which amazed them both. Zetian showed Spike her strength and lifted up a boulder 5 times her own size, and Mary showed some fancy dance moves and Spike tried replicating them the best he could in his snake form. Mikey was shown to.. eat flies which disgusted Spike greatly, then Spike showed them some moves on jumping from tree to tree like a ninja which they gladly followed with. It was a fun day for them as it was nice for them bonding with eachother and knowing what they all like.

Spike and the other frogs were on the top of the tree looking over the view about the day they just had.
"Man, today was really fun honestly." Spike said as this was fun for all of them.
"Yeah, i'm still amazed on you being able to breath fire like that." Zetian said still shocked on seeing that.
"Not as cool as your strength! You really are strong!" Spike said seeing how strong she was earlier.
"Thanks, i use it to protect my family, they're one of the few things i have right now.." Zetian said looking over the view.

"Yeah, since we were mutated, we were at eachothers side, they're the only ones that really understand me.." Mary said looking over as well.
"I gotta ask, where did you get that dress? It looks really nice." Spike asked looking at it.
"We.. have your ways.. at least we wear clothes freak." Mary joked referring to the fact he's not wearing any which made them laugh.
"Hey, being a snake makes putting on clothes very hard, it slides right off me.." Spike said as Clyde felt his body.
"Your body is kinda slimy, gross." Clyde said moving away a little which made him joke as Mikey and Napoleon joined in.

"So you two are like ninja who lived in this New York place who beats down feet soldiers?" Napoleon asked as they sat next to them.
"Foot soldiers yeah. Raph he's all Raphael, he's like Rah! And my other brother Donnie hacks the bad guys computers, he's smart like that, And Leo, he's our fearless leader, heh.. not me.." Mikey said nervously about lying from earlier.
"I could honestly tell by now, Spike's seeming more of a leader honestly." Mary said rubbing his head.
"Thanks, but i prefer to look out for my team." Spike said as that wasn't a position he'd like right now..
"Your brothers sound awesome you know?" Napoleon asked amazed at what they can do.

"Yeah, they are, even after i trashed the house.. Spike told me it's only because they care for me that they're hard on me.. it's something i should've seen before.." Mikey said sadly looking down.
"Hey it's okay, plus, look on the bright side, if it wasn't for you two leaving, you wouldn't have met us" Clyde said trying to make them feel better.
"Yeah, that's true, thanks for showing us this guys, it's really cool." Spike said looking over the tree, he was still worried about the others, but wanted to keep things positive for now.
"No problem Spike, i'm glad we showed you this place." Mary said packing his back.

"Agh! Let go of me!" April shouted which got their attention.
"Silence human!" Genghis ordered which worried them.
"Is that.. April?!" Spike asked worried as he recognized her voice.

We cut to her being thrown in a cage alongside Casey and they were raised up.
"Help!" April shouted as Spike and the frogs arrived.
"Hey! What is this?! What are you doing to our friends?!" Mikey asked mad at them.
"Friends?! You said these humans were terrible to you! You both escaped!" Attila said recalling what he was told.
"You didn't let us finish, Mikey needed time to himself, i went with him to make sure he's okay, you didn't let us finish anything!" Spike hissed which angered them.

"These human lovers lied to become accepted by us!" Genghis accused.
"Live with humans, suffer with humans!" Attila ordered, Spike was about to be grabbed by the frogs before he whipped them away from him and Mikey.

"What are you doing to our friends?!" Zetian asked mad at him.
"They aren't like them! You don't know what your doing!"" Clyde said getting in a fighting pose.
"Your making this worse, stop this!" Mary begged as she did not want this to happen before Rasputin came in front of them.
"I told you four, never trust a turtle or snake!" He accused and they all got angry.
"To you maybe, but not to us!" Clyde said as he delivered a punch to his face knocking off his glasses.

"What are you idiots doing?!" Attila asked furious at them.
"You wanna touch our friends, your gonna go through us!!" Mary said as they all got in a fighting pose, Spike made another snake hiss as he was surrounded by more frogs. The frogs jumped at the 6 of them and they all charged at them.

