• Published 27th Dec 2014
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Brotherly Bonding Time - Sketcha-Holic

Cheese Sandwich drags his brother, Tomato, in a trip across Equestria as part of his effort to rebuild their relationship. The mishaps that occur will put their rekindled bond--and their sanity--to the test.

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3.1--Stuck in a Tree

After spending the night in Ponyville, Cheese and Tomato trotted out, awaiting the Cheesy Sense to tell them what their next venture would be. In the meantime, they were heading up into the mountains and into the White Tail Woods, camping out once again.

Now, while Cheese was completely relaxed, happy to sleep under the stars and tell tales of some wacky adventures he had, Tomato was a little unsure about being in the woods. Of course, when he let that slip, Cheese tried to assuage his fears with, "Don't worry, we're not in the Everfree Forest. That's the forest that has all the monsters. But here? We're just fine."

Tomato had read lines like that in some horror books. Usually the ponies ended up dead.

Still, Cheese was the one who survived in the wild for more than a decade. Surely he knew what he was talking about. If he didn't, well, Tomato would have become an only child far too quickly for his liking. Then again, he had practically been an only child since Cheese ran away.

Tomato shook his head and looked up at the stars above him. He felt rocks and sticks on his back, even with Cheese having cleared the space as much as he could before laying down the tarp for both to sleep on. While he was glad that Cheese had the uncanny ability to pull things out of nowhere so that they didn't get dirt on their backs, he just wished that he cleared the junk away better.

Tomato breathed in the cool night air, still looking up at the stars. It was amazing just how many there were up there. For some reason, looking up at them made him feel at peace, like the stars were angels' peepholes to the world below.

As his eyes grew heavy, he removed his glasses and laid them beside him. Curling up under his serape, he still felt as if there was still something wandering these woods.

Tomato woke up to facial hair.

Feeling his muzzle, he wondered why it took him until now to notice that he was growing not just a mustache, but a little goatee as well. How long had it been visible? Did the Ponyvillians see it and just not comment on it? Then again, most of them disliked him, so none ever came close enough to notice.

He sat up and stretched with a yawn. He shook his head, put on his glasses, and looked at his surroundings. The sun shone through the trees, creating a subtle glow on the white trunks and the flowers around them. Birds were perched on the branches, singing with all their heart and soul, providing a lovely melody for the forest. Squirrels were chattering in a way that was not disruptive, and actually enhancing the song. A gentle breeze rattled the leaves and the nearby brook babbled, adding to the harmony. Tomato remained silent, entranced by the music that nature was creating on such a beautiful morning.

Tomato rolled up the sleeves of his white button shirt, due to it being a little warm. The breeze brushed his cheek, and the natural song was inviting him to sing along. But he still remained silent, fearing his contribution would just disrupt the melody.

He still felt his face, wrinkling his nose at his new beard, and turned to shake Cheese awake. However, he recoiled when he saw his brother turn to him with a sudden jerk, wide-eyed and with a big grin. With a surge of fear and equally wide eyes, Tomato scooted back.

Cheese jumped up on his hind hooves and stretched, giving out a loud yawn in the process. Smacking his lips and going back on all fours, he turned to Tomato and said, "Mornin'!"

Blinking, Tomato replied, "Good morning."

Cheese shook himself, and took a look at Tomato's face. "Hey! Nice mustache! And the goatee complements it well."

Tomato rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry, but I don't like it."

Cheese chuckled. "Tommy, you don't have to keep up appearances; we're in the wild right now, nopony will judge you for growing a beard."

Tomato still stroked his muzzle, irritated with himself for not being able to stop. "I personally find it annoying. And I don't want to go through the trouble of maintaining the thing. Do you have a spare razor?"

Cheese sighed, and pulled one out of wherever. Giving it to Tomato, Cheese warned, "Careful, you don't want to shave off part of your coat."

As he accepted the razor, Tomato added, "A mirror would be nice. I need to look where I'm shaving."

