• Published 23rd Feb 2015
  • 2,003 Views, 97 Comments

Translucent Heart: Tales of a half breed - Harmony Split

Do you think that every changeling is bad deep in it’s heart? Do you know that some changelings, especially the mares are nothing better than slaves? My name is Aurora Blue. I’m a half breed and this is my Story.

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Love and Betrayal (Special POV)

Chapter fourteen: Love and Betrayal (Special, Lavender Skies POV)

The first thing I noticed was that it was cold. I shivered slightly and slowly opened my eyes to reveal that the sheets were turned back. However, that wasn’t the only thing wrong, Aurora was also gone.

Mhh no need to worry, she’s probably off to work.

Well, well, what do we have here?

I immediately knew what situation I was in... we were in, and I gulped. It could only end badly, and after bowing to the Queen’s will for years, I didn’t doubt it.

M-My Queen… You’re awake…

And I can clearly see what was going on.

Let me explain, please!

No need for that…

Pain flooded through my body, numbing my nerves and thoughts. It was how I was always punished, through the pain she wanted me to suffer from. I also knew that she could kill me through the connection. Something I hoped she wouldn’t be able to do with Aurora.

I know what you two did and what you have. I also know that you thought about escaping with Aurora. Well, I think it is time to remind you about certain consequences, don’t you agree?

The pain multiplied until I couldn’t do anything other then bite into my pillow in a desperate attempt to muffle at least a part of my screams. Then, it stopped.

I think that you understand now. Good. Now, I have a little deal for you, something that will be to both our advances. I want you to stay here and continue to obey me. In exchange for that, I will let you two live and continue this silliness.

And what if I decline?

Then I will kill Aurora. Don’t worry though, I’ll let you watch while I do it slowly.

My heart felt heavy at that. It was clear that I had no choice but to accept it and obey her. I never wanted Aurora to be hurt.

I want you to swear on the whole hive that you won’t harm Aurora or our relationship if I accept.

Mhhh... I can feel your anger, but also your love. You're not dumb, so yes, I swear on my hive and all their lives that I won’t harm Aurora or your little… relationship…

I accept…

With that, all my plans had changed. I wanted to flee with Aurora as soon as there was a chance. With the distance between us, she shouldn’t have been able to manipulate either of us, or even kill me through the connection.

I doubt that, I’ve never encountered a situation where one of my hive was unreachable.

I shivered at that thought, but quickly shut it out after a glance at the clock. It was time to open my shop soon. I couldn’t help but think of Aurora.

I hope she likes her new work.

Don’t worry, at this point she’s fine.

Sighing, I hauled myself off of the bed and to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Last night was full of action, and I could still feel my coat sticky with sweat and our juices. The thoughts about what we did last night were going through my mind again, causing me to grin. A grin that did not leave my face as I went into the shower and turned the water on. It was a night I knew I’d never forget.

I’ll spare you a comment about that. And one more thing; you aren’t allowed to tell Aurora about our deal. Just act… normally.

I snorted at that, but didn’t answer. I wouldn’t throw fuel into the fire if I could avoid it, and the water was starting to relax me, so I didn’t really care. The thing about such thoughts was that they tended to come on their own, regardless of if you wanted them to or not, or if someone’s reading your mind or not.

Oh wow, you're as bad as her.


Guess what she is thinking about during her work from time to time.

My heart fluttered at that, and I couldn’t help but smile. The thought warmed me completely, and it proved to me again that she was mine. Finally.

I think you’re more than clean down there.

I blushed as I looked at where my wings were cleaning, the thought of Aurora was causing me to do some rather strange things. With a smile, I moved my wing back to my side and started washing other areas.

Why… why are you so cool with this?

You mean beyond the fact that I have something to hold over your head? Well, let’s just say that while you might get something of value out of it, to me it’s just something you don’t want to lose.

I didn’t buy that explanation. I’ve seen her with other mares that went into relationships. I knew she was hiding something, but there wasn’t much I could do about it. With a sigh, I washed off the soap from my fur and stepped out of the water.

Does this mean we have to keep hiding?

I told you, she cannot know about our deal. If you tell her, it is invalid.


Maybe we can find a solution for it during the day when she won’t get suspicious? For now, you have to deal with it.

