• Published 30th Dec 2011
  • 14,884 Views, 194 Comments

Avatar: The Last Alicorn. Book 1: Pegasus - Jeweled Pen

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Chapter 13: Wander

Twilight groaned when she finally awoke. Her body felt rested, but sore. Slowly she crawled out of bed and began a few stretches, trying to work the kinks out of her body. Starting with her legs, then her neck, hips, wings, horn, neck again, wait wings? She looked behind her... and let out an ear piercing scream!

"HIYA!" Rainbow yelled as she lunged from her bed at the source of the scream. Her grogginess threw off her aim as she slammed into the mattress, making it crumble and snap under the force of the attack. Spike shrieked as the broken bed launched him into the air, but was soon caught in a purple magic aura.

"Wha's goin' on? Who wha?" Spike asked groggily, flailing about in the air as he was slowly lowered.

"Who's attacking?! Where are they?! Think you can get the drop on me do yah? Hiya!" Rainbow yelled as she struggled against the bed spread she accidentally got wrapped in. Had the poor thing been alive she would have made it wish it had been a pillow case as she tore around and flung her hooves around in fury. Twilight stepped back out of range to avoid any wild shots.

"I-Is everything okay?" Fluttershy asked with a worried squeak. Pinkie Pie hadn't even moved, still sleeping peacefully on her bed.

"I... Well... Look!" She motioned behind her in a panic.

"Oh... Oh my..."

Rainbow finally managed to untangle herself from the blankets and shook her head as she sat up. She looked at Twilight and stared. "...BWAHAHAHAH! They look like chicken wings!" she laughed.

From Twilight's back two purple wings had sprouted, each only a few inches long. As if in response to the laughter they started to lightly flap, making their bearer blush lightly. "I-it's perfectly normal! I'm the avatar! I-if I was a pegasus I'd eventually grow a horn or if I was an earth pony I'd grow both! It's triggered by learning how to air bend, okay?" she defended.

"Sure it is," The multi colored speedster snickered as she walked over and poked them. "Can they even fly? No, wait. Stand right there. I think I can almost feel a breeze from them," she teased.

"Fine, fine, laugh it up... In a few weeks they'll be fully grown and then you'll have nothing to say," she grumbled as she headed out into the halls. "I'm going to go get our guides so we can go." When she was half way down the hall the door opened behind her as Rainbow sped after her.

"Come on Twilight, I was just ribbing." She nudged the Avatar with her head. "Don't take it so hard, okay?"

"... Fine..." the purple alicorn muttered. "It just feels... weird. I knew it would happen eventually. But since... well, coming here, I hadn't even thought about it at all. Though, I guess I can't do real air bending without it. It's only natural they'd come around once I started practicing."

"Yeah. Besides, they're cool! Well, not now. Now they look like they belong on a filly. But when you have them fully I can show you how to fly. It's totally awesome! Though I doubt you'll ever be as good a flier as me. You're a good student and all, but some things just can't be taught."

Twilight rolled her eyes, but smiled. "Well gee, we can't all be as amazing fliers as you, Rainbow. But I'm sure I'll still be able to do some tricks you can't." A realization dawned on her. "Oh great..."


"I'm going to have to show this to Octavia and Vinyl."

"Oh relax. I'm sure they'll think they are awesome. Who wouldn't?"


"Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!" Vinyl roared with laughter as she clutched her sides. "They look like little purple chicken wings!"

"That's what I said!" Rainbow said with loud giggles.

"Vinyl! Act your age," Octavia hissed, glaring down at the unicorn.

"Oh come on. You laughed too," the water bender said as she slowly got to her hooves.

"I... I only had a soft delicate giggle and only for a second. Shouldn't you be taking the Avatar and her friends to the forest now? Move along." The annoyed and slightly blushing earth pony stomped her hoof on the ground as the stone tiles under Vinyl lifted up and tossed her out the door.

"Ow..." the unicorn groaned as she slowly got up. "Yeah... come on Avatar. Let's go before Octavia gets too grouchy." She started walking down the hall, followed by Twilight and Rainbow. "I just realized something. You arrived and are leaving so fast we never had a chance to tell you the history of how this city got it's name. You'll like it. It came from a previous avatar. Interested?"

"Really?" The alicorn's ears stood at attention. "I'd love to hear it!" Rainbow rolled her eyes but followed along.