Cheese groaned, and pulled a mirror out of the same place. He cartwheeled to a tree near the brook, and leaned the mirror against the trunk. He cartwheeled back to his spot, grabbed Tomato, and dragged him to the tree. Taking a deep breath, Cheese said, "All right, don't drop the razor, don't cut yourself, don't tear off your red fur and leave an ugly pink furless patch on your face, don't tease any animals, and most importantly, don't break the mirror. That's bad luck."

Tomato raised an eyebrow. "Gee, you're superstitious. You need to calm down. Say, you have any shaving cream?"

Cheese snorted. "No. The only cream I have is..." He reached into his mane, and pulled out a can. "Whipped cream!" Giving it to his brother, he added, "I've shaved with this stuff for years, give it a try!"

Tomato stared blankly at the can. "You've got to be kidding me..."

Cheese shook his head and rubbed his chin. "Nope!"

"...Cheese, this'll make my fur clump together. And don't you ever worry that it'll attract animals?"

"Psht, it hasn't happened yet. Don't worry, the kind I have is nice and fluffy, good on the skin, and when you're done, you can lick it off!"

Tomato opened his mouth to argue, but decided that it wasn't worth it. He set the can and razor down on a nearby rock, reached into the brook, and splashed his face with water. Then, looking in the mirror, he picked up the can, sprayed the whipped cream on his hoof, and spread it all over his face.

Cheese grinned. "Glad you see it my way. I'll start up the campfire for breakfast. We're going to roast some of the leftover carrot dogs!" He set Boneless 2 down by the razor and can and patted the rubber chicken's head. "You two watch each other, okay?" With that, he spun around and trotted away to gather some firewood.

Tomato sighed and looked at the chicken. "Whipped cream... can you believe it, Boneless 2?"

He paused to stare at the inanimate object, and then slowly turned away to face the mirror. "His crazy is rubbing off on me already... I'll be a maniac before the summer ends..."

He grabbed the razor with his tail, and carefully began the first stroke. As he did so, he sang:

"I'm shavin'
Shaving off unwanted hair
While I am in the woods somewhere
Getting ready for the day..."

Cheese used his tail to launch a stick onto his back, letting land on the pile that was already on his back. He whistled merrily as he trotted through the woods, giving his contribution to the song that nature was already singing. He gazed upward as happy birds flew above him, chirping along with his whistling. His trot was even giving a nice beat to the melody, and his head bobbed as he listened to the wind in the trees, the babbling brook, and all the animals doing their thing.

Truly it was going to be a magical day.

Cheese would have sang, but there were no words that could be sung for nature's song, so he just kept on whistling. He had the firewood carefully balanced on his back, so he was not worried. He scanned the ground, spotted another stick, and as he passed it, he picked it up with his tail.

No Cheesy Sense yet, but it would come. If it didn't come within the next week, then he'd be worried. It usually meant his magic was drained or he was seriously emotionally compromised, like if he was having a bout of depression or something like that. But, he knew neither was the case, and he expected to be on his way to the next town soon.

Now, the question was if Tomato was going to be a party pooper again and not help. Even though the citizens of Ponyville were not too keen on his brother after the Fall Festival incident, Cheese was still a little bothered by Tomato declining to help. So what if the only party he threw ended badly? It was only just one, and Tomato had been eight at the time. Surely Tommy could be a much better help as an adult.

Plus, if he could assist in managing a fundraiser, then he couldn't be that bad at helping set up a party.

As he picked up the next stick, he noticed that it had gone silent, and he could feel a chill run down his back. He froze, and crouched down, adjusting his ears to listen for anything strange. He bit his lip and glanced around, his nerves suddenly growing uneasy. On his left, there was nothing. On his right, there was nothing. Behind him, there was nothing. And still, this sense of dread held him.

His ears twitched, and everything was still. The atmosphere of where he stood was strangely eerie, even though it was broad daylight. He couldn't help but feel that he was not alone, though he heard nothing. It was like the calm before the storm, and he kept expecting the coldest rain, the harshest wind, and the hottest lightning to strike him. The silence made time stretch even longer, and he felt as he had stood there for hours.

