• Published 27th Dec 2014
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Brotherly Bonding Time - Sketcha-Holic

Cheese Sandwich drags his brother, Tomato, in a trip across Equestria as part of his effort to rebuild their relationship. The mishaps that occur will put their rekindled bond--and their sanity--to the test.

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The sky outside was a warm purple, bearing no sun and no moon. Princess Luna had found it odd that her sister had not come outside to raise the sun, and from her own internal clock, as well as every clock she passed on the way to Celestia's bedchamber, it was obvious that the sun was late. Already she had heard some ponies murmuring about the late sun, and wondering if Celestia was dead. Luna doubted it, as her elder sister had been in top health when she last saw her, and assassination was nearly impossible. The only ones who had come close were Mara, who was still imprisoned, and... herself.

She was awfully glad that the citizens of Equestria had forgiven her for the whole Nightmare Moon fiasco. And it took a while--and the near escape of a dream parasite she had created--for her to forgive herself. And not only could she sleep peacefully now, but perhaps she could help others who were having trouble forgiving themselves. Goodness knows she didn't want anypony eating themselves alive with their guilt.

She reached the door to Celestia's bedroom and knocked. "Celestia, come out! It's past time for sunrise."

She nearly jumped when she was answered with a loud snore. Blinking, she was both relieved that Celestia was still alive and confused over the snore. Last she had checked, Celestia never snored.

She knocked even harder. "Celestia, awaken! You need to raise the sun!"

After snore number two, Luna scowled at the door. In the following silence, her ears picked up the faint sounding of ponies screaming and the clops of their hooves as they ran around. She inwardly sighed, expecting to be blamed for attempting to usurp her sister again. So, she threw open the door and marched in.

She turned on the light, approached Celestia's bed, threw off the covers, and yelled, "Art thou going to raise the sun or do I have to do it for thee?!"

The sheer volume of Luna's voice startled Celestia awake, and the alicorn tumbled out of her bed, one of her hind legs getting tangled in her bedsheets in the process. Celestia hit her head on the floor, and yelped in pain. Rubbing her head, she yelled back, "Oh, geez, Tommy! Since when could you yell that loud?!"

Luna raised an eyebrow. "I do not know this 'Tommy' which you speak of."

Celestia's eyes snapped open, and her face fell. Blinking, she started to untangle the sheets with her hooves, still staring at Luna. "Um... hello, Princess Luna... what brings you to this room, your Highness? I mean, I wouldn't expect a princess to randomly appear in the guest room of the manor I'm staying in... ow, what's going on with my back?"

Luna stared at her back, sporting a curious expression. There was something off about the way she was behaving; the way she addressed her, the confusion over where she was, and certainly how she didn't just untangle the sheets with her magic. And there was the fact that she had called her "Tommy".

By the time Celestia had untangled the sheets and stood up, Twilight came running through the door, skidded to a stop, and then panted for a moment. Then, looking up with a forced smile, she asked, "Um, Celestia... please tell me you have a good reason for delaying the sunrise. Because last I checked... it was supposed to be up fifteen minutes ago, and ponies are beginning to panic." Her smile grew uncomfortably.

Celestia blinked and answered, "Wait, Twilight, what are you-- wait, did you just call me Celestia?" She laughed and leaned on the bed, which only made Luna even more suspicious. After a few moments of laughing, the white alicorn added, "Hahaha, that's a good one, but it's not April Foals' Day. Do I look like Princess Celestia to you? "

Twilight's face fell. "Um... yes? What else do you want me to call you?"

Upon hearing that, Celestia stopped her laughing, and actually took a look at her hooves. She stared at them a good, long moment, her jaw going slack and her eye twitching, and then she looked around at the room. She looked at the bed, and then the nightstand, and then the wardrobe. She kept looking around the room until she spotted the large mirror on the wall, and jumped toward it. Then, she stared at her own face, which held a look of shock as she felt it, and then her horn, and then popped out her wings to feel them as well.

Twilight grimaced at the sight, and then turned to Luna. "Uh... is she okay?"

