• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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58: Turtles in Time

We open to a shot on the rooftops once again, it's been a bit since the others discovered Karai was being mind controlled now, and almost took them out with her poison, she most likely is back under Shredder's control, and they have to find a way to save her.
"Give it up Leo and Spike, it's been weeks since we last saw her. When she poisoned us!" Raph said annoyed as they looked over the rooftop, Psiona was with them too, but Jaqueline was at the lair training with April so she wasn't here tonight.
"Yeah guys, if we can't find a cure.. we might have to let Karai go." Donnie added worried on this.
"This brain worm is a tough situation, i don't think Rockwell can get it out of him like he did with Slash and Jaqueline.." Psiona said shaking her head at this.

"It's not that simple guys, you should know." Leo said still not turning to them.
"We can't just give up on her, i still think there's a way to save her." Spike said seriously refusing to listen to them.
"And your still hung up on April, just a guess.." Mikey joked to Donnie who looked irritated by that.
"Sometimes you don't have a choice, you think about someone.. a lot.." Leo said still thinking this over.
"We all have someone to love Mikey, we'll all find someone one day.." Spike said taking out a photo of him and Jaqueline together.
"I may never have had a mate, but i do know it's important to have someone with you." Psiona added looking at Mikey.
"Dudes, i'm never gonna crush on a girl, uh uh, no way, no sir! This turtle is dedicated to one thing and one thing only, ninjaing!" Mikey said as he took out his chucks and twirled them around while making battle cries.
"You'll soon know Mikey, this show has a way to make a ship." Psiona whispered to herself looking at the audience for a brief moment.
"Who are you looking at?" Spike asked not seeing anything.

"Yo Mikey, i got a little ninjaing for you right here!" Raph announced taking out a fire hose and spraying Mikey and the others with it while laughing. Psiona pulled her son to her and held used a new move that created an energy shield around them just before they were splashed with it.
"When could you do this?!" Spike asked amazed looking at the shield while the others were laughing.
"Made it with the spare Kraang tech we got from those old droids, it's really durable." Psiona said bluntly as they watched them play with eachother until a strange door opened above them.

"Whoa! What is that?" Raph asked shocked seeing it above them, a strange figure emerged from the door as it looked to be a futuristic woman with high tech gear and a scepter with an hourglass on it, she looked to be human, but must have ability's too.
The woman's scepter stopped glowing suddenly and she screamed as she fell down which made Mikey quickly jump in and catch her.
"Whoa, are you okay?" Mikey asked worried as he got a good look at her and.. you know how this goes. The woman looked at Spike and the others with amazement.

"Whoa, the leader Leonardo! The Warrior Raphael! The inventor Donatello! And the cute one Michelangelo! And the feared warrior known throughout Dimension X, Psiona! Or better know as, the Bringer of Death! And her son, the dragon from Equestria, Spike!" She said in amazement which interested them on how she knows they're names.
"How.. do you know our names?" Psiona asked suspicious of her.
"I found you! I actually found you! The Turtles and Dragon warriors of legend! This is so grokking cool!" She said in amazement still.
"Us? Legends? What are you talking about? Nobody even knows we exist!" Raph pointed out.
"Nobody knows.. yet. I'm from the future, and like.. wow, you guys are so famous! You would not believe the amount of people who have Spike as their favorite, meeting you is way more interesting them Genghis khan, or Billy the Kid or Socrates

"Please, your telling us that your from the future, and that we're important enough to be in history books? You expect us to believe that?!" Donnie asked snickering a little.'
"Yes, you saved the world, many times!" She replied which just amazed them.
"Awesome! High three!!" Donnie shouted giving the others a high five.
"We're famous in the future?" Spike asked looking at Psiona.
"Guess we'll have to wait a few centuries to know." Psiona said shrugging her shoulders.

"Hey there the names Michelangelo, but you can call me Mikey. Angelo is my middle name. What's yours? Let me guess, future girl? Amazonian princess? Wonder warrior?" Mikey asked walking around her.
"Uh nope. My names Renet, i'm a time master. " Renet introduced as she twirled her staff around but almost lost balance.
"Okay, assistant time master in training.." Renet said nervously as Raph smacked Mikey away.
"Lower the point headdress. Prove to us that your from the future!" Raph demanded which made her remember something.
"Oh right, almost forgot why i came. I was.. kinda being followed by a evil creep from the future who wants to control all of time and space." Renet said bluntly.

