• Published 3rd May 2012
  • 1,911 Views, 106 Comments

A Faithful Night of Music - ColeTrain4EVER

The story of a faithful night that led to the friendship of a man, a DJ, a very high class woman

  • ...

Chapter 12

The day went by relativity quickly. The girls hadn’t really set up a “party,” per say. It was just some drinks and a way to talk to each other. I was sort of glad really. Seeing as how both girls we’re on two different spectrum's of society, a large party won’t have fared well for one or both of them. Even though it was just the three of us having a good laugh, I still felt that pressure not to screw up, seeing as how these two ladies we’re basically my landlords for the next few months.

Hours had past and Vinyl had collapsed on the couch, not from drunkenness, but from exhaustion. She had done a late night venue the night before, and instead of sleeping, she decided to stay awake and get work done before the party, to Octavia’s dismay. Say what you want about her, but Vinyl is hard working. Writing music, recording, finding new jobs, and keeping that smile on her face all at the same time made me realize she isn’t just some party girl, like Nicole. No she is an entirely new type of person to me, which in my type of life is interesting.

Octavia and I helped her to her room and placed her in the bed, before quietly leaving the room.

“This is becoming a normal thing for you isn’t it?” Octavia laughed; “Helping Vinyl to bed and that’s it?”

“What? A guy doesn’t have to be a pervert does he?”

“No, I suppose not” Octavia then had a look of deep thought on her face.

“Something wrong Octavia?” I asked

She shook herself out of it and looked up, “It’s nothing.”

“You sure?” I asked with concern

“Yeah I’m sure.” I wasn’t content with that answer, but I knew not to prod, so I dropped the subject for the time being. She decided to get ready for bed herself and I decided to do the same. Octavia had told me I had reign on the TV in the main room for the night as long as I kept it down, which I did.

Time went by; Octavia had gotten out of the shower and entered her room, and I was left alone. I decided to step out onto the balcony of the apartment for a few minutes to try and clear my mind. I stepped out and was greeted by the lights of New York, the bright lights of cars below and the lights of buildings and signs above. I sat on one of the chairs and listened to the sounds, helping clear my mind and helping me think on some things, such as my current situation.

I considered what had been taken from me, an apartment and personal items. What had been given? A nicer apartment, two beautiful and talented women, and a second chance really. Considering the two, I had made out amazingly. I only hope it lasts.

I opened my eyes again, the lights still there as they were.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?”

I looked to the railing and saw Octavia standing there, leaning on it. She was wearing a long purple night gown, her long black hair blowing in the night wind as she spoke.

I was at a loss for words and blushed; “I um…y-yes.”

“I meant the view.” She smiled

“Oh, right.” I looked down in embarrassment. “It’s an amazing view; it’s nothing like my old place.”

“I love this,” she admitted; “It’s a place I can come out to whenever I need to step away from life. Away from family, away from work, a place where it’s me and my thoughts.”

I thought she said she didn’t have any family besides Vinyl? I wouldn’t mention it, it wasn’t the place.

“Yeah, I can see why.” I stood next to her and enjoyed the view with her for a little while, though time moved slowly. We sat there in silence, taking in the night nights.

She finally broke the silence

“I can get used to this, sharing this view with someone.”

“Yeah, I could too.” I realized the night time wind was starting to pick up. Even though it was the summer, it still had a chill.

“Come on, let’s go inside.”

“Alright, and Michael?”


She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, “Thank you.” She walked inside leaving me outside in a daze.

I looked back out to the lights, and started to think. Octavia was also a new type of person. She was smart, beautiful, and didn’t throw it in your face. She cares for people, especially her friends, at least the one she keeps close. She, like Vinyl, seems to be able to juggle many different things on her plate at once. The difference? She isn’t like Vinyl in the sense that she loses that smile sometimes. She needs to get away from it all, needs to try and be at peace once in awhile. These two were becoming people who I could relate to, people who I wanted to know.

“I can get used to this view for awhile.” Then I stepped inside, changed in the bathroom, and found my way to the couch. I laid there imagining the things that had happened.

‘Yeah’ I thought to myself; ‘my life may be crazy, but it’s still a great life.’

I turned off the lights and fell asleep, eagerly awaiting day two.

Author's Notes: SURPRISE! Yeah I'm not dead. I've been trying to write, but things got in the way. Whether it be depression, no confidence, school, family, whatever, I just felt my writing didn't need to be written. But I've noticed that people commenting or people liking the story made me see people do care. So, I don't know what will happen next, but I am back, don't worry. I'm not sure when next chapter will be out, but it will at some point.

Thanks again.

Comments ( 18 )

YAY FIRST!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:
But this is how the main character must be feeling.
Dude, I love this story, don't feel sad, and you are doing a great job in writing this.:heart::heart:


*is completely blown away by how awesome this fic is*

And to add to my last comment, Call the main character Charlie Sheen, 'cause from the beginning, Duh winning

1691327a dumb way of joining raibow and charlie
that's why

SORRY! Had a spelling error and OCD kicked in like a mother fucker. XD

Love this story, no idea why it isn't more well known. The pacing is great, story is awesome, and I love the main character. Keep writing, this is my favorite human Vinyl and Octavia fic! :yay::rainbowkiss:

It isn't that well known because people usually avoid human MLP stuff. The stereotype is that it usually is only for sex (which I am tempted to use in a good way in this story). Plus it can't go on EQD.

I love this story, Vinyl and Octavia are great personalities, so I write. I just people would give it a chance.

Fantastic, I hope you start this back up soon. I fucking loved it

You know, despite several minor errors, which don't take away from the story anyway, this is actually really good. I would like to see where it goes :pinkiehappy:

Don't cancle, I want to read it.

Continue for your own good:twilightangry2:


I want to...I've been in a bad rut as of late. I Want to write so bad, because people actually care...

I'm sorry, I just need to find something that makes it enjoyable again.

Please make more its too good to think of this story never getting more chapters!!!

going to read it it sounds awsome:pinkiehappy:

*This was supposed to be my first real story, but it got pushed back. Now with my other story in progress, this one is on break for awhile.*

A very long while, holy shit...

when are you going to update this?:pinkiecrazy:

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