Luna pursed her lips. "I do not know--her spirit is elsewhere, in another body."

Twilight's eyes nearly popped out of her sockets. "What does that mean?"

"It means that whoever this pony is that's inhabiting Celestia's body is about to scream."

The very scream that rang from Canterlot Castle startled Tomato awake, and he sat up quickly, wondering what the fuss was about. Even worse, it was followed by more screaming and complaining coming from the streets outside. He blinked, grabbed his glasses from the nightstand, and put them on. He spotted Cheese looking out the window, and proceeded to turn on the lamp.

Tomato stretched. "Geez... what's with all the screaming? The sun isn't even up yet."

Cheese turned to him. "They're screaming because the sun's late."

Tomato blinked and looked at the clock. "Oh, dear, you're right. I hope Princess Celestia is okay." He hopped out of his bed, and joined his brother at the window. Looking down, he could see ponies running around and crying about the end of the world. Shaking his head, he muttered, "Those ponies are being such babies, panicking at the drop of a hat. I really hope it's just an off day, and that the duty could easily be taken over by Luna. Can she even raise the sun?"

"Oh, she can," Cheese replied matter-of-factly. "It may have been over a millennium since she last did, but I know she can handle it. I just hope she figures out what's going on and resolves to fix it as quickly as she can."

Tomato raised an eyebrow. "Uh... mind telling me why you're saying that with such certainty? I'd assume it was just a logical leap from Celestia taking charge of both sun and moon while her sister was banished, but... how do you even know that Luna actually did it at some point? I mean, I never took you for the type to know that, Cheese--especially since you're more busy with planning parties and traveling Equestria."

Cheese turned to him, and then glanced at the door. "You might not believe me if I told you how I know."

Tomato scoffed. "Psht, what, are you Princess Celestia in disguise?"


Tomato blinked, and then gave him a half-lidded expression. "Give me a break... how would Celestia even fit in the full body suit of you? When you made me wear one, I was really uncomfortable! How would she even hide her horn?"

Cheese blinked. "Full body suit?" Then he shook his head. "Actually, dream gremlins stole away into our dreams last night, snatched us both, and swapped our bodies. So, you are talking to your... your... hmm, I don't know whether Cheese is your friend or your relative."

"Cut it out, Cheese, I'm not in the mood for games."

"I promise you, this is not a game. You're talking to Cheese's body, yes, but Princess Celestia's spirit is possessing it."

Tomato blinked. "You made it sound like she died and her ghost is now using your body as a puppet."

Cheese scratched his chin. "It does sound disturbing when you put it that way." He shook his head. "Still, how else would you explain the sun not being up on time? Cheese doesn't know how to raise it, and I don't know if Luna's figured out the body swap yet."

Tomato scowled at him. "Do you really take me for a fool? Come on, for what reason are you pulling this on me for? What did I do this time?"

Cheese put a hoof to his face and sighed. "What is it going to take to convince you? If he has any ability that I don--" His nose twitched. "Don... don't... haaa-choo!"

The sneeze brought forth some poppers flying from his person, and they all fell to the floor and started popping. Some landed at Tomato's feet, making jump and bolt right back to the bed. Some end up popping on the way behind him, and he ducked under the cover. Meanwhile, Cheese--or rather, the pony in Cheese's body--stood dumbfounded at the sight of over a hundred poppers seemingly coming out of nowhere and cracking everywhere in the room. One popper even shattered the lamp on the nightstand, and another broke the mirror above the dresser.

When the last popper was popped, Tomato crawled out from under the covers, and blinked. "Okay... I think your case has become more credible."

The other pony blinked. "Why?"

"Because Cheese normally has enough self-control to limit his sneezes to confetti, and he'd never go that far in a joke." Tomato slid out from under the blankets and stepped out on the floor. "But... I'm not so sure that Celestia would even allow this to happen either."

Cheese sighed. "If I was Luna, I could convince you by reciting a dream of yours." He looked around at the damage the poppers caused. "Hm, I'm familiar with this magic, but it was always the jesters who could do this, and not me or Luna."

"Uh..." Tomato backed up. "To be frank... I'm not entirely sure how it works either."

"That's all right. Would you care to inform me of your name, my little pony?"

Tomato blinked. "Tomato Sandwich." He looked outside, still purple and sunless, and he was getting the feeling that this pony in front of him was really speaking the truth. "And if you're Princess Celestia..." His eyes widened and he grimaced. He hurriedly bowed before the princess in Cheese's body. "...does that mean I'm in trouble for being so sassy to you, Your Highness?"

Celestia chuckled and shook her head. " There's no need for formalities while I'm like this. I don't hold it against you. A body swap is a difficult thing to believe, and this isn't the first time it's happened to me. I'm just worried about your... um, how are you affiliated with Cheese?"

"He's my brother."

"Thank you. Anyway, I'm worried about how your brother is handling this situation. He and I won't be able to switch back until we're both asleep. And if Twilight finds out about this... I wouldn't be surprised if she panicked, especially considering what day it is and the ceremony tomorrow morning."

"Well... I hope they keep him calm and under control and acting like you so nopony else panics," Tomato said, idly gazing at the spots where the poppers had popped. He cringed at how much they resembled spiders in the dark. "Meanwhile, I suppose you'll have to take Cheese's place in setting up Fancy Pants' party." He pointed to the nightstand. "I mean, the clipboard's just... on fire?!"

Sure enough, the clipboard was indeed ablaze, due to the shattered lamp. The flames crackled as they made their way to the rest of the nightstand and started burning the book Tomato laid there the night before. Tomato jumped, sped out of the room, and then returned with a vase. Then, he dumped the water of the vase onto the nightstand, extinguishing the flames and spilling flowers all over the floor.

Tomato threw the wet and slightly burned book onto his bed, and then stared at the ashes of the contents of the clipboard. Groaning, he turned to Celestia and asked, "Do you know how to plan a fancy party, Your Highness? Or at least can help me clean up this mess?"

That was when they noticed Fancy Pants entering the room, holding a lantern in his magic. The unicorn was looking around and seeing the scorch marks of the poppers, a look of surprise on his face as he ran a hoof through his mane. "Good heavens! What happened in here?"

Both Tomato and Celestia pursed their lips and glanced at each other.

Meanwhile, back at the castle, Cheese Sandwich was staring at the mare in the mirror. His throat was dry and sore from his screaming, and his cheek was numb from the multiple slaps he gave himself. He didn't know if that counted as assaulting a princess, but it was obviously for a good reason. After all, he wanted to believe that he was still dreaming.

Of all the things that went on this summer... why was he Princess Celestia?

"I hope you're done panicking," Luna deadpanned.

Twilight stepped forward cautiously. "So... if you're not Celestia, then who are you?"

Cheese grinned nervously. "Cheese Sandwich."

Twilight's eye twitched. "Cheese Sandwich?"

He nodded in response, Twilight's silence unnerving him. With a sheepish grin and a shy wave, he said, "I know, I know... this is awkward." He glanced at Luna. "Yes, Twilight and I know each other, I'm Pinkie Pie's friend. So, yep, awkward. Heck, I think it's awkward for Celestia too, and it'll be awkward for Tomato if he believes her--"

At that moment, Twilight exploded. Taking to the air, she cried, "Cheese Sandwich?! You mean it couldn't have been another unicorn that at least knows basic telekinesis? Or at least somepony who has an idea of how to run a country?!" She turned to Luna. "Heck, why couldn't she have been switched with you, Luna? At least you'd know what to do!"

Luna put a hoof on Twilight's head and gently pushed her back down to the floor. "The dream gremlins cannot touch me, for I am the guardian of ponies' dreams, and they don't dare approach me when I'm patrolling the Dreamscape. They must have struck while I was checking on Mara, and I don't know who else was swapped during that time."

Cheese blinked. "Um... who's Mara?"

"You don't wanna know," Twilight answered. Then she once again exploded, "But do you realize how big of a problem this is, Cheese?! Celestia has many duties to attend to today, like hearing the nobles' concerns, the annual Summer Sun dinner, checking over the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration, making sure it all goes smoothly... oh, and that itty bitty little duty that I like to call raising the dang sun!" She sat on her haunches and cradled her head. "And if anypony finds out about the swap... d'oh, I don't even want to think about it!"

Cheese blinked, and then said, "Um... maybe... I could just pretend I'm sick? And Luna can take over?"

That was when a guard came to the room. "Your Highness, is there anything wrong? Your delay of the sunrise is concerning, and we heard you scream all the way from the courtyard."

Cheese stared for a moment, and then said, "Well... yes. You see Mr. Guard, I'm afraid that I'm coming down with the Weasel Flu." To emphasize the point, he coughed a couple of times in his hoof, much to the chagrin of both Luna and Twilight.

The guard stared at him for a moment, and then chuckled. "I see you're well enough to make jokes, Your Highness. Still, may I inquire about the sun?"

"Oh, uh... I was just going to do that! I slept in a little because I was having problems with nightmares and I think Luna might have been busy with other nightmares so... uh, yeah. Pardon my Weasel Flu comment, I just confused my excitement for that."

"Oh, I see." The guard cleared his throat and asked, "Well, I'll just get back on duty and inform the others that you're well."

"Okay, you may run along now," Cheese said, shooing him away with his hoof.

As the guard left, he turned to Twilight and Luna with a grin, which fell when he noticed them glaring at him. "What?"

"Weasel Flu," Twilight deadpanned.

Cheese bit his lip. "I panicked!"

Luna put a hoof to her face. "Let's just get the sun risen before anypony cries about the end of the world."

He followed Princess Luna and Princess Twilight down the hall, the mares discussing what was going on. All the while, he couldn't help but silently fuss about every part of the body he was stuck in and steal glances at its features. The horn jutting out of his forehead had a strange sensation on the skin around it, especially with every crease of his brow. The presence of feathered limbs on his back not only tempted him to feel them, but also to move them around in various ways just to get a feeling of them and figure out how to control them. The ever-undulating ethereal mane made him feel like a flagpole, and while he was used to being taller than other ponies, the fact that he now absolutely dwarfed the ponies they passed in the hall was awkward (as if the looks they were giving him as he played with the wings weren't awkward enough). Even though Luna came close, Cheese still felt like a mountain compared to other ponies' small hills.

Then there was just the knowledge of this body possessing powerful magic, enough to move not only the sun, but the moon at the same time during the thousand years that Luna had been banished. He now had the power of all three pony tribes, and he was clueless on how to use it. His experience lay mainly in the use of party pony magic, not in the use of a horn or wings. He didn't even know if Celestia could even use party pony magic.

Twilight "All right, you hear that, Cheese?"

Cheese shook himself out of his stupor. "Come again?"

"The plan for today is that Luna raises the sun this morning, and then I'll try to get you through today and tomorrow while she slips away to the Dreamscape and rounds up the dream gremlins that caused this mess. Since tonight we stay up all night for the celebration, the most certain time we can switch you and Celestia back is tomorrow night."

Cheese blinked. "Why?"

"Ponies can only access the Dreamscape in their sleep," Luna answered. "You two need to be asleep at the same time in order to be switched back to your own bodies."

Cheese pursed his lips. "If it helps... I was planning a party here in Canterlot." He snickered. "I wish I could see the look on Tommy's face when he realizes that he's talking to a princess. I'm sure it would be priceless!"

Luna raised an eyebrow. "Who is this 'Tommy' anyway?"

"His brother, Tomato," Twilight answered.

"I've run into quite a few Tomatoes while on patrol--which one are we talking about?"


"All right. We'll have to locate him and Celestia so that we may try to alter the plan so that they may be switched back sooner, preferably before tomorrow's sunrise. But for now, we'll have to focus on today's sunrise, and show everypony that their leader is well."

Cheese gulped. "So... am I going to be faking doing the raising sun thing?"

"Yes." They turned and started going up a spiral staircase. "I'll be doing the actual work, but you're going to be proving to them that Celestia is still healthy. And believe me, faking sickness is frowned upon by the nobility--it implies that you don't take running the country seriously."