"Okay. Just a warning, it's not the most cheerful of stories, but it's not too long. A few avatars ago there was one born in the earth kingdom. Her name was Cadence and she was extremely strong and skilled. Built this city herself with bending, though it wasn't called Cadence then. It was some weird name that had to do with dogs or crystals or something like that. Anyway, her reign for the most part was smooth. The countries were at peace and she even had a lover, Shining Armor, who was a powerful unicorn.

"Now, everything was going great, the two were going to be married and ponies from all corners of the countries were coming to see it. Then it all went bad when a powerful monster attempted to escape from the spirit world and tricked Shining into believing it was Cadence. Using vile tricks the creature used Shining to create a gateway between our world and its, nearly killing the true Cadence in the process. The Avatar was distraught, but she fought back the hordes of the monsters minions and eventually sealed both the creature and its vile army into the other realm, never to be seen again.

"Sadly... Cadence's love didn't survive. He perished during the rituals used to free the creatures, and when she found out her heart was shattered. She left the city and was lost forever. The only thing known was that a few years later, the new avatar was born. The city she created was renamed in her honor and there are still statues of the two lovers enshrined deep in the core of the city. When you get back I could show you them if you like."

Twilight was silent for a few moments after that, looking off to the side in worry. "That... is horrible..." She couldn't help but wonder if the universe itself was trying to put doubts into her mind about her mission. Would her mission to meet the Fire Tribe ponies end in failure like the cities builder? Not to mention she couldn't be sure, but she swore her heart skipped a beat when she heard the name Shining Armor. She shook her head as she tried to shake off the feelings of dread.


Twilight stared at the group of ponies before her. Over a dozen unicorns, many of whom she had accidentally assaulted recently at the lake, had gathered outside the gates with Vinyl to escort them. "How far are we going? I don't think we need this big an escort."

"It's not that far, but it's good to see the roads once in a while. Besides..." the unicorn moved in a bit closer, whispering to Twilight, "to be honest more than a few of 'em asked to see you off."

"Really? They are that sad to see me leave?" The alicorn couldn't help but smile at that thought.

"... Sure. Sad." Vinyl glanced back to glare at some of the ponies who were muttering to themselves. Twilight's little moon raising exercises and her introduction to most of the water benders hadn't made her many friends, even if she was on their side. Most of the ponies just wanted to get out of water gathering chores and ensure that the avatar truly left. "It's not that long a trip, a few hours on hoof, but we'll talk as we go. Remember the rules when going through the forest?" she asked as the large group started walking.

"Yes. Don't leave the path for any reason. Don't try to fly over it. Don't try to go under it. It's an odd list, but not very hard to remember. Is there anything else I should know?"

"... Don't try to befriend things in there. Aside from ponies. There are all manners of strange creatures, things you won't see anywhere else and things you may recognize from other places. But things that live in the Everfree forest... change. Mostly for the worse. If something comes onto the path and you don't know if you can fight it... then run. Stall it if you have to, but run. I swear those trees are alive and if you get off the path chances are they won't let you back on."

"... The trees? What about the monsters you said are in there? Shouldn't we be more worried about those?" Twilight muttered as she glanced at the water bender.

"The things in the forest are what will get you, that's for certain. But the forest itself? It won't let you go. There are only a few safe ways through it and I imagine only its occupants would know. Just be careful and conserve your resources. You never know how long it will take." Vinyl's face was grim and determined.

".... You make this place sound almost haunted. It's a little creepy. Why can't we fly over it or go under it?"

"Flying over it... well... once you go in, getting into the air is near impossible. Landing is a breeze, but the woods don't let things back into the air. Going under... that's just something Octavia warned me about," her tone had become too serious to even use her friends nickname.

"What happened?"

"Earth benders. The forest is dangerous to go over, but they thought under would be safe. After all, nothing could get them then. Apparently before I arrived a group of ten earth benders went under and tried to create a network of tunnels. Only one ever returned. Completely cracked, kept talking about a mirror in the lake and hydras. No pony has tried since."

"... Oh." After that the group walked in near silence for what felt like hours, only the occasional chatter or small game of eye spy was heard. For a few moments she considered just heading back and trying to find another way. But her friends didn't seem too scared to turn back, so neither would she. Finally as they came up to the woods she let out a sigh and smiled. "I guess no matter how scary this place is, it doesn't matter. After all, there is nothing the four of us can't handle,” there was an annoyed dragon cough from behind her, “Sorry, five.”

