• Published 30th Dec 2011
  • 14,880 Views, 194 Comments

Avatar: The Last Alicorn. Book 1: Pegasus - Jeweled Pen

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Chapter 18: Seasonally

Twilight gasped in pain as the pressure finally loosened around her body and she fell to the ground. She laid completely still as she gazed up at Trixie, each breath causing pain in her chest. Her vision was blurry but even she could see the massive grin on the general's face. “I want to thank you, Avatar. Going through the effort of bringing me a second weapon to use against the air nomads? How kind,” the unicorn said as her horn glowed. She picked the avatar and the little bears up, removing the blue one from its cage. “How about you come and watch the destruction of them all, first hoof?” with those words she walked into the white beam of light along with her three prisoners.

In the real world both bears appeared this time. One yellow and one blue with eyes that glowed with the light blue magic aura of the general. The Avatar could see it all as she floated high above them, but was helpless to do anything as she struggled against the general's magic. She could merely watch hopelessly as the blue one sat on its stomach and was stood on by the yellow one. With the added height it was within reach of the city! She screamed in horror as the first claw slashed up and tore into the clouds, bringing pieces of it down and sending ponies hurtling to the ground. Fortunately they were pegasi and able to catch themselves mid fall. Unfortunately the Water Nation soldiers were on alert and darted out to capture many of the ponies who were confused and disorientated.


The Air Nomads ran screaming through their city in a panic. One moment there was a quiet night, the next a massive claw tore through the clouds and brought one of their homes crashing down. Before they had a chance to fully awaken the claws were tearing into the city with vigor, shattering homes and bringing ponies down to the ground. Within moments the words had been called. Retreat.

The pegasi grabbed as many as they could, abandoning their homes and took off east towards the Earth Kingdom. It was their only hope. The clouds were slowly torn asunder as those unable to fly could do nothing but watch as the ground around them slowly gave way. With no hope left many closed their eyes and jumped from the city to be captured by their enemies.

Fluttershy was flying as fast as her little wings would let her in the turmoil, looking around in the darkness trying to find her friends. The avatar had been grabbed by some of the retreating pegasi so she knew she was safe, but she couldn't find Pinkie or Rainbow. Even worse with the city being destroyed there was almost no light to see so she couldn't make them out from a distance.

“Pinkie! Rainbow!” She yelled as loud as she could, which was sadly only barely above a whisper. What if they'd already fallen?! Rainbow would be down there fighting if she could and Pinkie... Pinkie was Pinkie!

Her wings slowed as the city continued to fall apart around her and the turmoil made it difficult to see. How can I possibly find them in all this? They could be right in front of my face and I'd never know!

Suddenly a massive yellow bear claw ripped into the air in front of her, making her shriek and jump back as it tore a line through the clouds. She stared at the large slash with her mouth agape. Such destruction, such power! It was unbelievable! How could they ever hope to... to... was that Rainbow? She looked at the small tail that was poking out from the clouds, right by the massive claw mark. She couldn't see the colors in the darkness but she could see whoever it was was buried under the clouds and had a multi streaked tail! She took off and crossed the gap in an instant, her wings flapping wildly, and began to tear into the clouds with her hooves. Within moments she found her friend.

Rainbow wasn't moving, her entire body limp. The little yellow pegasus let out a soft gasp as her eyes widened and she slowly leaned her head down to the rainbow maned pegasus's chest. She couldn't hear anything! There wasn't a heartbeat! Nothing! “N-no... please no...”

The tears began to form when she suddenly heard the single soft, pathetic heart beat. It was weak, but it was there. “Rainbow, wake up! Rainbow!” Fluttershy did manage to yell those words as she gently shook the mare, but she received no response. “Rainbow, please!” The hurt mare refused to move, her body completely limp. Another yellow claw tore through the clouds just a bit away from them. “Don't worry Rainbow, I'll get you out of here...”

She grabbed the cyan mare and took off as fast as she could. She was nowhere near as strong as the wind bender but with her friend's life at stake she refused to give up. Her wings flapping as strong as she could she slowly made her way up and away from the viscous claws. She gently laid the pegasus on a small cloud that was once part of a cloud home, which was now little more than a shattered roof, and pushed it up and out of reach of the claws. With the two safe for the moment she put her hoofs together as a yellow glow formed. With great care and trembling of her hooves she gently pushed it to the blue pegasus's chest.


Littlewing looked around the city with a large smirk on his face as it was torn piecemeal to shreds. Homes and supports crumbled as the creature below tore into the clouds. He gave one last victorious look at the fallen city before jumping off the edge and flying back down to the ground. In the darkness he could see the two bears as they worked together to destroy the floating city. He almost regretted having wasted those poisons on destroying their supplies, now that it would mean nothing.

He didn't even see the black blur until it slammed into him, sending him off balance and hurting his wings. Powerful legs wrapped around him and pinned his wings down as he struggled. “L-let me go!” he yelled. Oh buck. The Air Nomads figured it out! He looked up and did a double take when he saw the pony was wearing the Water Nation armor. “What the buck are you doing?! Put me down this instant!”

“Stop struggling, colt. You are a prisoner of the Water Nation now. Resist and you'll suffer,” the mare said into his ear.

“I am a Water Nation soldier! My name is Little Wing. I'm one of General Trixie's spies. Put me down this inst-ow!” he yelped as his wing was twisted.

“Sure you are. Now keep still or I'll break your wing, the little one,” the soldier taunted. He went quiet as he was slowly brought down to earth.

“Ask the general! She'll vouch for me! I'm part of the fift-mmph!” he tried saying the moment he was below but was silenced by a gag thrust into his mouth, followed by ropes binding him up. The pegasus flew back into the air while the earth and unicorn ponies tended to taking care of him and the other prisoners the pegasi were bringing in. He was unceremoniously tossed in a pile with other colts and fillies, his objections ignored.