Finally, he could hear a distant crunching. It was faint, but it was enough to break the silence. He raised his head and pursed his lips, wondering what it could be. He could hear faint snorts and heavy breathing as well, which prompted him to run through a list of large creatures in his mind. Was it a bear? Was it a monster that wandered out of the Everfree? Was it a moose?

He shook his head and snorted. "Probably just a fellow traveler. Big pony... like Big McIntosh, or Bulk Biceps, or a Royal Guard. Nothing to worry about."

He looked at the sticks on his back. Still hearing the crunching, he muttered, "...yeah, that's enough firewood."

"...I've never lost any beard I've ever missed,
But I've never used any cream like this!"

Tomato grabbed the can of whipped cream and thrust it into the air, his eyes squeezed shut and a wild grin on his face. And then he bellowed out,

"I'm... SHAVING!"

His song was interrupted by loud crunching behind him. He jumped and dropped the can, which rolled into the brook. Tomato blinked, looked around, and then looked straight at Boneless 2.

"Did you hear that?" There was a pause before Tomato smacked himself and grumbled, "Of course not, he's not alive..."

He then shrugged and crawled to the bank to grab the can. Much to his dismay, it had floated out of his reach, which elicited a groan from him. He dropped his face in the dirt, at which point he remembered the whipped cream on his face. With a sigh, he muttered, "And now I can't lick it off."

He leaned into the brook and splashed his face to wash the cream and dirt off. After that was done, he rose up, and turned to the mirror to examine his work. As he looked in the mirror and felt his face, he felt something breathing down his neck. The breathing made a chill run through his body, and his heart began to pound.

He looked to another spot in the mirror, where he found the can of whipped cream right behind him, between a large set of dirty, yellow teeth. Gulping, he slowly turned around, and found himself face to face with a large, brown, Clydesdale horse.

The horse had a wild, matted dark brown mane, and was dirty from head to enormous hoof. His nostrils were flared, his red eyes were caught in a fierce glare--in which Tomato could see his terrified reflection in the pupils--and he was stomping one of those unnaturally large hooves of his. Tomato could feel each breath on his face, which fogged his glasses, and he broke out in a cold sweat, his heart racing. His heart beat even faster when the large horse crushed the can with his teeth, chewed it, and swallowed it without any difficulty.

With a sheepish grin, Tomato murmured, "Uh... hi, Bighoof?"

Bighoof roared and jutted out one of his front hooves in a punch. Tomato gasped and rolled out of the way of the punch, which ended up shattering the mirror.

Tomato stopped his roll and panted, looking back at the fragments. When Bighoof roared again, Tomato grabbed Boneless 2 with his tail and bolted, with the larger equine in pursuit.

One moment, Cheese was just trotting back to camp, with plenty of firewood and a growling stomach. The very next moment, he paused as his little brother sped past him, shouting, "Cheese, run for your life, it's Bighoof!"

Cheese blinked, turned, and gave the still-running Tomato a funny look. "Huh? Bighoof?"

He jumped as he heard heavy breathing from a large creature, and turned back around to find a large horse galloping toward him, a roaring neigh coming out of his drooling mouth. Cheese's blood ran cold, and he didn't give himself enough time to process the horse before he turned around and sped off in the same direction Tomato did, dropping the firewood and screaming at the top of his lungs.

His mind raced and his hooves did their rapid beat under him. Bighoof? Bighoof exists?! Just how did Tomato end up meeting Bighoof of all ponies?! He was going to have to ask Tomato how this mess happened... if they got out of this alive.

He winded through the trees, both to dodge and to attempt to confuse the much larger equine. He darted to the left, ran around a tree, and then darted to the right and did the same. He continued this in a zigzag pattern, which made Bighoof attempt to do the same, though his turns were noticeably much less sharp. Bighoof would crash into a tree, shake his head, and resume the chase... only to run into another tree. Cheese was too terrified to laugh at the continued running into trees that Bighoof did.

However, during his winding, Cheese had to leap over a bush at one point, and it slowed him down enough that Bighoof caught up and attempted to bite at his tail. That prompted Cheese to gallop faster, even though his legs were beginning to hurt and his lungs felt like they were going to explode.