"That's good. You'll need to be as strong as you can." The group stopped outside a large wooded region. A path laid before them, but it seemed to disappear in the darkness within only a few meters.

"Why... is it so dark?" Twilight whispered, as if in fear that talking to loud would awaken something in the darkness.

"I... don't know. My guess would be the magic in there doesn't shake off the eternal night we had going on as quickly as most things. That place is strange, so don't expect things to work the same as a normal forest. Good luck." Vinyl bowed her head and backed away from the four ponies and the baby dragon.

"Well... Here goes," Twilight said as she took a step forward. "If you don't want to come with me, I completely understand." Though as she passed the thresh hold of the forest, she could feel the temperature lower and she hoped none of her friends would abandon her. With a feeling of relief she heard her friends walking behind her, the sound of their hooves comforting her jittery nerves.

Unfortunately for Twilight, the thing she had to worry about most hovered hundreds of meters above them, laying on a cloud and watching their entrance through a spyglass. "Heading into the woods won't save you kiddy... I'm coming for you." As Vinyl's group slowly dissipated, Gilda dove from her perch and flew over the woods. "Purple unicorn and a dragon. Not sure who the rest of them are, but won't matter. Just need to grab the pony and go." She skimmed along the tree tops, looking for a sufficient place to drop down along the path. She couldn't help but wonder why it looked so dark beneath her. She guessed all forests looked this dark during the day.

The griffon grinned as she dove down through the trees, creating a hole in the leafy canopy and landing on the ground, hard. Looking up revealed the hole she made had already closed up. It was nearly pitch black in here and cold as the night, but that was fine with her. She preferred to work in the darkness. Now she just had to wait.


Twilight's horn held a mighty flame as they walked, lighting the path before the five through the dark forest. However, despite the size of the fire the glow seemed to only travel a few feet out from them before being swallowed completely by the darkness. As if the woods themselves devoured it in hunger. Occasionally one of their small group would look up and see the daylight through cracks in the foliage, though none of the light penetrated to the ground below despite the trees only being a four or five meters tall.

"I really don't like this place..." Twilight mumbled as she glanced back to her friends. "The magic here is... strange. I've never felt anything like it." Her friends slowly nodded their agreement, even Pinkie could only barely make herself smile in such a strange place. Rainbow was strutting around confidently, but the alicorn could see the nervous glances the pegasus gave every bush along the path. Fluttershy was huddled between the two, timidly glancing around as they walked and would probably have hidden in a bush if not for the fact leaving the path was so dangerous. Spike was sitting on her back and chewing his claws down to little nubs frantically. They were all so nervous that they forgot to talk about why they came here in the first place.

The path they traveled was wide, four ponies could comfortably sit end to end across it. Sadly it was not as clear as they desired, leaves, nuts and what Twilight hoped wasn't bones were strewn across the path. Not a single plant grew on the path, though they crowded the edge in a veritable wall of foliage. They also grew over it, the branches reaching down like claws intent on grabbing and pulling them into the darkness. The alicorn slowed her pace a little to keep her friends closer.

She was so focused on the strange branches above them that she nearly galloped off in fear when Rainbow nudged her shoulder. "Psst. Twilight... look." The pegasus motioned to the right.

At first the purple unicorn didn't understand what she was looking for, but after a few moments she realized there was something in the woods... watching them. Pairs of eyes were hovering just outside the flames reach, shrouded in the darkness and plants. It sent a chill down her spine as she began to quicken her pace. "We should go faster. Whatever they are seem to be afraid, or at least unwilling, to come out by the flame,” she warned, “We should go before they get a chance to change their minds." Slowly the group broke into a brisk trot.

Twilight came to a shrieking halt as suddenly grass seemed to spring up in the path ahead, blocking the way. "What's going on? Why did we stop?" Rainbow asked as she looked down at the plants.

"Grass. It's growing on the path," the mare responded softly.


"This entire trip nothing has grown on the path. Why would this suddenly pop up? They cover it end to end." Rainbow moved to run through, but Twilight quickly blocked her way. "No! We don't know what they do! Remember what Vinyl said? These things are dangerous. This entire forest."

"... You're cowering about grass. GRASS. It's green. Sometimes you eat it if you're really hungry. Fine. How about I just fly over it?" Before Twilight could object, Rainbow took to the air. The alicorn held her breath as she watched her friend soar over the path of grass and under the canopy, but nothing bad seemed to be happening. Slowly she let her breath out in relief.