Tears went down Twilight's face as she watched the destruction helplessly. They'd lost. They'd failed. No, she'd failed. All those ponies were depending on her and waiting for her and in the end Cloudsdale had fallen just like Cadence. She went limp in the magical grip as she refused to look at the obliteration of the last Air Nomad strong hold. She looked at the ground instead, watching the ponies being captured and caged by the dozens.

After a bit she realized she could see them all quite clearly and the world seemed slightly brighter. Was it already day time? Had she been here so long that the sun began to rise? Slowly she turned her head upwards and her mouth fell open. Far in the west the moon began to rise, a massive beacon to all the ponies in the world.

Cadence! They did it it! Twilight thought excitedly. They figured out the spell! Buck that, they are okay! They escaped! They did it! The excitement began to die as she realized they wouldn't be safe for long. Trixie was unstoppable. It doesn't matter. Trixie is unstoppable... she will tear across the country and destroy them all. Nothing can st- NO!

She growled as she turned to look at the bears. Too many ponies were counting on her to just give up! She tried to use her magic but nothing happened. Her horn refused to spark, let alone glow. Her horn refused to bring out the smallest burst of magic. “WHY?!” She screamed. “Work! Why won't you work?!” she howled and struggled against the magic holding her. “Ponies need me! Every pony needs me! My friends need me!”

A small spark went off behind her eyes as she tried desperately to fight the magic around her. For a moment the world seemed to stop, the bears, the pegasi, the Water Nation soldiers. Everything stopped. “ENOUGH!” She screamed as a crown formed on her head and her eyes began to glow. Lights shot out from it and spread out as far as the eye could see while more spread across Cloudsdale and connected to the ponies there. She could feel hope and light leaving them and filling her. Power. Magic. She spread out her hooves as the bears disappeared from the city and she and the general were thrown back into the Spirit World.


Fluttershy softly nudged Rainbow Dash and tried to wake her. Sweat coated the healer's body and she kept panting as she continued to heal the damage. Fortunately she had managed to fix most of it, but had yet to find the source and could only repair as more things were damaged. Her body was sore from her unmoving position but she refused to stop aside from occasionally glancing down below.

The city below had finally been over run. The bears were gone, but the damage had already been done. The airships were moving in to capture all those who still remained. From up here she could see the ponies being taken away in chains. It was only a matter of time before her little cloud was noticed.

She shook her head and tried to clear it of such worries as she refocused on healing her friend. For the moment she was winning, slowly repairing all the damage dealt to the poor mare. Sometimes she was even able to remove what she thought was small drops of the damaging substance, a small purple liquid.

The sound of beating wings made her turn and she cringed as she stared at the Water Nation ponies, though she didn't remove her hooves from her friend.

“Surrender and come peacefully,” one of the ponies said as he moved closer to her. She shook her head and mumbled her response, to quietly to be heard. “Very well then. Take her!” The pegasi surged forward on command. She flapped her wings and tried to knock them off while she held her hooves to her friend, but they grabbed and pulled at all of her.

“STOP!” She finally managed to scream out so loud she managed to startle herself. She flapped her wings to shake one of the ponies off before lunging forward and wrapping her hooves around Rainbow. The ponies quickly recovered and tried to pry them off each other, striking Fluttershy with their hooves. She refused to let go even through the hail of painful blows. She curled up around her friend and tried to make herself as small as possible as she sent her healing energy into her friend. She let out a pained cry as one of them grabbed and tore at her wing, ripping the feathers out and drawing tears from her eyes.

An explosion went off over her head as the attacks stopped. She slowly loosened her grip and looked around. A single pegasus was standing over her, wearing an all to familiar blue uniform with a yellow lightning bolt. A Wonderbolt! Not just any Wonderbolt either, she recognized the mane. It was Spitfire! The experienced flier dove down out of sight. Fluttershy moved to look over the side of the cloud and, still holding her friend, gasped in amazement. The Wonderbolts were launching a counter offense, attacking the ponies ships and fliers with all their powerful air bending. Despite the fact they were heavily out numbered the trained benders dove and weaved between attacks like lightning as their bending tore holes in the balloons that held the ships afloat. She stared as the remaining ships began to pull back from the city.

Fluttershy turned back to her friend and redoubled her efforts. She used every skill her teacher and hours of practice had taught her. After a few more minutes she was rewarded with the rainbow-maned pegasus opening her eyes.

“Fluttershy? What ha... t-the kid! He's a traitor!” she said as she tried to jump up, but was unable to gather the strength and instead wobbled a bit on the ground.

“Calm down. It's going to be okay. The Wonderbolts are here and they're-” she was cut off by a sudden scream from below. She turned to look down and gasped in horror. All of the Water Nation air forces were in position and the Wonderbolts were being overwhelmed. Despite their superior skill in the air they were slowly having their formations broken and picked off one by one by their enemies superior numbers. They had managed to sink a few more of the flying ships but the remaining were filled with water benders who sent spikes of ice sailing through the air and twisted the clouds around to attack the fliers. Even worse they were more than willing to launch attacks at the non flying ponies who were helpless and trapped in the air, so the Wonderbolts would try to defend them. There were only three Wonderbolts left, one of which she recognized as Spitfire but the other two she didn't know. They were already bruised and battered, but they continued to fight on.

“I need to get down there,” Rainbow said through gritted teeth as she struggled to get up despite her friend holding her down.

“You can't even move! They'd tear you apart,” Fluttershy said with a squeak.

“They need me! The Wonderbolts need me! I didn't come all this way to just sit by while Cloudsdale falls!” she growled as she slowly pulled from her friend and got to her hooves, weakly. Her legs shook as she slowly walked to the edge of the cloud. “Don't try to stop me. I have to do this.” she said as she dove off the edge of the cloud.


Rainbows on mountains and soft fuzzy kittens, jump up and down on the guards head. Bright copper baking pots with warm cooling muffins, duck down as the guards slam into each other. Lots of guards all tied up with chains these are a few of my favorite things, steal the key and toss it to the cage.

