• Published 23rd Feb 2015
  • 2,003 Views, 97 Comments

Translucent Heart: Tales of a half breed - Harmony Split

Do you think that every changeling is bad deep in it’s heart? Do you know that some changelings, especially the mares are nothing better than slaves? My name is Aurora Blue. I’m a half breed and this is my Story.

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Play my Game

Chapter twelve: Play my Game.

I couldn’t remember a time when I was happier then when I was at Lavender’s side. The whole day went by in a blur as the camaraderie shared by the team made it seem less like work, and more like hanging out with friends. We trained, laughed, and worked the weather schedule down, doing our jobs just fine.

The captain already assigned me some parts of the schedule as my duty, impressed by the report that Deep Blue gave her. The work didn't feel like work, it felt like doing something with your family. It was great. Too soon, the day was at an end.

“Alright, gather up here!” Lightning shouted, gathering our attention. We quickly approached her before she continued, “We're done for today! Awesome work!” Then she looked at me, “Especially from you.”

We all gave each other a wing bump before heading in different directions. I made my way towards home as a thought entered my head.

When does Lavender head home?

In around half an hour. Go there, you have enough time before I need your help.

I couldn’t do anything but grin as I corrected my course and shot towards the small blue building in the distance, nearly out of sight. What I had to do later was shoved far away from my mind.

Soon, I landed in front of the building, seemingly just in time for them to lock it. The last few customers left the shop and Lavender appeared behind them with keys in her wings. She looked surprised at first, but that expression soon turned into a breathtaking, loving gaze.

“Dew!” she shouted before leaping at me.

I folded my wings around her, hugging her close to me while peppering her muzzle with kisses, “Hey, beautiful,” I cooed.

“How was your first day at work?” she asked.

“Great! I loved it!” I admitted as she leaned in for a long, deep kiss.

“I’m glad, because that is another anchor that makes sure that you’ll stay with me,” she said softly.

“I’d never leave you, Lavender,” was all I said in reply.

She snuggled deep into my coat for a few moments before we broke apart, “Let me just lock the shop, then we can head home.”

I could see something in her stance when she turned around to lock up, something that made a shiver travel down my spine, “What’s wrong?” I asked.

“She wants you to do something tonight,” Lavender said with a frown.

She knows?

Of course. But she doesn’t know about our deal, and you won’t tell her anything.

Of course…

Lavender turned towards the door and closed it before locking it with the keys. As she turned, the frown was gone and her lovely smile had replaced it, “It’s still a few hours away. So for now, let us forget about everything and use the time for just us.”

“So she’s still asleep?” I asked.

“Yeah, thankfully,” was all she replied before unfolding her wings, “Race ya home!”

She shot off in a blink, and I giggled before following, “Hey! Not fair!”

The race home was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. It felt like I was chasing after my happiness, for lack of a better way to explain it. I flew has hard as I could, the fatigue from my day of work long forgotten as I heard her squeals of delight at having me chase her like this.

I wanted to catch her, I wanted to fly up to her, wrap my hooves around her, and pepper her face with little kisses. While such actions were more than enjoyable in their own right, it would end this, it would cause the race to come to an end.

Besides, I loved hearing her laughter. So I lagged behind, letting her stay in front while I got to chase after her with my heart beating a mile a minute to the sounds of her giggling and little squeals of delight. I closed the distance several times, catching up to her just enough to cause her to fly faster.

Each time I forced myself to resist the urge to catch her; however, I was still rewarded for my efforts by the scent of her filling my nostrils.

All too soon, the fun was over. I could make out her house, our house, in the distance, and I hung back, acting tired while she put on the last burst of speed to beat me there. When she landed, she turned around, panting and out of breath, but with a huge smile on her face. I loved that smile, that alone was worth losing a million and one races, in my book.

“I beat you!” Lavender said as I landed next to her.

“And now for your reward,” I replied as I start peppering her face with kisses. She giggled and squirmed, but didn’t pull away. I knew she wouldn’t, it was all for show. I knew that she loved them in the same way I did.

“C’mon, let’s go inside,” Lavender said after a full minute. Had I been wearing lipstick, I knew her face would be a new shade after how many kisses I left all over it.

I wanted to do that every time she came home. Not only did I taste her, but the bakery as well. A full day of working there had left its mark on her coat, and to me, it had simply tasted delicious.

I followed her inside as she teased me with little sways of her hips and tail. There was a bounce to it, a bounce that told me she was doing it on purpose to simply tease me.

Sly little minx.

I think I need to call in a chaperone for you two.

Shut up.

You’re just too much fun, Aurora.

I ignored that last jibe and followed Lavender to the living room. That surprised me, I figured that Lavender would head straight to the bedroom, but instead she flapped her wings and landed on the couch instead.