Then Rainbow let out a shriek as she pulled her wing back, plummeting into the center of the green path. She landed hard, "Ow... What was AHHHHH!" she shrieked and tried to roll out as the little field seemed to come alive. The grass began to hop around, creating small cuts all over the pegasus' body as they danced over her. "Get it off! Get it off!" She flailed about helplessly, the grass unhindered by her movements as it jumped around her and covered her in cutting blades of green.

Twilight raced forward, flame licking out from her horn as the plants parted way for her to pass. Soon a path was cleared to run to her friend. As her fire got closer to her hurt friend the blades of grass quickly moved away. A small pool of blood had formed under the winged speedster as she groaned, "W-what happened?"

"Grass hoppers. I've never seen any so aggressive or sharp though. Are you okay?" Twilight asked as Fluttershy and Pinky helped the pegasus up. The Avatar used her flames to create a path for them through the hopping dangers, occasionally glancing up at the branches above them. She wondered if perhaps the tree branches were reaching for them. Were they other strange creatures that adapted to this strange place to capture the unsuspecting? Would other normally benign creatures attack them as well?


After what felt like hours, the group took a small rest, far from the field of deadly grass hoppers. Rainbow had stopped bleeding and was now being bandaged by Fluttershy. "So why did you drop?" Twilight asked as she looked at her friends wing, cringing when she noticed the large gash that crossed it.

"I was just flying by and then something just cut into my wing. I didn't even see or hear anything. I think there's something up there." The blue pegasus glanced up above. "Possibly things."

"... When you feel all better, we should probably get moving. I don't think it would be a good idea to sleep here. Who knows what- AHHH!" Twilight shrieked as a burning pain shot through her side. The flames coated her horn as she felt something slam into her, claws tearing across her body. She twisted around and kicked out with her hooves as flames shot out, revealing what was attacking her. A large griffon holding a bloody dagger in her taloned hand. The creature backed away as the fire shot past it before lashing out with the daggers hilt, slamming it into the alicorn's bloody side. Spike groaned, laying a few feet away, having been flung off with the first attack.

The griffon then jumped forward, stomping on Twilight's side before racing towards her friends, her wings out. The light gleamed off the wings as the Avatar realized there was metal on them. "She has wing blades! Look out!" she shrieked.

Before the griffon made it more than a few feet a blue blur slammed into her chest, knocking the air out of her and sending her stumbling back as the dagger fell from her grasp. Rainbow growled and slammed her hoofs into the winged beast, rapidly punching as the taloned creature clawed at her, the two rolling around. There was a flash of steel as the griffon drew another knife and raised it up, pinning the ferocious pegasus under her for moment.

"Rainbow!" Twilight shrieked as flame shot from her horn at the griffon's back. The pungent smell of burning feathers filled the air as the sizzling creature rolled away, struggling to put the flames out. She got to her talons quickly, growling as the blue pegasus and purple alicorn rushed at her. The rainbow maned one arrived first, hooves out to try and slam into her again, but the griffon was ready. She moved to the side, gripped the ponies hooves and began to spin. She spun a few times and then let the pegasus go, sending Rainbow hurtling off the path and out into the woods as the startled pegasus let out a shriek. The skilled creature dove out of the way as another whip of flame shot by her, narrowly missing.

"Rainbow, can you hear me?" Twilight yelled into the woods as she shot another burst of flame at the griffon.

The creature growled and moved to the right as the flame shot past her. She dove off the path and into the treeline as another burst of fire exploded close to where she had disappeared.

The fire bender watched the trees closely with narrowed eyes. She waited for the griffon to appear again, but there was no movement. She could hear it thrashing about, but the beaked terror didn't come out of the tree. After a few moments of waiting she nervously walked towards where her friend had been thrown. "Rainbow? Can you hear me? Are you okay?"

"Ugh... Yeah. I'm fine! Where are you guys?" The voice seemed to be coming from all over the place, making Twilight unable to decipher its location. "I can't see anything!"

"Can you follow my voice?" she called back, lighting her horn up as bright as she could.

"It's hard to tell! It sounds like you're all over the place!"

"..." She glanced back to her remaining friends. "I'm going to go in and try to find her. You guys wait here and I'll-"

"No way! If you're going in, we're all going in!" Pinkie said as she jumped besides Twilight.

"Guys, just wait there. I'll find you soon enough," Rainbow yelled, though her voice was getting softer.