“Some pony stop that mare!” a guard yelled as he pointed at the pink earth pony that was somehow managing to make a fool of him and all his guards. Not only was she evading them easily and making them look like bumbling foals, she had already released five cages of ponies and started a riot! The worst part was she kept humming to herself the entire time!

The mare in question stopped for a moment and sang to the heavens, “Wild parasprites that fly with the moon to their wings, these are a few of my favorite things.” Right before she took a step back which resulted in two water benders accidentally freezing each other.

Two pegasi tried to dive bomb her, their hooves out. The faster one suddenly found his hooves grabbed by hers and she began to DANCE with him, the other slamming into the ground. The dancing stallion looked so confused, even more so when he soon found himself dancing with a water bender mare. It took a few seconds for them to realize what was going on and then they quickly backed away, cheeks aflame.

“Some pony stop her! We, hey, where did she go?” The lieutenant asked in confusion. He would have sworn she was- He let out a shriek as her head popped up in front of his!

“Why you all frowny wowny? Come on, sing with me! Turn that frown upside down! Snowflakes that stay in my mane and nibble at my tongue, silver white flakes that melt in the sun, these are a few of my favorite things~” the poor lieutenant found himself spinning in circles as the earth pony danced with him.

“Stop! Halt! Desist! Listen to me! Let me go! Not what I meeeeeeeant!” he shrieked as he was spun off suddenly, knocking over a group of water benders who made the unfortunate mistake of grouping up. The camp was a zoo! Ponies running around trying to stop the escaping prisoners while simultaneously trying to stop the strange pink mare. He swore if he ever found which pegasus 'captured' her he would see them demoted so fast their wings would spin! Assuming he even had a position after this fiasco ended! The escaped prisoners were quickly beginning to outnumber the guards sent here to watch them, which wasn't a surprise considering they were made up of almost the entire population of the Air Nomads.

His mouth fell open as the pink mare jumped high in the air, performed a double spin flip, bucked the door off a cage and then managed to land neatly on another cage as a group of his soldiers struggled to force the door back up. They were promptly squashed by her jumping on the door and soon groaning as she skipped off.

“Oh buck me,” the lieutenant grumbled as he turned to the right and saw that a number of the captured air benders had finally been released and untied. “Oh double bu- RETREAT!” he yelled as he and his soldiers made a prompt and less than dignified skedaddle from the scene of the crazy dancing mare.


Twilight stood before the Great and Powerful Trixie. Her eyes were glowing and the magnificent crown on the Avatar's head filled her with power. Through the glowing jewels she could feel her friends and the trust they put in her. The general still stood over her, as large as a mountain and far more powerful. The little bears were huddled behind the alicorn, sticking close together and looking fearfully at the two.

“You've lost, Trixie. You can't defeat us,” Twilight said as her voice seemed to almost echo. The world trembled as she took a single step forward.

“I'll give you credit, Avatar. I really didn't think you'd be capable of using the elements at your current level, it seems you've hidden your capabilities quite well. This makes my victory all the sweeter,” Trixie said as her horn glowed once again. Water shot out from the trees and wrapped around the avatar, binding her up. “But you still don't understand how to fight here, you don't-”

Twilight merely turned her head and the water around her evaporated. Flames coated her body as she stared at the unicorn. “You've lost. I am the bridge between the Spirit World and the real world. You have knowledge and power Trixie, but it is not enough!” The crown began to glow as a purple gem, shaped like her star cutey mark, formed on top of the golden head wear. A rainbow beam shot out and enveloped the blue giant in its magic.

Trixie cringed as the light enveloped her and let out a loud scream! When the light fell away the general stood there, cowering. It took a few moments before her eyes opened and she gaped. “T-that's it? That's all you could do?”

Twilight panted as she felt the crown disappear from her head. Ever muscle in her body was aching and she felt as if she was on borderline burnout. Her mouth fell open as she watched the General slowly stand up, as large and powerful as ever.

“That's all you can do?! The mighty Avatar and all you can do is a pretty light show?! You may have the elements but you don't know how to use them!” the Great and Powerful Trixie burst into laughter as her horn began to glow and she used her magic to pluck Twilight from the ground. “You're pathetic!” Both her hooves enveloped the alicorn and began to crush her once again.

Twilight screamed as she tried to figure out what happened. I put all my power into that attack, why didn't it do anything?! Is Trixie really so powerful that she can't be hurt here? Am I really going to lose?

The alicorn was unceremoniously dropped to the ground as the general let out a shriek of pain. From behind her a big purple gummy bear was attacking her leg. As opposed to the baby ones this bear was as big as a tree with massive claws and fangs. It tore into the water bender's leg with all its might, drawing pained cries from the mare as she kicked her leg out hard. The bear was sent hurtling backwards, but landed on its feet. Almost immediately it charged forward again and tried tearing into the mare.

“Get off me you gummy fruit snack!” Trixie growled as she lifted a hoof up and stomped on the bear. The bear was quite solid and gummy so it was easily squished down by the mares foot. She was reveling in her triumph as her front hooves started getting gnawed on, this time by the baby bears. Her horn glowed as she tossed the tiny snacks into a nearby tree, drawing cries of pain from their little bodies. With the distractions gone the general returned to squishing the larger bear into a small gummy blob.

Twilight groaned from her position on the ground, watching the general through blurry eyes. Slowly she got to her hooves and looked around at the poor bears. Trixie was right, the little alicorn couldn't win here. She wasn't powerful enough, but there was still more the avatar could do. She charged forward and slashed her horn against the General's other back leg, the one not crushing the bear and kept running.

“AGHH! You!” the unicorn howled as she turned to the retreating alicorn. “Get back here!” she turned and darted after her, ignoring the beaten bears.

Twilight ran as fast as she could, only barely keeping out of reach of the furious giant. She felt fatigue begin to run through her bones so she tried to focus on thoughts of her friends. Rainbow Dash was one of the first she thought of. The fastest flier she knew, graceful, powerful, strong and filled with endurance. If she was the flier, she would be able to outrun a thousand Trixies! It then dawned on her. Here she was a flier! She leaped into the air and took flight.