Spike ducked under a spear slice and wrapped his tail around it, he disarmed the frog before whipping him into another, he backflipped under another one and smashed down on his head knocking him out. Mary pulled out a special hammer she had and used that to smash more of the frogs away, Zetian didn't have a weapon, but fought with fluidity and fast speeds, she flipped into the air and delivered a roundhouse kick to ones face, before she slid under another frog hopping and delivering a strong kick on it's face and sent him flying off the tree. Clyde pulled out a small Scimitar sword and was blocking dozens of spear swings at once, Spike taught the guys some good skills to use and they were pulling things off well.

"Why are you doing this to them?! What did they do to you?!" Spike asked as he slashed another one down.
"Why? You dare ask why? There was once a time where we the Amphibian ruled these lands! We frolicked in these woods and trees and swamplands. Until they, the humans arrived, with they're metal monsters! They needed more strip malls, more gas stations! And more Coffee shops, and one day, these woods will disappear as well!" Attila explained as we see a flashback of the frogs loosing they're homes to construction workers who built the city on top of they're old home.

"Fortunately, Rasputin discovered a gift in a puddle below this very tree, the sacred ooze!" Attire said as Rasputin held up a jar of mutagen.
"Mutagen!" Spike and Mikey said at once.
"The time for a revolution is now! We shall invade their cities. And with this mutagen we will create a bigger family! Attack them!" Attila ordered and that made more frogs charge at them.

"Ngh! I can't believe how crazy he is!" Clyde said as he blocked a sphere slice and pushed the frog back, Mary jumped into the air and screamed twirling her hammer around before she hit him across the side sending him flying off.
"This mutagen stuff must've made him delusional! He clearly doesn't see the flaws in it!" Mary shouted as they started to fight off even more.
"He clearly didn't think it out properly!" Zetian shouted as she punched another back
"Idiots! They're all idiots!" Napoleon said as he couldn't believe how stupid this was.

They're fighting was stopped when they heard a loud roar which echoed through the whole forest.
"What was that?" Attila asked frightened at that roar.
"I think i know who.." Spike said nervously as a shadow flew right above the ledge, the looked up to the moon and saw Psiona flying in the air and spread her wings out, Leo and the others appeared on her back looking down at them with white eyes.
"Guys! yes! Go ninjas!" Mikey shouted as they all landed on the ground, Psiona growled with rage and Jacqueline got in a fighting stance.
"Let go of my son monsters!" Psiona roared as they all charged at him.

"That things your mom?!" Zetian shouted in shock pointing at her.
"Yeah, she's not one to be messed with.." Spike said nervously as they watched her beating the absolute snot out of the frogs surrounding her, Jaqueline flipped into the air and delivered a strong whack with her beaver tail before twirling on the ground and delivering multiple kicks all around. Napoleon was about to help them out before he was grabbed by Genghis's tongue and was slammed to the ledge.
"Where do you think your going Napoleon?" Genghis asked walking up to him.
"I think i'm going.. ninja on your butt!" Napoleon shouted as he used a move Mikey taught him and kicked him over to the throne and knocked over a candle which started to make a fire..

"Guys! How did you find us!?" Mikey asked as Raph punched another one down before he gave him a tight hug.
"What are you doing dude?" Mikey asked confused which got his attention too.
"Hugging i think.." Raph said shocked on what he just did.
"It's.. weird.." Mikey said not liking it.
"Yeah, let's never do that again." Raph said putting him down and they continued to fight the frogs off.

Psiona grabbed a frog by the tongue and pulled him to her, she put her back on the ground and shot her legs up kicking him in the face, she then flipped in the air and twirled around like a cyclone before delivering a roundhouse kick to his chest and sent him flying into more frogs like a bowling ball.
"Mom! Are you okay?" Spike asked as he came up to her.
"I'm fine son, what about you? We thought these frogs kidnapped you and Mikey after the argument." Psiona said as she punched another frog in the face without even looking.
"It's nothing like that at all, me and Mikey actually made a few new friends, they're really cool." Spike said pointing at the punk frogs who were fighting off the others.
"It's interesting to see on how you make friends my son.." Psiona said as she saw Mary hit another in the groin with her hammer making all of them cringe at that.
"It is, it really is.." Spike said in agreement.