"Uh wait a minute, what did you just say?" Leo asked confused on that as Spike groaned a little.
"Another villain who wants to control time and space? Isn't that getting old at this point? What's next, a villain who wants to erase the multiverse down the line?" Spike asked sarcastically which confused them.
"It's how it's executed that makes it unique son." Psiona replied as thunder was heard, they gasped in shock as a strange figure emerges from the time door and it enters this time period.
"It's him.. Savanti Romero!" Renet said with worry as he entered this world.

"How drone, the early 21st century. Why would you pick this era?" Savanti asked until he saw Spike and the others who got ready to fight.
"Oh i see, the turtle warriors, and the dragons of Equestria, of course. But you must realize they can't defeat me. Your history is wrong. Give me the scepter, and i will let you live." Savanti said threateningly.
"Ninja's let's welcome this freak! New York Style!" Leo shouted as they all charged at him with rage. But Savanti pressed a special button that formed an energy shield around him and stopped them. He waved his hand around and that sent them all flying behind Renet who was getting worried.
"Give it to me girl!" Savanti shouted towering over her.
"Not this time!" Renet shouted as she charged up the scepter and shot a powerful blast at him.
"Nooo!!!" Savanti shouted with rage as he went flying into a time door and vanished.

"Oh! Wow, that was like the most evil time master ever right?" Renet asked excitedly twirling her staff around before almost dropping it again.
"No worries, i sent him 100 million years in the past." Renet assured picking it back up.
"I think i speak for us all when i say WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON!!" Donnie shouted still shocked on what just happened.
"Oh yeah, right, sorry, let me explain everything." Renet said as she coughed for a moment and began to explain things.

"In the future, we Time Masters are protectors of Time, Space, and reality itself. I'm a apprentice to the top guy in our order, Lord Simultaneous." Renet explained as we see a flashback of her looking over the timeline with him besides her.
"Last night, someone tried to steal the Time Scepter. A piece of tech so advanced, it can not only control time, but bend reality itself. It was Savanti Romero. An evil mutant Time master, with the scepter, he could rule all of reality, changing history to fit his cruel ways. So i took it from him, and lured him to the one era he could be defeated in, now! By the famous turtle and dragon warriors!" Renet finished as we cut back to reality again.

"But we didn't defeat him, you did! So history was totally wrong." Leo pointed out.
"It isn't that easy Leo." Psiona said as she felt something off, and to their luck, her scepter started glowing brightly.
"Oh no, this isn't good! Savanti's making changes in the past! He's trying to wipe us out in the present!" Renet said worried which concerned them too.
"He can do that?!" Donnie asked horrified.
"Oh yeah, that happens a lot! I guess i should've let you defeat him like history said! Can you help me?" Renet asked really worried.

"Help you? We don't even know you!" Raph said not convinced on this.
"Come on guys! One day we're gonna be famous for doing great things! This is one of them!" Mikey encouraged before thunder was heard and they all gasped in shock as something appeared in the sky.
"Renet!!" A giant head said with rage in the sky.

"Lord Simultaneous?! Oh man i am so busted!" Renet said worried as they all looked shocked.
"Stay close son!" Psiona ordered getting in a protective pose.
"Foolish child! What have you done?! Simultaneous asked furious with her.
"We gotta get out of here! Lord S is gonna kill me!" Renet shouted as she shot a beam and it opened a time door and went through it.
"Renet wait for me!!" Mikey shouted running after her.
"Mikey!" Raph shouted annoyed as he jumped in too.
"Come on! We gotta go!!" Spike shouted slithering ahead and jumping into it too.
"Ugh!!" Raph said frustrated as they had no choice.
"Renet! You cannot escape me! I will find you! Agh!!!!" Simultaneous shouted with rage as he disappeared as they left they're time period fully..

The door opens up and they all scream as they fall into a new time period far from they're own.
"Ugh where the heck are we?" Mikey asked holding head in pain.
"More like when are we?" Renet corrected as they see some direction signs
"Avalon, Camelot, The tower of the Demon? This is not good at all." Donnie said worried as they were in some forest of sorts.
"Guys? Look!" Leo said as they saw a village and a castle in the far distance.
"We're in Medieval times!" Donnie said in realization.

