• Published 30th Dec 2011
  • 14,883 Views, 194 Comments

Avatar: The Last Alicorn. Book 1: Pegasus - Jeweled Pen

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Chapter 9: Operation

After many days travel from Appleoosa, Twilight walked across roads that had remained nearly untouched for decades. The sun beat down on her relentlessly causing her sweat and some dirt to mix, coating her in a nasty dirty paste. Tears no longer caressed the small purple mare's face as she walked, her eyes long since drained. Each step she took away from the town felt as if a small wire was plucking at her heart and trying to tug her back to her friends, but she couldn't go back. Rainbow was hurt because of her, and another mare was dea... no. That wasn't her fault. She had just been defending herself and had never meant for it to end like that. For the pony to fall. It was not her fault.

She didn't know why she even bothered, they obviously didn't care. They hadn't even followed her! They must think she was... Yeah, no matter how she tried she couldn't make herself believe those lies. She grumbled softly as she moved under a tree and plopped down, sweat dripping from her body. It was getting hotter, everything was now thawed and for a while it had been pleasant. She had even stopped to nibble at the grass as she'd walked. But now she could see the hint of brown in many of the trees and grass, seeing a few flowers that had dried out and withered.

She closed her eyes as she laid her head against a tree root. She wondered how long she had been walking since she last slept... An hour? Two? Four? A day? How long since she'd even left Appleoosa? It felt like months... So long since she'd last seen her friends. Heard the gentle voice of Fluttershy, watched as Pinkie Pie got excited about the most random and inane things, or gasped in awe as Rainbow Dash performed another one of her tricks. She let out a soft sob as she quivered, her barren tear ducts refusing to give any more as she laid there. Oh by the sun and moon! Let them be safe, let her be doing the right thing. She'd give anything just to... just to see them one more time. She'd even give up her bending, if just for the-

Rustle rustle rustle.

A nearby bush behind her shook as she jumped to her hooves. Yes! Her friends! They must have followed her! Of course, how silly of her. They'd never have believed what she said. She could just tell them she was sorry and she wanted them to... come with her and put their lives in danger. For her... again. She sighed softly. It wasn't right for her to ask them to do that. No matter how much she wanted them to be there. "Come out. I know you're there." The rustling stopped, though no pony came out. "Come out! Don't make me come into that bush!" she snapped, trying desperately to mask the excitement in her voice with anger.

"Fine fine! I'm coming, geez." A moment later, Spike popped out from the bushes. Twilight's heart fell from its pedestal and shattered to a hundred pieces on the floor of disappointment.

"Oh, It's you. What do you want?"

"I track you all the way out here and that's what you have to say? 'Oh, it's you?' I've been chasing you for who knows how long! The least you could do is jump for joy or give me a cupcake," he grumbled as he moved over towards her.

"Go back with the others. I'm dangerous."

"Sure yah are. You got anything to eat? I'm starving."

"I said go back!" she snapped as she slammed a hoof down. "You're just going to get in my way and get hurt! I don't need you... Stop ignoring me!"

"Don't take this the wrong way, but ummm... You're just a pony. I mean, come on. Even if I left, do you have any idea what the great dragon would do to me?" He shivered. "He is not very nice when he's angry... So, about those jewels?" He looked up expectantly.

"I don't have anything like that." She began walking. "You should go back to the others. They have apples. If you stick with me you'll have to eat grass."

"I don't wanna eat any more of that junk and I don't wanna have to go all the way back..." he whined as he walked with her. "Don't you have a ruby? Maybe a sapphire? I'd even be happy with a topaz..."

Twilight sighed as her silence was slaughtered by the complaints of the little dragon, but she oddly didn't feel that bad about it. At least now she wasn't alone. Maybe her friends would even notice the dragon was gone and come after h... She shook her head quickly. She had to stop that. "I tell you what. We'll keep walking and if we find any berries or fruits you can have them, okay?" she grumbled with simulated annoyance.

