• Published 30th Dec 2011
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Avatar: The Last Alicorn. Book 1: Pegasus - Jeweled Pen

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Chapter 5: Training

The Great and Powerful Trixie smiled malevolently as she took slow, calculated steps through a dark hall of ice, at least she assumed it was a hall as it was so dark she could only barely make out the icy walls around them. A small flickering lantern hovered besides her, held aloft by her magic, but the flame was so dim that it barely lit a few feet ahead of her.

Snips and Snails trailed quickly behind their admiral as they struggled to keep within the weak glow of the lantern while avoiding bumping into her. Off in the darkness they swore they could see... things watching them. Occasional glowing eyes, small glints of metal, not to mention the occasional brushing sound as something out there moved. Every so often one of them would let out a shriek of fear as their over active imaginations told them there was a beast of some sort out there, waiting to pounce and attack them if they dared to leave the protective glow of the lantern and their fearless leader.

Of course when the blue mare did stop the two were ill prepared to follow suit and slammed into her from behind. Her head whipped around as she glared with fiery eyes. “If you two dirt for brains wish to leave this place in one piece pay attention where you're walking!” With an angry snort she turned back around, ignoring their pathetic apologies.

The two cowering unicorns looked around fearfully, trying to see what made them stop. All they could see however was ice, darkness, more ice, Trixie, more ice, the three pegasi that seemed to materialize out of darkness, ic- AGHHHHHHH! The two let out fearful wails which were quickly silenced as Trixie slapped them both with her magic. “Silence you blithering idiots!”

“Admiral Trixie,” the middle pegasus spoke as the three bowed their heads respectively. They wore tight purple and black jump suits with small lightning bolts separating the colors. Over each of their cutie marks was a small winged skull symbol. Their eyes were covered with a yellow lens that hid what they were watching. As they slowly raised their heads Snips and Snails couldn't help but quiver in fright as they swore the pegasi were watching them.

“Are you captain of the shadowbolts?” the Great and Powerful Trixie asked as she watched the center one. Though she hid it well she couldn't shake the small feeling of nervousness caused by the pegasus and her comrades. The admiral tried her best to suppress it however. After all, she was the Great and Powerful, destined to one day become the new Nightmare Moon. What could a couple pegasi dressed in over dramatic Nightmare Night costumes ever do to her?

“Yes, Admiral,” the mare said, her voice tinged with annoyance though she hid any signs of disrespect. Despite the unicorn's bluster she felt no worry. She knew if she so wished the unicorn and her little guards would disappear into the darkness like so many before her. But the Shadowbolts followed Nightmare Moon and they would not do anything to go against their leaders wishes.

“Good. Gather every single one of your pegasi and prepare to depart. Until further notice you and your company will be working directly under the Great and Powerful Trixie, under the orders of Nightmare Moon. The prison will be watched and maintained by others who I have brought.”

“But admiral, this prison is-”

“Less important than my mission,” Trixie interrupted. “and you will follow orders. Unless you wish to ignore the commands of our ruler?”

The other two pegasi took a step forward at the unicorn but the pegasus mare raised a hoof as they stopped. “Very well, admiral. We will obey the commands of Nightmare Moon,” the shadowbolt said slowly. She didn't move however and her covered eyes just watched Trixie until she was turned back the way they had come.

The Great and Powerful Trixie held her lantern high as she walked, trying to hide her nervousness. A part of her began to wonder if maybe the eyes she felt watching her every step really were just her imagination.


“I'm soooo borrrrred,” Rainbow whined as she poked a rock. The agile pegasus was laying on the dirt floor in the dragon's cave between Fluttershy and Pinkie.

“We could play some tic tac toe?” the pink earth pony offered.

“No!” the mare said quickly as she pulled away from the other two and started trotting back and forth, “no no no! How much longer do you think they are going to be doing that? How do we know he's not just biding his time and going to try and eat her when she lets her guard down?” Rainbow accused as she motioned towards Twilight and the dragon, who were sitting across from each other with their eyes closed.

“Oh, he'd never do something like that,” Fluttershy said softly. “He's a total dear, if a bit cranky when he wakes up, and is really just trying to help. Honest.” Though she couldn't help but watch the two and feel a little worried. The dragon had said this was all natural but it still looked so strange...


Twilight felt as if she was dreaming. She hovered in the air and down below her she could still see the others as well as her body, but everything was faded and gritty looking. She looked to the dragon who was still sitting across from where her body sat. But she knew she was alone, no one could join her here. So she floated and waited for what would happen.