"Rainbow? Stop! You're going away from us!"

"... Ca... ear..." Responded back.

Twilight gulped nervously, then nodded. "Okay then. We need to go in. Fluttershy, Spike, are you two up for this?" After a quick, but nervous, nod from the two the group charged into the treeline, leaving the path behind.


"... Ain... Go... om..."

"What? Twilight! I can't hear you!" Rainbow yelled as she tried to navigate through the thick trees. Every step made her tumble through more and more bushes. Her mane was filled with leaves and she hurt all over as the plants scraped at the cuts covering her body. To make it worse, she couldn't pin point where she'd entered or where her friends were yelling from. The forest seemed to spin her around with every step and catching her bearings was proving to be impossible.

The good news was that her eyes were adapting to the darkness. She couldn't make out everything, but she was able to avoid the trees. The bad news revealed itself a moment later when she stepped on something crunchy. She looked down as a few low growls filled the air and she saw a strange piece of bark under her hoof. Attached to the back of a now awake wolf. That seemed to be made of wood. "Eh... Heh heh... Bye!" she shrieked before running off full pelt through the forest.

She could hear the creature's giving chase. She was faster than them, but the darkness and unfamiliar terrain made it difficult for her to maintain her speed. The foliage slowed her down even further as well, which they tore through as if it was wet paper. She could hear them catching up on her and she had no idea how to evade them. She'd have to fight.

She let out a shriek as suddenly she was lifted into the air and brought into the branches of a tree, whatever grabbed her scaling quickly as the wolves circled about, growling at them. She flailed a bit, but stopped as she felt a knife pushed to her throat. When she saw her savior in the darkness she growled. The griffon. "You. What are you doing here? Why did you help me?"

"Make a move and you'll never make another," the griffon warned. "You're going to help me find the Avatar. I'm not sure what your little friend did, but I aim to find her and get her no matter what tricks she has all over this rotten forest." Slowly the blade was pushed closer, making Rainbow gulp a little nervously.

"H-hey, there aren't any tricks."

"Whatever. Where is she?"

"..." Slowly a smile formed on the pegasus' lips. "You went off the path and couldn't get back on, could yah?"

"Yeah? So?"

"These woods are magical. It's why it's so dark even though it's daylight." She actually didn't know that, but she decided to start making stuff up. "If you go off the path, you can't get back on. The only way back to it is to exit the forest and start from scratch." she eeped as she felt the knife pushing closer to her throat. "Wait! If you kill me you won't be able to get out! These woods are special! They have magic! All over them. I know how to get out!"

"Oh yeah? How?" The knife went still.

"If I tell you you'll just kill me. Listen... We both need to get out of here. How about you put the knife away and we work together? Then once we're out of this place me and the Avatar can kick your butt and send you back home," she growled defiantly at the griffon.

"... Heh. You got some moxy kid. Fine. We'll work together, for now. But don't think of moving." Rainbow felt herself being pinned to the tree and something wrapping around her, tieing her wings down. Rope. "So pony, what's your name?"

"Rainbow Dash. Yours?"


"Gilda the... What are you again?"

"A griffon."

"Huh. Never seen one of your kind honestly. Never seen any of them either though, to be honest." She motioned to the growling wolves.

"Yeah... those could be a problem." Gilda tightened the rope, wrapping it around the pegasus' throat and then around the tree trunk. "Good. You aren't going anywhere. If you try to escape, I'll find you pony," she growled before she dove down at the creatures.


Twilight pushed through the brush, Spike napping on her back and her friends on either side of her. Flames were still radiating from her horn, though she couldn't help but notice something peculiar. Technically speaking the entire forest should have been ablaze. Sure, had something been set on fire she would have put it out with her bending. But the fire didn't ignite anything. Even her fireballs did little more than singe a few leaves. Not that she needed another reason to dislike this place, but it was definitely on the list.

Said list was rapidly growing out of control as she tripped over a root, falling face first into a painfully scratchy bush. With a shriek she pulled back and jumped to her hooves, a hiss coming from her mouth as she put pressure on her hoof. It felt like it was being stabbed, so she quickly removed the pressure. "I think I sprained my hoof," she grumbled. As if the burning cuts all over her side from her previous fight wasn't enough.

"Oh dear... Hold still," Fluttershy whispered as she reached out to take the hoof, but Twilight pulled away.

