• Published 2nd Nov 2023
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Spike And The Ninja Turtles - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by an alien group called the Kraang and is brought to another dimension away from his home, he is rescued by 4 mutant turtles and is taken in by them and trained to stop them and return home

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24: Mutation Situation

It had been a month since Spike and the turtles saved the world from the Kraang, and since then, all has been doing pretty well, Spike's been keeping up his training with the others and was almost a fully fledged ninja, he's been doing fun experiments with Donnie and all of that. And one thing that has been happening lately is that he's started to hit a growth spurt, around a month ago, his body finally started to grow. He was normally pretty small, but now he was almost at Leo's height, and was still growing, and he was officially at the age of 13. But out of all the things that was on his mind now was.. his ability's..

He recognized the voice from before, he may not know who it belongs to exactly, but he does know one thing.. it was his mother's voice, he can feel it.. and Spike is just wondering how he got the ability's from his mom, and how she knew he would have them. And If she knew about these ability's, does that mean she could still be alive? Spike just hopes to get more clear answers from others in the future, and finally understands what his connection is with his mom..

Right now, Spike and the others were having a fun time and jumping across the rooftops, Mikey was skating across them on a skateboard while Spike was flipping across each one as well.
"We are awesome!" Donnie said in awe as they flipped over them.
"This is the life!" Spike said amazed as he jumped off some coolers near some windows.

"And then i took my Sai, and shortened that Kraang's skull. So cool!" Raph said to Donnie as he was nearby him.
"Sure Raph, but i used my uncanny scientific knowledge to bring down an interdimensional portal! Equally awesome!" Donnie said amazed.
"Not to mention Spike and Splinter taking on the Shredder! Aw man i wish i was there to see that." Leo said looking at Spike.
"It was a tough fight like you'd expect, but i'm glad we at least managed to kick his butt!" Spike said as he recalled the fight, he was trying to keep the mood happy, as he did learn an important thing about Karai..

"We are awesome!" Leo said in amazement.
"Not to mention, our little guy is getting bigger on us now!" Mikey said as he motioned to Spike's new height, he was now just short of Leo's shoulder, and was still growing.
"I know, i hit a growth spurt last month, i can't believe i'm a teenager now!" Spike said amazed.
"Yeah bro, welcome to the teen team!" Mikey said waving his arms around and they all laughed.
"It's good to have friends. High five!" Spike said raising his hand and Raph and Mikey laughed as they gave him it.

"Month long, Kraang/ Shredder mega-defeat celebration rules!" Mikey said in joy as they flipped over the movie theater while hooting in joy.
" So are we gonna stop by Aprils?" Donnie asked and they all came to a screeching halt.
"we are 1.3 blocks and six no no.. seven meters away from her apartment." Donnie explained.
"Yeah that doesn't sound weird at all Donnie." Raph said sarcastic.
"Well it wouldn't hurt to stop by, let's see how she's holding up." Spike said as he started heading to the place with the others following.

They were now at her apartment and Donnie tapped on the window.
"Handsome gram for April O Neil!" Donnie announced and Raph slapped his face.
"Ugh.. did you really just say that?" Raph asked annoyed, April came to the windows and opened them.

"Guys, great to see you! Um.. do you mind staying on the fire escape?" April asked which worried them.
"You okay April?" Spike asked with concern.
"It's okay.. it's just my dad's alien abduction nightmares are getting worse. He's just so freaked out, we won't even let me out at night." April said with concern.
"I can understand that.. i've had them as well.." Spike said in understanding as Kirby was walking into the room.

"I'm sorry April, it's just.. what if the Kraang are still out there? Waiting, lurking.. i'll do anything to protect you." Kirby said determined.
"Dad.. i can take care of myself now.. and i'll be with the guys." April said looking at the others, Kirby still looked concerned as he looked at them.
"Trust us Mr O Neil, the Shredder and those squishy brain freaks are long gone." Mikey said casually.

But within Shredder's lair, the lights had turned on and Shredder put on his helmet as a Kraang communicator rose from the ground. Karai activated it and a Kraang alien appeared on a screen.
"Greetings one who is called Shredder." The droid greeted.
"Do you have my shipment?" Shredder asked him.
"The shipment that is secret will soon be transported to the one called Shredder." He answered.
"And how will you deal with any complications?" Shredder asked again.
"Kraang complicates the complications with.. greater complications." The droid said as a large monsterous hand came on the screen...