"England, in the year 980 A.D that is so cold right?" Renet asked curiously as Spike and Psiona looked at the village.
"It's pronounced cool, and no this is not cool at all!!" Raph shouted with rage at her.
"Well, i meant to send him back 100 million years, you have to help me, please!" Renet begged hoping they could help.
"Looks like we have no choice guys. We gotta save history." Leo said seriously.
"Yes! You guys are such cool daddios!" Renet said gratefully as this place reminded the two of something
"Huh, the village reminds me of ponyville in a way.." Spike said as he remembered how similar it looked, the only difference is that this place wasn't as colorful as Equestria.
"I know, it really makes me miss our home.." Psiona said sadly looking at the view.
"We'll get home one day.. i promise.." Spike assured holding her close.

Renet was told something to do by Mikey which she liked the idea of, they all watched as her staff glowed brightly and an aura went around them and they appeared wearing new costumes of sorts, Spike and Psiona we're dressed as Samurai warriors, along with Leo, Mikey looked like a Elf, and Donnie was like a wizard.
"Aw not again with the costumes! Come on!" Raph said annoyed as Mikey laughed in joy.
"We need to blend in dude, plus i wanna look extra sweet for Renet! It's the Elf ears, chicks dig em." Mikey said which made Psiona shake her head.

"Like i said, they always find a way to make a ship." Psiona repeated looking at the camera briefly before resuming back to the others.
"Hold on, if we're in Medieval times, then doesn't that mean there are.." Spike said right before they saw a pair of knights on horses march up to them.
"Halt strangers, these lands belong to the kind, and what business have ye here?" The soldier asked towering over them.
"Knights..." Spike finished which made Psiona breath smoke from her nostrils in annoyance.
"They better be gone in 5 minutes, or i'm roasting them for lunch." Psiona said annoyed seeing them.

"Oy that's a bright ugly oak there it is!" A knight said poking at Raph.
"Who are you calling ugly?!" Raph asked annoyed whacking the stick away.
"Look at this one, the fiercest of them all! Probably eats children here it does!" Another said looking at Mikey.
"I don't eat people dude, i'm a pizza terrain!" Mikey said annoyed crossing his arms.
"Do not fret little one, we will free you of your evil oak captors!" The soldier said as they drew they're swords which annoyed Renet.
"Attack the Pizza Terrains!" The leader ordered as they all started to fight eachother.

Spike and Psiona watched this happen from the distance and rolled they're eyes.
"Knights, always jumping to conclusions like that." Spike said shaking his head as Donnie knocked a guy with his staff.
"I'm ditching this costume, if there's one things knights fear the most, it's dragons." Psiona said with a smug taking off her disguise for now.
"This is gonna be good." Spike said with a smug as well as Psiona made a loud roar which scarred the knights.

"It be a mighty dragon!!" The knight said in horror as she snarled at them all.
"I thought they didn't exist!!" The other said horrified as Psiona shot a green fire blast in the sky.
"Well we are, and if you all don't back off of them, i'll roast you for dinner!" Psiona threatened spewing flames from her mouth with Spike hissing at them.
"Drop the weapons!" Spike hissed taking out his plasma sword again. The knights quivered in fear and dropped them instantly in fear of the two.
"Nice going you two, you really know how to put the scare in them." Raph said impressed patting Spike's back.
"Thanks, i've practiced it a few times back home." Spike said proudly.
"You weren't actually gonna roast them right?" Donnie asked looking at Psiona.
"Hmm... 80% yes, 20% no... maybe 10% no... actually 100% yes i would've." Psiona replied with a grin which surprised him a little.

Renet had enough of this and used her magic to lift them in the air.
"What magic is this?!" The soldier asked shocked as they were crowded together.
"Please sir knights, you must understand, these turtles are not orcs! They are friendly goblins from the.. uh.. Western Realms! And The dragons are allies!" Renet defended as she lowered them down and the leader took off his helmet revealing a beat up looking face.
"Ugh, that one may not be missed.." Psiona said in disgust seeing his face.

"Oh i see! Friendly goblin, will you live in my cellar and make shoes?" The knight asked which disgusted Raph.
"I can make your face into a shoe! " Raph threatened before Donnie stopped him again.
"Good sir, we are trying to find the tower of Savanti Romero." Donnie said in a different accent.
"Egad! You do not want to go there! You don't want to even speak his name unless you summon him.." The knight whispered with fear.
"Who? Savanti Romero, that punk? Please, i can take that horn headed freak in my sleep!" Mikey said as he continued going on before Savanti flew down behind him.