His eyes darted around the woods as he ran, wondering where Tomato could have gone. If Tommy still could run as fast as he did in colthood, then he should be okay. Unless he ran off a cliff, or in the way of an oncoming train, or into another wild animal, or--

Bighoof snapped at Cheese's tail again, and Cheese forced his aching legs to run even faster, dodge trees, and jump over rocks and bushes. He cursed himself for letting his mind wander, and focused on coming up with a way to get rid of Bighoof. He looked all around for something--anything to get this feral horse off his tail. He glanced back at his pursuer, still roaring out those wild neighs.

However, found himself crashing into Tomato, and the two ended up rolling into a ball, bouncing a few feet forward. They would have stopped had it not been for the landscape dipping into a swell, and the Sandwich ball rolled down the hill, quickly getting the two covered in grass stains, dirt, and small pebbles. Cheese could see his world spin, and he could feel his stomach lurch as he kept rolling. His head hurt, and he closed his eyes in an attempt to stave off the nausea.

Finally, the rolling stopped when they crashed into a tree with a thick, red trunk. Cheese's head hurt even worse now, and he now had a rubber chicken in his face. His stomach churned, and he felt like throwing up.

Both Sandwich brothers sat up in a daze, but Cheese quickly shook himself out of it when he saw that Bighoof had not faltered in his pursuit and was barreling down the hill. Panicking, Cheese tucked Boneless 2 in his shirt, grabbed Tomato's tail with his mouth, and shimmied up the tree.

By the time he reached a branch too high for Bighoof to reach, the brown Clydesdale slammed into the trunk, which would have made them fall had Cheese not had a tight grip on both the branch and his brother's tail. He made sure Tomato was settled on the branch, though it was difficult when Bighoof started bucking the tree to shake them out. The entire thing was quaking, and Cheese and Tomato hugged the branch tightly, nearly lurching off of it.

As Bighoof kept bucking, Cheese yelled, "Tomato, what happened?!"

A buck and a rattling tree later, Tomato answered, "I didn't do anything! I was just shaving and he snuck up on me!"

The tree rattled again, and Bighoof roared. Cheese huffed. "Why's he so mad?!"

"I don't know!" Tomato clung on for dear life as the tree shook once again. He panted and asked, "Any ideas to get rid of him?"

Cheese held on, watching Bighoof bucking the trunk. "Well... uh..." The tree shook again, which was not helping Cheese's queasy stomach. "Ugh... I could throw up on him..."

Tomato let out a groan, which was rattled by Bighoof. "I guess I was right. He does hate ponies."

They had expected another buck, but to their surprise, Bighoof just snorted and paced by the tree, wickering at them and stomping his hoof. After a moment of sitting, Bighoof merely nickered and trotted off, and started to graze on the hill.

Cheese and Tomato sat up on the branch, and looked at the horse in astonishment. Cheese whistled. "Well, what do you know. We met Bighoof."

Tomato pouted at him. "Thanks for stating the obvious."

"Well, we know he exists for sure. You know a lot of ponies have been trying to snap a photo of him since cameras were invented? And nopony would believe that there was a crazy, wild horse living in some forest somewhere? It was almost as ridiculous as the Headless Horse!" Cheese's eyes widened. "What if the Headless Horse exists..."

"Due to it being headless, I doubt it," Tomato replied. He looked down at the grazing Bighoof. "Sheesh, you'd think this guy would live in the Everfree."

Cheese shrugged. "Eh, guess he can't compete with some of the creepy stuff in there. I've been in there more than once, I know. I once debated living there."

"...why? The folks in Ponyville don't like that place."

"Their fears made me decide against it." Then Cheese's face brightened and a smile came to his face. "Aha! I got it! You know how music soothes the savage beast?" He put a hoof behind his back. "Well, with my trusty accordion..." His face fell as he ended up patting his own back. "...where's my trusty accordion?"

Tomato pointed downward. "Uh..."

Cheese looked to where Tomato was pointing, and gasped at the sight of Bighoof now holding his accordion. Even worse was the trail of party implements that Cheese had accidentally dropped during the chase. His jaw was slack as he looked at the mess, as well as watched Bighoof play the accordion loudly and off-key.