Spike and the others were now in the Lair again still celebrating.
"Ninja dodge ball" Mikey announced as he dodged a large ball that hit the pinball machine.
"Miss me again Leo" Mikey said as he threw the orb to Leo.
"Eat this!" Leo shouted as he threw the orb to Raph.
"Stick it in your shell" Raph countered as he grabbed the orb and threw it to a tire wheel, then the machine, and into the dojo which Splinter casually knocked back the orb without even opening his eyes.

April came in with Spike holding some pizza and he was drinking some soda until the orb almost hit them.
"Hey!" April said annoyed as she dodged it.
"Watch it guys we have food here!" Spike said as he kept drinking his soda.
"And now let's test our bottled friends organs." Donnie announced as he powered on a device, the pulverizer from a few months ago was mutated into a ugly organ monster and is now stuck in a pod and Donnie is trying to help him.

Donnie barely dodged the orb which hit Metalhead and got knocked back once again.
"Ha! Your out Leo!" Raph said pointing at him.
"It doesn't count as a bounce!" Leo countered.
"What are you guys doing?!" Donnie asked annoyed as the orb came flying past him.
"Playing dodge ball fool! Oh..." Mikey screamed as the orb hit him in the nuts and he fell to his knees,( Guy can't get a break)
"With the Kraang communication orb?" Donnie asked as it bounced back and Spike caught it with his arm.

"This is a rare and fragile piece of alien tech you guys can't just.." Donnie said while the others looked annoyed again.
"Eh, don't get your shell undies in a tangle donnie. The Kraang are toast." Raph said annoyed.
"Can't you at least play with a normal ball?" Spike asked as he looked over to make sure it wasn't cracked.
"Come on Spike, this is a party! Whoo!" Mikey shouted in joy and Spike sighed as this was like before they faced Shredder..

"My sons.. i know you are still joylessly reveling in the defeat of our enemies, but a great question remains." Splinter said as Mikey sat down.
"Are our enemies truly gone?" Spike asked.
"Yes, the shredder is a crafty and patient foe who bides his time." Splinter explained.
"But sensei, you said he lost whatever sense of honor he had left, we'd never see him again." Leo said confused.

"Just because he's done for now Leo, doesn't mean he'll be back for more." Spike said as he kept drinking.
"Eh you worry to much Spike, if he does show up we'll have it taken care of." Raph said as he twirled his weapons around and they all started to leave again.
"Tomaru!" Splinter suddenly shouted which stopped them suddenly.
"You four have become lazy, overconfident, you shirk your training, this party ends.. now!" Splinter announced slamming his staff on the ground and they all stood straight.
"Oh boy.." Spike said worried as he watched Splinter leave.

"Well that was kinda harsh." Mikey said a little surprised.
"Maybe Master Splinter's right. maybe we are getting too cocky." Leo said feeling a little ashamed.
"Ha, it's not cockiness when you got skills to kick massive.." Raph said before the orb started beeping.
"What now?" Spike asked worried as he came up to them and finished his soda.
"That things working again?" April asked coming up to them.
"It's been quiet for weeks. It must have received an incoming signal, which means only one thing.." Donnie said concerned.
"The Kraang are back.." Spike said worried as they looked at it..

They were all now in the lab again as they were all looking at the orb.
"The encryption's tough to crack, but it seems the Kraang are transporting some kind of cargo." Donnie said as he typed on his computer and a photo of a Kraang ship appeared.
"Using the stealth ship! " Donnie said in shock.
"We gotta find out what that cargo is." Leo said determined.

"So, how are we gonna find a ship that's completely invisible?" Raph asked them.
"We track it with this. it's aligned to the radar dishes we placed throughout the city. It'll create a triangulating pulse.." Donnie explained before Raph stopped him again.
"English, professor brainioff." Raph said annoyed.
"It will find out where the ship is, that good enough?" Spike asked him and he gave a thumbs up.

"April, can you stake out on a rooftop and feed us the ships coordinates?" Donnie asked handing her the device.
"Me? I don't know anything about radar!" April said worried.
"What about your dad?" Leo asked curious.
"My dad? He barely let's me out of the house anymore, he's never gonna go along with this." April said concerned.
"Please April, your dad's a scientist we really need his help" Donnie begged. April thought about it for a moment and sighed.
"I'll.. i'll see what i can do." April said as she started to leave while looking concerned.
"The bigger question is, how do we stop that ship? We'll need something fast to catch it" Raph asked again, Donnie smirked as he got an idea.