"Okay." For a few minutes there was silence as they walked, but soon enough the chatter began again. "My feet hurt, can we rest soon? It's hot."

"No. We... Fine." She moved back under a tree and dropped down. She soon had Spike laying against her side as he grumbled some more.

"I'd even be happy with a small diamond..."

"Spike? How about you tell me a bit about yourself. Were there other dragons in that cave? What was your family like?" Twilight tried to distract the baby dragon from his hungry stomach. With no food to give him it was her only option.

Spike sighed and she could feel him nestling in closer. "There aren't any more dragons. At least I don't think there are. The great dragon said me and him might be the last. Ever since YOU disappeared we've been hunted down to near extinction. Only reason I survived was because he found me and kept me safe," he grumbled, obviously throwing blame at the mare.

"I'm sorry... I never wanted to disappear. It wasn't... I never..." Twilight struggled to find the words. "It wasn't my fault."

"Sure. I've gotten by fine on my own, you know. Got my own food a lot of the time. Work out a lot too. Check out these!" As he flexed his arms, revealing... not even the slightest bump.

"Of course. Truly you are a fine specimen of the dragon species," Twilight teased, though he failed to notice the mockery. "Did you see a lot of ponies?"

"Well, I saw a few. Mostly the Water Nation ones. I'd sneak up to the rim of the volcano sometimes and peep out to watch them. The elder dragon also had a few that came to see him on occasion. Though he never seemed happy to see them and I think he ate one once."

Twilight gulped as she remembered how close she and her friends had come to such a fate. If it hadn't been for Fluttershy she might never have... NO! She shook her head as she tried to bury those feelings. Her friends were safer now! Without her! If it hadn't been for her no pony would have gotten hurt or died. She glanced to the trees around here.

"Okay, I'm going to start going again. You should wait here... or go back. You really aren't safe. Just tell the elder dragon I made you stay behind."

"I... I can't."

"Why not? Just tell him-"

"I can't tell him! I don't know where he is! Even if I did what am I going to do? Walk to him?” Spike yelled in frustration. “I can barely keep up with you! Besides, I can be useful. I can keep you safe. Who'd mess with you with a big strong dragon around?" He then puffed out a pathetic little green flame. "See?"

Twilight sighed as she watched him, though she couldn't help but believe it was true. Without the elder dragon he had no where to go. She couldn't just take him home, he was like her. Alone. No more dragons. No cave. No family... Her horn lit up as she picked him up and dropped him on her back. He was lighter than she thought he'd be. "Fine. You can stay. I don't really need a protector but... I tell you what. You can be my assistant."

"What? Just your assistant? Don't I get a title or anything?" Spike grumbled as her held onto her back, trying not to fall off.

"... Okay. My number one assistant. How does that sound?" It wasn't much of a title, but she didn't feel like spending energy thinking one up.

"Number one assistant? Yeah. I like the sound of that. Spike, the number one assistant," he chuckled as Twilight began to walk.

The trip soon became enjoyable despite the extra weight caused by the dragon, his complaining for the most part ceased when she carried him. While he wasn't the most intelligent creature she'd ever met, he was able to carry a conversation. Best of all, it wasn't long before she was explaining the finer details of her favorite subject. Magic! "You see, while magic and bending are not quite the same process, the two share many similarities. Some unicorns have tried using their own special spells in order to simulate the effects of bending, though that rarely achieves any effect beyond even the most mediocre. While magic can be used for a wide purpose of things such as cleaning, tracking, even making shields, it's control over the four elements is rather limited."

"Why's that?" the dragon asked, though as he lounged on the purple mare's back he barely listened to her words.

"Well I... You know I'm not really sure. As far as I know the two types of magic have always been separate of each other, and near impossible to combine. They also seem to be directly separate even for avatars, since supposedly avatars who were originally earth ponies or pegasi couldn't do unicorn magic even after they fully developed a horn an-" she was cut off as gallons of water suddenly fell on her. "ATTACK!" she shrieked as she dived behind the nearest tree, her horn lighting up with fire as she looked around frantically for the offender.