Scowling, I grabbed a towel and dried off my fur. There was no use to argue about it and risk that tiny little chance to be with Aurora. Resigned to this fate, I finished by drying off my mane and tail. It always took a long time to do so, but there wasn’t much use crying about it.

Breakfast left me with more questions than answers. I don’t know why, but the knowledge that she knew both relieved me and upset me. Part of me thought that maybe now that she did know, it would be easier. I just couldn’t bring myself to believe that, though. Nothing ever got easier, the world just didn’t work that way.

So, continuing like normal is just a concept that escapes you, isn’t it?

I chose not to respond to that as I locked the house and took flight. Some fights were just not worth having, especially if there was no way to win them. Like this one definitely was. Still, even with the knowledge that this would most assuredly come back to bite me in the flank, I wouldn’t change a thing.

I found my flight to work that much quicker. It was kinda amazing, I knew that the distance hadn’t changed, it was still two miles away, and yet because my mind was so distracted, my thoughts turned to memories of last night through the whole flight, it flew by.

Like this, it wasn’t long until I saw the familiar, small blue building before me. I’d had the sweet shop for a few months, mainly because of the help of her, but also because of my great cupcakes and muffins.

I trotted inside when I unlocked the door, an unusual giddiness to my walk permeated through me. I knew the reason why, and that simply put a smile on my face. A large portion of me just couldn’t wait for the day to end, for me to be able to go home and see her again. Thoughts of being in her hooves, of holding her, of having someone special to talk about my day with, it simply made me happy.

Are you whistling now?


My answer surprised me. I’d always went to work cheerful, but this was something new for me. Suddenly, it didn’t really feel like work, it felt like fun. Before I could dive too much into that thought, I quickly pulled the chairs off the tables and prepared the small, cozy room. With a smile, I turning the closed sign to open and stepping behind the counter. Soon there would be the first customers, and I had some sweets to make.


“This is the best cupcake I’ve ever had!” a pink earth pony mare said to me as she turned to leave.

“Thanks, do come again!” I said back cheerfully. It was the third time in the first hour at work that I heard that comment. It was almost like my attitude had somehow found its way into my baking. My head instantly went to the future, a future where I might end up rich.

If every night is like last night, I will be.

Yep, definitely the honeymoon period.

Oh, shut up.

With that, I went back behind the counter and set a new tray of muffins into the oven. Those, however, were special ones. Basically, I made them because of last night. They tasted like blueberries, just like Aurora smelled.

You turned into a sappy one.

Maybe I just finally found something worth living for.

If she wanted to answer that, I would never know because in that moment the door opened and the mare that walked in stopped every thought of mine. I felt like my heart both stopped and was beating a mile-a-minute at the sight before me. My smile grew ten-fold and my body felt lighter than a feather.

Enjoy the day.

I can’t with you there.

Just tell her I went to sleep because my power is drained, or something like that.

She didn’t have to tell me twice. Without hesitation, I leaped over the counter and at Aurora, unfolding my wings to pull her into a deep embrace while kissing her directly on her lips.

“I missed you,” I mumbled quietly.

“So did I,” she said back as she nuzzled under my ear.

The action sent shivers up and down my spine. I felt giddy and excited, more so than a filly that just got her cutie mark. However, like all good things, it had to come to an end.

When she pulled back, I saw a look of longing in her eyes. She didn’t want to, but there was no choice, “We’re on lunch break. Lavender, this is Deep Blue. Deep Blue, this is my marefriend, Lavender Skies.”

I didn’t even notice that there was another pony with her. At the time, I don’t think I really cared either. However, if Deep Blue was a friend of Aurora, I’d make nice.

Shaking hooves with the light blue pegasus, I motioned them both to my ‘best’ table. I suddenly wished that I had a ‘best’ table. That being said, I did have a ‘best’ muffin, fresh too.

“I’ll bring you something fresh out of the oven, be right back!” I said and planted a quick peck on Aurora’s lips before going back behind the counter.

You are bouncing like a young filly.

I know.

I giggled as I thought that, not caring what she thought about my attitude. At that moment, nothing could bring me down. With a spring in my step and a song on my mind, I picked up a pot holder in my mouth and opened the oven, pulling out a fresh batch of muffins from the oven I started twenty minutes ago.