This time flying felt amazing. She shot through the air like an arrow, the world below her turning into a blur. She was easily able to keep out of reach of the general like this, though she slowed down enough so the unicorn could keep up despite having to knock over everything in her path. At this speed it wasn't long before she saw her destination.

She flew over a small stone bridge as the general followed behind her at maximum speed. Rather than crossing the much to small bridge the blue unicorn leaped over it!

The moment the mares hooves left the ground Twilight did a sharp U-turn and came right at her full force. The general's eye went wide as the little alicorn slammed into her chest. It wasn't enough to stop her jump completely, but it was enough to throw off her lunge enough that her front hooves barely grabbed the edge of the ledge and her lower body dangled over. She glared at the avatar in rage.

“Was this your plan?! Don't think you've won! I'll pull myself up and then... and then... what's that?” she asked as she looked down below.

The purple slime from below had started to crawl along the general's leg and was inching its way up her body. She shrieked and kicked out, but the more she moved the faster the slime pulled her in. “Let go! Get off! Avatar, what is this?!” Her horn glowed as she tried to use her magic to knock it away.

“I'm not quite sure. All I know is it's dangerous,” Twilight said as she landed just out of reach of the unicorn.

“Stop it! Get it off me, get it... off...” the mares voice began to trail off as her horn stopped glowing. The color seemed to be draining from her coat as well. “N-no... stop... it...” her hooves lost their grip as the mare plummeted below into the purple sludge. When Twilight ran to the edge all she could see was the horn disappear under the thick liquid.

“... Trixie?” she asked softly, but got no response. She watched for a few minutes, half expecting the unicorn to lunge out with glowing purple eyes while screaming about destroying her. In the end nothing happened, not even a bubble. She gave it one last look before flying off again, back to the bears.


Rainbow Dash waved her tail back and forth in frustration. She could move her body, albeit sluggishly. Her head had cleared. She didn't even feel like she was dying any more, so all in all a definite plus from an hour ago. The big issue with her day at the moment was when she jumped off the cloud to make her dramatic entrance she had mistimed the take off. Which was why she had plummeted head first into some clouds below and was now stuck trying desperately to climb out. She tried hopelessly to not imagine how big of an idiot she looked like with her flank in the air. She finally managed to dig out enough to pull her head out with a 'pop' sound.

She was surrounded by Water Nation pegasi and she saw the remaining Wonderbolts had already been taken down, one even had their wings encased in ice. She hmphed and put both hooves firmly on the cloud and spread out both her wings. “You wanna go? Let's go,” she took off like a bolt, straight forward. Her burst took the three in front of her by surprise and sent them spinning out of control. The remaining pegasi took off after her, barely able to keep up despite her weakened state.

A spike of ice shot by her face and she looked towards the source, a water bender on one of their flying ships. A wicked grin flashed on her face as she did a sharp turn straight at the bender, the pegasi behind her struggling to match her movements. She weaved between the shards of ice the benders sent at her and did a hair pin turn straight up a few inches in front of the startled bender. A moment later she was rewarded by the bulk of her pursuers slamming into the benders and each other. She burst into laughter, clutching her stomach. “Hah hah! You bunch of slow pokes would have to be ten times faster to be even half as fast as me!” She let out a startled yelp as some pony slammed into her from behind.

The pony in question wrapped his hooves around her stomach and pulled, directing her down. She struggled and flapped her wings as hard as she could, trying to move against the pony holding her. She was unable to escape in time as more ponies latched onto her, drawing her down to the clouds below.

“Let! Go!” she screamed as she thrashed about to try and shake them off. She let out a sudden scream of pain as her wings were encased completely in ice, stopping their movements and grounding her. She was slammed head first into the clouds as they laughed over her fallen body.

“You lose, air bender. You all should have just submitted to the Water Nation like smart ponies,” the pegasi who grabbed her said into her ear. An ear splitting roar filled the air as slowly a massive purple bears head, with a little star on its forehead, appeared over the edge of the clouds. “See? Our general has brought an unstoppable-” he fell silent as the bear grabbed one of the Water Nation air ships and slammed it down into the ground in a single powerful motion.

Chaos spread through the Water Nation soldiers as the bear began tearing their remaining air ships apart, piercing the balloons and drawing them down. Its massive claws then shot out to snatch the Water Nation soldiers from the air, bringing the pegasi crashing below.

“It's the avatar!” Rainbow yelled as the soldiers scattered. The Wonderbolts got back into action almost immediately, with the bear on their side they moved to free their bound comrades and launch their own counter attack on the soldiers. The remaining pegasi on the ship grabbed who they could and took off into the air, fleeing the bears wrath.

Within moments of the massive bears appearance the city was clear and the goliath turned its gaze down to the ground forces of the Water Nation. It got down on all fours and slowly lumbered towards them. The soldiers found themselves all to willing to abandon their posts at the sight of it bearing down on them until the bear leaped over them and landed so hard the ground shook so violently many of the runners fell over. It let out a massive roar that made even the bravest of them sit down in fright.

Trapped between the massive bear in front of them and the escaping prisoners behind them many of the soldiers threw down their helmets and laid down, hooves over their heads in surrender.


Trixie huddled in the remains of the Tsunami as her soldiers struggled and ran for their lives. She could still feel the sludge as it wrapped around her. Covered her. Drained her. All her magic being eaten. Her mind devoured. Her very soul sucked out by that... stuff. There was no escape. No hope. For any pony else. Fortunately she did have a way to escape, albeit dangerous and costly. She had to forcefully sever herself from that realm. A costly escape measure that meant she would never be able to return, not to mention she could feel a piece of her... inside... missing.

She watched as her forces crumbled before the bear and could barely even feel angry or sad. She just felt... empty. Drained. Like it was happening to some pony else. Her retreating army took off towards the sea as they attempted to use a thick mist to cover their retreat. A pony grabbed her and suddenly she was flying through the air after her forces. It took a few moments before she realized it was one of her soldiers, Shadowblade. Of course! She shook her head and tried to focus.

