• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,117 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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4-gotten: Into the Tower

The swing-hele-carrier dropped them off near another weapons satellite, again without anything new for the group to buy. "Seems like we're ahead of the game where it comes to weapons," Twilight muttered under her breath as she glanced ahead. "Looks like a big door we need to open." As Qwark stepped up, Twilight spread a wing. "Not by kicking it down. We're trying to be discreet here."

"Aww..." Qwark pouted, much to Nefarious' amusement.

As the group approached the door, a large group of Warper Minions teleported in to attack them, but were easily destroyed by the team's melee weapons before they could do much more than beep. After that, it was a simple matter to open the door into the Security Tower, as the map data they had identified the facility they were about to enter.

"Alright," Alister spoke up. "We can fully expect this tower to be more heavily defended than the other areas we've been through."

"In other words, we can expect this place to be more fun?" Qwark translated.

"I hate when I'm on the same wavelength as you," Nefarious grumbled irritably. "It feels so insulting for some reason!"

"Does it make you feel any better knowing I think 'more heavily defended' equals 'more fun'?" Twilight asked impishly.

"Quite a bit, actually," Nefarious replied warmly. "Thanks."

"I'm trying to keep things to some degree of military precision," Alister declared angrily.

All three of his teammates looked at him like he'd grown a second head. "Why?" they all asked curiously.

"To keep us alive?" Alister countered logically.

"And why do we need military precision for that?" Nefarious queried. "We have the tech upgrades Twilight and I have crafted, some of which is indistinguishable from magic. We have Twilight's actual magic. We have Qwark's ability to somehow warp reality based on his stupidity. How, exactly, can any of those things be militarily precise? And why would they need to be?"

"Because..." Alister began, only to let his voice trail off. "I don't know," he admitted finally. "But all I've known my entire life is military precision and discipline, and that's for longer than I'd care to remember. I...don't really know how to handle this any other way." He rubbed the back of his neck as he rolled his head back. "Well, other than going completely crazy and rampaging, but I don't really want to do that."

"Then maybe you should stop trying to take the lead and let Twilight call the shots," Qwark suggested. "If anyone can teach you how to have fun with these things without military precision or rampaging, it's her."

"Now now, let's not be so hasty in dismissing the fun of a rampage," Nefarious cautioned.

"And who's to keep her from getting lost in her inventing again and forgetting the mission?" Alister asked pointedly.

"I can do that!" Qwark offered enthusiastically. "I'll just remind her about her date if she stays put for more than five minutes at a time. She's really excited about it, after all-"

"I'm gonna be late!" Twilight squealed out, rushing ahead.

"I still need to make reservations!" Nefarious wailed, charging after her waving his guns.

Alister stared after them as they blasted their way past another new Minion-type robot - this one with rocket launchers, an energy shield, and a spotlight - again before it could demonstrate its abilities. "...that is frighteningly effective," he muttered worriedly.

"Teenagers," Qwark joked.

"And Nefarious?" Alister asked.

"I was talking about emotional maturity, not chronological," Qwark countered, charging into the tower after the exuberant pair.

"And what about you, then?" Alister demanded.

"Why do you think I know what buttons to push?" Qwark called back.

The group continued the charge into the tower. Before long, they were confronted by a massive, heavily armored Minion-type robot. It stood across a chasm from them, firing heavily charged heat beams that it swept across the platform the group was standing on, forcing them to evade. It also fired heavy mortars from shoulder mounted cannons to drop on the group from above. Despite the level of firepower the group had at their disposal, the bot still took a massive amount of punishment before it went down.

"Wish I could get the specs for that thing," Twilight murmured as they crossed to the other side.

"My optics are designed for multi-vision data capture," Nefarious pointed out. "It shouldn't be too difficult to reverse engineer it from the data back at my lab...or yours, for that matter."

Twilight squeed happily as she grinned from ear to ear.

Qwark sighed softly. "Well...one thing's for sure," he muttered softly. "Whether or not things go anywhere romantically with the pair of them...they've got the makings of a wonderful friendship."

"Then why do you sound so sad?" Alister asked curiously. "From the sound of it, it'll be good for both of them."

"Oh, I agree," Qwark replied readily. "It's certainly good for both of them, and I'm hoping things go well there." As another transport platform arose to carry them deeper into the tower, he leaned close to Alister. "But I'm her BBBFF," he whispered, not wanting Twilight to overhear. "I don't want to lose that...especially not to Nefarious!"

Rolling his eyes, Alister boarded the platform with a chuckle alongside the others. One thing was certain. Even if it didn't always make sense, this mission was certainly never dull.

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