"... Over react much?" Spike asked in a deadpan tone, having fallen off the mare. Slowly he got up. "It's called rain," he grumbled as he moved under the tree Twilight had taken cover behind, wringing out his tail as best he could. "Did they not have rain in the past?"

"Oh... I ummm... I was just... Yeah... we had rain..." Twilight blushed as she looked up. The sky was filled with dark clouds as gallons of water dropped down on the world, soaking the ground in moments. She sighed as she laid under her tree, only partially protected from the torrent. "Well I guess now is as good a time as any to get some rest."

"But it's cold, I'm wet and hungry..." he grumbled.

"I can't help with the wet or hungry, but here," her horn glowed as she pulled him to her, and laid him against her side. She moved around just a little so she encircled him, tail over him like a small stringy blanket. "We'll start moving again once the rain stops, okay?" The only response she heard was the sound of his gentle snores against her abdomen. She smiled as she laid her head down against him, and soon allowed herself some sleep as well.

A dark blur flew over the tree a few hours later, before quickly turning around. Even in the heavy rain the Shadowbolt's eyes were capable of picking out the purple hidden amongst the brown and green. She descended slowly, landing on a nearby tree to gaze at the avatar before flying off again.


High above, near the edge of the downpour, an all too familiar ship glided through the air, pulled by the Water Nation pegasi. Celestia stared into the water for a short while before releasing a heavy sigh. "You were right in calling me, niece. This is definitely an artificial storm."

Rarity glared into the water. "The Tsunami was heading this way, is it possible that they made the storm?"

"I suppose, but I don't see wh-"

"All hooves on deck!" the princess yelled, cutting her aunt off. "We're going through that storm. Every pony keep an eye out for the Tsunami or the Shadowbolts!"

Celestia sighed as she headed back inside the air ship. As the sound of water pelted against the hull she started to make some warm tea. She was certain their soldiers would need it before long. She just hoped her niece wasn't setting herself up for another disappointment.


Twilight awoke as a branch snapped overhead. She looked around groggily before being fully awoken by a large branch which landed on her head, jarring her with pain. She jumped to her hooves, sending Spike to the ground. She was surrounded by almost a dozen pegasi, all wearing the same dark suits and having the same aqua colored manes. Aside from gender she couldn't even tell one from another as she quickly looked around at them. "Who are you? What do you want? Why did you drop a branch on me?" She looked up at a few in the trees as well.

"We are the Shadowbolts." One of them stepped forward, as a grin formed on her face.

"That... Only answers one of my questions."

"Huh? What's going on?" Spike asked as his eyes slowly opened.

"You are the avatar, are you not?" the same Shadowbolt asked as the others began to close in on her.

"Yes. I am. How did you find me? What do you want?" She moved back slightly, moving closer to Spike as her horn began to glow.

"Simple enough. We went to our Appleoosian base and-" Twilight failed to hear the rest as one of the darkly dressed ponies barreled into her from behind, sending her tumbling across the ground and out of the cover of the tree.

She got to hooves quickly as her horn lit into a sizzling flame, the rain pouring down on her. She glared as she did her best to sound intimidating and unflustered. "That wasn't very nice. I guess you're part of the Water Nation then... I'd leave now. I'm really not in the mood to be merciful to any of you if you bother me again," she growled.

"Or what? You'll kill us like that other soldier?"

"What? No, I didn't! It was an accident, she fell and-" Twilight was cut off as two hoofs connected with her side, sending her rolling and toppling in the mud, her horn's flame flickering out. She staggered to her hooves again and glared at the pony that had bucked her, her side bruising from the blow.

“You really shouldn’t allow yourself to be so distracted Avatar,” the same Shadowbolt said as they circled her again.

