• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,146 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Deadlocked: Machinations

When Ratchet returned from Ghost Station, he immediately went to see Clank. "Any news, Clank?" he asked.

"I have found a way to shut down the containment fields, and release all the heroes," Clank replied.

"Okay," Ratchet confirmed, barely seeming to register. "What about Twilight?"

Clank frowned. "I'm sorry, Ratchet. She hasn't been on the news reports since she won her own Liberator Tournament, and I can't locate her - or her battle bots - anywhere on the station."

Ratchet clenched his fist around his Omniwrench. After what Vox had said when he'd tried to recruit him as arena champ after he defeated Ace...

"Kill other heroes for money?" Ratchet demanded angrily. "I'll never do that! You're sick! The only thing I want back from you is my daughter!"

Vox chuckled a bit. "I'm sure you do want her...but are you sure she still wants you? After all, she's learned such horrible things about you..."

"She'd never buy that nonsense you've been broadcasting about me," Ratchet growled.

"Really?" Vox asked. "Then why would she be bonding so strongly with Ace? You've seen that yourself, haven't you?"

Ratchet hesitated. He had seen that. It was why fighting Ace had been so difficult...especially since Ace had said he couldn't tell Ratchet where she was.

"And of course," Vox continued, "she's bound to be crushed when she hears how you brutally slaughtered him in the ring...and she'll have no reason to doubt-"

"I didn't kill him!" Ratchet shouted. "He was alive when I walked away!"

"Not according to what Vox Media will say if you walk out that door," Gleeman pointed out with a grin.

Ratchet glowered. "I'm going to save Twilight...and I will end you."

As Ratchet walked out, Vox laughed. "You just signed your death warrant, kid!" he called out.

"You okay, Ratchet?" Al asked, turning from the computer screens to check on his friend, revealing his now cybernetic body.

"Al?" Ratchet asked, shocked. "You're alright?"

"Of course I am!" Al said disparagingly. "Dreadzone steals only the best...and they just so happened to have some of Twilight's prototype cybernetic prosthesis."

Ratchet managed a chuckle. "Well, that's a relief..."

Clank nodded. "At any rate, I have uploaded the plans of the interior facility of the Dreadzone station into your suit's nav computer. I've also included where the control system you need to destroy is located. And I've reprogrammed the transport shuttle to take you there...but it is a one way trip."

Ratchet nodded. "Then while I'm there...I need someone to find Twilight."

"You can count on us sir," Green, one of Ratchet's battle bots, declared.

"We'll search the whole station from base to top!" Merc, the other bot, agreed.

"Thanks guys," Ratchet said softly. "This place is going down."

Vox looked over the plans for the final event with a wide grin. Before long, Ratchet would make his move to try and free all the heroes. When he did, Vox would trigger the field traps, locking everyone into the Battledome and causing everyone to be equipped with a Deadlock collar automatically. He'd then send his 'desperate' message to Dallas and Juanita, putting the blame on the 'brutal challenger', along with instructions not to announce him by name, for reasons that would become clear, since Vox had taken steps to try and 'stop this', but 'the show must go on'.

Meanwhile, the bug he'd put in Ratchet's suit had already activated. When he next closed his helmet for access to the nav comp's HUD, he would be unable to open it, and the speech synthesizers that let him speak to people through the closed helmet would shut down. And then he'd face Twilight, who would be convinced that this was some faceless monster who had killed her father and her friend.

And of course, if things didn't go exactly according to plan...Vox already had something even better in store. And with Ace out of the way - Vox had been fooled for a moment, the sentimental fool had fallen under the filly's spell, so he'd ordered the fool killed after Ratchet finished the fight - there would be no one to stop him.

Ace groaned as he pulled himself together in the champ's quarters. "Ugh..." he groaned. "That was a lot more painful than I remember it being..." He staggered to the bathroom, where he was noisily sick.

Everyone who had ever seen him fight knew where he got the name Hardlight. He was able to generate multiple hard-light duplicates of himself, each one animated by a small portion of his energy. He frequently used that ability, both while a hero and in the arena. What he made sure no one ever learned was that they were more than just autonomous body doubles. If his main body ever got killed, he could transfer his physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual nature into any hard light duplicate still active, actually turning it into his original body.

It was never a pleasant process, but after the first few times it had happened during his early career, he'd convinced himself it was far preferable to staying dead. Which was why he left one of his duplicates behind in his room any time he went to fight in the arena.

However, it took time for him to fully infuse the new body, and even longer after that before he could manifest more hard light duplicates. Knowing what he did of how Vox thought, if he was to help Twilight, he wouldn't be able to wait until he could generate more hard light duplicates. He'd have to be a bit more careful.

"Still can't believe he shot me in the head," he grumbled as he donned his old Liberator armor, which completely hid his identity. "Gonna have to pay him back for that...and make sure Twilight gets out of here...Ratchet will take care of that..."

Now disguised, he grabbed his spare weapons and leapt into the back corridors of the station, heading for Vox's office, ready to intervene when the time was right.

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