Placing them on top of the stove, I quickly looked around for my wing protection and put them on before grabbing the hot plate in my wings and turning it over, letting the muffins fall off the forms.

Be easier if I could just use my magic.

Remember the last time you tried that?

Yeah, the pony that saw it went into the closed section of the hospital after that.

I quickly pulled out a fresh plate out of the counter and stacked the muffins nicely on top of it. After all, presentation is important. With that, I turned back to Aurora and her friend, placing one down from my wings.

“They’re on me. I hope you like them, I tried a new recipe this morning.”

I placed another one down for her friend and stole a kiss from her before I noticed that a customer in another corner waved me over. Sighing, I had to leave Aurora alone. Another customer entered the shop as I was asked for a refill of coffee. What surprised me, was that the customer walked directly up to Aurora and poked her into her side with one wing.

Maybe it’s just another one from her work.

Look at that armor. She is definitely not one of the weather team.

I went back behind the counter and decided to watch them for a bit. They talked a bit and the purple pony with the armor soon sat down beside Aurora, talking eagerly with her.

She’s no threat, or Aurora wouldn’t talk with her that easily. She must be a friend.

I never asked how she could always see what was going on. I just assumed that she could see what her changelings could while connected to them. I looked up as another armored pony entered, but this time I went on alarm. This one was a bat pony, and I knew that those meant trouble.

The bat pony approached Aurora and the others, and after some conversation, the purple pegasus kissed the bat pony. For a reason I wasn’t quite aware of, I felt a sense of relief at that sight. Another couple of words were traded and the bat pony even lowered her head in what seemed like greeting at Aurora before speaking to the purple pegasus again. What followed was easy to hear, even from the distance.

“Star!” the bat pony shouted with a deep blush on her cheeks, which was fairly visible thanks to her dark coat.

I decided to ignore them and concentrate on my work once more, setting up more coffee and some more muffins. A customer behind Aurora and the others waved for his muffins, and I sighed before picking up the tray. I had to pass Aurora, and couldn’t help but overhear some of their conversation.

“Yep. You can visit me whenever you want. Maybe all four of us can do something together sometimes?” Aurora just said, “I don’t think Lavender would have anything against it.”

The purple pegasus laughed and turned to the bat pony, “Her marefriend.”

“Don’t tell me that Lavender Skies, the best confectioner in Manehattan, maybe even the world, is your marefriend?” the bat pony asked.

I could see Aurora nod and the bat pony suddenly squealed, “Oh, you have to introduce me some time! I love her recipes, every single one of them!”

“I’m glad to hear that,” I said just as I passed them, but couldn’t help but stop for a second and give Aurora a small kiss.

“You two are so sweet!” I heard the bat pony say just as I continued on my way.

“Thanks. Now, tell me, how do two Lunar Guards come to marry each other?” Aurora asked just before I was out of hearing reach and I nearly lost my balance.

Those two mares are Lunar Guards? And they are married?

You act like marriage should just be reserved for you and Aurora.

I blushed, but never answered that as I reached the table and placed the muffin down in front of the customer.

On the way back to the counter, I couldn’t help but steal glances back at Aurora. I knew it was a lot to ask, but part of me was jealous that I couldn’t join her. Not yet, anyway. I wanted to close shop so I could join her for lunch, but as they said, duty calls.

Yeah, duty can take a flying leap off a cliff for all I care.

I surprised her by jumping in the booth and wrapping her in my wings. She looked at me with a questioning look at what I was doing. I knew she was worried about us being caught. With a smile, I lightly nibble on her ear before whispering, “She’s asleep, don’t worry.”

I could feel the eyes of the others on us, I didn’t really care though. This was a moment I was stealing from my day. I kept lightly biting her ear, enjoying her squirming in my hooves..

The bat pony nudged her wife and pointed at the clock on the wall, “We should get going. Morning Dew, Lavender Skies, Deep Blue, it was nice to meet you. I’m sure we’ll meet again,” she said and gave Aurora a wink.

“Yep. Oh, and come by if you got some time,” the purple pegasus smirked and passed Aurora a small note with something scribbled on it.

Aurora grabbed the note but I quickly took it from her, smiling, “We’d love to,” I said.