We cut to them outside the lair again as Donnie was showing them a new vehicle.
"I call it the T-rawket" Donnie introduced as they were all in some gear.
"How do you make this stuff without us knowing?" Spike asked curious.
"Well however he does it, we better move." Leo ordered as they started climbing inside and Leo called April.

"April, you guys in position?" Leo asked as we cut to them on a rooftop with Kirby looking worried.
"Um, roger, i think." April responded as Kirby held the device.
"Kind of late for a school project don't you think?" Kirby asked a little suspicious.
"It's.. extra credit dad. We're tracking uh.. pigeon migration, yeah.." April lied feeling ashamed. The device was suddenly beeping rapidly as Kirby held it up and the air and something flew over them just now.
"What is going on here?" Kirby asked worried, the Kraang ship appeared for a moment before it disappeared.
"Is that.. the Kraang?" Kirby asked getting scared as he dropped the device in horror.

"Coordinates, locked! This is it" Donnie said looking at them as the location was on a monitor.
"If we explode i swear i'll slap the green off you!" Raph said with anger.
"Let's go" Spike shouted as he braced himself, Donnie pressed on a button and the engine went off and they went flying through the tunnels at super fast speeds. The wind was flying past they're faces as Donnie looked terrified.
"Help/ Woohoo!/ ahh!/ Cool!/ Rainbow dash would love this!!" Spike screamed as all of them went flying through. They came out of a subway tunnel and went over a building with all of they screaming. The rocket flew up for a few seconds until it stopped right under the moon, they all started to fall out with them screaming until they activated they're bat wings and started flying.

"Success!!" Spike said in joy.
"Booyakasha.. ooh!" Mikey groaned as he slammed against something followed by the others.
"I think we found the ship.." Leo said weakly.
"Well, let's see what they have!" Spike said as he drew his sword.

Inside the ship, multiple Kraang aliens were working on they're positions until the hatch above came flying down. The aliens looked behind them and saw Spike and the others landing inside.
"It is the ones called the turtles and dragon. Kraang, we must alert Kraang!" The droid ordered as there were three of them.
"Ha! Three little floating brain blobs, that's it?" Raph asked with a smug.
"We can take these guys in our sleep." Leo said confidently as something was marching behind them.
"We can take these guys in our sleep, and with our eyes closed, wah!" Mikey said striking a pose until they all suddenly heard a deep sound.

They quickly turned around and drew they're weapons as they looked ahead, behind them, a new Kraang mech was built as it's restraints were released and they all looked worried.
"Aw, sewer apples.." Spike and Mikey said at once..
"Uh, where's it's head?" Raph asked as the machine marched forwards, they all tried attacking it, but this new machine was strong and knocked them all away.
"Biotroid engage." The droid said as one of them flew above them and landed in the machine and made a loud roar as chainsaws came out of it's chest..

"Okay, maybe we were a little cocky.." Donnie said in fear. The machine slammed down at them and they split up, Spike was blocking the blades with his sword but was having a tough time blocking them.
"This thing is fast!" Spike said in surprise as he tried punching with his mutant arm but the thing dodged it. Mikey tried attacking it from above, but the attack did nothing and Mikey was knocked back into a wall and barely avoided another blade attack, the hatch next to him suddenly opened, and it was revealed to be a huge supply of mutagen.
"The shipment, it's mutagen!" Leo said in shock before he was knocked back by the machine and flew onto the console, the ship started flying all over the place while April and Kirby watched.
"Come on guys, bring it down." April said hopefully while Kirby looked worried.

The machine was twirling Leo and Raph around at super fast speeds while they were screaming in fear.
"Enough!" Spike shouted as he jumped in the air and made a battle cry, he drew his sword and with a swift strike, he cut off one of the mechs arms and freed Leo.
"This thing's too tough!" Donnie said as Mikey slammed next to him after another failed attack.
"Oh i got this!" Mikey said confidently, he went up and kicked one of the aliens piloting the ship, the alien went flying around and hit the console and the pod in the middle opened up. Raph and Spike were slammed against the wall with the mutagen supply and they all started roiling down much to their horror.
"No!!" They all shouted in terror as tons of cans of mutagen went flying out of the ship and was being spread all over the city.