She was still the Great and Powerful Trixie. She may have lost a piece of herself, but it didn't matter! She didn't need the Spirit World to conquer the world. She would return home and destroy Nightmare Moon the normal way. Yes. Take over like that. She still had loyal soldiers at her beck and call so it couldn't be that difficult. It took a few moments for her to realize the pegasus was talking to her.

“... You think, general?” the pegasus finished.

“I think what?” Trixie asked with annoyance.

“Have you not been listening at all?” Shadowblade asked in annoyance before dropping the unicorn. She screamed until she was caught by the tail and it was only then she realized how high she was, though the mist around them made it hard to tell.

“W-what are you doing?! Put me down! Put me on the ground! I'll have you hung for this!” the general said fearfully as she kicked her hooves, trying to find something solid in a world of air.

“Of course you will, general,” the pegasus said as she spun her hoof along Trixie's tail and then gave the mare's flank a kick, pulling out some tail hairs in the process. “Now that you're listening, I want you to know why I'm doing this.”

“Doing what? Put me on the ground, gently! Stop going up!” the general shrieked as she looked down below.

“I was one of the Shadowbolts before you so callously destroyed our leader. I wasn't her daughter or friend or anything like that. No, I was one of her loyal soldiers. I imagine a pony like you can't quite comprehend loyalty, now can you?” She shook the tail around in a tight circle, spinning the unicorn as the mare struggled to keep her lunch down. “We were all loyal to her. We were great warriors of the great Nightmare Moon. Despite being pegasi, we were regarded with the same reverence as you water benders. Then you killed our leader and dishonored our name, branding the Shadowbolts as TRAITORS!” she yelled and let the tail go. She watched the general fall down a good ten yards again before flying down and grabbing her tail again, almost yanking it out. “I've been waiting all this time for a chance to get you back. We all have.” She then tossed the unicorn again.

Another pegasus caught her, confusing the dazed general as she looked around. Five more pegasi had joined the two. She latched onto the one that held her. “Please, you have to get me away from her! I'll have you promoted! You'll be a lieutenant, no, a corporal! Any position you like!” She shrieked as the pony holding her shoved her off, only to be caught by her leg by Shadowblade.

“Don't worry, general. We'll tell her highness, Nightmare Moon, all about the things you did. I'm sure in the end she'll agree that you, like our leader, were just another threat to the nation,” with those words the pegasus let her go, one last time.

Trixie screamed as she plummeted towards the ground, her legs flapping wildly. Within a few moments even they could not be heard as the pony disappeared into the mists.


Twilight watched from the massive bears eyes as the Air Nomads threw the Water Nation soldiers into the very cages they once used. Families and friends were reunited as the ponies milled about, hugging and cheering in the midst of their victory. With the massive bear towering over them none of the water benders even tried to bend, merely waiting to be imprisoned.

The alicorn watched with a smile on her lips as after a few hours of guarding it was all over. Some of the enemy had escaped but many more had been captured. Rather than pursuing the Air Nomads began to rebuild. The bear disappeared from the real world as both she and the giant purple gummy bear stepped out from the pillar of light. “Thank you for your help,” Twilight said as she bowed politely to the bear.

The bear merely growled a little before gathering its two children and wandering back into the woods towards its home. Twilight sighed and took to the air again. “Queen! Queen Chrysalis!” she called out as she flew over the woods. “Hey! Where are you?” After a bit of time with no response she took a deep breath. “Fine then! I'll just have to start yelling out your secret and letting everything know about-”

“I'm here! I'm here you flying grapefruit!” a voice from below yelled. She glided down to land by a tree that she swore was glaring at her.


“Who else?” the tree responded before turning back into her strange pony-like form. “I'm judging by the fact you're looking for me that you still want something ELSE from me. Correct?”

“Yep. I need to get home and stop looking at me like that. I'm not an idiot,” she said defensively.

“What a sad state your world must be in if you are the greatest avatar they could make. Very well, where did you come from?”

“I... don't know. I was in a cloud but when I flew down it disappeared. I don't remember where I landed.”

“Wonderful. I guess we'd best start looking. It would be a severe annoyance if I had to deal with one of you for the rest of your hopefully short life,” the queen grumbled as the two walked off together.


Rainbow cringed as the pegasi slowly chipped the ice off her wings with small ice picks. “Ow! Careful! I need those feathers for flying!”

“Sorry miss. Hold still,” the pony grumbled.

The normally lightning fast pegasus merely sighed and tried to relax as she looked around. Her heart lifted when she saw Fluttershy returning from below. “Have you seen Pinkie or Twilight?” she asked the yellow mare.

“U-uh... N-no. N-not every pony is accounted for y-yet...” the timid pegasus mumbled gently. “M-most of the captured haven't been f-fully dealt with yet a-and the r-retreaters h-haven't all been found. I think the ones that had the Avatar are still missing.

“Ugh. Stupid water benders. If they hadn't gotten my wings I could go find her myself!” Rainbow snapped in annoyance before letting out another yelp as she lost a feather. “CAREFUL!”

“Easy lady, this is harder than it looks!” the pony grumbled as two ponies landed by them. Soarin and Spitfire looked the scene over before the stallion stepped forward.

“I'll take over from here,” he said as he took the tools and started chipping away at the ice.

“H-hey!” Rainbow said nervously, a light blush coming to her cheeks as she waved at the two Wonderbolts. “I didn't see you guys when we arrived, where you guys been?”

“We only arrived midway through the attack. We'd been working on a lot of missions away from Cloudsdale when all this happened, we caught sight of the retreating ponies and had to throw our wings into the ring. Can't deny I was a little surprised to see you fly out of the clouds,” Spitfire said with a grin. “Gotta admit I loved the landing.”

“Eh... heh heh... you saw that?” Rainbow said with a squeak as she suddenly felt only a few inches tall. “I-I was still hurt. I normally fly a lot better than YOWCH!” she shrieked as the block around her right wing cracked down the middle and came off into two large chunks.