She didn't have to wait long as a light jingling of bells could be heard behind her. “So you've come,” a voice said from behind her. The avatar turned around to see who joined her as her mouth fell open in awe. A large stallion stood before her with a long faded blue coat and a gray beard and mane that hung almost to the ground. He wore a blue cloak and hat, each etched with stars, moons, the night sky and holding small bells along the rims of both. Despite the stallions great age he stood on powerful legs, his back strong and his eyes filled with years of knowledge, power and determination. He gazed down at the mare fiercely, making her feel suddenly very small and weak.

“Y-you're... you're...” she squeaked as she took a few steps backwards from the powerful stallion.

“Starswirl the bearded, the previous avatar. We have much to discuss, come.” He turned and seemed to fly through the air with ease, disappearing through one of the walls of the volcano. Twilight felt she had no choice but to follow as she struggled to move with the ease he did, though she slowly got the hang of it. Although she lost sight of him quickly she kept going and eventually she made her way out of the volcano, into the world above, and found him hovering high above with the clouds.

“We have much to talk about and little time to do it. The balance has been broken and the world has fallen into chaos. Unfortunately it will fall on your young shoulders to fix it. Before you will stand a chance however, I must tell you what you face.” His eyes stared into hers with such power that she longed to look away, but feared to anger him. “You oppose a creature of immeasurable evil. A creature I thought to have defeated and bound far away many years ago. His release is almost at hoof.” He motioned to the sky as she looked up. Far off in the distance, seemingly unaffected by the gray filter that covered the world, was a dim red glow.

“As avatars it is our duty to maintain balance,” Starswirl continued, “Not only between the countries but between the elements, night and day, and the spirit world itself. Long ago there was a single creature who ruled the spirit world, his name was Discord.” The name sent a shiver down Twilight's spine though she couldn't understand why. “I do not know how he came to be or why he set his sights on bridging the gap between our worlds, but he created great turmoil and destruction between our lands. He set brother against sister, child against parent, lover against lover. None could escape his foul grasp as the very rules that held our world together were torn and almost lost forever,” the aged pony sighed in sadness for a moment as a single tear went down his eyes. “When all hope seemed gone and our world looked as if it would be broken for good, my friends and I took one last chance to try and defeat him. Our bond was strong and we managed, after a long and difficult fight, to defeat him and end his tyranny, by sealing him and sending him far from our world. Or so we thought. We hoped the battle was over, but we were wrong,” his voice was filled with sadness as his gaze weakened, decades of sadness replacing the power in his eyes as the young mare resisted the urge to step forward and give him a hug.

“What happened?” Twilight asked as she took a slow step forward and placed a comforting hoof on his shoulder.

“While we managed to imprison his body and much of his power, his spirit... leaked out. He took refuge in one of my friends when she let her guard down. Her name was Starlight. Under my very nose he began to corrupt her, to twist her, poisoning her mind until eventually she struck,” he let out a soft, sad sigh before continuing. “She shattered the bonds that kept our friendship strong and then she destroyed me and our other friends. It was then she became the first... Nightmare Moon.”

“I'm so sorry...” Twilight said gently as she watched the stallion with pity.

“It now falls to you, Twilight Sparkle as the new avatar, to destroy him once and for all and cleanse the world of his foul taint before it can cause any more destruction. His power has slowly returned over the decades and he will soon have his chance at freedom. In one year he will be close enough for Nightmare Moon to form a connection and release him from his prison. If this happens I fear the world will fall into anarchy and chaos once again and there will be nothing you will be able to do.” His gaze rose to her once more. “You must learn to control the elements and create the bonds that will help you to defeat him once and for all. There will be five others, though I do not know who they are. You must find them if you are to have any chance.”

“But, how can I, I mean, I only, fire bending is-” she began to object but Starswirl raised a hoof and she fell silent.

“You will find them. The six are always drawn together. I know you will succeed because, well... we have done it before,” he said softly as he turned his gaze back to the sky. “But for now there is one more task you must perform before the others, to keep the world safe. You must lower the sun and raise the moon.”

“W-what? Me?” Twilight asked with a startled cry. If there was ground beneath her she would have shot up. “B-but that's why I came to the Great Dragon to begin with. I'm nowhere near strong enough to do it on my own. I can't control it!”

“The four elements of the world must return to their balance for it to survive. If the sun remains for to long all life will perish and burn away. But if it disappears the world will freeze and life will disappear as well. It cannot endure what happened a second time. Fortunately the world has been cold for so long that you still have time. But if the cycle of the sun and the moon do not begin again then the world will perish,” he stopped for a moment before letting out another sigh. “The moon remains hidden from your grasp for now and you are correct, you are to weak to control them alone. However, there are still water and fire benders who exist who can help you perform this task. All you need do, is teach them,” he said as he reached out and placed a hoof to her forehead as the knowledge flowed into Twilight's mind, making her let out a surprised gasp.