April watched in horror as a they all were flying over the city, she gasped in shock as a can was about to hit her.
"April!!" Kirby shouted in horror as he quickly covered her up and the mutagen shattered all over him...
"Dad?! Dad!!" April said in horror as Kirby screamed in pain.
"No no no!!" April said in terror as he fell off a ledge and a bunch of bat's were flying by. Kirby screamed in terror as he fell down, the mutagen reacted to the bat DNA and Kirby screamed in pain as he transformed into a horrific bat monster.. April watched in horror she saw her dad fly onto a nearby water tower and it screeched in anger.
"Dad! no no.. no.. no!!" April said in horror as the monster charged at her.

"All that mutagen, you two are the biggest screw ups ever!" Raph said in anger as he looked at Donnie and Mikey.
"Well you could have grabbed one single canister!" Donnie shouted pointing at him.
"There's gonna be dozens of people turned into monsters now!" Spike said in horror as he was trying to fight off the mech.
"Guys, can we focus?!" Leo asked as he was holding the mech back with Spike.
"Kraang, the console that is broken must remain unbroken!" A droid sad as they were trying to fix the console.

Donnie was twirling his staff around in rage as he tried attacking the thing on the back, but the metal came off behind the monster and it had cannons behind it.
"Butt cannons, it has butt cannons?!" Donnie asked in shock.
"Who came up with that?!" Spike asked in disgust.
"Biotroid, engage!" The droid said as it started firing lasers at them. Spike growled in rage as he charged up his arm again.
"Enough!!" Spike screamed in anger as he prepared to deliver a huge blow to it.

April was currently running away from the mutated Kirby as he was chasing her.
"Stop! It's me dad! It's April!" April begged as she tried out running him. The monster flew into the air and charged at her again.
"Please don't ground me.. but.." April said as she took out her fan and hit him across the head. The monster screeched in pain as it landed on the rooftop looking down at her with a worried fast.
"Sorry dad.." April said with regret.

The ship was flying around rapidly and was crashing into multiple buildings, Donnie looked over and saw the aliens trying to fix the console.
"Mikey, drop those Kraang!" Donnie shouted pointing at them.
"Done and Done! Throwing star time! Whoo!" Mike whooped in joy as he did a backflip and threw some ninja stars at them and they started flying around like crazy, Donnie whacked the two away and slammed his staff into the console and started controlling it himself, the ship went flying over the city and made multiple alarms go off.
"Left! Okay!" Donnie shouted as he turned the ship around and that resulted in Spike and the others being dragged on the floor.
"How about, we set a new course, like the moon!" Donnie shouted as he slammed the staff down and the ship started flying up high into the sky.

Spike landed on the side of the ship with the mech landing besides him and Mikey. Spike rolled over some more attacks from the monster and took a deep breath, he released a large stream of fire which covered over the mech and it screeched in pain. Spike jumped in and grabbed the alien with his arm and ripped him out, Leo screamed in anger as he charged at the mech and stabbed it right in the chest as electricity was coming out of it.
"We need to go now!" Spike shouted as he was starting to escape.

They all jumped out of the ship and they used some grapple hooks and wrapped them around a sign post and flew onto a rooftop and saw April with the mutated Kirby.
"Let's move!" Raph shouted as they drew they're weapons, but Spike stopped as he felt something was off.
"Guys wait! Somethings wrong!" Spike shouted.
"He's right, don't hurt him!" April begged which shocked them all and the bat Kirby roared and knocked them down. It knocked Spike out of the way and grabbed April's arms and started carrying her off.
"April!" Donnie said in horror as they saw her being taken away.
"Ugh, can this night get any worse?!" Raph asked frustrated.

"Guys.. i think that mutant was Mr O Neil.." Leo said as he looked down at a cracked can.
"How can you tell?" Mikey asked confused.
"You see any other giant red bearded middle aged bat's lately?" Leo countered.
"This is bad.. this is really bad!!" Spike said in horror as he was trying to process this.
"We gotta go after her!" Donnie said with worry.

"But what about the mutagen? We got canisters spread all over the city?" Raph asked them.
"It's gonna have to come first Raph, April's dad comes first." Leo replied as they started to move, Spike and Donnie looked back before they grabbed the crack case and a sample of it.
"We're gonna need these." Spike said as they started moving.