She laid on her back, her wings spread out and her hooves positioned in just the right way to accommodate another body. I didn’t need a second invitation, and with a flap of my own wings, took my assigned spot on her form.

She was so warm. I could feel her heartbeat through her chest. As my head lay upon her fur, every breath she took caused it to rise and fall. With a grin, I felt one of her wings wrap around my form, lightly covering it and making me feel like I was wrapped in a warm blanket.

“I missed you,” Lavender said as she started to lightly massage my shoulder with a hoof. An action that told me why she didn’t simply head to the bedroom. She wanted this moment to simply be about us, in a non-physical way right now.

As I felt her wing tip run across certain places, I knew that it was only true for the moment.

“I didn’t lie earlier.”

“About what?” she asked.

“It was you, when I was working today. When I did that stupid challenge, you were the one that got me through it. I just kept picturing you in my head, how happy you’d be if we got to have lunch together. That was all the motivation I needed.”

At my words, she raised my muzzle and kissed me on the lips. I could feel her hoof and feather continue to take liberties with my body, her hoof running across my chest, putting just the right amount of pressure to massage my sore muscles in the right way, while her feathers did a few… other things, a little lower.

None of which were unwelcome.

“Well, if I’m your motivation, I’d better make sure I’m worth it,” Lavender said with a smile.

“You already have, let’s… let’s stay like this for now,” To this day I still cannot believe those words came out of my muzzle, but it was true. I felt… I felt coddled, loved, and as much fun as taking it to its inevitable conclusion would have been, I wanted to savor it.

“Mhh, okay. But next time, you’re on!” she whispered softly, cuddling deeper against me.

Despite our words, I still felt her hooves over my body. She opened her wings slightly, just enough to bring her other front hoof in. My skin felt like it was melting off at her touch, like I was becoming liquid every time she’d apply pressure to the right area at the right time.

Soft coos began to leave my lips as the stress of the day relaxed away. She pressed at my wing joints, lightly massaging muscles that I didn’t even know where sore until she touched them.

She even dared to go a bit lower, teasing me just above my flank before going back to the main muscles. I loved it, every single second.

There was just one problem. Well, problem was the wrong choice of word. It was more like an effect of the position we were in. I was laid out on her body, enjoying her warmth after a hard day of work. Her touch was like silk on my sore muscles, relaxing them in ways they had not be relaxed in a long, long time.

Between the heat, the rhythmic pulsing of her breaths and her touch, my body found itself quickly overcome by another urge. An urge I didn’t want to succumb to, but which my body overruled me on.

As much as I hated to say it, I soon fell asleep.


Wake up, Aurora.

I stirred a bit, but tried to shoo the voice off so I could continue to slumber in the hooves and wings I loved so much.

It’s time. Wake up, now!

I jumped slightly upon the force that echoed through my head, and quickly looked at my side, making sure that Lavender was still asleep and that I hadn’t disturbed her. Thankfully, she was still sleeping peacefully, a small, but loving smile upon her muzzle.

I kicked myself for falling asleep like this. It was by far the best bed I’d ever slept on, and I knew that I wanted to do it a million more times, but it meant that we didn’t make it to the bedroom like we planned.

Maybe in the morning.

You two can buck like bunnies later, it’s time to get to work.

Crap, you heard that. My thoughts had betrayed me.

Yes, I did. Now, it’s your time to uphold your end of the deal.

I shuddered at that thought. I had no idea what she wanted, but I knew I wouldn’t enjoy it. My shudder caused Lavender to move ever so slightly in her sleep, and I paused, afraid that I woke her up.

When she didn’t get up, I visibly relaxed. With a sigh, I tried to think of a way off of her without disturbing her from her rest.

Oh, for goodness sake, just place your hoof five inches to the right and then roll your body.

I wasn’t sure why I did what she said, but I think it was because I couldn’t think of anything else. My right hoof went five inches and I rolled with it. Right off the couch and onto the floor.

What the buck! I did my best not to shout or cry out. My head shot up to see that Lavender was still asleep, albeit she looked sad now that I was no longer in her hooves.

Anything else would have awoken her.

So your solution was for me to fall off the couch? How did you know the noise wouldn’t wake her?

Yes, and I didn’t. However, you need to get to work.

And what do I have to do?

Disguise as something less… colourful. Maybe a black pegasus.

I scoffed slightly, but did as she asked, and soon my coat was black as the night and my mane shimmering in a wavering dark blue.

This colour fits you. Anyways, head north from here until you see a big building with an entrance made out of glass. It’s the building of Manehattan News.

Is this going to be a game of twenty questions, or are you going to fill me in?

You will steal and destroy a few photos that could reveal some drones.

That’s… that’s it?

She laughed. No, not really. There will be security and some late writers. You know what you should do.