Twilight glared as her horn lit up again, ignoring the sizzling as the rain fell on her flames. She moved in quick circles, trying to keep the ponies in view. She couldn’t win here. But she could fight back! A whip of flame formed from her horn as she circled her head and sent it around her. The Shadowbolts scattered into the air and she quickly made her move. Running to the tree she had been hiding under she lowered her head and scooped up Spike with a flick of her head, tossing him onto her back. “Hold on! We’re getting out of here!”

“Ahhhhhh!” Spike rose his objections as he clutched tightly to her mane.

She ran with all her might through the downpour, blazing paths through mud and bush as she attempted to put distance between herself and her pursuers. The ground under her hooves was slick and wet, forcing her to constantly struggle to maintain her balance and not slide across the mud into trees or other obstacles, but she knew she could out pace them. With a triumphant grin she looked back at the Shadowbolt’s who... Were only a few feet behind her? Impossible! Two were flying behind her, easily keeping pace as they flew over obstacles that she herself had to run around. She looked back ahead, applying more speed. Her heart felt like it would explode out her chest and her lungs felt like they would burst. But she had to escape! Or at least get out of the rain. Perhaps then she could-

Her thoughts were cut short as she misjudged a landing after jumping over a stone. The wet ground gave way under her as she landed on her side and slid across the ground, hitting something soft. Her muscles screamed in anger as she looked at what she hit. “SPIKE!” she shrieked. When she had fallen he had fallen off her and she had slammed into him, only to use him as a cushion when they hit a tree. She jumped to her hooves and pulled the dragon away from the tree. “Speak to me, Spike?”

“Mommy?” He asked in confusion, his eyes little swirls and head swaying from side to side.

“No, I’m not...” She turned and put her back to him as the Shadowbolt’s landed, surrounding her again.

“We can run as long as you like Avatar, but you’ve lost. No pony is coming to save you. You can’t fight us all, especially in this weather. Also, your only ally seems... to be singing...” the dark pegasus said as Spike mumbled a soft lullaby to himself.

Twilight glanced back at the confused baby dragon. “I... I give up. On one condition.”

“Oh? What is that?”

“Leave Spike alone. I’ll come peacefully with you, if you leave him alone and don’t harm him.” Twilight said as she backed protectively over him.

“... Very well. We have no interest in the dragon. I give my word that he will come to no harm from us.” The leader moved forward and held her hoof out to Twilight. However as the Avatar reached to take it, the Shadowbolt turned around quickly, and bucked her under the jaw. The unicorn dropped to the ground, unconscious. “However I can not say the same for you. Grab her. We’re taking her to the Trench.”

As they prepared to move out, one of the Shadowbolt’s stood over the dragon. “What about this?”

“No. I made an oath, and I intend to keep it.”

“Won't the general be angry?”

“Perhaps, but that prattling fool is none of my concern. We got what we were ordered too and that is the end of it,” with those words the Shadowbolts took to the air, leaving the groaning Spike behind in the rain.

Spike shivered as he laid there, slowly feelings other than pain bubbled to the surface and he looked around. “H-hey... come back. I need her. The dragon said...” he called up pitifully as he watched the pegasi fly away with the avatar. He grumbled softly as he laid on the ground and let time pass away. Now what was he going to do? Maybe he could go back to the others! Yeah! Then he'd- Why did it stop raining? When did it get so dark? He looked around and saw a large shadow was covering him, blocking out the rain. With a nervous gulp he slowly looked up. “Eep.”


Rarity glared down at the purple creature cowering in front of her. The little dragon had its head to the ground and was shaking, two of her pegasi standing on either side of it. He had been brought inside the ship after they had landed and was now before the princess and her aunt. "So... dragon. Raise your head and stop your cowering. We have no intentions of hurting you." She couldn't help but feel a little guilt at it's cowering. It was obviously just a child, barely coming up to her withers! But she couldn't allow herself to look weak in front of it. Dragons were dangerous creatures after all. Perhaps its fear was all a ploy?

"I-I'm not scared of you..." the dragon said, it's head still to the ground.