"He's right behind me isn't he?" Mikey asked in fear.
"Yep." Spike answered which made Mikey look up at him in fear.
"Fools!" Savanti shouted with rage as he knocked Mikey away and grabbed the scepter.
"No!" Renet said in horror as the Scepter was taken from her and she was thrown to a wall.
"Finally! The scepter is mine!" Savanti said as he laughed evilly again.

"It's the demon of the tower!" The knight said in horror.
"Run away!" The other shouted as they ran off with Psiona looking at them with a grin still before sneaking off for a brief moment.
"The time scepter will never stop the turtles and dragons! So maybe.. you'll give it back?" Renet asked hopefully.
"Never! You shall forever be stuck in the confines of time!" Savanti said in a demonic voice as the staff was slammed to the ground and they looked confused.
"Get him!" Leo shouted with rage as they all charged at him, but saw him disappear much to their shock.
"He's gone!" Spike said in horror as they vanish for a brief moment, before reappearing again with a loop of somekind.

"You shall forever be stuck in the confines of time!" Savanti said again as they look confused again.
"Get him!" Leo shouted again as they charged at him again, but he vanishes once again.
"He's.. gone?" Spike asked confused as this felt familiar and they vanished again and reappeared as Psiona just got back throwing one of their helmets away.
"What?" Psiona asked confused as they saw them vanish and reappear again.
"Guys, i think we're stuck in a time loop!" Spike said with worry as they vanished again which made Psiona growl with rage.

"So that's how he wants to play it?!" Psiona asked with rage as she turned her arm into a cannon and charged it up.
"You shall forever be stuck in the confines of time!" Savanti said once more which annoyed them.
"Well headdress you got us into this!" Raph shouted which gave her an idea and she put her gloves together as they vanished and reappeared for the final time.
"You shall be forever stuck in the confines.." Savanti said right before Renet punched him in the face which broke a barrier that was around them, Psiona finished charging up her blast and roared with rage as she shot a powerful blast that blew right through his chest completely, he screamed with pain as he vanished for real this time freeing them from the loop.

"You.. punched out a time loop? That.. is.. awesome!!!" Donnie asked extremely amazed at this.
"Not to mention that blast you gave him mom!" Spike said turning to her who powered it down.
"If it was at full power, i would've destroyed this entire forest if i did." Psiona said walking up to them.
"Where the heck did you go?" Raph asked confused with her.
"... nothing important, just.. making sure those knights got away safely." Psiona defended which made them suspicious.

"Enough of that, come on! We gotta go after Savanti!" Renet shouted running to a horse with Mikey giving Donnie a glare.
"You guys take the horses, i'll fly just above you." Psiona said putting Spike on her back while Raph tried getting on his horse.
"Come on, let's try that way." Leo ordered pointing in a certain direction.
"Aw easy fella! whoa! Whoa!!" Raph shouted in fear as his horse took off at fast speeds.
Spike and the others were walking through the forest and Mikey was trying to talk with Renet.
"So now we're riding horses together. Isn't that our first date?" Mikey asked smugly.
"Mikey, aren't you a little old for me? I haven't even been born yet." Renet replied which made Mikey flinch at that fact.

Savanti was sitting in a throne room of a dark tower far away trying to decide what to do.
"How will i go about of controlling all of time and space? Hmm.. so many possibility's, perhaps i'll dominate the present age, so the future will never exist!" Savanti told himself before he saw his scepter glowing and used it to make a vision to see Spike and the others moving to him.
"What? Renet broke the time loop?! Well played Renet, well played. But Savanti Romero has other plans.." Savanti said as he laughed evilly again as we cut to our heroes at a graveyard.

"Savanti's tower is just past this creepy cemetery." Leo said as they started entering the place.
"It's quiet.. too quiet.." Spike said suspicious as he was sensing something was going to happen at any moment.
"Can't we go like.. around the super creepy cemetery?" Mikey asked in fear not liking this place.
"Big bad elven prince, scarred?" Raph teased with a smug which annoyed him before Savanti appeared before him making Raph's horse go wild again.
"Fools! Do you think you can sneak up on the greatest Time Master ever? Savanti Romero ruins everything, even death!" Savanti said as the scepter glowed brightly.