They were all now in the lair looking worried.
"I can't think, i can't think! I'm seriously stressing here!" Donnie said as he was pacing around looking worried.
"You think he's a vampire? You think he'll drink her blood and turn her into the undead?" Mikey joked as he had images of that scenario happening.
"Are you.. TRYING TO FREAK ME OUT?!" Donnie shouted with anger.

"Donnie, can i see your staff for a moment?" Spike asked holding his hand out.
"Sure." Donnie replied giving it to him.
"What are you doing?" Mikey asked as Spike twirled it and turned around.
"This..." Spike replied as he stroke it backwards and he hit Mikey in the nuts once again and he fell on his knees again.
"That's for freaking Donnie out." Spike said giving Donnie his staff back.
"Thank you." Donnie said as they were looking down at him.

"Sensei, say we're.. trying to catch a stray pet, like a cat." Leo asked turning to Splinter who came inside.
"A cat?!" Splinter asked confused and he looked freaked out.
"Or maybe a.. a parrot? Um.. what would be the best strategy?" Leo asked curious.
"Food of course, any animal can be lured by food. So what is this truly about?" Splinter asked curious.
"We're trying to.." Leo said before Raph covered his mouth.
"Um, nothing sensei, just talking about parrots like we usually do." Raph lied, Splinter huffed before he walked off leaving them alone.

"Food! It's so simple! It's brilliant! What do bat's eat?" Leo asked curious.
"Rodents, and other small invertebrates. Oh yeah, and bugs, the bigger the better." Donnie listed out.
"So where are we gonna get a huge bug? Dress up some sorry sucker in a huge fly costume?" Mikey asked curious.
"Oh Mikey.." Spike said with a smug as all of them got the same idea.

We cut to Mikey now in a moth costume and he had goggles put on him.
"I kinda feel like bait." Mikey said as he looked at the suit.
"Aw, don't thing of yourself as bait. This is your new superhero costume!" You could call yourself um.." Raph said trying to find a name.
"Turflytle! Tur-fly-tle! Oh yeah i love it! What are my powers?" Mikey asked again.
"You can hang from a rope" Spike said as he held out one.
"This is sweet!" Mikey said in joy.

As all of this was happening, April was on another rooftop and managed to buy time in getting her mutant dad to find some food while she tried to find a way off. Spike and the others were flying across the skies again in they're wings.
"Okay, we got Mikey in the air, where do we find Kirby?" Spike asked looking at Donnie who had a telescope.
"Don't know yet, Raph shake him around some more, he needs to mimic a fly's flight pattern some more." Donnie instructed.
"No problem!" Raph said while laughing, he then proceeded to shake Mikey around like crazy as he was trying to get the mutated Kirby's attention, and luckily, he saw them not to far away.

"Guys! There!" Spike shouted as he pointed towards the monster.
"He's heading straight for Mikey! Raph pull up, pull up!" Leo ordered.
"Whoa!" Mikey shouted as he barely avoided being attacked, Donnie looked back and saw him turning around in the sky.
"He's coming around again!" Donnie warned.
"Raph, follow me!" Spike said as he moved the wings downward and Raph followed him while he shook Mikey around like crazy.
"Time for Turflytle to take out his arch nemesis! Wing nut!" Mikey announced as he wacked the mutated monster.

"You are not giving Mr O Neil a monster name!!" Donnie said with anger.
"I will make sure you never think of naming something again if you do Mikey!" Spike warned.
"Woo hoo!!" Mikey shouted as they flew around, Spike and Leo flew above him in the moonlight, they unstrapped they're wings and started falling down.
"Sorry about this Mr O Neil." Spike said regretfully as he and Leo latched onto him.

"Mr O Neil Kirby! We don't wanna hurt you We wanna help!" Leo begged as he tried shaking the two off.
"Spike, try using your powers!" Raph shouted to him.
"I'll try!" Spike shouted as he placed his hands on the monsters head and tried calming him down like he did with Leatherhead.
"Try holding him down while we stick to the plan! Get him to the warehouse!" Leo instructed.

Donnie was knocked out of the sky by the mutant Kirby and fell down onto a nearby rooftop and was looking really dizzy.
"Donnie! Up here! I'm over here!" April shouted as he saw her on the ledge.
"April! Hold on!" Donnie shouted as he twirled a hook around and latched it onto the ledge.