Cheese bit at his hoof. "Oh, no no no no no, why? Why? Out of all the times to drop it, it had to be while being chased by Bighoof? Ugh, come on, my accordion's a delicate instrument!"

Tomato tapped his hooves. "If it helps... I saved Boneless 2."

Cheese hit his head against the trunk. "Well, I guess we'll be up here for a while... hopefully it can't get any worse."

Tomato bit his lip and crossed his legs. He looked away from Cheese in embarrassment, muttering something under his breath.

And then, Cheese felt a sharp pain in his flank, and the familiar accordion notes played. His tail pointed to a random direction, and Cheese groaned and hit his head on the trunk again. "Why now? Ugh... Cheesy Sense says to go to Nickerlite."

Tomato narrowed his eyes, shifting uncomfortably on the branch. "Are you always this testy after getting chased by a monster?"

Cheese turned and glared at him for a solid ten seconds, in a manner that told him to shut up. With a snort, he glanced down at Bighoof and said, "He's wearing your suit jacket."

"What?!" Tomato took a look at Bighoof, and sure enough, he was wearing the jacket, which was visibly ripping. "Oh, come on!"

"...take one down, pass it around, no more buckets of oats on the wall."

It was the evening, and the both of them were still stuck in the tree, passing the time by singing songs. Bighoof was still at bay, playing with the stuff that Cheese had dropped, and laughing like an idiot the whole time, though he occasionally barked to keep the Sandwiches in line and out of his way.

Tomato rocked on his part of the branch, legs still crossed and his tail on top of them. He looked at Cheese, who had just barely finished the verse. "Is he still there?"

Cheese looked down at the base of the tree. He sighed. "Yep, he's still there."

"What's he doing now?"

"Um... apparently my accordion and a rock wearing a party hat are in love. Seriously, he's got a soap opera going on down there." Cheese's leg twitched, and he slapped it. "Augh, he better leave soon or my Cheesy Sense is going to kill me!"

Both of their stomachs growled, to which Tomato said, "Or we'll die of starvation. Seriously, I hate that we're not allowed to eat." He rocked some more, and he crossed his legs even tighter. "Or relieve ourselves."

"Well, hopefully he'll get bored of us soon."

Tomato scowled. "Perhaps if you didn't make me use whipped cream as shaving cream..."

Cheese glared back. "Oh, you're blaming me for this?"

"Hey, I did say that it would attract animals. As of right now, Bighoof is an animal."

"In that case, let's call Fluttershy, I'm sure she'd be a big help! Besides, you didn't have to use it--heck, you didn't have to shave, ya know!"

Tomato snorted. "Facial hair feels weird to me. Why would I keep something I don't want?"

"Tough cookies, it's better than needing to go and having to hold it in all day while sitting in a tree." Cheese leaned against the trunk, pulled out a harmonica, and started to play a sad tune.

Tomato blinked. "Uh, Cheese? A harmonica is a musical instrument."

Cheese stopped playing. "Yeah, and?"

"Remember that idea you had about music soothing the savage beast?"

"Oh?" Cheese looked at the harmonica, and his eyes widened. He smacked himself on the forehead. "Oh! Duh, why didn't I think of the harmonica earlier?"

He whistled, getting Bighoof's attention. "Hey! Bighoof!"

Bighoof roared in response, making both brothers flinch. Still, Cheese continued, "Now, now, don't be like that. Let me play you a song on my lovely harmonica here." With that, Cheese took a deep breath, and started to play the first song that came to mind.

Tomato recognized the tune as one of his favorite songs, and silently wished that a piano was there to accompany it. Still, he had to gauge the reaction of Bighoof, who was intently listening to the music. Both Sandwiches watched as Bighoof blankly watched them, his ears twitching and his head tilting. The horse pursed his lips as he was trying to decide what to make of this song.

Finally, after about a minute or two, Bighoof roared, turned around, and bucked the tree. The resulting shake made Cheese drop the harmonica, and Tomato nearly falling off the branch, only to be saved by his tail. Now hanging from the branch like a possum, Tomato watched as Bighoof crushed the harmonica, and then threw the flattened instrument somewhere far away.