As her mind settled and the new knowledge tucked itself away within her thoughts she slowly let out a sigh of relief before turning to the previous avatar. “B-but how? I thought the fire benders were destroyed? The unicorns stripped of their magic and-”

“Fire is life, avatar. From the ashes of even the greatest blaze new life will always spring. You just need to find it.” He smiled at her for a moment before loud laughter lifted through the air, filled with malice and cruelty. His head whipped around and his eyes narrowed. “You must go. Now,” he said as he reached out and pushed her, sending her plummeting down towards the earth below. “Do not forget what I've told you! You must find and learn all the elements, find the other five and restart the cycle of sun and moon!” within seconds of his final words she disappeared back into the caverns and re entered her body, awakening with a start.

As she glanced around and regathered herself she realized she had fallen on her side. She stared up at her friends faces which were filled with concern. “Are you okay?” Rainbow asked as he gently poked her with a hoof.

“Y-yes. I'm just a little shaken and disoriented...” she mumbled as she slowly got to her hooves and shook her head. “B-but... I know now. I understand what I must do. Even if I don't know how to do it yet I know I'll figure it out,” she glanced to them and smiled. “I have to find the fire benders. I don't know where my people are hiding but I do know they are out there. Waiting for me.”

Her three friends stared at her for a moment in confusion before Rainbow opened her mouth, “Ummm... Twilight. I hate to break it to you but... the fire benders are long gone. Our parents used to tell us about it long ago. They were all purged or captured and... there aren't any left. I'm sorry but-”

“No. I'm sorry but you're wrong,” Twilight said with a stomp of her hoof. “I know it sounds odd but I talked with the previous avatar in the spirit world. There are still fire benders out there. Ones who can help me to raise the sun. I have no proof but, please, I need you to trust me.”

The three friends looked at each other for a moment before nodding their heads. “Of course Twilight! That's what friends are for, right?” Pinkie said with a giggle.

“Thank you. Now, things are going to get even tougher from here on out, if any of you want to turn back, now would be-”

“Oh don't even start with that horse wash again. 'Oh no, please, head home where it's safe and boring and lame! Don't come with me on this epic adventure of a life time!'” Rainbow said with a roll of her eyes and then grinned. “You aren't getting rid of us that easy, av-a-tar,” the pegasus said with a teasing smirk.

“Thank you. All of you. So very much,” Twilight sat down and sighed. “Now I just need to find out where to look first. Any ideas?” she asked as she craned her neck up to look at the dragon.

The great creature merely let out a sigh before shaking his head. “You will find no fire benders in this country for now. What you must do is continue your training. Find an air bender and learn your next element. Perhaps on your journey you will find what it is you seek. I can take you to the border of this country but, I'm afraid, that is as far as I can go. I can still offer you one last piece of aid however,” with those words his hands reached deep into one of the nearby tunnels moments before pulling something small and purple out.

“Hey! Let me go!” Spike yelled as he thrashed about in the massive dragon's grip. He looked up at the creature's eyes a moment before going still. “P-please let me go, sir,” he squeaked.

“You, Spike, are one of the youngest dragons still alive, possibly the only remaining child of our kind. You will go with the avatar and help her on her journey.”

“What? No way! I-I don't wa-”

“You will go or I will...” the Great Dragon's eyes wandered to Fluttershy for a moment, who was glaring, “make your time here very unpleasant.” Spike let out a pained squeak as the claw tightened and he began to nod rapidly. “Good. Now, all of you climb onto my back and I will take you far from here,” the dragon said as he laid his tail flat for them to climb on. He slowly began to spread his wings out, despite the massive size of the chamber he was only able to open them about three-fourths of the way. Once all the ponies were on his back and Spike was held tightly in his claw he took off, smashing through the stone roof as if it was made of wet paper and rising high into the air. The ponies struggled, holding onto his spine scales so they wouldn't be thrown off by the creature's mighty movements as its wings completely unfurled and it took off.

Far below the Water Nation camp was in upheaval at the sudden sight. Some gawked in fear, others ran around screaming like terrified Scootaloos and one took quite a few shots of his hard cider. As the commander's camp turned to chaos he grabbed one of the running unicorns and yanked the pony in close, his face grim. “Go to the communications tent and send word to Nightmare Moon. The dragon has risen.”