I noticed Aurora’s worried gaze on me, so I nibbled at her ear again before whispering, “Sounds like fun.”

Sadly, I had to work some more, so I got up to head back to the counter and put the note up. The sudden feathery touch on my flank startled me, and I let out a quiet ‘eep’ in response, but then I noticed that it was Aurora. With a devious grin directed at her, I continued on my way.

She just bought another sweet night.

Ugh… don’t make me puke in your mind.

Someone’s jealous.

I’ve had more lovers in the last two years then you will ever have in your life.

As I said; jealous.

She didn’t reply to that, confirming my belief. Sure, she might have had more lovers than me, but there was a difference between having random sex with others, and having sex with one you love. I loved Aurora, which was something I knew she didn’t have.

With a smile on my lips, I put the note in the cash register for later and took a few more orders. Each time I did my best to be nice and friendly to each pony that came into the shop, but secretly I just wanted to be back at Aurora’s table.

Then, at last, like a gift from above, the last customer at the counter turned and left with a smile and a nice tip in my tip jar. I looked around, every chair either had a satisfied customer or was empty. Taking this time for myself, I went back over to the one place I wanted to be with a joyful hum in my throat.

Aurora turned and looked at me just before I jumped into the booth where she sat and cuddled against her while running a hoof around her neck. My other hoof played with the fur of her chest and I kissed the side of her muzzle. I did everything to show her my affection. She turned to me and I could see that she was happy. Her hoof moved up and stroked my coat before playing with a few strands if my mane. We both had to grin.

“Get a room, you two!” Deep Blue called out.

Aurora looked at her teammate before turning back to me, “How much time we got?” she asked pretty seriously.

Deep Blue and I laughed, but Aurora stayed serious. She had really meant her question. Just as I wanted to answer, the door opened and a new couple of customers walked in. I had nearly forgotten that it wasn’t my break.

I got up slowly to take the orders, but it was a bit hard since Aurora clinged on to me with a frown on her face. As I walked to the counter, I was careful to flick my tail a bit stronger than usual so she could get a nice view of something that should keep her happy.

At the counter, the customers gave me their orders and I gave them their wanted coffee to go and a few muffins. To my luck, those were just some quick orders, and soon they were gone. Before they could leave, I quickly made my way back to Aurora’s side.

“How is my Morning Dew doing on her first day, anyway?” I asked Aurora’s teammate and secretly ran a hoof over her lap.

“She’s been nothing but impressive. In thirty minutes she cleaned out an entire section of the sky. It was almost like she had some motivation to get it done. I’m beginning to get an idea of exactly what that was.”

I gave Aurora a cocky grin, but she kept an innocent expression. As Deep Blue looked out of the window, I quickly leaned in, “You were able to impress your teammates by thinking of me? Never thought that of you,” I whispered.

“What can I say, you’re great and beautiful motivation,” Aurora smirked.

“I’m gonna use the restroom before we head back,” Deep Blue said nonchalantly as she got up and made her way to the back room.

With Deep Blue gone for the moment, Aurora seemed to take her chance and locked her lips on mine. Her hooves played with my body and before long I moved my flank upon her lap. While we never broke the kiss, my hoof went down her stomach, but before I could really please her, the door opened and a new customer interrupted us.

I looked at her then. I suppose I should have sighed, that I should have been disappointed that our time was interrupted, but I wasn’t. I knew she had to go back soon and the little time we did have simply made me look forward to tonight that much more. I portrayed my feelings with the look of carnal lust I gave her, a look she was more than happy to return.

Getting up, I’m pretty sure I left a wet spot upon her leg. I didn’t really care though, and I seriously doubt she did either, “How can I help you?” I said to the new ponies that walked into the shop.

While taking their orders, I was more or less on autopilot. My body went through the motions, but my eyes were on one pony and one pony only. I knew I wouldn’t see her again until tonight, and wanted to savor it.

“You ready, Morning?” Deep Blue asked from behind Aurora as she came back from the bathroom. There was a noticeable change in her voice.

“Miss, I asked for cherry, not blueberry.”

“Oh, sorry sir,” I shook my head and looked down. Sure enough, I had grabbed a blueberry muffin instead of a cherry.

Aurora, my sexy distraction.

I swear I’m going to throw up.