“One down,” Soarin said in a chipper voice, gaining a glare from the rainbow maned pegasus.

“Anyway. Once I got going I was thrashing them. Tell me you saw those moves I pulled? I had those Water Nation ponies looking like one winged chickens,” she said with a smirk.

“Sadly I was detained at that time. I did catch a glimpse of what the avatar did though. How did you know it was her?” Spitfire said with a smile. “I will admit I was a bit worried when I first saw it, even though it was attacking their ships.”

“Oh, that? Well ummm... I kinda just guessed,” Rainbow said with a nervous smile. “It was attacking their ponies and stuff! So I just guessed Twilight finally figured out how to do all her avatar magic. Speaking of Twilight, have you seen her since then?”

The Wonderbolt shook her head before speaking, “I'm afraid not. I was actually hoping she would be here with you guys. I'm sure she'll be here soon though. While we wait, why don't you catch us up on all that's happened?”

Rainbow snickered and looked to Fluttershy. “Oh. Well, I hope you guys are ready for a really long story then.”


Rarity huddled against the tree once again as pegasi flew by. She had re-donned her disguise once the battle had turned south for her nation. While being forced to watch the ships be destroyed she prayed for her aunts safety. Despite the fact pegasi continued to fly and scout for straggler's she refused to vacate the meeting place, instead hiding against the tree as best she could. She even had a few small pools of water prepared nearby.

“I'll win this time...” she mumbled. Trixie was too arrogant and had no style or grace, that was why she lost. But the princess was different. She would defeat the Avatar and take her place at her mother's-

“What are you staring at?” a voice said from behind her, making her jump in the air.

She whipped around and backed up. The Avatar! she thought. She came! She actually came! Ack, no, pose! Grace! Dignity! Don't let her see the sweat! She quickly stood up straight and held her head high, watching the pony.

“Uh... Well... I guess it is you then. I wanted to thank you...” the avatar said softly as she looked off to the side, almost shyly. “For saving me before I mean.”

Rarity merely nodded, contemplating the best way to launch the attack.

“I just, well... thank you. Listen, I'm sure you're really cute under that disguise and all..”

Wait a moment.

“But right now my duties are to the world.”

Hold on, back up there lady.

“After all you've done to help me though, I ummmm... Wouldn't mind if you wanted to come with us. I mean, we could use a stallion like you around.”

A STALLION?!! She thinks a mere stallion could match my poise? Grace? Not to mention color coordination?! Well, okay there was that one stallion she knew called Daisy Hoof but that was different!

“You seem like a good fighter and really good at getting around things...”

Well, true. I do have finesse in those areas, the princess thought with a puff of her chest.

“And I wouldn't mind getting to know you a bit better...”

Okay. The avatar is definitely blushing now. I can even see it in the dark. I can't believe this.

“Besides, I-”

“Okay, ENOUGH!” the princess yelled as she stomped her hoof down. “I am neither a stallion nor am I your friend!” Her horn lit up as the disguise fell away, revealing her in the dark cloak. “I am your worst enemy. The pony who is going to capture you! “

“W-what? But... but you saved me! You risked your life to save me! You gave me the scroll to help defeat Trixie too!” Twilight said in confusion as her mind reeled. “Why would you do that? It doesn't make any sense!”

“Of course it does. Trixie was an arrogant brat who was desperately trying to capture you for her own goals. She was selfish and cruel. I on the other hoof am nothing like her,” she paused a moment for dramatic effect. “I am a princess, my throne taken away.” She gasped and put a hoof over her head. “For years I have toiled and struggled and fought to get it back and now the very opportunity is staring me in the face. When I capture you and bring you to my mother I will finally become the princess I so rightly deserve to be.” She did a dramatic spin before placing both hooves firmly on the ground again.

“But what about-”

“I know, I know. It's really nothing personal, Avatar. Really, had things been different and we not been mortal enemies we may have been friends. In fact I likely would have loved to design an outfit for you,” she then looked the avatar over again. “Actually I probably could design something truly amazing for you. Do you have any idea how rare it is to have streaks in your hair like that? Those are natural, please say they are? Not to mention the colorations, I could probably design a fabulous ensemble the likes of which would make even the most up tight of the Water Nation elite gape. Imagine the accessories you could wear with both wings and a horn! Not to mention what I could do for your rainbow maned friend. I honestly had never seen any pony with-” she face hoofed and shook her head. “Stop distracting me!”

“Um... Sorry? But that's not what I wanted to ask,” Twilight said meekly.

“Very well then. Tell me, what DID you want to ask?” Rarity asked in frustration.

“How do you plan to capture me? I mean, look.” She pointed towards Cloudsdale. “Your soldiers who are here have been captured or are running away. If we fought chances are the pegasi who I sent on ahead would notice and come galloping. Even if you did manage to defeat me, somehow, you'd likely be caught in the process. I'd then be fine and you'd be trapped in a prison with the rest of the Water Nation soldiers. What if they found out you were responsible for me getting into the Spirit World and defeating Trixie?”

“...” Rarity just stared at the avatar as all her plans and plotting crumbled around her. She really hadn't thought of that. Granted, she hadn't expected Cloudsdale's victory to be so complete or as quick as it was. Then again a mountain sized bear that couldn't be hit was a fairly powerful weapon.

“Even if you did manage to escape all that and capture me, how far away is the nearest Water Nation base that you could drag me too?”

Rarity just stared. It wasn't fair. She had worked so hard! In a situation like this there was only one thing she could do. She put a leg over her head and fell backwards while weeping. “I can't believe it! I'm a failure! I tried so hard and everything just crumbles around m-m-m-m-meeeeeee,” she sobbed.

“I...” Twilight said nervously. Well, this was the last reaction she had expected. “There there...” she tried.