"No, we need to keep going. We-"

"Give me your hoof!" Fluttershy said sternly, her voice barely raising above a whisper, but her tone and eyes made the unicorn instinctively sit down and stick her hoof out.

"Y-yes ma'am."

The pegasus held the unicorn's hoof gently, a soft glow encircling the wounded hoof. Softly she blew on it as the pain slowly receded.

"What... was that?" Twilight asked as her hoof was released. She put a little weight on it. It was still a little tender, but most of the pain was gone.

"Healing. Ummmm... Remember what I learned when tending to Rainbow's wing? It's kinda like that... but a different location. It's not completely fixed but it should at least cut down on the pain. Just take it easy and you'll be all better and ready to frolic soon enough." Fluttershy quickly eeped. "I-I mean r-run. S-sorry, I got, sorry..."

"It's fine, Fluttershy. We need to keep-" A massive roar split the air, making the three ponies freeze as they looked up. "What... was that?"

"Wow! It sounded big! Maybe if we find it we can throw a big party and-" A hoof quickly implanted itself into Pinkie's mouth before she could continue.

"We are NOT going to try and find that,” Twilight snapped, “We are going to go the opposite direction. Rainbow wouldn't go towards that. In fact, no pony would be foalish enough to go near that." the mare grumbled as she turned around. At least she thought she did. "We... came from this way, right?" Her friends shrugged. The unicorn sighed and started walking, completely unaware of the little purple creature she dropped and lost in the foliage or the pair of eyes that watched them from the shadows.


Rainbow was impressed. The griffon was a work of art, when she had lunged on the timber wolves the fight had only lasted a few seconds. She had shattered the first with a body slam, used her wings to turn the second to mulch and the third she had just grabbed in mid lunge and slammed it into a tree. The fight had only been a few seconds and hadn't even given the pegasus a chance to try and break free. Gilda had been back at her side before she could budge and removed her from the tree.

In fact, Rainbow was sure if the fight hadn't attracted the rest of the timber wolf pack they would have been fine. As it was, the two were running full pelt through the woods as the creatures chased them. The worst part was that some of them were even in the trees, so hiding there was out of the question. That and the roar they had heard a few moments prior seemed to have spurred the creatures on even further, she could hear them just a little bit behind, trampling through the brush.

"Got any other neat ideas?" Rainbow yelled at her temporary traveling companion.

"Yeah! Tie you up and leave you as bait! Shut up pony or I leave you for the wolves!"

"Try it and you'll get a face full of hoof! You aren't ambushing me this time so don't think you can just take me down!' Her ears went up and she turned to the left. "Come on, tubby. I got an idea!" She put on a burst of speed and soon it was in sight. A river! Flowing through the forest. It was only about four meters across, but it was something. She dove in, quickly pony paddling as she tried to get to the other side. The ropes around her dragged her down a bit, but within a few moments she made it across. She then stopped and, panting, turned to the other side. Gilda was still there and she could hear the wolves catching up. "What's taking you so long, do you want to be twig chow?!"

"Shut up!"

"... You can't swim, can you?" Rainbow couldn't help but chuckle then. "Really? Big bad griffon can't swim?"

"I can swim just fine!" she growled venomously, glaring needles at the pegasus.

"Well, I'm going to run off now and get out of these woods. Tah!" Rainbow turned to run, though she heard a splash behind her. She turned back to watch the griffon. Who was thrashing about in the water, barely managing to stay afloat, while not making much headway towards the other side. The timber wolves burst from the tree line, but stopped at the waters edge. They seemed to share a look before watching the griffon with angry eyes, though they didn't enter the water. "Come on you old feather back! Move it! Otherwise the wolves are gonna be spitting up feathers for a week!"

She sighed as she watched the poor thing flounder. She bent low, struggling to remove the cord around her neck. The knot gave the crafty pegasus some trouble but luckily she was able to cut it, with some very precise air bending she really hoped she never had to do again. After a moment to revel in how awesome an air bender she was, she grabbed one end of the rope with her mouth and swung it around over her head. After it gained enough momentum she flicked her head towards the griffon and the rope sailed through the air! And fell short. She began trying again and on her fourth try the rope smacked Gilda on the head.

"Grggglll brbbbl!" the griffon yelled her objections through mouthfuls of water, before grabbing the rope. Within a short time she was on the opposite beach, giving the wolves a less than polite gesture. "You... you saved me. Why would you do that?"

"Cause it was that or watch you drown or get chomped. I didn't want that on my conscience. Even if you are a pain in the flank.”

"... Don't think this means I've given up on your little friend. I still plan to- Hey! Get back here!" Gilda growled and pursued Rainbow as the pegasus walked into the treeline again. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Those wolves are bound to try and cross the river or at least find a way around. I don't plan to be here if either happens. If you try to capture any of us, well, we'll just kick your butt again. We'll deal with that when the time comes though. For now we just need to get out of here before we anger something else with big fangs.”

"... Fine." For a little bit the two walked in silence, neither looking at the other, but shortly the griffon spoke up. "Anyway. Thanks. Here." She reached out and clipped the remaining rope around the pegasus's side with her talon.

"Heh. Thanks Gilda. I'd say nice to meet you, but it really isn't," Rainbow teased with a snicker. The griffon snorted at that. The wolves on the opposite side of the river watched the two before turning tail to wander back into the woods, unwilling to cross the river. Only the most foalish of wolves would dare go there.


"Welp. It's official. I have no idea where we are, where the path is or where Spike could be." Twilight mumbled as she and her two remaining comrades wandered through the forest. So far their trip had been un-eventful, aside from a small purple flying ball that Pinkie had scared off by singing at it.

As the group came around a tree they saw a small field of strange blue flowers that seemed to glow, making the avatar freeze in her step. "Hold on..." Slowly she advanced on the flowers, her horn getting brighter as she came closer. With a tilt of her head she lit the closest one on fire, reducing it to ash. To her excitement the other flowers didn't react. "Okay, these are real plants." She reached out with a hoof to poke one, before gently sniffing it. "Smell kind of sw-PINKIE!" she shrieked, staring at her pink friend as she chewed on one of the leaves.

"What? They're sweet!" Pinkie giggled as she chewed off another one, swallowing it down. "Should try one. I bet I could make some really good cup cakes with these."

"... Are you sure? Not feeling sick? What if they're poisonous?" Twilight said as she poked another one. Well, they did look appetizing. But who knew what was in them? They could- "Fluttershy! Not you too!"

"S-sorry... T-they just looked so... I'm sorry... I only nibbled one... Sorry..." The pegasus hung her head while their less timid friend gobbled up a few more of the flowers.

"Well... I guess I might as well..." Slowly the purple unicorn reached her head forward and broke off a small petal. She chewed on it for a few moments before gulping, her eyes going wide. It. Was. DELICIOUS! "I don't think I've ever tried a flower so good! Wow!" As she bit off a whole flower, chewing it and swallowing in moments. "I guess it's fine. There are plenty here and keeping our resources as sustained as we can is probably the best."

The three ponies ate from the flowers happily, unaware as a pair of eyes watched them. Red began to leak into their cheeks as their eyes slowly drooped. "I feel fuzzy. Like... like a kiwi. Hee hee. Kiwi is a funny word. Like a bat dat needsh tah go to dah baff woom," Pinkie said as she swayed slightly from side to side, falling onto her back and nibbling on one of the flowers.

"Dat ain't a kiwi. Pinks, datsh a... a moush. Moush all fuzzy. Or bunny. Bunny fuzzy too," Fluttershy said with a giggle as she rolled around on the flowers, finally laying on her back and poking at the hidden sky with her hooves. "Hee hee. If yah lay on yah back, yah can fly on dah ground."

"That'sh... That'sh silly. Kiwish are fwuffy! I mean, I mean fuzzy," Twilight giggled as she shook her head. "I feel funneh too. You all actin' stwange. We need tah... need tah get all dah dingsh with dah... Dah... we were here for someding, right?"

"Flowers! Here to eat dah flowersh!" Pinkie said with a giggle as she stretched out her hoof to try and grab another one. Alas, it was beyond reach and she was far to comfy to get up to get some more.

"No... we had to do something else." Twilight stomped a hoof down and tried to clear her head. "Something important! We... we..." She stared at the flowers... and then eeked. Ohhhh, it all made sense! All these flowers in this field! Untouched! It only meant one thing! "Weee!" She jumped into a patch of them, giggling as she rolled around and nipped at the flowers. It wasn't long before all three of them were giggling and laughing, eventually the laughter getting softer and softer until finally it was lost completely to the sound of soft snores.

Soon after the snores began, a hooded figure drew itself out from the woods surrounding them. She moved towards the defenseless ponies, watching them intently.