Oh, shut up!

“Hey, Lavender!” Aurora suddenly shouted.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Grab a box of chocolates for my friend here, please. She has a hot date with her

marefriend tonight!” she called out with a wink.

I gave her an understanding smile, “I know just the one. And you know what? I will pack us some, too,” the wink from me at the end left no room for misunderstanding.

Grinning, I went into the small storage at the side of the counter and packed some red and pink sweets in two boxes. One I decorated nicely before going to Aurora and giving it to her, “There you are.”

“Thanks,” Aurora said and leaned in for a long kiss. As we broke, she gave me a loving smile, “I’ll see you this evening.”

As she left, I couldn’t help but feel alone and not quite as cheerful, but the thought of the evening and following night made me grin once more.


It’s funny, the morning flew by, the evening… not so much. I think it was because this morning I was riding high on the memory of last night, after lunch I was full of anticipation and desire. As such, I watched the clock a little more than I should have. Even burned a batch of muffins by accident.

She is a real distraction to you. I want her to do a job for me tonight.

What job?

Don’t worry, she will be safe.

However, nothing lasts forever, even torture by a slow moving clock comes to an end sooner or later. Later being the operative word here, “Finally,” I said as I saw the last few customers get up to leave and that it was time to go home. Giving the counters a final wipe down, I grabbed the keys and walked out behind them, turning the sign from open to closed before my gaze took hold on the pegasus just landing.

“Dew!” I shouted and leapt at her.

“Hey, beautiful,” she cooed as she hugged me close with her wings and peppered my muzzle with kisses.

“How was your first day at work?” I asked.

“Great! I loved it!” Aurora said as she leaned in for a long, deep kiss.

“I’m glad, because that is another anchor that makes sure that you’ll stay with me,” I said softly.

“I’d never leave you, Lavender,” was all Aurora said in reply.

I snuggled deep into her coat for a few moments before we broke apart, “Let me just lock the shop, then we can head home.”

I had a heavy heart as I looked at her, not yet moving to the door to lock it. Aurora seemed to sense something was wrong and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“She wants you to do something tonight,” I said with a frown.

Aurora said nothing, just looked confused at me. I was already sure that she would ask her about it, but I doubt that she would answer since she was ‘asleep’. To her credit though, Aurora didn’t try and deny it. That made me happy, at least I knew she wouldn’t lie to me.

I turned towards the door and closed it before locking it with the keys. As I turned back, my frown was gone and a lovely smile had replaced it, “It’s still a few hours away. So for now, let us forget about everything and use the time for just us.”

“So she’s still asleep?” Aurora asked.

“Yeah, thankfully,” was all I replied before unfolding my wings. I wanted to do something fun to relieve the gloom of whatever she wanted, “Race ya home!” I shouted.

I shot off in a blink, and I heard her giggling before following, “Hey! Not fair!”

There was a noticeable giddiness in my chest as I pulled off every trick I knew. At any time I expected her to catch me, to wrap me in her hooves and laugh at my pathetic attempts to get away from her. However, every time I thought she was going to catch up, I pulled away right before her hooves wrapped around me. With squeals of delight, I pushed myself harder and faster in flight than before.

When my house came into view, I gave it everything I had. I wanted her to catch me, and yet, I also wanted to win. The conundrum of the conflicting emotions caused me to squeal in delight, more so when my hooves finally touched down right in front of my door.

“I beat you!” I shouted as she landed next to me. I’m not a fool, I knew she let me win. The fact that I was panting and out of breath whereas she was simply smiling at me told me that much. It didn’t matter though, we both had fun.

“And now for your reward,” Aurora replied and peppered my face with kisses.

I squirmed and giggled in delight as her kisses peppered over my muzzle. I played liked I didn’t like it, but I did. I knew it and I knew she knew it too. The actions I took only inspired her to do more and more. However, before we went too far outside, I pulled away. Wanting to continue, but inside so we didn’t have to stop.

“C’mon, let’s go inside,” I said.

I didn’t look back as I walked to the couch, my hips swaying side to side in ways that would have been appropriate on a catwalk. When my eyes drifted in the direction of the bedroom, I decided that it was too far away. After all, we did that yesterday and we did have a perfectly good couch just a few hooves away.