“Oh leave me alone to wallow in my... wallow in my... whatever it is ponies are supposed to wallow in! Do ponies wallow in pity? Oh, listen to me! I don't even know what I'm supposed to wallow in! I'm sooo paatthhheeeetic...” she cried.

“Nooo. You aren't pathetic. You are really scary and tough. You ummm, totally almost had me. It was just one tiny, itty bitty, almost microscopic flaw. Any pony could have done it.”

“You're just s-s-s-s-saying thaaaaat! You never liked me!” the princess whined.

“No! I mean it! Really! You're the most dangerous water bender I know,” she added quickly as she shifted nervously from hoof to hoof.

“R-really? You *sniffle* really mean that?” Rarity asked as she slowly looked up, wiping her tear soaked eyes.

“Yes! Really! I mean, luring me all the way here alone? Brilliant! I can hardly believe it. I totally fell for it. Not to mention the phantom disguise. It looks ummmm...”


“Yes! Quite dashing! I never would have recognized you in a hundred years!”

“Well, I will admit I did outdo myself on the disguise. Can you believe all it took was a plain old cloak and then some tree bark? Sure it took the right spell preparations, not to mention an eye for fashion, but I still think it was one of the most fashionable double agent disguises around. It is amazing what you can do even with the bare essentials,” the little princess practically preened now.

“Yes! All those things! A hundred times that!” Twilight let out a sigh of relief as the princess seemed to have calmed down. “Welp, I'd better go. Lots of avatar things to do. It was a ummm... pleasure to see you. I guess.”

“Wait!” Rarity snapped. “You're right. I may not be able to capture you this time, but that doesn't mean you don't owe me for the times I have... helped you,” she grumbled out in annoyance.

“I'm not going with you. Ponies need me,” the alicorn said with a glare.

“I know, but there is something I want from you. My aunt... a white unicorn with a clear mane and tail. She was wearing a rainbow colored cloak with pictures of wings on it. If she has been captured I... I want you to let her go. Her name is Celestia,” the unicorn grumbled.

“You want me to release a water nation soldier?!” the avatar paused for a moment. “Wait, your aunt? Didn't you say before... wouldn't that make her in line to rule Water Nation?”

“No! My mother rules. My aunt just... she's watched over me. Listen, you owe me! I've saved your life, possibly twice. Releasing my aunt is not that big a thing to ask you ungrateful horned pigeon!”

Twilight took a step back in shock before shaking her head. She narrowed her eyes on the mare before turning to walk towards Cloudsdale. “Very well. I'll do my best to have her released. But after that we are even. Where do you want me to tell her you went?”

“I'll be heading south, back towards the Water Nation outposts. Tell her I'll meet her at Starfall Bay.”

“Very well. Good bye, princess.”

“Good bye, Avatar. Don't think I've given up on you. Next time we meet, I will get you.” With those words the two parted ways.


Twilight shrieked when she finally rejoined with her friends on the ground under Cloudsdale, moments before being dog piled by three ponies and a baby dragon. “Eek! Ow! Hurting me! I'm happy every pony is fine, but you're all really heavy!” she said a bit pained but was unable to suppress her smile.

“You missed all the action! Well, most of it. The bear was you, right? Can you do that again? That was totally awesome!” Rainbow said as she jumped up and flew in a little circle. “They thought they had us creamed and then BAM! Giant bear tearing them to pieces! Oh, and guess what?” the pegasus couldn't even hide the grin on her face. “I talked to Soarin and Spitfire! We're going to be taught real air bending by none other than the WONDERBOLTS! Can you say cool or what?”

“Errr, yay?” Twilight said with a grin. “Honestly the whole needing an air bender to teach me kinda slipped my mind. It's been so long since we set out and all. So how is everything now? Rebuilding going okay?”

“As well as could be expected with such a short time, Avatar.” Soarin said as he walked in on the two. “Most of the Water Nation soldiers haven't moved since we captured them. Losing the bear and having most of their supplies wiped out has kind of weakened their resolve.”

“What do you plan to do with those you captured?” the alicorn asked softly.

The pegasus sighed before answering, “I don't know. We can't keep them here. We don't have the supplies to deal with it. If we let them go we'll strengthen our enemies. Finally, execution doesn't really sit well with any pony here. So in the end we sent some messengers to Earth Kingdom to ask for aid.”

“What about your country?”

“Their main forces have been wiped out but the damage has been done. Our resources are going to be spent now repairing our homes and driving the remaining soldiers out of our country. I'm afraid that means we won't be able to offer you much aid aside from tutelage. I'm sorry, Avatar.” Soarin bowed his head politely.

“N-no! No worries, really! Teaching me proper air bending will be enough. Really! That's all I could ask from any of you. Well... there is one more thing. One of the prisoners captured. Was any of them a white unicorn with a clear mane and tail? Went by the name Celestia?”

Soarin froze. “Why, errr, we may have a prisoner like that. Why may I ask are you asking?” His eyes shifted a bit as he spoke.

“I need to talk with her. Is something wrong? You seem a tad jumpy,” Twilight asked suspiciously.

“What? Wrong! No, nothing! Nothing at all! Just curious why you need to speak with this mare who we may or may not have in our custody and who is totally not having tea and crackers with the captain of the Wonderbolts this moment or anything like that because that would just be silly and I'll go see if I can find her amongst the prisoners bye!” the Wonderbolt took off like a bolt, leaving the avatar and her friends to stand there looking confused.

“Why would a Water Nation soldier be having tea with the head Wonderbolt?” Rainbow asked. The five friends looked at each other for a moment before taking off after Soarin. Soon enough they came to a large tent and sure enough, inside Celestia was playing a game of three bears with the captain of the Wonderbolts. The five just gaped at the strange sight before Rainbow charged, “Get her! She's obviously using Water Nation mind control magic!” She was stopped short by Twilight grabbing her tail with magic.

“Ah yes, Avatar,” the white unicorn said as she got to her hooves and bowed politely. “I was wondering when we would be able to meet.”

