• Published 3rd May 2012
  • 1,911 Views, 106 Comments

A Faithful Night of Music - ColeTrain4EVER

The story of a faithful night that led to the friendship of a man, a DJ, a very high class woman

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Chapter 9




I slowly began to regain my senses, the first being hearing. The first thing I hear is beeping, lots and lots of beeping. I must be in a hospital; I’ve watched enough TV to know that sound. I hear people talking, but its outside, it sounds muffled, I only catch glimpses of the conversation. I try to move, but I can’t. It feels like my body isn’t even there. I can only listen, to those damn machines or the people outside. I sit there and wait, and wait, and wait. Time passes by; I can’t tell how much time passes.



Then I hear the door opening. I hear someone walk in; they grab a chair and bring it to my right side. I hear them sit down on the chair and they stay silent.

I wait, but they don’t speak. They just sit there. Then I feel a hand on top of mine. It seems I had gotten feeling back in my body, but I still couldn’t move it. Then they begin to speak.

“Hi there Michael.” It was a woman, more than that; it was a voice I recognize. It’s Vinyl.


“How ya doing? I’ve been good, Octavia said that she would visit more; she just needs to take care of something. She really wants to come.”

‘What is she doing here? Shouldn’t she be at home working on new beats or something?’

“I know that you probably can’t hear me. But, I want to say this to you. I want to say, I’m sorry.”

‘Sorry? Sorry for what? What did she do?’

“You saved my life, but I couldn’t save yours. I-I know we just met, but-god damn it!” I feel her hand squeeze mine.


“I-I owe you my life! I should be dead! Now you’re the one in a comma! It’s not fair!”

‘She-she cares that much for me? But….I’m not that special of a person.’

“Please, please just wake up” I feel a tear fall onto my arm; “Please wake up. Please….” I feel her head fall onto my arm.


‘I didn’t know what to think at this point. I haven’t known this girl long, and here she is crying at my side hoping I recover.’

I feel her raise her head, my arm now wet from tears.

“Well, I’m going to sit here. I’m gonna keep you safe….Like you kept me save.”

I hear here sit back on the chair. And then the room is quiet, except for the sound of her breathing and the machines. Time passes slowly; my mind is full of thoughts of what I just heard.


I give up on trying to move. It’s no use, my body is too weak to speak or move. I give up and try to relax. I soon feel myself falling back out of consciousness.

I soon begin to hear the world around me again, but now I can open my eyes and move my fingers. I scan the hospital room, it is very clean. I see a counter, filled with medical supplies on my left. I try to lift my head, but its’ no use. I shift my eyes to my right, I see a woman sitting in the chair next to me.

It’s Octavia. She is reading a novel, her eyes flowing from left to right reading. I tried to look at the name of the book. It was called ‘Fifty Sh-.’ And ‘Gray.’ I wished I could get her attention, but I saw no plausible way. Then I looked down and saw my bed had medal railings, which gave me an idea.

I tried to move my arm, just a little bit, so it was next to the railing. My arm felt like it weighed about 400 pounds. But through sheer will power, I was able to inch it over to the railing. I used my fingers and tapped the railing.


‘That fucking machine! It must have blocked out my noise. When I get up, I’m gonna throw that thing out a window.’

I try again, she hears the noise. She looks up from the book, but quickly goes back to it.

‘Got to try again’

I tap again, trying to use more force. She looks around the room, but goes back to the book after a few seconds.

‘Come on, look down here!’

I tap one more time, as hard as I can. She closes the book and looks around. Then she looks at the bed.

“AHH!” She screams and falls back on the chair. It falls back too and she is now on the floor.

She quickly gets back up. She rushes to my side.

“Oh God, Oh God! You’re awake! What do I do, what do I do!?” She is frantic. She runs to the door and opens it. She pokes her head outside the doors and looks around for someone.

“We need a nurse now! Hurry up for God’s sake” she yells out.

She runs back to me and stays by me.

A nurse with pink hair typed in a bun rushed in and ran to my left.

“Michael, can you hear me?” She asked. I tapped the side of the bed.

“Ok, can you move?” I didn’t tap.

“He woke up too early; he needs to go back under.” She began to prepare a shot.

Octavia grabbed and squeezed my hand. The Nurse shoved the needle into my arm. I quickly began to feel light headed. My eyelids became heavy. I quickly fell back into unconsciousness.

Author's Notes: Kinda short, sorry bout that. But, I have a new project I'm thinking of doing. Although, It would take more then one writer to do it. You see, you guys know about that Dr Whooves Radio show that's floating around YouTube? Well, after watching a Walking Dead marathon this weekend, I want to make a Walking Dead Radio program with ponies. Maybe Human, maybe not. I wouldn't worry about casting or recording yet, but I would need some writers to help me in a Google docs to make a script and to talk in Skype. Also, they would need a knowledge of the show, so if you want to help, go watch the first season on Netflix and find the Second Season somewhere. So, if your interested, PM me your Skype name. If you don't have one, make one. and if you don't have a mic, just make an account and use chat. This would be me and like four other people, so I want good writers. If your interested, I don't want someone who won't do shit but wants credit. OK, that's it. Any questions, Put them in the comments.

Enjoy the Chapter