I flapped my wings and landed on the couch, my hooves spread in just a way to communicate what I wanted without having to say a word. Aurora has always been a smart mare and now was no exception. She caught onto what I wanted and did likewise, landing with her head upon my chest and our back hooves intertwined together.

My wing came up all by itself and wrapped her closer to me. I could feel her warmth as she rose and fell with my breathing. It was everything I had wanted, everything I imagined it could be. It was like living a dream you never wanted to wake up from.

“I missed you,” I said as I started to rub her shoulders with a hoof. I could feel the tension of the day melt away under my touch. Sure, I had my own stresses, but helping her helped me in more ways than I could count. I want this when we came home each day, just time for us to be us, to be together.

Even still, I couldn’t help myself. My feather start running a little lower upon her flank, moving to more fun areas that showed this wasn’t all I wanted.

“I didn’t lie earlier,” Aurora said.

“About what?” I asked.

“It was you, when I was working today. When I did that stupid challenge, you were the one that got me through it. I just kept picturing you in my head, how happy you’d be if we got to have lunch together. That was all the motivation I needed.”

At those words, I raised her muzzle and kissed her on the lips. My hoof soon joined my feather in taking liberties with her body, my hoof ran across my chest, putting just the right amount of pressure to massage her sore muscles in the right way, while my feathers did a few… other things, a little lower.

“Well, if I’m your motivation, I’d better make sure I’m worth it,” I said with a smile.

“You already have, let’s… let’s stay like this for now,” Aurora said, surprising me. But if this was what she wanted, I would love to give her exactly that.

“Mhh, okay. But next time, you’re on!” I whispered softly, cuddling deeper against her.

I still kept my hoof playing with her coat, enjoying her deeply. Aurora feelable relaxed under my ministrations, and I couldn’t help but grin as soft coos started to leave her muzzle. I pressed at her wing joints and massaged the tangled and sore muscles.

I couldn’t resist, every chance I got I’d move just a little farther down, grabbing her toned flank with both hooves and giving it a good squeeze. However, it was up to her to go farther with that. As such, I moved back up to other muscle groups after giving myself a little thrill.

I frowned as I saw it coming. Her eyes started to close, her breathing became lower and lower. She even quit reacting in the same way when I’d squeeze her butt. She was falling asleep on me.

I thought only stallions had this problem.

Mares are just as bad.

Blushing, I gave in to the inevitable and started to help her along, my massaging became less and less deep, moving to nothing more than a light massage until I was sure she was fast asleep.

“Sweet dreams, Aurora,” I said as I held her tight in my hooves. My wings fully enclosed around her, giving her the best sleep I could.

Who would’ve thought that I would soon join her in sleep, so I was pretty surprised as my eyes started to drop in my comfortable position.


As I awoke, everything was quiet, the sound of Aurora’s breath missing. Opening my eyes, I saw that she was gone. Before I could help myself, I jumped up in shock.

Calm down. She is doing the job, so go back to sleep.

What? Yeah, not gonna happen. I’ll wait for her so I can see if she’s hurt.

I told you she would be safe.

I never answered that. She had lied to me more than once, so I wasn’t about to simply trust her now.

The weight that evening had been bad, it had been me squaring off versus the clock, fighting every single second off the clock like that was the second that stopped me from being with Aurora. This was so much worse. This was me not knowing when she would come home, if she would come home.

I’ll never understand why the mind always fills in the unknown with the worst case scenario, but that was exactly what my mind was doing right then. I kept imagining her busted, her being attacked, hurt, killed, and me stuck here, not knowing.

Where is she?!

For the first time in my life, I hated not hearing her voice in my head. The hive hadn’t responded to anything I asked for the last thirty minutes. I didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Right then I went with bad, it meant her attention was elsewhere, it was on Aurora.

“Aurora’s in trouble,” I said to myself, “She needs my help, she’s hurt, she’s in danger, she’s going to die, I gotta… I gotta…”

Before I could ramble on some more, the door burst open. What stumbled in I didn’t recognize at first, it was a mix of plum and deep red.

“Lavender, I…”

I looked in horror as I saw the uncountable amount of deep cuts and bruises on her coat, blood covering most of it. Before I could even think of it, my mind snapped and I ran to her, tears running freely over my muzzle as I pulled her into my hooves, hugging her for all she was worth.

