• Published 10th Jan 2015
  • 2,780 Views, 44 Comments

Fading Memories Create New Ones - Killjoy_Writer

Turquoise Blitz is having a hard time with Anthea's death. But one mare will help him keep a promise for life: To keep moving on.

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Chapter Three - Sleepless Nights

Author's Note:

Time: 6:24 A.M.
Listening to: Nothing
Mood: Still tired

I'm just going to get this out of the way before you read.

On Twitter last night, a certain tumblr user agreed to something that will change this reading experiance. Aero from aero-replies has agreed to turn Fading Memories into a tumblr comic!

I was so ecstatic when they agreed to do it! Hope you are too!


(Revised February 7th, 2015 by me)

Chapter Three – Sleepless Nights

T woke up with a jolt in the late hours of the night. Not again....... He sighed as he climbed out of bed, cautiously and slowly enough so he wouldn't wake the other pony in the bed with him. What is Nidra doing here!? He shook his head and went down the massive hall to the study. Massive hall? Guards?? What am I doing in Canterlot??? He immediately zipped back to Nidra's room and paced in there. What they hay happened? “T? Is that you?” he heard a voice call out in the darkness. He turned to see Nidra sitting there on the bed, wiping her eyes.

“Nidra. Tell me, what am I doing in Canterlot?” he bluntly asked as he turned to her.

“Well.....” Nidra started, “You sort of passed out.......after......” Nidra's face flushed a bright shade of crimson as she looked down at her hooves.

“After what?”

“After you.......kissed me.......” Nidra's face was a deep crimson from blushing so hard. T stood there, confused.

“Did you just say that I kissed you?” Nidra only replied with a small nod.

“I need some air......” T stated. Nidra opened the window with her magic without looking up and the kirin flew down to the garden.

T landed at the gazebo near the garden's center and paced around. First, I'm in Canterlot. Second, I kissed my friend. Third, I am sleeping with my friend. T sighed. Everything is just a big mess ever since you were put in that hospital, Anthea. “Master Turquoise.” he heard somepony say. He turned his head to see a batpony standing there at the entrance to the gazebo. He had jet-black fur, which shined in the moon light as well as his jet-black armor. His eyes were a dark red color, like the shade of... Blood. T shook his head so he wouldn't think about his eyes that much.

As he continued to examine him, he noted that his mane was a dark grey color with golden highlights and some of it looks like it had been burnt at the tips. He also spotted quite a few scars on his head and neck. One across the right eye, one along the left jaw-line, one near his collar bone, and one across his nose. Just like Prism Bolt. “Master Turquoise.” his tone was showing annoyance now, “Is everything alright?”

“No, guard. Nothing is.” His ears fell and his wings sagged as he went to the other side of the gazebo across from the guard. “May I ask what the matter is?” the guard asked as he entered the gazebo.

T shrugged. “I've just been down lately.”

“How so?” The guard was now directly behind him.

“It's my wife.”

“Marital problems?”

“Life problems.” The guard sighed and sat beside the kirin.

When T looked at him, he finally spotted his cutie mark. A flower. T looked away and winced as he felt tears surface. “It's a nightshade, by the way.” the guard stated as T looked up at him and saw that he was looking up at the moon. “I understand what you're going through.”

“You. Don't.” T cut him off and sat up so that he was looking down on him.

“I. Do.” They were both glaring at each other but the guard looked away. “I've dealt with loss before. I have witnessed it. My parents, my sister, my best friends. All of them.”

“Hope you don't mind me asking about your age.”

“Nearing my late twenties,” he replied, “You?"

“Don't even get me started.” T smiled as they shared a laugh.

“Name's Night Shade, by the way.” He said as he got up. “Now I have to get back to my patrols. Wanna hang some time?”

“Sure. Drunken Apple?” T stood. Shade nodded and dashed off to his post.

T flew back into Nidra's chamber to see a resting Nidra in the bed. He smiled as he saw how peaceful she looked. Thank you for helping me......friend. He quietly walked to the empty half of her quite enormous bed and climbed into the covers ever so cautiously, trying to not wake her. As he laid there in the bed, he stared up at the ceiling of the room and sighed. He rolled over to Nidra who was smiling as she slept. You look adorable when you sleep. Turquoise smiled and covered her with his wing as he drifted off into his dreams.

I think I'm in love with you......