"But I don't know how to run a country! I'm just a party planner!" The wings quickly spread further, and he bumped them on the walls. "Ouch! How do you control these things?"

"Don't worry, Cheese," Twilight said. "I'll be by your side to help you every step of the way. But, should we run into something that you can handle on your own, I'll leave you to it, and go to your body to see if Celestia's doing okay." She put her hoof on her chin. "So... where were you and Tomato planning that party?"

"Fancy Pants' house."

"Okay, right. I can find that."

They reached the top of the stairs, and found themselves on the top of a high tower. Twilight and Luna stopped and stood by the door, and Cheese strode up to the railing. He first looked at the bleak horizon, and then looked down.

Almost immediately, he once again saw a street from above, illuminated by the neon lights and beckoning to him in a sinister whisper. At first it was far, and it seemed kind of inviting and the perfect place to throw a party. However, as he stared at it, it started to draw closer. It inched toward him, with the faraway road getting slightly bigger every second. Then every half-second. And then every millisecond. Before he knew it, he was barreling toward the street in high speeds, and his ears were suddenly filled with inequine screeches and hisses and the whooshes of gusts of wind. His heart raced as the street grew ever nearer, and the winds blowing ever louder, and the inevitable collision was destined to be way too painful for him to handle. He squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for impact.

"Hey, Princess Celestia's come out!"

Cheese snapped his eyes open, and he saw ponies on the street--which looked much different from five seconds ago--gazing up at them. Blinking, he turned to Twilight and Luna, and then back to the ponies.

"Uh..." he murmured in a soft whisper. Then with a louder voice, he hollered, "Greetings, my little ponies! I have finally arisen! Sorry for being so late, I got a little distracted!"

Twilight jumped and hissed, "Cheese, no! Don't say that!"

Cheese pouted at her, and then continued, "So, as I said, forgive me for the delay, now the sun... shall be risen!"

Cheese leaned on the railing, but a quick glance down told him that it was a bad idea, so he stepped back. Taking a deep breath, he pointed his horn to the horizon, and slowly raised his head.

Behind him, Luna took a deep breath also, and did the first sun-raising she did in over a millennium. Her magic probed around beyond the landscape, first feeling the rocky surface of the moon, and then jumping to another celestial body, this one being much warmer. She grabbed that one and discreetly lifted it, and soon enough, the sun was beginning to peek over the horizon.

Upon seeing the sun rise, the first thing that Cheese noticed was that the sky was turning pink, and his mind flashed to that of a certain sweet mare of the same color. With Twilight being here, he quickly realized that Pinkie would likely be coming to Canterlot to celebrate the Summer Sun with her friends. There was a chance that he would see her today! The thought of it had him grinning from ear to ear.

He had to keep still and contain his excitement to keep up the image of Princess Celestia. Unfortunately, his excitement needed an outlet, and what better outlet than a long, majestic horn?

Luna suddenly felt the sun yanked out of her grasp, and grunted in pain from the force of it. She looked up, and she watched in horror as the sun was launched upwards, high enough that it looked like one of the stars of the night.

Twilight shrieked and glared at Cheese. "What was that?!"

Cheese stared upward at the single star, looked back at the two glaring mares, and then turned around with a sheepish grin. "Oops... uh, let me get it down. I think I have an idea on how to use this magic."

Twilight put a hoof to her face. "Cheese, magic takes discipline and prac--"

Cheese ignored her, and focused on the little star. Once he felt a hold on it--and nearly jumped at the heat of the sun, he started to drag it back down. As he did so, it came down with a wobbly dance, doing figure eights in the sky, writing the name of Pinkie Pie in cursive, shaking erratically, and flaring at random as it drew closer. The crowd below was gasping and murmuring, and some screamed every time a flare erupted. The air was getting hotter as the star grew bigger and brighter.

Luna stomped and yelled, "Release the sun!"

