• Published 10th Jan 2015
  • 2,780 Views, 44 Comments

Fading Memories Create New Ones - Killjoy_Writer

Turquoise Blitz is having a hard time with Anthea's death. But one mare will help him keep a promise for life: To keep moving on.

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Chapter Four - A Visit to the Past

Author's Note:

Time: 0003 hours
Listening to: Face Down (Acoustic) by RJA
Mood: Slightly heartbroken

This song + this chapter = massive heartbreak

Be warned: lots of heartbreak in this chapter and Chapter Five - Final Hours and a Challenging Promise
You've been warned!! :raritywink:

I hate it when I give myself heartbreak or any other emotion when I type.....but that means I'm doing amazing! :raritywink:


(Revised February 7th, 2015 by me)

Chapter Four – A Visit to the Past

On the next morn in Ponyville, a dragon awoke in his home that he had once shared with his family. He yawned as he stretched his massive body across the room. He had to move his sleeping area downstairs from his usual area due to his now bigger size. Today's the day..... he thought with a sigh as he somewhat sat up. Then he heard a knock on the door. “You don't have to knock, Claire.” he answered as a lavender kirin stepped through the door.

“Just wanted to make sure you were up dad.” she smiled as she hugged her dad.

“Where's Turquoise? Isn't he usually here before you?”

“Hm. Come to think of it, yeah.”

“Well, let's check his house.” Spike started for the door when Claire had an idea. “Let's check Canterlot.”


“I think I saw him near the castle while I was at work.” Claire explained as she climbed onto her father's back.

“You're getting heavier....” Spike smiled with a little groan.

“Come on! We haven't got all day!” And with that, Spike took off towards Canterlot Castle.

Meanwhile at the castle, T was busy waking up. He, too, sighed as he remembered what day it was. Time to go visit mom..... He rolled over to where Nidra used to be and looked around the room to find where she went. When he looked up, her saw her hanging off a support for the roof by her tail and sleeping. Typical. He smiled as he got up. When he reached for the doorknob, the door was immediately swung open and standing there was his father and Claire. “Well,” Spike started, “We found him.”

“I can explain.” T stated as he sheepishly smiled and rubbed the back of his head.

After much explaining, they were finally on their way to the Ponyville Cemetery to visit their mother who was sleeping peacefully with her other friends. Except for Twilight, that is. When they entered, they went towards the center where Princess Twilight had a separate area built for her friends and their families to be buried. They approached the large iron gates, detailed to have gems resembling the cutie marks of the other five of the Mane 6. So that there were no grave robbers entering, Twilight had guards posted at the main gate and patrolling but kept the place open to the public. A guard at the gate nodded and let them through as he recognized Spike.

T separated from his family and said that he would catch up to them later and veered towards the other graves he knew were his peacefully resting friends. He stopped at every single one of them and stood for a few minutes. You guys don't deserve this fate. None of us do. He looked away as he sighed and went to rejoin his family. I'm the one who should be cherishing these moments. he thought as he remembered looking at the colts and fillies playing in the snow-covered streets. He rejoined with his sister and father a little time later at a massive stone statue modeled after his mom to the last detail. On the headstone there was a heart-shaped ruby and words with the highest calligraphy skill that read:

Here lies Rarity, the Element of Generosity.
Loving friend, wife, and mother.
May her gem shine on in the darkest of times.

“It was so nice of you to give up mom's ruby for this, dad.” Claire spoke as she put a hoof on his shoulder, “She must be so proud of you.”

“You're right.” he smiled as he looked up at the statue of the, “I know you're here with us, Rares. I can feel you. You're body may have left us, but your essence will forever linger in us. I love you until the end of time.” He touched the headstone as a tear started to fall. Claire reached to wipe it away but her father stopped her hoof. “Let it fall. It's good for the body and the mind.” he stated as he started towards the gates. Claire copied her father's motions and left her brother alone who was staring at the stone statue of his mother. “Well, mom,” he began at the expressionless statue, “Your daughter-in-law will be joining you soon. Leaving Nidra and Illusion as my only living friends.” He smiled as he looked down to the headstone, “You two have a lot of catching up to do.”

He walked away from his mother's grave but didn't head to the gate. Instead he headed to the statue across from it. The statue was of a pegasus with a long mane and tail. On the headstone it had a pink jewel in the shape of a heart similar to Rarity's and it read:

Here lies Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness.
Loving friend and mother.
Even though she's gone, her kindness affected us all.

T looked up to the statue with a look of grief. “Hey, Fluttershy,” he started, his voice quivering slightly, “I kept your promise. I cared and loved her all I could. But who is there to stop the wheel of fate?” He looked at the ground with closed eyes as he felt the cold tears start to fall.

“At least you two will be together again.” he felt his legs give-in and he fell to the cobblestone ground and wept uncontrollably.

Many, many, years ago....

T and Anthea entered the hospital room where Fluttershy, Anthea's adoptive mother, was spending her last moments. They both went to opposite sides of the weak Fluttershy after pushing through their friends and family. “You finally came......” she whispered as she turned her head to face Anthea. Annie's usual vibrant and happy expression was nonexistent here. Here, she donned a face of grief and sadness. Fluttershy rested one of her hooves on Anthea's cheek, giving her some comfort. Annie couldn't hold the tears back any longer. One drop turned into ten which turned into fifteen. “Shhhh, my child. Just think, in a few more minutes, I'll be in a much better place with my other friends.” she soothed in the softest tone.

Anthea nodded and kissed her mother. Fluttershy turned to T next. “Turquoise Blitz. My very handsome son-in-law. You took care of my little flower like you said you would.” she smiled as she placed a hoof on his cheek.

“I know how to keep a girl and her mother happy.” he smiled as a tear started to fall. Anthea looked at the blob she knew T, her tears ceasing, and stretched a hoof to him. T, in kind, grabbed it.

“T,” Fluttershy gasped lightly, “Come here.” T broke the embrace he shared with Annie and leaned close to Fluttershy so his ear was close to her mouth. Then she whispered:

Never let her out of your memory. Keep her there until you can't anymore. When you need to, let her go. To show her that you love and care for her. But whatever you do, never stop loving the little flower until the last petal.


Those words still ring inside his head. Forever remembering the promise that will never be broken.

He rose up after remembering that promise he made. He turned to the gate but was stopped by a guard who flew a long way. “Master Turquoise. Urgent message.” the guard huffed.

“Yes?” T stopped.

“It's your wife.” the guard stated as he took off his helmet and held it to his chest. T's wings sprung open and he took off like the cork off a champagne bottle. He had to get to FCH as fast as he could.

Time to continue my promise.........