There was the other horseshoe. So, find and destroy the photos that incriminate the hive’s activities, ensuring that I’m not seen or caught in the process by taking out anypony that lays eyes on me.

Oh, no! What type of monster do you think I am? You will just let the pony that made those photos… let’s say, disappear. And clean his office afterwards.

Your subtly knows no bounds.

Should I feel flattered now? Get moving!

I rolled my eyes and got up to leave before a noise stopped me. When I looked back, I noticed that Lavender managed to grab a couch pillow in her sleep and was holding it almost like… like it was me.

A smile escaped my lips at the sight of her. I knew that I was a monster. The queen made me into one. She turned me into a changeling halfbreed against my will. I was free as a pony, and then as a changeling, I’d basically became a slave. And yet, even in the nightmare I found myself in, I had found something precious, something I had never expected to find. I found her.

I’m going to puke any second and take my displeasure out on her if you don’t move your ass, now!

Anything happens to her and I’ll see you dead, even if it’s the last thing I do.

Then don’t give me a reason to.

A low growl escaped my lips, but I left the house anyway. We both knew that this was a sham, it was simply something she’d always be able to hold over me. Whenever she wanted me to do anything from that point on, all she had to do was threaten Lavender and I’d do it, no questions asked.

I thought my response back to her was simply to let her know that was the status quo. I’d play her game, I’d jump to her tune, as long as the status quo never changed. The moment it did, it was all over.

Odds were good that she’d kill me, but the point was I’d make her do it.

Closing the door to the house, I flapped my wings and took flight.

North, right?

Yes, now hurry up.

You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

You wish you were a fly to me.

Great, she’s in a mood.

You know I can hear everything you think.

That’s exactly the point, you bug.

Don’t make me angry.

I wouldn’t say that it wasn’t fun to antagonize her, ‘cause it was, but I knew the limit when I approached it. Needless to say, I was there. With a smile about my juvenile victory, I did my best to clear my thoughts and concentrate on my flight.

Sadly, my thoughts didn’t stay clear for long. To make matters worse, as soon as my memories went back to Lavender, I couldn’t not think of her anymore. No matter how much I tried.


Yes? I asked, cringing.

You really do love her, don’t you?

As if you would understand it.

I don’t only feed on it, I can also feel it.

Yeah, of course.

I just wonder what happened with your precious Berryshine?

My heart jumped into my throat, and I stopped flying forward. It was only by muscle memory that I didn’t fall out of the sky, or stopped breathing. I was thinking a million and one thoughts at that moment, but only one was so pronounced that she heard it.


Why? Why what?

Why would you bring her up? Why are you such a bitch?

There was laughter in her reply, a laughter that filled me to the brim with anger. You… misunderstand me. You’ve always second guessed my intentions. I didn’t bring her up to hurt you, but to prevent you from hurting Lavender.

I’d… I’d never! I was shaking with rage.

Yes, you would. Maybe not intentionally, but you would, and have. I want my hive to thrive, I want you and Lavender to reproduce, to have offspring that will go on and make more and more.

Then why…

Because you’re still the problem, Aurora. You still have yet to commit to this. You still hold out some emotions for what you had, for a life lost to you forevermore. You could one day betray her and break her heart. You could destroy that oh-so-precious of emotions that feed us, that nurtures us, that causes us to grow and become strong. All because you have yet to figure out how you truly feel.

I… I… I… I was speechless at that.

You know what you have with Lavender, you have something precious, something worthwhile, something worth fighting for, something worth dying for. If you keep holding onto the past, you will lose it.

There was a long pause as my brain attempted to process what she had said. She was a vicious, cutthroat bitch, but she wasn’t wrong. I had to chose, I needed to either let the past go, or continue holding onto it. If I held onto it, I needed to let Lavender go, it wouldn’t be fair to her. If I let it go, I’d forever say goodbye to what I had, to Berryshine. If I didn’t make a choice, I’d risk hurting everyone.

Lavender. The thought was freeing, it set me on this course of action, caused me to commit to it on my own terms, to reach the conclusion myself. Looking back at it, I think that was her plan all along.

Just as I knew you would.

I still can’t stop feeling like you are planning something else. That you are hiding something. This is pretty unusual for you!

Do your job, time is running out.

That was all she said, and it only strengthened my feelings that she was hiding something from Lavender and me. I continued to fly downtown, shaking off my melancholy and worry as best as I could.

I knew she was going to betray me. I knew that she had some scheme in mind to hurt me, to hurt us. I knew all of that and more, but there was nothing I could do about it. I just had to enjoy my time with Lavender all that much more. As I approached the building, I used the same trick that I did at my job. I simply pictured who was waiting for me at the end of it.

It was all the motivation I’d ever need.

Author's Note:

It's late, I know.
Next chapter follows soon :twilightsmile: