• Published 10th Jan 2015
  • 2,780 Views, 44 Comments

Fading Memories Create New Ones - Killjoy_Writer

Turquoise Blitz is having a hard time with Anthea's death. But one mare will help him keep a promise for life: To keep moving on.

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Chapter Two - Happiness and Love are Patient

Chapter Two – Happiness and Love are Patient

We now shift to our next important character in this tale. She is of higher importance in this land of Equestria and no, she isn't Princess Celestia or Princess Luna, but the daughter of the Princess of the Night, Nidra. Half-batpony and half-alicorn, she is the only daughter of Princess Luna. Nidra woke up the next morning dreading her half-alicorn side because it's not very frequent that a batpony wakes up when Luna's duties end. Nevertheless, she got up and stretched. She had nothing to do so she decided to visit her friends, who were still alive that is. Nidra fixed her mane and headed out.

While walking to the front gate, she bumped into her aunt who was walking to her throne to begin her duties. “Oh! Morning, Aunt Celestia!” Nidra jumped as she saw who it was.

“Good morning, Nidra. I'm surprised to see you out and about this early in the day.” Celestia chuckled as they shared a small hug.

“Stupid half-alicorn side of myself, that's what.” Nidra chuckled, “I best leave you to your duties, Aunt Celestia.”

“Where are you heading, if I may ask.”

“Just to see some friends.” What's left of them, at least......

“Okay, see you then!” With that that they departed and Nidra's smile faded as she knew the only friends who haven't died off yet: Anthea and Turquoise Blitz.

T woke up and stretched to a knocking door. “Be right there!” he called out through a small yawn. He walked downstairs scratching his head as to figure out who would be at his door at this time. When he opened the door, he saw who was waiting, one of his old friends, Nidra. “N-Nidra!?” he had a slight bit of shock in his voice as he saw the batpony alicorn standing there, “W-What are you doing here?” He moved out of the way as Nidra entered.

“Just wanted to visit you and Anthea. Have nothing better to do at this time of the day.” she sighed.

“Heh, true. Because you'd be asleep right now.” They shared a small smile as T wrapped his scarf around his neck and headed out.

They walked in silence as they headed toward FCH. They walked through the door and went to the elevator and waited. When they entered, T decided to break the awkward silence between them. “I didn't see you at my sister's wedding, why is that?” he noted.

“I had to help Aunt Cadence at the Crystal Empire during that week.”

“I thought you were looking forward to your cousin's wedding.” Nidra knew T was right. She wanted to see Illusion get married to Claire because it would mean that she'd be closer to a friend. Nidra looked down at her hooves. She was disappointed at herself for failing to attend.

“Listen, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself.” T spoke again, “Mistakes happen but they can be set straight.” Nidra looked up at T who had a warm smile. The elevator dinged as they reached the third floor and they exited.

At the third floor receptionist counter, Nurse Redheart was talking with another one of the nurses. They looked at Nidra as they approached and bowed at the princess. “Princess Nidra! What an-” Nidra held up a hoof and cut her mid-sentence.

“This is not a formal visit, Ms. Redheart.” Nidra noted as she rose up, “Just here to see a friend.” And with that T and Nidra entered Anthea's room.

Anthea looked at Nidra as she entered. “Hey, Nidra! Long time!”

“Same here friend.” Even Nidra, somepony who doesn't smile often, had to half-smile at Anthea.

T and Anthea we're out and about one spring afternoon in the streets of Ponyville. They were on their way to a welcome party at Sugarcube Corner because a princess had arrived and they didn't know who is was. As T was about to knock on the door, the door suddenly opened and standing there with a smile that could stretch over a mile was Cotton Candy, daughter of Pinkie Pie and Pokey Pierce. “Hiya guys!”

“Hey, Candy!” Anthea smiled back as they entered.

“You said a princess was visiting, right?” T noted, “Where is she?”

“Follow me!” Candy smiled as she lead her friends to a table. The mare sitting on the other side was a batpony but at the same time an alicorn. Her yellow eyes gleamed in the light and her mane was a short cut. “T, Anthea, meet Nidra, daughter of Princess Luna and Prince Supernova!”

“Hey there! I'm Anthea, adopted daughter of Fluttershy!” Anthea smiled as she greeted the dark blue blob. Nidra and T just looked at each other.

Batpony wings and a horn!? What is she??

Claws, lizard tail, wings like mine, and eye slits!? What is he???

T snapped out of his daze as he felt Anthea jab his side. “I-I'm Turquoise Blitz. Son of Rarity and Spike.”

“Hello, Anthea and Turquoise. It's nice to meet your acquaintance.”

“Likewise, Princess.” T and Anthea bowed and then went to join their other friends.

Though it was short, that meeting drew Turquoise into a love triangle of sadness.

T sat next to Anthea and signaled Nidra over. Nidra's smile faded as she went to Annie's side. Nidra, now closer to her friend, felt her heart increase weight because of sadness. From head to hoof, she noted that Anthea's previously pink coat was now a shade of grey like her eyes. Same with her mane and tail. Nidra felt a tear start to fall. “There's no need to be sad, Nidra.” Anthea soothed

“Yes there is!” Nidra stepped back. She didn't mean to yell.

“And why is that?” Anthea asked, her voice raising a little. T lifted a hoof to intervene but put it down. “Hm?”

“BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO LOOSE ANOTHER FRIEND!!!!! I'M SICK AND TIRED OF SEEING EVERYONE I CALLED MY FRIENDS DIE!!!!! ” Nidra's voice was close to that of a Royal Canterlot voice. Anthea's eyes widened at the sudden outburst and Nidra ran out, leaving a trail of tears in her wake.

“Nidra!” T called out as he went after her, leaving a struck Anthea alone.

T caught up with the grief-stricken Princess outside of FCH. She just sat on a bench and continued to let the tears fall. “Nidra.....”

“What do you want!?”

“I just came out here to check on you! Okay?” Nidra got up and started to walk away but T put a hoof out, stopping Nidra in her tracks. Nidra turned with fresh tears falling. Her sad expression turned to one of surprised when T pulled her into a hug. She detected sadness in T as he held her. Suddenly, Nidra heard something that sounded like crying. T.....why are you sad? “I don't want her to leave me.......I want her to stay.....” He cried out.

He dropped to the ground sobbing uncontrollably. Nidra dropped down until she was eye level with the grief-stricken kirin. Nidra place one of her hooves on T's chin and lifted his head and stared into his teary eyes. “Nidra......” She shushed him with her other hoof. “I know.....I don't want her to leave either.......” she smiled through tears. T then suddenly pulled her head closer..........

......and kissed.

Author's Note:

Time: 8:32 P.M.
Listening to: For The First Time by The Script

Ugh.......another several hour long chapter.
But this, my little followers, is just the beginning of their little heart breaking. :raritywink:


P.S. Because of school this week, I might not post a chapter. Just sit tight and wait for Chapter Three - Sleepless Nights! :twilightsmile: More heartbreak inbound!

(Revised February 7th, 2015 by me)