While this was happening, Spike was trying to calm Kirby down as he was flying around at fast speeds.
"Kirby! Please stop this! You aren't a monster! Remember who we are! We're your friends! I'm sorry this happened to you! We can help you!! Just let us.. help!!" Spike begged as his head hurt badly again, he saw another first person shot of Kirby flying around and heard rapid heartbeats.
"Kirby Kirby!! Calm down! Please!" Spike begged as he tried using his ability's.

"We're coming up on the warehouse!" Leo shouted to the others, Raph held out a hook and wrapped it around one of his wings as well as Mikey with the other.
"Kirby, listen to me! Your daughter needs you! Remember!" Spike shouted as Spike held onto him. The monster was still flying around trying to shake them off, but Spike's words got through his head and he was starting to slow down.
"Guys, the warehouse! There!" Leo shouted as Leo was flying Kirby down into it.

They crashed through the glass roof and landed on the ground and over the cage, the monster was about to escape but the cage came down onto him thanks to Leo.
"Kirby.. i'm so sorry.." Spike said with huge regret as he saw his state..
"Guys" April shouted as they saw her and Donnie run inside and Don closed the doors.
"Yo we did it Don, we caught the Kirby bat!" Mikey said waving his fingers around.
"Mikey!" Donnie said annoyed as he elbowed him in the chest.

"Dad!" April said in horror as she ran up to the cage and he growled softly.
"Dad.." April said sadly.
"I'm so sorry April.." Spike said with regret as they placed they're hands on him to calm him down.
"What are we gonna do with him? Keep him caged forever? I mean, keep a steady diet of mice and flies?" April asked worried.
"Actually, bat's love moths and spiders to so.." Donnie said before he saw her straight face." Sorry." Donnie told her.

"This is all my fault.. if i hadn't lied to dad.." April said with regret as Mikey came up to her.
"Listen April, it's okay. It was our fault, Spike was holding them off while we accidentally spilled the mutagen, we'll fix it." Mikey assured while Spike and the others were trying to make him shut up.
"What? You guys.. you guys spilled the mutagen?" April asked sounding upset.
"Yeah, Spike was trying to stop it while we accidentally unleashed it all over the city, we'll find them." Mikey said again as Spike slapped his face.

"You.. you.." April said as she turned to them and the bat Kirby roared at them.
"I tried stopping them April! I swear i'll find a way to help him!" Spike begged trying not to have this get worse.
"I agree, i swear i'll cure him." Donnie said ashamed.
" You mutated my father!" April said in anger. Kirby roared with anger and broke threw the cage and flew up.
"No!" April shouted in horror as he flew out into the sky's leaving them alone. April looked at the others who were all looking down with deep regret.

"April.. i'm so sorry.." Spike said with tears in his eyes.
"Leave me alone, I don't wanna see you again!" April said pointing at them as she ran off.
"April!" Donnie said with worry as she ran out.
"Let her go man, give her some space." Raph said stopping him, Spike looked up at the sky and looked ashamed.
"I'll help you one day Kirby.." Spike said determined as he looked on.

Back at Shredder's lair, he was looking unhappy like always.
"Where is my mutagen creature?" Shredder asked upset.
"The complications became overly complicated. The ones known as the turtles and dragon stopped the shipment. Kraang will make amends." The droid said as the screen faded away.
"These creatures are useless. It is time to expand my army, on my own." Shredder said menacingly.

Spike and the others had gotten back home looking ashamed after they told Splinter what happened.
"This is all grave news. Very grave indeed." Splinter said as he rubbed his beard.
"I can't believe this is happening... Poor April.." Donnie said with regret.
"We'll fix this, i swear it." Spike said patting him on the back.
"Do not dwell on the past. You must find every last canister of mutagen. You must search every street, every park and playground, every building and rooftop. Before we have even more mutants on our hands.." Splinter warned as we see multiple shots of the city that had canisters all over it, a cracked canister is seen as a squirrel crawls to it and takes a sip of it. Dramatic music plays as it turns around and it's eyes start to glow green..

Author's Note:

Hey guys, hope you liked this new chapter! That is a start on season 2. So for episodes that are considered filler, ones like the one with the mutated squirrel in the very next one i do believe are filler. One of my problems with this season is that filler episodes happened in between heavy plot focused episodes and halted with the pacing. So even though i will do filler episodes at a later point, but for now i'm gonna skip over them and focus on the story of it. I will add them back in in a later point, make sure they don't feel left out. I hope you all look forward to the rest of season 2 and have a great day!

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