“Oww,” Aurora coughed out and I jumped back in shock that I had hurt her.

“You’re… you’re hurt,” I repeated sobbing.

She looked at me with a scared and worried expression. “Lavender, I…” she stopped and fell to the ground.

“Aurora!” I screamed and held her up, not caring that my coat turned slightly red. Without thinking, I picked her up in my magic and carried her to the bedroom. Despite her condition, she tried to talk again.

“Lavender, I…”

I shushed her immediately, “No talking,” With that, I started to levitate some washcloths and a bowl of water to me and began to clean her wounds and her coat. I felt her eyes on me, watching me the entire time. Yet, I didn’t look back, I didn’t return the stare, I couldn’t. If I did, I’d break down into her hooves, and she needed to be cleaned before any infections could set it.


My mind rampaged, but I never got an answer while I continued to clean Aurora. It was like she was gone, or simply shocked. I turned her around and on her stomach so I could clean her back and wings, which were in a bad state. Pieces of glass were between the feathers and even in some parts of her muscles, I carefully removed all of them. At her flank, I hesitated.

“Lavender, tonight…” Aurora said with a pause.

“What?” I asked.

“The job I had to do. It was about us.”

“About us? You mean she told you that she knows?” I asked and pressed the washcloth harder against her flank.

“Yeah,” she nodded weakly

“That miserable little…” I scowled out loud.


Again, no answer.

“What?” Aurora asked.

I focused on her, “This morning… she woke me up while you were gone. She told me she knew about us, and if I would continue to play her game, she would let us have a family. She said she wouldn’t kill you in the end…”

“She played with us both…” Aurora whispered.

“What did she make you do?” I asked with venom in my voice, wanting to know just what was so bucking important to risk Aurora’s life like this.

“That’s the funny thing. Had I known what the task was, she wouldn’t have had to make me do anything. I would have done it on my own,” Aurora said bitterly.

“What was it?” my voice quivered.

“You were being investigated. A pony, Best Pic, he had pictures of you, of you and your green eyes, using magic. He suspected that you were a changeling.”

“My cover’s blown?” I was shocked.

“I destroyed all the evidence I could find and killed him.”

I dropped the towel at that, my magic simply fainting in surprise, “You… you killed him?”

“He went quick, peacefully in his sleep. Had I known…” Aurora’s voice was hurt, low, nearly a whisper. She wasn’t proud of her actions, but she did it for me.

Without hesitation, I pressed my muzzle into her coat, holding her just tight onto me. The tears were flowing freely again, staining Aurora’s freshly cleaned coat. She started to cry too before turning silent.

“I love you.”

I stopped dead in my tracks, stopped breathing in shock about what was said. I didn’t have a clue who had said it. Wasn’t sure if I had said it.

It was her, I realized with a blink.

“I love you, I love you so bucking much it hurts. He was a threat to you, so I killed him. I’ll kill anyone that threatens you, Lavender. I can’t… I could never bear to see you hurt. I… I…”

I shut her off with a kiss. A kiss that poured every single one of my feelings for her into it. Everything I wanted to say. After a while, I pulled back and smiled at her.

“I love you, too.”

I said the words, meaning every word, every syllable. I did love her, and she loved me. I knew then that she was everything I had ever wanted in a mate, in a lover, in a wife. She was perfect, she was protective, she was caring, and kind. She had killed somepony because he was a threat, a threat to me, to us, to what we could have.

My mind was made up right then and there, I wanted to have a family with her, a real family. However, I didn’t know how she would feel about it. It might be too much for her, too fast. Still, no risk, no reward.

I held her against my coat when I asked with some hesitation, “Aurora, do you want to start a family with me?”

She looked at me, surprise in her gaze, but also love, “Didn’t we want to wait a bit more?”

“We said that, yes. But I’m certain about it now,” I closed the gap between us and pressed my lips once again against hers. Before long, I pulled away and asked her again, “Do you want to start a family with me?”

She hesitated only for a moment, “I would love to,” she whispered and drew my lips into a kiss that let my heart and feelings sparkle with passion.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry for the long delay!
I hope you still enjoy Lavender's view :twilightsmile: