• Published 27th Dec 2014
  • 2,819 Views, 786 Comments

Brotherly Bonding Time - Sketcha-Holic

Cheese Sandwich drags his brother, Tomato, in a trip across Equestria as part of his effort to rebuild their relationship. The mishaps that occur will put their rekindled bond--and their sanity--to the test.

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11.6--Ease of Pain

As Windswept was packing his things in his dressing room, thanking the heavens for allowing him to escape the melee, there was a knock upon his door. Rolling his eyes, he grumbled about how he didn't want to be bothered and went to the door to open it. Once he opened the door, his face somehow managed to become paler than usual. His nephew stood there, backed by Shining Armor and the Crystal Guard.

"Sir, we have received a tip that that the Shining Vocals competition has been rigged," Shining Armor said. "We believe that there may be evidence in your dressing room."

Windswept shot a brief glare at Herald--who flinched at that--and then turned back to Shining Armor. "There must be some sort of mistake. I assure you that somepony's just trying to slander me."

Shining Armor smiled. "If that's the case, then you shouldn't have to worry about anypony finding anything that could point to a crime like, say, blackmail."

The guards marched in and started to rummage through Windswept's decor. They went to the dresser, tilting the mirror to look behind it, opening the drawers to see its contents, and even checking a couple of tiny boxes on top, pushing them away once they realized that the only things in them was styling gel in one, and a powder puff in the other. They looked through Windswept's suitcase, finding only extra neckerchiefs so far. They opened up the wardrobe, and nosed around in Windswept's outfits. All the while, Windswept stared in disbelief.

He narrowed his eyes at Herald. "What is the meaning of this? What kind of joke are you pulling?"

Herald brushed his hoof on the floor and took a deep breath. "Uncle Windy, your cheating on my behalf made it so nopony won."

Windswept scoffed and looked at Shining Armor. "Oh, the boy's crazy. Even if I was rigging the competition, we all know that the disaster was caused by that lunatic brother of Cheese Sandwich! I think he secretly might be more insane than the one who makes a career out of insanity!"

The wardrobe had been scooted from against the wall, and the lone non-crystal pony guard had crawled behind the wardrobe. After about a minute, his head popped out of there, his face pale and his hoof shakily holding up a folder marked 'Sapphire Shores'. "Hey, does this file of mangled porpoises count?"

Another guard had been flipping through notes on a notepad, and stopped at a certain page. "And these notes are detailing how to effectively lie about how his divorce with Starsong went down."

The last guard pulled a sticky note from the bottom of a drawer. "And here's a note with the name of Countess Coloratura's favorite charity."

Shining Armor nodded with a thoughtful pout. "I see. I wonder why he has those?"

Windswept started to sweat. "Oh, no, no, no, surely you must consider the possibility of some scumbag planting this false evidence!" He glared at Herald once again, and pointed to him. "After all, the youth can't be trusted! How do you know he's not lying?!"

Herald backed up a little when accused, but took a deep breath and marched forward. "So after all you've said about 'helping me' and 'improving my life', you're willing to turn on me to save your own skin?"

Windswept looked at the guards comparing the mouthwriting on the evidence with some of his other notes, biting his lip. He drew Herald close and put a hoof on the pegasus' mouth. "Don't listen to the boy! He's obviously been dealing with bad influences back home! I mean... I hear he's friends with a hippie that lies about being a hippie!"

Herald pulled himself out of Windswept's grip. "First off, she never claimed she was a hippie. Second, the only bad influence in my life is you."

Windswept blinked, and then laughed. "Oh, you can't be serious, child! How am I a bad influence?"

"Ignoring the evidence against you that they've found, you forced me into this contest, claiming that I'd be nothing without your help in 'raising me to stardom'. You either ignored or ridiculed my desires for my future in favor of your vision, threatened to force my school to boot me out if I don't comply, and you even dragged others into your selfish scheme!"

Windswept's ears folded back and his hoof stamped the ground. "Selfish?! How can helping my nephew become a renowned celebrity be selfish in any way?"

Herald's glare intensified. "You were doing it to prop up your own ego and live your bygone youth again through me. After all, I recall you didn't care much for me before I got my cutie mark. In fact, you don't care much for anyone but yourself."

Windswept's blue eyes suddenly resembled dark thunderclouds, and he lifted a hoof high in the air, which Herald flinched and backed up at the sight of. With a snort, Windswept began, "How dare you--"

His descending hoof was stopped by Shining Armor's magic. The unicorn prince shook his head, and said, "All right, I've seen enough. The files we have here, the reports of a bound and gagged pony sliding through the hall and said pony claiming to have been kidnapped on your orders... and of course, that exchange I just saw; looks like we've seen your true colors, Mr. Goldenmane." He glanced at the rest of the guards. "Take him in, boys."

The guards saluted, and marched forward to grab Windswept. Herald and Shining Armor watched as the middle-aged stallion was dragged away, kicking and shouting, "You cannot do this to me! Do you not know who I am? I am the host of the Shining Vocals, without me the competition has no face!"

As soon as they were out of the room, Herald sighed and glanced up at Shining Armor. "I'm sorry for the hassle... maybe you should take me in too."

Shining Armor smiled and patted his shoulder. "Nah, you're okay; in the end, you did what was right. Right now, it's late, and you should go back to your hotel room and get some shuteye."

It was the next morning, where after a bit of hassle with prescription medicine, information on his doctor, and covering the cost (which Cadance offered to cover), Cheese had been released from the hospital, with a warning to be careful. After all, he didn't want to cause more damage with a physical injury, or come in contact with spells more potent on those with mind problems like his.

As he and Tomato walked out of the hospital, Cheese glared at the little bottle that contained his medicine. "How dare the doctor say that my brain chemicals are out of whack." He stuffed the bottle into his mane, and the two started walking to the park, where they were going to go on a picnic with the twins and their parents. "I mean, sure, I had a headache, but it's not like I smashed my head against concrete."

Tomato looked at him in concern. "Technically, you did smack headfirst into a wall last night."

"I don't remember that."

"Head trauma does make you unable to remember the impact and the moments leading up to it."

Cheese raised an eyebrow. "Oh, are you a medical expert?"

"No. I just remember it from doing a report in school." Tomato scowled and gazed at his reflection in the shiny street. "I hated that report... I got a B and Mom fussed about it for weeks." He sighed and shook his head. "The doctor said that if it hadn't been for Cadance's healing spell, your damage could have been much worse. Instead of being careful with parties, you'd have to give them up altogether."

Cheese gasped. "No! If I'm not a party pony, then, then, I-I-I don't know who I'd be! I mean, uh... what kind of identity would I have? What would be my special talent? A hobo?"

Tomato gave him an odd look. "Uh... just a regular musician? Or perhaps an architect? Engineer? Rock Farmer?" A smug smile crept onto his face. "Businesspony?"

Cheese playfully pushed him away, nearly bumping him into a Crystal Pony. "Okay, now you're just being silly with that last one."

Tomato sheepishly grinned at the annoyed pedestrian, and continued on with Cheese. "I was being silly with the 'rock farmer' thing. But... I have noticed a few businesslike behaviors whenever you're in a negotiation for the what, why, and how of the party that's going to be thrown. Heck, I think the only difference is that you're not working for money--just smiles."

Cheese smiled and shook his head. "You're just reading too much into things." He hopped onto a crystal bench and walked on it with just his two front hooves. "I could easily come up with insane logic on why you'd actually make a pretty good party pony."

"Cheese, I only threw that party back in that town with tons of help, organization, and a unicorn with an endless supply of balloons. I don't think that counts."

Cheese chuckled as he hopped off the bench. "Hey, I've had help in setting up parties. I can't cook, remember? Being a party pony is not about just yanking things out of thin air, you know. It's doing all in your power to make sure ponies are happy and having fun in your activities. This job is one of my greatest joys in life... I'd do anything to make sure that I can still do my job with no worries."

"In that case, remember to take your medicine."

Cheese groaned. "I hate taking pills."

They made to the park, where the pegasus family had been busy spreading out the blanket and sorting the food. Cirrus turned and spotted the Sandwiches, to whom she smiled and waved. Nimbus soon noticed them as well, and then waved both front legs faster than he flapped his wings. Cheese and Tomato waved back, and then trotted to the blanket before sitting down.

The twins and their parents sat down with them. Presenting the food, Cirrus said, "We're having a sandwich buffet! Surely you guys named Sandwich would appreciate having a sandwich!" She snickered. "Or do you consider it cannibalism?"

Cheese took a couple slices of bread and started stacking cheese on it. "Whenever I eat a tomato, I always joke to myself that I'm eating my brother."

Tomato turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "And now you're eating yourself."

Everypony else sat down and started to choose what to put in their sandwiches. As Nimbus spread some mayonnaise on his bread, he asked, "So, Cheese, how's your head?"