Cheese quaked and sweated, a pounding headache gripping his brain. The magic was burning, and the growing heat of the sun didn't help, so when he couldn't take it anymore, he staggered back with a gasp, and the magic stopped. He stared at the ground, which for some reason was brighter than it should be. He looked up, and grimaced at the sight.

Luna and Twilight had their eyes squeezed shut, and their coats were growing damp with sweat. There was a noticeable ripple in the air, and while he felt just a little hot, everypony on both the balcony and the street were crying in agony. Trees were starting to wither, and the streets looked as if they were melting. He grinded his teeth, quickly realizing that he brought the sun a little too close.

Seeing that he was the least affected by it, he grumbled, "Brilliant, Cheese, just brilliant. Gotta push it back now."

He aimed his horn at the sun, and then started to push it back. He found it a little easier than pulling it, but it was still difficult to do. He just had to push to how big it usually seemed in the sky, and hopefully things would go back to normal. Though there was a dull ache in his head, he continued to steadily push it back.

Once he figured that it was at its normal distance, he released it. He sat down on his haunches, and looked around to survey the damage. Plenty of the plants were wilting, and many ponies were scrambling in search of water. He wiped his brow, thankful that he didn't cause too much damage.

The next thing he did was look at the landscape, and whistle in amazement. The valley stretched far and wide, bearing many shades of green from grass, trees, and other flora, though unfortunately there were signs of yellow and brown within it. Rivers cut through the landscape as its shimmering blue veins, pouring into multiple lakes and reservoirs. Towns speckled the landscape, with the first one in sight being Ponyville.

A livid Twilight stood up. "Cheese! You nearly burned up Equestria! I was afraid of evaporating on the spot!"

Cheese bore a sheepish grin once again. "Sorry..."

Luna stood up, looked at the sun, and tweaked it. "There. Now it's in the right spot. We're lucky that the magic in this land prevented any more damage from occurring. Still, any closer and we would have all perished." She marched closer to Cheese, glaring at him. "Now... why did you pull the sun out of my grasp?"

Cheese twiddled his hooves, strangely finding himself annoyed with Celestia's footwear. "It was an accident. I just got excited at the prospect of Pinkie Pie being here for the Summer Sun Celebration, and it somehow activated the horn. I'm really sorry for nearly causing a disaster."

Luna sighed. "Strong emotions always activate the magic of the inexperienced. Keep control of your emotions for the rest of the day, and I'll return when it's time for the sun to set. I've got some dream gremlins to hunt."

As Luna left, Cheese and Twilight looked at each other. The latter scowled at the former, who only rubbed his leg.

"Don't worry, Twilight, I can keep myself under control," Cheese murmured. "I kind of have to when trying to survive in the wild."

Twilight groaned and shook her head. "Now we've got to add a public apology for nearly killing everypony to the list. But, anyway, we've got a lot of things to do today, and let's make sure that they all go smoothly." She trotted to the door. "Now, to get the list so we can see what's first on the agenda."

Cheese sighed and followed her. "I hope Celestia's having a better time than I am."

Author's Note:

Alternative titles for this chapter: "Princess Cheese Sandwich", "Dangit, Luna, You Had ONE Job", "Confusion On Names, Pronouns, and Possessives", "Ponies Complain that the Sun is Too Hot", "Twilight Has to Babysit Cheese in Celestia's Body and Hates It", "Tomato Feels Awkward Because He's Talking to a Princess In His Brother's Body", "Celestia nearly destroys a room, Cheese Sandwich nearly destroys Equestria", and "Where the Author Ignores Science Because She Doesn't Want to Kill Everypony".

Anyway, this chapter took so long because I was trying to figure out a few things, namely what the heck Celestia's supposed to do during the Summer Sun Celebration (aside from that sunrise ceremony). Not quite getting into the duties yet, since this chapter focuses on three Princesses and two Sandwiches finding out about the swap and getting the sun risen.

Also, after some debate on whether or not Cheese could use Party Pony magic as Celestia... I decided to go with the option of him not being able to. Instead, Celestia's stuck with the powers while she's in Cheese's body.

And yes, I know the sun being too close would have done more damage than happened in the chapter. *crawls into a hole*

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