• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,117 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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4-gotten: Getting Out

"Objective Complete," the computer intoned. "Well done, minions. Your training is now complete. Gold stars for everyone."

"I'm beginning to really dislike that computer," Twilight growled as the path forward opened.

The four moved forward, gathering critters and bolts as they went, until they reached another transport platform. "Congratulations on completing your training," the computer intoned as the platform moved forward.

"If it mentions cake, cast the biggest ice spell you have," Nefarious whispered to Twilight, who nodded in agreement.

"You will now be transported to Sector 12," the computer continued as the platform zoomed off with the group on board, "for celebratory probing."

"Unless that involves us probing willing nubile females-"

"Ahem!" Twilight interrupted Qwark, giving him a disapproving glare.

Qwark held up his hands defensively. "Just saying...it's better than the alternative..."

"Don't worry!" Susie called from a nearby gate marked with a red light as she used her Vac-U to activate a Power Plunger, diverting the platform. "A Galactic Scout never leaves an ally behind!"

"Intruder Alert!" the computer intoned in its normal monotone. "All units converge on the minions in Sector 3."

"Mission complete!" Susie called out as she turned to open the door via another Power Plunger. "Come on, it's time to escape!"

As the door opened, it revealed a vast number of a new type of robot, this one having a small main body with wiry arms, floating in midair. They surely would have been interesting, if they didn't go down to a single shot from any weapon. However, as some went down, another group warped in.

Twilight gasped in surprise. "They have rift-jump capability!" Thinking quickly, she activated her Vac-U while surrounding it in her magical aura. After a time, she grinned widely, then zapped one of the robots with a new spell, causing it to shrink down and stasis-lock, allowing her to pocket it. "Now that's going to be useful," she purred.

"Oh the things I could do with a ray like that," Nefarious cackled.

Twilight smirked challengingly at him. "You provide the tech, I'll provide the formula, and we split the profits 50/50."

"Profits?" Nefarious demanded, confused. "I wasn't planning to sell it."

"You were planning to somehow make money off it, weren't you?" Twilight countered. "Long term, successful conquest results in profit, right?"

Nefarious grinned at that. "Fair enough! But are you actually offering to help me conquer the galaxy?"

"I'm already the right hand mare to the present ruler of the known universe," Twilight countered. "As long as I'm playing a big part in making the policy, does it really matter which side of the moral compass the one I'm assisting bases his ethics on?"

All three of her companions stared at her. Eventually, it was Nefarious who spoke up. "Umm...what if I wanted to institute roboticization of citizens?"

"50% profits means I'm an equal in authority, which means I can insist any and all transformations of that sort are voluntary," Twilight countered. "You're free to offer inducements, but as long as any roboticization is, indeed, voluntary, why should I stand in the way of someone pursuing an alternative lifestyle?"

"Crushing the citizenry beneath his heel?" Qwark inquired.

"Several political groups have been campaigning for equal taxation and an elimination of the loopholes abused by the rich for centuries," Twilight countered. "As any labor/monetary 'crushing' would be felt at the upper layers of society far more than the lower to maximize the profit/effort ratio, the majority of the population would appreciate the 'correction' to 'socioeconomic disparity'." She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't really have an opinion on that one way or another, but as long as the extracted funds and labor goes towards improving the ruled area, why should I care how it's acquired as long as it's legal?"

"The hedonistic debauchery of the evil dictator, taking whatever he pleases?" Alister suggested.

"Not in my tastes to begin with," Nefarious countered. "Remember what I said about courting her to begin with?"

"And beyond that, it's the same thing as the roboticization," Twilight added. "As long as all participants are willing and happy with the result, why should I care what happens behind closed doors? Ratchet does have three sexually intimate romantic partners and counting, after all."

"Huh," Nefarious mused. "When put that way, I guess I can see what you mean about not seeing much of a difference between helping Qwark run the universe after he's elected or helping me rule it after conquering it-"

"What do you mean 'and counting'?" Alister interrupted.

"The number of ladies who he's made swoon has only gone up over time," Twilight pointed out. "I'm not discounting the possibility of more-"

"Attention interlopers," the computer proclaimed. "You have been found guilty of impersonating a minion. You are hereby ordered to stand down and prepare to be executed."

"In what mad universe would anyone obey a directive like that?" Nefarious demanded angrily of the computer.

Qwark bashfully returned to his feet, leading to two facepalms and a facehoof.

As they continued, a new robot appeared, with blades surrounding it and a large green dome.

"That looks like one of those wall mounted buttons!" Qwark pointed out, only to immediately be launched by Alister to slam down atop it.

"You must comply with my stand down order," the computer insisted, "or I will be forced to take drastic action."

"What's more drastic than trying to kill us?" Alister demanded grumpily.

"Don't jinx us!" Qwark countered worriedly. "Computers that run facilities like this can be fiendishly imaginative!"

As they continued, the computer spoke up again. "Remember those gold stars I gave you for gadget certification? Look." The screens displaying the stars flashed as they counted down. "No more gold stars. Try putting that on the fridge."

"NO!" Qwark wailed as he sank to his knees and threw his arms despairingly into the air.

"I'll give you gold stars when we get home, Qwark," Twilight reassured him. "One for every mission we've completed together.

Qwark sniffled a bit, then nodded. "Okay, Twi..."

As they continued to blast their way out, the computer spoke up again. "Attention interlopers. Your Gadget Certification Diplomas now bear the shameful mark of the frowny face. Feel the agonizing sting of disapproval."

"We never even got those diplomas!" Nefarious insisted.

"What happened to 'fiendishly imaginative'?" Alister asked Qwark with a roll of his eyes.

Qwark merely whimpered in response.

One corridor later, and the group stepped out...onto a planetary surface none of them recognized.

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