"...Are you perhaps hungry?" Watching the child cower, despite it's claims to the contrary, was making her feel like some sort of monster. Dragon or not she couldn't bring herself to be to harsh with it.

"Do you have any gem stones? Maybe a diamond or a nice topaz?" he grumbled softly, still not looking up. The mention of food seemed to have reduced its trembling however.

Rarity nodded to one of her ponies, and soon a ruby the size of her hoof was hovering by the dragon's head. "Here. A fine ruby, if you can answer some questions."

Spike's stomach growled as he sniffed at the ruby. He reached out with a claw but it was pulled outside his reach. It glided over to a glowing horn and he stared. The horn was attached to the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Her eyes made the most perfect sapphire’s look like grimy pebbles. Her mane made the most radiant amethyst's look like mud coated stones. Her coat was purer than anything he'd ever seen before. He realized he was drooling as he jumped to his feet. He wiped his mouth off as he bowed politely.

Rarity was a little surprised at the change of demeanor, but she smiled none the less. "We watched the Shadowbolts leave where we found you. Why were they there? Did you see what they were after?" she controlled the panic in her voice, a little scared she already knew the answer. Celestia put a gentle hoof on her shoulder, attempting to comfort her.

"Huh? Oh. They were after the Avatar." He looked to the side. "I tried to protect her. But they out numbered me. I never stood a chance..."

Rarity lowered her head, the words cutting into her heart like a dagger of ice. In her sadness she failed to notice the looks of shame and regret as they passed across the faces of her crew. "Did... did they say where they were taking her?"

"No. They just took her." Watching the beautiful and radiant pony obviously become upset made him forget about his hunger, temporarily. "I'm sorry..."

Rarity let out an anguished cry of rage, tossing the ruby at the dragon's feet. She shoved off her aunt's hoof and turned to storm out.

"Wait!" Spike said as he grabbed the ruby. "I think they did mention someplace... I think they said the ummm... The hole? The pit? The fort? Ummmm..." He tried to remember as best he could, it was obviously important to the stunning creature in front of him.

"The Trench?" Celestia offered.

"Yeah! The Trench!" Spike said with a grin and then took a bite out of his delectable meal.

"... Thank you." Rarity mumbled, the words making the dragons stomach do a back flip. "Feed the dragon what he wishes. We will... keep him for now." She exited the room, slamming it behind her as she walked through the halls of the ship. she'd failed. If the Avatar was a prisoner in the Trench there was no hope of her escaping to be caught later. Slowly she opened the door to her room and closed it behind her.

A moment later the door opened as Celestia entered. "Rarity..." she said softly, moving besides the princess. "It's going to be okay. Even if the avatar has been caught, it doesn't mean-" She went silent as a small vase slammed into the wall besides her.

"HOW IS IT GOING TO BE ALRIGHT?! The avatar has been captured! Trixie has WON! Without the Avatar I can NEVER! GO! HOME!"

"Rarity... It's not so bad. The world isn't so bad outside the palace. And-"

"I'm not you auntie! I can't just slum it up like some common pony, abandoning all my past and future to just become some peasant!" she screamed, her horn glowing as she threw a vial of ink into the wall opposite her. "I'm a princess! I was born a princess and now I'm going to have to live as some no pony! Just like you!"

Hooves wrapped around her as Celestia slowly held the forsaken princess. "Rarity... My little niece, I know it is hard for you now... But things will be better. I promise. Things will get better..." She held the trembling pony to her as the angry yells and comments soon gave way to gentle sobs.

"Auntie... What am I going to do?" the princess, devoid of hope, asked softly.

"I don't know yet Rarity. But I promise we will find out together... For now, rest." She motioned to the princess's cot. "You've had a busy day. We will discuss this after you awaken. I will tend to the dragon."

Rarity nodded softly in defeat before heading to her little cot. As the door to her room closed, a single thought penetrated the unicorn's mind. A dangerous thought... but perhaps her only hope.