Thunder could be heard as the skeletal hands of dozens of fallen soldiers arise from the dead.
"Oh no.. " Renet said in fear as they all snarled at them which made the horses scarred enough to knock their riders off them and run off.
"Dudes, this is my worst nightmare times 10!" Mikey said in horror as Donnie just got up.
"Even worse then a world without pizza?" Donnie asked which horrified him even more.
"Okay.. second worst.." Mikey said horrified as the skeletons march to them.

"Bring it on skeleton freaks!" Spike said confidently as he took out his plasma sword and slashed a skull apart, Psiona roared with rage and shot a fire blast at some more skeletons turning to ash, Donnie whacked one away with his wizards staff and Renet was punching some down with her futuristic tech. One snuck up behind her and almost struck her down before an arrow went past her head and shot the skeleton down and she saw Mikey had saved her.
"Heads up!" Mikey shouted as he shot more arrows at the warriors heads. Leo faced against one of the skeletons and clashed his sword with that one and finished it off by upper cutting it with his shield and slicing it apart.

As they thought they were defeated, they watched with worry as they all reformed again like it was nothing at all.
"Guys, i think there are too many!" Spike said worried coiling another skeleton and sent him rolling into a bunch of others.
"And my energy knuckles are burned out! I dropped the only weapon i had into a single energy dart! One last resort to destroy the scepter!" Renet said as they were being cornered.
"Destroy the scepter?! But we'll be trapped here forever!" Donnie said scarred as they backed up to eachother.

"Come on warriors of legend! Let's ride!" Leo said seriously as he rode up to them on his horse and all their other horses came back to them.
"Come on, he's close! Let's stop him!!" Psiona said with rage as she picked Spike up again and flew off ahead with the others following behind.. With Raph's horse being wild again.
Spike and the others finally arrived at the tower and saw how huge it was.
"Let's get him!!" Spike shouted with rage as they all made battle cries on their horses.

Savanti was awaiting in his throne once again still not deciding what to do.
"I suppose i could conquer the 25th century very easily. I really want to see the look, on the other Time Masters faces when i neutralize them!" Savanti said clutching his fist. Spike and the others were in the tower directly above him, all having pure white eyes again, but he already could sense them.
"Come on, attack. I haven't got all the time in the world, most of it, yes.." Savanti said grabbing the scepter.
"Guys wait!" Spike warned right before they all jumped down to attack, but they were halted in midair by the scepter's power.
"Toys for such fun." Savanti said tapping the glass which made them rewind back to their positions.

"He knew we were coming, we need to be more careful." Psiona warned trying to think of a way.
"Wait.. didn't we just do this?" Leo asked getting Deja vu.
"Oh no, he's messing with time again!" Donnie said worried at this,
"Get him!" Raph shouted with rage as Savanti turns the scepter right as they all jumped, but suddenly found themselves trapped in bubbles of sorts.

"You make it all so easy!" Savanti said as he laughed evilly, Spike hissed with rage and was about to attack right before Psiona stopped him.
"Wait for the right moment.." Psiona whispered as they were still free.
"Hmm.. shall i freeze you in time forever? Devolve you into small little turtles and a monkey? Or perhaps a primal sludge!" Savanti asked himself walking all around them.
"Primal sludge doesn't sound so bad.." Mikey said not knowing it.
"Primal sludge is real bad Mikey. At least i have my energy dart.." Renet told herself as she took out a wrist device and aimed at him.

"Or i could simply wipe you all out of existence!" Savanti said sitting down giving the scepter an opening.
"Don't use it! We'll be trapped here forever!" Donnie warned which gave her another idea, she aimed the dart at Mikey's bubble and shot it at it and it freed both of them.
"What?!" Savanti asked furious as chains wrapped around him and made him drop the scepter.
"Now!!" Psiona ordered as they finally lunged down at him to attack.
"No!!" Savanti said with fury as he made a loud roar which made the ground shake, they all watched as the tower's clock gears began to turn making this a moving ground. This made the scepter fall down a great distance leaving it far away to get as the ground split open and they all fell down to the moving gears.