Cheese wrinkled his nose and rubbed his head. "Doctor says I have to have meds to keep my brain chemicals in check or something like that. She says that some kind of magic disrupted my brain's function and was making it go haywire in trying to fix itself, resulting in headaches and sensory overload. Whatever it was, I'm sure we won't have any more problems with it."

Raincloud finished making her BLT (beet, lettuce, tomato) sandwich. "Don't jinx yourself. I said the same thing after I recovered from colic, and I ended up with it again within a year."

Cirrus shuddered. "Don't remind us! You'll make us lose our appetites."

Tomato set down his sandwich. "Too late."

Blazing Silver munched on his hay sandwich. "You pansy."

Nimbus was about to take a bite out of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but then he spotted a familiar white pegasus sitting on a park bench not too far from them. Seeing him lonely once again, Nimbus hovered and said, "Excuse me for a moment."

Blinking, Cirrus turned to that bench to take a look. She turned back to her brother with a scowl. "Really, Nimbus? Again? Why do you keep pushing and pulling that guy into our lives?"

"Simple. He's lonely."

"Let someone else handle him for once!" Cirrus rubbed her temples. "Do you really want ponies to think that you swing that way when you don't? Because it's already a problem for you with those theater stallion stereotypes."

"Leave him be, Cirrus," Raincloud said. "For all we know, he might actually be trying to set you up."

"I'm not interested," Cirrus protested.

"And that's not what I'm doing at all," Nimbus said, blinking. "Can't a guy just make a new friend? Besides, Cirrus, you know I'm good at making friends with 'professional kicked puppies'. We made friends with Tomato, after all."

Tomato perked up and shot a glare at Nimbus. "Hey! I'm not a--"

Nimbus flew off before Tomato could finish the sentence. Cheese chuckled, and remarked, "You know, if he had the right magic, he'd make a great party pony."

Tomato sighed. "That'd make five I've met."

Cheese nodded proudly. However, his face was suddenly in an O shape as a ripple went through his body, accordion music rang from his cutie mark, and his tail pointed south. Blinking, he added, "Well, Nimbus may not be a party pony, but you're still going to met a fifth party pony!"

Blazing Silver blinked. "What just happened?"

Tomato waved a hoof in dismissal. "It's his Cheesy Sense, it tells him where to go." He turned to Cheese. "And what do you mean 'I'm going to meet a fifth'?"

Cheese grinned. "Well, Pinkie may have been my inspiration, but I have learned plenty of stunts and tricks from one of the greatest party ponies of all: Ponyacci! We're going to his hometown next!" He rubbed his head. "Maybe a smaller party would be good for my head..."

"Ah, Ponyacci, that's ni--" Tomato's eyes widened to extreme proportions. "Wait a minute, do you mean that clown?!"

Cheese bit his lip and nodded.

Teeth chattering and body shuddering, Tomato buried his face in the blanket, a muffled scream coming from the cloth. Cirrus snickered at Tomato's reaction, while her parents just stared at him in bewilderment before looking up at Cheese for an explanation.

Cheese sighed. "He's afraid of clowns..." He glared at Tomato. "And for goodness' sake, he retired from the circus! He's not going to be in costume when you meet him!"

Tomato peeked at him, and mumbled, "He better not be."

Nimbus returned with Herald, grinning from ear to ear. "He's waiting for the next train to Salt Lick City, which won't come for another forty-five minutes, so he's going to eat with us until it's time for him to go." Nimbus flew back to his original spot, while Herald just sat on the edge of the blanket. "Also, his uncle got arrested last night for blackmail, rigging the competition, and holding Tomato hostage."

Herald nodded. "It's... kinda scary telling him off too. But, well, I feel like a great weight's been lifted off my shoulders..." He looked at Tomato and frowned. "Uh... is he okay?"

Tomato buried his face once again, the promise he made to himself the day before popping into his mind. While his fears over meeting Ponyacci had been somewhat assuaged, an even greater fear was nagging at him. The fear of having his arguments turned against him, used to shift blame onto him, and being brushed off as a pony who never truly grew from teenage moodiness, having only imaginary problems with those who had raised him. After all, as he had been told all his life, they were only doing what was best for him.

Just how was he supposed to stand up to his mother?

Author's Note:

And now, I have officially wrapped up this arc. For an arc that took place in the Crystal Empire, it didn't feel much like a Crystal Empire story as much as the other arcs felt they were in their settings...

And now, off to meet Ponyacci! Couldn't leave this old sweetie out!

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