Twilight groaned as her eyes slowly opened and she tried to sit up. Panic began to flow through her as she realized all she could see was darkness and she couldn't move! She was trapped! She tried to lift a hoof or even shake her head but she couldn't. She let out a shriek of pain as light flashed in front of her, blinding her with small spots as the room slowly came into clarity. She was inside a plain circular room with walls of iron. No decorations could be seen and the only object aside from her were two torches by a doorway. That and three unicorns.

"Hello. Are you comfortable? I'm afraid we had to take extra precautions to make sure you didn't try anything silly like escape," the unicorn in front said. She was a bright blue and wearing the most peculiar hat and cape. "Oh, forgive me Avatar," her voice dribbled with sarcasm. "How rude, I am the Great and Powerful Trixie!" The pony posed dramatically. "No, don't get up," she tormented. Twilight could see the bindings out of the corner of her eye, binding her hooves to a metal apparatus. Even her head was trapped with her horn encased in what she figured was the same metal, making her flames dissipate before they could even properly form.

"Why have you done this? I'm the Avatar! I'm not your enemy. My mission is to return balance to the world. There is no need for-" The unicorns eyes bulged as a hoof slammed into her exposed stomach.

"Silence, Avatar. You are now my prisoner. Count yourself fortunate, I won't be killing you..." A hoof was placed over Twilight's eye, making her cringe. "And as long as you're a good prisoner, I won't have to do anything... unfortunate. Is that understood?"


"Yes what?"

"Yes ma'am?" The purple unicorn let out another gasp of pain as the hoof slammed into her stomach yet again.

"Yes, Great and Powerful Trixie!"

"Y-yes g-great and powerful Trixie..." she groaned, trying to fill her lunges with air.

"Good. Now. You are the prisoner of mine and, as such, a prisoner of the Water Nation. You are in the Trench, one of Water Nation's most renowned war prisons. I won't be killing you because I don't want to have to search you out again. As such I will be keeping you alive... barely. Don't even think about trying to escape. Those bonds are made of steel and your horn is encased. There will be no way for you to use any bending."

"... Why are you doing this? The world needs me, without me the world will burn... The sun is too hot, already plants are being damaged..."

"The sun? I will admit that the raising of it was quite impressive... but such a task pales in comparison to my talent and prowess. Now that I have captured you I will focus my mind on destroying that blight on the Water Nation's skies. Unlike those before me I won't allow it to return." Trixie turned to walk away as the other two unicorns walked out ahead of her. A moment later the door closed behind them, the torches going out to once again make the room devoid of light.

"Ummmm... Great and Powerful Trixie?" Snails asked as he took position behind her.

"What is it?" The blue unicorn asked as she walked down the stone halls of the dungeon.

"Why did you tell her all that? I mean, why let her know where she is?"

"Oh foalish little Snips..." she said with a condescending chuckle, as she shook her head.

"It's Snails."

"She is helpless," the general said as she ignored the younger unicorn. "How better to seal her despair than to allow her to understand that she has been caught by the renowned Great and Powerful Trixie? How better to let her know she has no chance of escape than to allow her a moment to glimpse at my power? Besides, I'm sure even now the stories of my brilliance are spreading through the ranks of how my might has captured the Avatar."

"..." There was a moment of silence from her two guards.

"... Well?" she snapped, a little annoyance filtering into her voice.

"Actually... ummm... your Greatness... A lot of the soldiers have been saying how it's thanks to the Shadowboltss that she was caught..." Snails said as he cringed from the coming backlash.

"WHAT?!" She screamed, her voice echoing through the prison as soldiers quickly stood at attention. "The Shadowbolts?! They were nothing but tools! Pawns! It was my brilliance that discovered where she was heading, that brought them into my service, that set up this trap! How could any pony even think for a moment that it was THEM who captured her?!" she screamed, mere inches from Snail's face as he backed into the wall and cowered.

"O-Of course! Great and Powerful Trixie, we know it was you! Your brilliance! The men will see that soon enough!" he gulped as he trembled, watching the general's horn fearfully, as if it might pierce him at any moment.