Cheese clung to the tree. "Did he not like the song?"

"Stupid horse, having no taste," Tomato snarled.

Bighoof roared once again, and started to buck at the tree rapidly. The tree was now in a constant rattle, which made both their stomachs churn and both their heads ache. Even worse, Tomato was in a precarious situation from where he hung. Although his tail was usually reliable, neither he nor Cheese believed that it could hang on for long in this situation. Tomato could already feel his grip loosening, and he looked at the ground pretty far down below. Hitting it was not going to be fun, and being within Bighoof's reach was going to be less so.

One final buck would make Tomato fall, and he was bracing himself for the inevitable.

Luckily, the final buck never came, as before Bighoof could do it, a mare shot out from the woods, jumped on his back, and caught him in a chokehold. Both Sandwiches watched in amazement as despite all of Bighoof's bucking and roaring neighs, the mare still clung on, without any sign of letting go. Bighoof ran away from the tree, still trying to kick her off, but it was all fruitless.

It was about a minute before she made a single move to wrestle him down, and she held him down on the ground for several seconds, giving him quite a nasty stare. Bighoof kicked and screamed to try to fight her off, but he soon cowed under her glare. He started whining like a puppy.

"Bighoof, what did I say about harassing travelers?" the mare scolded.

Bighoof looked away in shame.

The mare clicked her tongue and shook her head. "Shame on you, Bighoof! I told you time and time again that you don't bother ponies that are camping out here! I told you to mind your own business and keep yourself hidden, and they'd leave you alone. But, no, you just had to try to kill them, huh?" She released her grip on the larger equine, and both stood up. "Now... go. Go to your cave and think about what you've done."

With a hanging head, Bighoof turned around and ambled off. With a sigh, the mare looked up at the tree where the Sandwiches were. "You can come down now. He won't bother you no more."

Cheese let out a sigh of relief, and jumped down to the next branch. He grabbed Tomato from where he hung, and then climbed down the rest of the way. They met the mare at the base of the tree, seeing her up close. It turned out that she was an older mare, with a pink coat, golden eyes, and a light brown mane done up in a bun, with the exception of some bangs hanging from her left.

"Thanks for the help," Cheese said.

"Oh, it's no problem. I'm terribly sorry about Bighoof. Some days he's shy, and some days he's hostile. Can't really tell how he's feeling on any given day."

"So, uh, is he your kid?"

"Oh, no, he's not--I don't have any kids. I'm not even married! Still, I have to parent him whenever he pulls a stunt like this." She blew on her bangs, and then smiled warmly at them. "So what are your names, dearies?"

"I'm Cheese Sandwich, and this is my brother, Tomato Sandwich." He thrust out a hoof.

The mare took the hoof and shook it. "I'm Sedimentary Rock--but you can call me 'Seddie.' You're welcome to stay at my cabin until morning."

Cheese looked away. "Oh, well, we don't want to take advantage of--"

"Oh, no, I insist. Bighoof might forget about my scolding... again." Seddie sighed. "He always does."

Cheese sighed as well. "I guess when you put it that way... one night won't hurt."

Seddie clapped her hooves. "Good! I have a couple of spare rooms for lost hikers and campers. I promise you'll be safe. Follow me."

Seddie trotted off, with the Sandwiches behind her. While they did so, Tomato asked, "So... do you have an outhouse I can use?"

Author's Note:

I have no idea how ponies trim their facial hair--but considering that they grow facial hair, I assume that they do. Let's not take this seriously, I only came up with that scene because I wanted to do a little parody of this song:

I'm going to be honest, the Garth Brooks cover is better--believe me, I have both on my Mp3. It just works better as a country song...
For some reason, when I was little, I had heard it as "Shaving", and I still find it funny to this day.

This chapter was kind of sort of inspired by the Bigfoot scene in A Goofy Movie. Except Bighoof is meaner... eeeeuggghh...

Oh, yeah, and raise your hand if you're happy to see Seddie again! That is, if you've read The Rock Farmer's Daughters...

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