• Published 3rd May 2012
  • 1,911 Views, 106 Comments

A Faithful Night of Music - ColeTrain4EVER

The story of a faithful night that led to the friendship of a man, a DJ, a very high class woman

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Chapter 3

Vinyl was used to this feeling. That you screwed up last night feeling. The ‘why did you drink so much?’ feeling of a hangover. She could feel her head pounding in her sleep, in her dreams.

“Wonder if that DiCaprio guy has to deal with this.” She mumbled

As she entered the world of the living, she noticed she was in a hotel or something. But something was off from how she usually woke up in hotels.

For one, she was fully clothed under the blanket.

Second, there wasn’t a guy sleeping in the bed with her, instead he was sleeping in a chair across the room, also fully clothed.

Finally, she also had a very different attitude then she usually does. Usually, she would just sneak out and not look back. But this was different, as she sat up in the bed and stared at the man who had supposedly lead her here. But for what?

Vinyl took off the covers and her eyes fell on the little table next to the bed. Her Goggles were there with a note underneath them. Out of Curiosity, Vinyl picked up the note and began to read.

“Dear Vinyl,

Thank you for a very pleasant evening. I thought that you looked in trouble and opted to rent a room for the night. Don’t worry, nothing happened last night. I just wanted to help you, that's all. If you want, you can leave and go home. I can pay for the room and we don’t ever have to speak again. I’m guessing you get allot of things from people who enjoy your work, so don’t worry. It would be my honor.

Thanks again,


“Michael.......Michael.....Oh yeah, him.”

Vinyl Remembered the talk they had last night. About how they talked like she was a normal person, not a famous DJ. It was so amazing to know someone like that was still around, And how he just took her off the street just so she would be safe. She only knew a handful of people who would do that for her. And now, one was basically a stranger.
It went against the voices in her head, but Vinyl didn’t care. He had helped her, the least she could do was give him some courtesy and thank him.

She walked over and gave him a tap on the shoulder.

“mm mm......No, ...I don’t..wanna go..to school today....”

She shoved a little harder

“Huh...?” I awoke with a grog and served my surroundings. I was surprised to see Vinyl there.

“You didn’t just leave?” Vinyl usually would have taken this as a insult, but she noted the care in his voice that made her think otherwise.

“Well, I never got to say Thank you. No one has ever been so kind to me from the bottom of their heart.”

“It was nothing.” I didn’t think she should hear about the men at the bus stop. Not Yet at least.

“Is there anything I can do to repay you?” Vinyl asked seductively

“No, its fine. Hey what time is it?” I asked

Vinyl looked at the clock. “Its 10:48, are you sure there’s nothing I could do?” Vinyl making a pouting face.

“Believe me, I would love to, but your friend is going to be here in about.....err 15 minutes.”

“That's too..........my friend?” Vinyl was confused.

“I mean, yeah it would be nice and all-” I tried to continue only to be cut off.

“My friend called me?” Vinyl looked very confused

“Yeah, at about six, some girl called your cell. Said her name was Octavia or something. I told her the situation and I told her to pick you up at eleven.”

Vinyl was now in panic mode.

“Why did you tell her this!? Do you know what I’m going to endure for the next week!?”

“She seemed like she knew you! I’m sorry, is she like your stalker or something?”


*Knock* *Knock*

“She’s my roommate.”


“You Gotta hide me man!”

“What!? Why?”


*Knock* *Knock* A voice came from the door.

“Hello?” it asked; “Is anyone there?”

I looked at Vinyl. She gave me a pleading look.

“I’m coming. Hold on.”

Then I whispered “Go hide, now.”

I turned around and I heard her behind me. Not quiet, but it’ll have to do.

I opened the door and what was before me was something I won’t ever forget.

I saw her. She had long black hair, the kind you just want to run your hand through. She was wearing a long black coat, a white scarf, and then I saw her eyes. She had big purple eyes. You know that saying about people with blue eyes, how your lost in a sea of blue? I have no idea whats purple like that, but I was lost in that sea. She finally broke the silence and asked;

“Excuse me, I believe we spoke earlier.”

Her voice was beautiful. Her voice was like a wind in the night. Soothing and relaxing, with just enough tranquility in it to make you think you were in heaven. It was music to my ears and mesmerizing, and I had to snap back to reality soon or I would look like an idiot.

“Yes, we did.” I stammered out.

“Is my friend still here?”

“Uh, no. She left about 20 minutes ago.” She gave me a look that made my spine shiver. I was scared out of my mind now of this women who five seconds ago was so beautiful.

“Is that so?” She replied; “May I come in?”


“Um, I don’t-” She let herself in before I could answer her.


She looked around the room and then she looked at me.

“Is there something I can-” Before I could finish, she casually opened the closet door and Vinyl came tumbling out.

Damn It!

“You need a better hiding place Vinyl.” She said calmly, sitting on the bed.

I helped Vinyl off the floor, to which she replied; “Why today Tavi? Its my day off. So its your day off.”

“Last time you had a day off you spent almost all of your money on booze and parties.”

“I didn’t spend all of My money”

“Not all of it was yours. I don’t need that again.”

I kinda felt out of place in this situation. I was about to leave, when I heard the women “Tavi.”

“Hold on a minute. Where do you think your going?”

I stopped dead in my tracks. My Blood turned to ice as the hairs stood on the back of my neck.

“N...No where.”

She laughed; “No need to be tense. Mind if I ask you something?”


“Did you really save Vinyl, or was that just one of her stories to get her out of trouble. I would usually only believe that she made this whole thing up, but you seem.......genuine.”

“Well.....I um.....” I couldn’t form a sentence correctly.

“He sure did!” Yelled Vinyl; “I’d be a goner if it wasn’t for him!”

“That isn’t something you should be proud of.” she retorted; “But in all honesty, that is quite heroic.”

“Thank you, Miss.......Octavia was it?”

“Oh, where are my manners? Yes, that is my name. I’m Vinyl’s friend and, well........guardian for lack of a better word.”

“What? I can’t handle myself?” Vinyl snapped.

Octavia just looked at her and pointed at me.

“That's different.” She stated.

“Sure it is.” Octavia said with a grin on her face. “Anyway, I can’t thank you enough for helping her.”

“It was no problem.”

“How about we treat you to dinner as thanks?”

“You don’t h-”

“No, No. We must.” Octavia stated; “Its the right thing to do.”

“If you insist.”
“Great!” Octavia was very excited, she took out a business card and scribbled something down; “Pick us up at seven on Saturday. I look forward to it.”

She and Vinyl both got their things and headed for the door. Before she left, Vinyl looked back and said; “Thanks again.” On her way out.

The door shut. I looked around and then I looked at my checkout time.

“Noon, not enough time to sleep. Guess I’ll check out early.”

I got my things, payed for my room at the desk, and got on the train to head home. I hoped I could stay awake as not to fall into the hands of some psycho.