"Oh no, fire! Fire!" April shouted as the fire was starting to spread, Napoleon and the other frogs stopped fighting and went to Attila.
"The tree is on fire! We must totally flee!" Napoleon shouted as a large branch fell down scarring them all.
"We need to move guys! The tree isn't safe! We need to go!" Clyde shouted putting his blade away.
"Napoleon and his friends are right! Run!" Genghis shouted as all the other frogs started moving. Attila tried encouraging them to stay, but Casey knocked him in the face and put him into the elevator from before. Psiona grabbed Spike and Jaqueline and put her on her back and flew off to the ground.
"You really had an interesting day huh Spike?" Jaqueline asked looking at him who was looking at the burning tree.
"I did.. i really did.." Spike said as he felt awful that they lost they're home.

The frogs were all fleeing from the tree as it exploded from the fire and sent the mutagen jar flying somewhere else.. Attila was dragged to the forest by Casey and April and looked surprised.
"Humans, saving me?" Attila asked looking at them.
"Not all humans are bad. And i'd like to believe not all mutated frogs are bad either Attila." April said in response and he looked down shamefully, Spike and Mikey watched the tree burn up in flames completely with the other frogs crying over they're loss.
"The horror, the horror.." Atilla said as the tree was burned up entirely..

We cut to the daytime where the tree was now in ashes with Spike comforting the other frogs.
"I'm sorry about your home guys.." Spike said feeling awful for them.
"It's okay Spike, you did the right thing.." Zetian said sadly as she was upset too.
"At least we're all okay.." Clyde said as the tribe was safe.
"At least there's one good thing to come out of this.." Mary said looking down as well..

"My frogs, to me!" Attila announced which had the other frogs come to him.
"Attila the frog has never been wrong about anything in his life.. but perhaps i've been a bit hasty about these humans.." Attila admitted looking at April and Casey.
"Frogs, line up behind your general and his family!" Attila ordered, Genghis thought it would be him, but he was shocked in seeing the frogs line up behind Napoleon and the other frogs.

"What the heck is going on here?" Napoleon asked looking at them.
"Napoleon, Bloody Mary, Clyde, and Zetian, you 4 have shown strong courage and wisdom regarding these creatures. You 4 are brave, stoic, and have good hearts. So i herby promote you to General, and your siblings will help lead the frogs to a new home for us!" Attire announced.
"This is pretty much the best position ever!" Napoleon said amazed at this.
"Aw yeah! We got promoted guys!" Clyde said giving the others a high five to them which made them all laugh.

They turned to Spike and Mikey and walked up to them.
"Spike, Mikey, thank you for coming with us, it's great to have friends you know?" Zetian asked with a smile.
"Especially ones with cool ninja skills." Mary added which made them glad as well.
"It's always great to have friends, i just hope we keep in touch." Spike said as he gave a spare T-phone he had to them for communication.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll make sure we are." Napoleon assured as they put it away for now.

"But what about you guys? Where are you gonna live?" Mikey asked worried for them.
"We're gonna head down south, we have like 20,000 cousins in Louisiana, we'll lead them to the place before heading to help you guys." Clyde assured which made Spike sigh in relief.
"That's good to know, sayonara for now guys. I'm glad we met you." Spike said as they all high fived again, even if Spike's hand's are a snakes..
"Us too Spike, see ya later." Zetian said before they turned to the other frogs and hopped a good distance.

"Frogs march! See ya later guys!" Napoleon said waving at them and they waved goodbye as well.
"There goes 4 brave frogs." Mikey said as they all left them alone.
"4 really awesome ones too." Spike added with a smile.
"Today was interesting that's for sure." Psiona said looking at the burnt up tree.
"It's good to have you back bros." Raph said glad to have them back.
"Good to be back bros." Mikey said as he walked with his brothers while Spike walked with his mom and Jaqueline.
"Let's go home guys. We have a lot of cleaning up to do" Leo said as they all walked off.

However, the jar full of mutagen that was blown off the tree landed on the side of a road, and a car went running straight over it..

Author's Note:

Hey guys, i hope you liked this! The 3 extra frogs were another suggestion to me that i thought would be fun to add, i know there wasn't much to them, but i think i can do more with them in the future. I think i'll bring them back as part of the Mighty Mutanimals in the future so we see them again. Sorry i skipped over the house fight scene, but i don't think i could've added much with Spike's mom and Jaqueline being there.

I had a lot of fun with this one and will try fleshing them out more, huge thanks to MLPFollower for these suggestions, you made a lot of great ones that i think make this story better, and i hope you all look forward to more!

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