"Good. See that they do," she growled, turning and storming off. How dare the Shadowbolts try to steal HER triumph. It was her doing! HERS!


Rarity opened her door just a crack, looking around. The hall outside her room was empty. Perfect. Slowly she pushed the door open and began to walk silently. She was wearing a tight brown garb that covered her entire body, aside from her hoofs, tail, and head. Slowly she crept through the ship, moving as softly as she could as to not make the floor creak, until she came to another doorway. Gingerly she pushed it open and looked inside... The room was empty of any ponies, but filled with all she needed. Weapons. The ships store room. She slid inside and moved towards the back. She ignored the common weapons, instead focusing on a small black chest stashed in a corner. Her horn glowed for a moment as it opened and she looked inside.

She had to suppress the urge to squeal in triumph as she lifted out small bits of metal. There were four metal hoof guards, designed to be used with hoof strikes. But the true prize was a small ball and chain, a tail snapper. It was a simple unicorn weapon that attached to the tail, by swinging it and then using small amounts of magic to direct the ball at the end, it allowed the user to deal powerful and swift strikes. It was a favorite amongst non bending unicorns, at least the ones that fought. Slowly she attached it to the stub of her tail... She needed to remember to give Trixie a nice smack with the weapon when she got a chance. Maybe two or three.


Rarity froze as the door opened behind her. Dang it! She was caught. If Celestia found out what she had planned her aunt would never understand. Slowly she turned around...

"R-rarity..." Spike said, his cheeks red. He was chewing on a little topaz as he stared at her. "W-want some?" he asked, holding it out.

"What? I... What are you doing here? Are you alone? Where did you get that?!" Rarity hissed as she advanced on him. The dragon's cringe quickly made her rage dissipate and change to guilt. "I didn't mean to sound so angry... Just, why are you here?"

"Oh, I was with the white pony. She gave me this and said I could look around the ship if I wanted. You know you ponies are really amazing for being from the Water Nation. I've never seen any pony like you before..." ge mumbled as he looked to the side.

Rarity couldn't help but smile at the little dragon. It seemed he had a crush... How adorable. She'd have to be gentle so as to not hurt the poor dears feelings when she let him down. But that would have to wait. She tried to walk past him.

"Where are you going? Why are you wearing that?"

"... I'm going to the Trench," Rarity said as she rolled her eyes, awaiting the inevitable.

"You are? You're going to save the avatar?" He walked along besides her. "Wow... You're not only beautiful, but you're so brave and kind... Can... Can I come? I can help! I'm really tough," He flexed his muscles. "and smart! And a dragon!"

"I don't need your help. Just wait here, it's dangerous," Rarity said as she walked through the ships halls, heading towards the bottom. There was a small exit hatch on the bottom of the ship designed for emergency exits and the like, for when the ship was grounded. Since the ship hadn't moved since they lowered to pick up the dragon it was perfect. She pushed open the door with a shove, as the dragon followed behind her.

"You can't go alone! They'll catch you and do horrible things to you! Wait!" He grabbed her tail as she jumped, and eeked as he was pulled off the ship with her. His grab threw her off balance and they both landed in a heap on the ground.

"Owww... Spikey? Are you okay?" She froze a little. She hadn't meant to call him that nickname, it just kind of popped out.

"Yes. Are you okay?" He quickly jumped to his feet and tried to help her up. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to tug on your beautiful tail, I just-" he went silent as she placed a hoof over his mouth.

"Shush dear. It's okay. I know what I'm doing. I have the perfect spell for this, they'll never even know I'm there. You should wait here," Rarity said as she began walking.

"No way! I'm coming with you. It wouldn't be right for me to leave a princess alone like that."

She nearly stumbled when he said that, but she grinned none the less. "Fine. You may come along, but you have to be as quiet as possible."

"Whatever you say!" He then looked to the side and gently whispered, "My love..."

"What was that?"