“Who are you? Why aren't you in prison with the others? Why are you all buddy buddy with-” Rainbow was silenced by a motion from the mare. She wasn't sure why she went quiet, just something about the unicorn made her want to listen.

“My name is Celestia, a unicorn of the Water Nation. I imagine the only title I still maintain is caretaker to princess Rarity. Speaking of my niece, have you seen her?”

“Yes. I did. Actually she's the reason I was looking for you,” Twilight grumbled. “I didn't imagine you'd already be out. You didn't answer the other question.”

“I'm afraid I cannot answer that yet, please forgive me.” The unicorn played a card, the yellow daisy. “There is still much for you to learn and so much of the world I would hate to spoil.”

“... Fine. Are you supposed to be an ally or a friend? Last time I saw you, weren't you attacking my friend's village?”

“Yes I was. For that I am dreadfully sorry, but it was one of my duties. It truly was a shame we couldn't have that party your pink friend mentioned. I'm sure it would have been magnificent. I did my best to not cause any harm. Hmm. It seems I lose,” the unicorn said as she put the cards down on the table.

“You didn't answer my question.”

“For now it would be best to consider me an... unwilling adversary.”

“What are you hiding?! You!” She glared at the captain of the Wonderbolts. “Why aren't you saying anything?! She's one of your enemies and you just sit here and play cards? What are you hiding from me?!”

“Avatar!” Celestia yelled as she stamped a hoof on the ground. “We have no desire to anger you, but please realize the things hidden from you are for your best interest. You're still young. There is plenty of time for you to learn everything, but for now please focus on what is important.”

“... Fine,” Twilight grumbled as she shifted nervously under the unicorn's glare. She didn't know why but something about her just made her want to listen. “Your niece said she'd meet you at Starfall Bay. I imagine you'll have no problem getting there.”

“No. Thank you for the information, Avatar. Until we meet again,” the unicorn said as she got to her hooves and walked out from the tent.

“... Listen. I don't know what's going on here and I don't trust it. But for now I'll listen to you,” Twilight said firmly before stomping her hoof down. “But if you are doing anything to help the Water Nation...” she warned the captain.

“Worry not, Avatar. My loyalty is to my people. Despite the measures Celestia may take I assure you in the end her motives are for the good of all. If you would please be so kind as to not mention this to any pony... Now please go with Soarin. He will be able to start your training,” the captain said as he returned to his tea. The avatar nodded before turning to follow the Wonderbolt as her friends lagged a bit behind, confusion etched on their faces.


Littlewing groaned in pain as the morning sun slowly brought its light over the Cloudsdale camps. He had been fortunate to have been mistaken for an actual prisoner when their the Air Nomad forces had overrun the cages. Unfortunately they seemed to have a strict 'children get first meals' policy. As such, he and a number of the children were now suffering from the effects of the poisons.

He was slowly creeping along the camp and trying to make his way out, but unfortunately every few steps he was forced to stop as a burst of pain shot through his stomach. Even worse his hearing and sight were both fuzzy and bouncing about.

The little pegasus stopped as a few ponies walked by, fortunately they didn't see him. The moment they were passed him he made a mad dash for the next tent. He managed to keep from shrieking as he slipped on a pile of mud and went skidding along the ground a few feet. Slowly he got back to his hooves, muddy, wet and cold,. He took a quick glance around and was unable to stifle the moan as another sharp burst of pain shot through his stomach.

He took a deep breath before running again, each step jarring his stomach, straight into the nearby wood line. Unfortunately the woods didn't go in the direction he needed to be, but they would enable him to get out of sight of the village and make his way back.

He barely made it three feet before he heard it. Just the sound of it made his blood chill and heart race. There was just no way!

“Hey! Little cooollllt! Where are you?!” a voice yelled out as others echoed it. He hadn't even been gone that long! Don't these ponies have anything better to do than find every lost child that runs away?! He bet the search was started by the pony who had practically force fed him breakfast. He had left mere moments after before the poisons would be felt.

He took off as fast as he could, tearing through the trees, as he did his best to ignore the building pain in his stomach. Before long he had to stop and crumble to the ground, burying his head in the ground to stifle his moans of pain. Oh he swore if he ever got his hooves on Trixie he would make her pay for this! He'd make it look like an accident. A heart attack maybe, those were easy for him to imitate.

He groaned again when he heard a pony running towards him, drawn by his mad dash through the woods. He sighed and just decided to wait, adjusting his poisonous hoof. All it would take is one little poke and then the pony wouldn't be an issue any more. No pony could survive it. With one of their kind dying it would hopefully slow down the search.

The pony finally broke through to him as he slowly looked up and screamed.

“YOU!” Rainbow yelled with a glare.

“Ahhhh g-get away!” Littlewing shrieked as he backed away. “You're dead! You can't be here! I killed you! You're dead!” he shrieked and turned, running as fast as he could right into a tree. The blow stunned him long enough for the rainbow-maned pegasus to dart up behind him and clonk him once in the back of the head, right into the tree a second time. He went out like a wet torch.


Far across the world and many days later, deep in the heart of the Water Nation in the palace of Nightmare Moon silence reigned. A small white unicorn with a bouncy mane and tail, with streaks of light purple and light pink, slowly made her way through the halls of the massive castle. She wore a dark blue helmet along with a blue chest guard with the emblem of the moon. Her hooves were covered in dark blue guards with emblems of the moon on them as well. Her cutey mark was a large purple heart with a viper coiled around it.

Guards stood at attention as she made her way to the royal chambers and the two final guards opened the door for her without a moments hesitation. The Shadowbolts stood at attention along the path to the throne, watching as the mare walked while bowing as she passed. Soon the young mare stood before the throne housing Nightmare Moon and she bowed obediently. “You called, your highness?”

“Yes. General Trixie has shown her incompetence one final time and failed to destroy the Avatar or even Cloudsdale. Celestia is a traitor and Rarity is a failure. I have a final task for you,” the powerful ruler of the Water Nation said slowly as she gazed down at her subject.

The unicorn slowly raised her head as a deadly smile spread across her lips.