"Oh come on!!" Spike said annoyed as this was getting to annoying.
"The Scepter!" Renet shouted as she tried getting it, but Savanti landed in front of her and knocked it away, he almost slashed at her until Mikey jumped in.
"Forget it freak job!" Mikey shouted as he kicked him in the face, Savanti countered this by grabbing him in the face and throwing him to the other side. Raph and Spike landed down and charged at him and slashed their weapons at him, but Savanti formed an energy bubble around him which made Spike's senses go off. Spike backflipped out of the way just as the thing exploded and Spike hissed as he sweeped his legs and sent him flying off the gears screaming.

The scepter was rolling around all over the place and Renet was trying to grab it.
"Come on!!" Psiona shouted as she punched Savanti in the skull and knocked him to the wall even more. Spike saw the device on his arm and got the idea.
"How about a fair fight?!" Spike shouted with rage as he used his sword and stabbed it right through the device, Savanti screamed with pain as electricity flowed around him and started to halt all the gears.

"Oh dear.." Savanti said in fear as they all towered over them with Donnie grabbing the scepter.
"Hah!!!" Mikey shouted as he kicked him in the face and sent him flying off the ledge.
"Hit the blue button Donatello!" Renet instructed as they all were furious with him.
"Let's see how this thing works!" Donnie said slamming the thing down and it began glowing brightly.
"Turtles, let's talk about this before you make any rash decisions.." Savanti said horrified as Donnie charged up a blast.
"Sayonara." Psiona said with anger as Donnie shot a blast at him and sent him flying through another time door.
"Nooooo!!!" Savanti screamed as he vanished leaving them the winners.

"So are you sure this time?" Is he gone for good" Raph asked hopefully looking at Renet.
"Absolutely.. sorta.. 96% certain.." Renet said nervously before the room flashed white again.
"Renet! You must come back to the future now! You are grounded!" Simultaneous declared angry at her.
"Oh grok.. on my way Lord Simultaneous, just gotta drop off the turtles and dragons of Equestria first." Renet said as he finally noticed all of them.
"Oh! The turtle and dragon warriors of legend! Very cold! Big fan of you Spike!" Simultaneous said with a smile before he vanished finally making them sigh in relief.
"At least that's over with.." Spike said glad this was over.
"Looks like your popular enough to be a favorite of a time master son." Psiona teased rubbing his head which made him chuckle

"Okay everybody, let's go home." Renet said ready to go.
"Renet um.. can we kick it in the future together? Um.. just you and me? For a little while?" Mikey asked nervously.
"Aw, i would love that Mikey, maybe someday." Renet replied before he kissed his cheek which made him fall to the ground blushing wildly.
"It's better then Donnie and April in my opinion.." Psiona said looking down at him.
"Let's go home Turtle and Dragon heroes." Renet said opening another time door.
"Cowabunga!!" Mikey shouted as they all jumped through time to return home.

But as they were going through, something was causing an interference with them.
"Oh no, time interference! Something's wrong!" Renet said with worry as the Scepter wasn't working right.
"What's happening?!" Spike screamed as they all were being pulled away from them, Renet's body glowed as she tried to stop them.
"Guys!" Renet said with worry as a vortex opens up and they all were sent through it leaving her alone in the void.
"Oh no.." Renet said in horror as they were gone..

Everyone screams as they fall through another door in time and land on the ground.
"Ugh.. where the heck are we now?" Raph asked annoyed rubbing his head.
"I'm sick of time travel.." Spike said weakly getting up from all this.
"The time stream must've been messed with, now we're in.." Leo said as they all went over to a cliff and saw a huge familiar city in the distance.

"Japan? Well at least we're back in modern times." Donnie said looking around the place.
"I don't think so Donnie..." Psiona said seriously as her senses warned her of something.
Arrows suddenly we're shot at them and they all got ready to fight as they saw warriors in familiar suits jump down to them.
"Dudes.. ninjas.." Mikey said worried as they were all surrounded.
"Real ninjas.." Spike said worried as he was used to fighting foot bots by this point.
"Guys... i think we're in.. deep trouble.." Leo said seriously as they all we're in a tough situation..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! I had a lot of fun with this episode, it was fun seeing them going through time and dress like samurai, i felt like Psiona suited these episodes better and decided to let Jaqueline rest until an episode that's suited better for her. This led into my favorite episode of the season as i'm looking forward to the next on. My story is officially past 300k words!! I never thought i'd make a story this huge and i'm so happy you've all been supporting me throughout it, thank you all so much for liking these stories and i hope you look forward to more!

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