• Published 23rd Feb 2015
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Translucent Heart: Tales of a half breed - Harmony Split

Do you think that every changeling is bad deep in it’s heart? Do you know that some changelings, especially the mares are nothing better than slaves? My name is Aurora Blue. I’m a half breed and this is my Story.

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Chapter Twenty-one: Canterlot

Pain. Mind-numbingly strong pain. It was what I felt in the dark. Like it would swallow me right then and there. The pain held me for a long while, only to soon be replaced by a soothing coolness that washed over my whole body, along with a feeling and a scent in my nostrils, one I remembered.


My eyes slowly fluttered open to see the lovely, but worried face of Lavender over me. An expression that quickly turned into a loving one.

“Aurora! You’re awake!” she slightly sobbed, “I thought I would lose you!”

“How is she?” a voice spoke, one I recognized as Purple Star.

“She’ll be okay,” Lavender replied.

“Ugh, how long was I out? It seemed like it was just five minutes ago that Luna told me that she would send you and Wave Night back to accompany us to Canterlot,” I muttered, slowly trying to get up.

“That was over nine hours ago. We made it here extra fast,” Wave Night replied instead of her wife.

I blinked my eyes clear a few times, trying to take in my surroundings. We were back in Lavender’s house, which was a good thing as far as I was concerned. I tried to focus, to remember what had happened before I blacked out.

That’s when it hit me, “Electric!”

“She’s upstairs, trying to rest,” Lavender mumbled.

“What?!” I shouted, “Restrain her, and do it fast! She’s the traitor that sold us out to the Queen!”

“You gotta be kidding me,” High Spirits replied sternly, making me realize that she was standing directly behind me, “I just got the love of my life back and you say this?!”

“High, don’t let your own feelings blind you!” I stated before sighing, “Do you remember that you were always satisfied with her love? No hunger at all?”

“I,” High started before stomping down, “No! I won’t believe your lies!”

“Okay, you don’t want to listen to my words, then you’ll just have to see it!” I grumbled before getting to my shaking hooves, trying to focus on my power.

I knew a spell that could let others see my memories. And I planned to use it for the first time. Gritting my teeth, I tried to force up as much power as I could before concentrating on the spell and the memory.

My magic created a small mirror in front of me, all viewed from my eyes. It showed how I walked into the room and pulled the blanket back, just to have Electric Blue jump from it.

“The Queen sends her regards,” Electric Blue chuckled at me.

My own voice echoed through the mirror, “What?! You are working for her! How can you do that to High Spirits?”

It was at that time the large lieutenant stepped in and answered me, “Because she never loved High Spirits.”

Electric seemed happy and quickly went to him, nuzzling his chitin lovingly, “She’s always loved me!”

My voice boomed through the mirror with disbelief and anger, “But I killed her! You shouldn’t exist anymore!”

The big changeling laughed, “Just about. Luckily I was nearby and managed to save her, my dear Electric.”

As I let the memory play for a little longer, I learned what the feeling of someone’s heart breaking felt like. I didn’t look at High, I didn’t want to look at her. Though my very skin, I could feel her heart shatter at the sight I presented. When at last I knew the evidence was enough, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I killed it. Not wanting to put her through the torture of having to watch anymore.

“I… I don’t understand,” Rosewing said.

“She’s the traitor, there’s not much to understand.”

“No… that’s not what she meant,” Lavender said.


“Electric is the one that brought you here.”

“WHAT?” I asked in shock.

“She said she came to after you two escaped from the hospital, it was her actions that saved you from the lieutenant,” Rosewing said.

A crash echoed from the bedroom. My eyes went wide and I shot out in the direction of the bedroom. I could feel Lavender, Rosewing, Purple, and Wave follow behind me. We all ran right past High, who just stood there, dumbfounded.

I don’t really blame her.

When I turned the corner, Electric was standing at the open window, smiling at us, “Oh, you’re up already? I thought for sure I’d have more time than this. Well, at least my surprise is ready.”

“What are you planning!?” I screamed.

She chuckled, “You should know as well as anyone that the hive doesn’t have that many assets left, and while the queen could kill you all with a massive strike, such a bold move would attract some… unwanted attention.”

“You… you let me capture you,” the realization hit me like a tonne of bricks.

“Bingo. Defensive spells can be a bitch to break through, but they have one major weakness; attack them from the inside and they go down like a palace of cards.”

I growled and my anger raised, “You forgot one little thing.”

“Oh, and what would that be?” she asked giggling.

I could feel that she had defensive barriers around her, but that wouldn’t stop me. The safety of my wife, my foal and my family were at risk for this.

“That I protect my family with everything I can. Including every bit of my training, and you’ve seen nothing!” I shouted before aiming and letting go.

The blue ball that headed for her was fast. Too fast, as I put the rest of my power into it. Her eyes only went wide before it hit her, no time for anything else. I watched in satisfaction as she was flung back from the window like a rock, lifeless and a shocked expression on her face before her eyes closed.

That should put her out for a few hours minimum.

Just then, I felt it. Like in my early years if I used too much magic, my vision blurred and my legs shook weakly under me. Slowly, I tripped sideways, just to be caught by something warm and feathery.

“Shh, everything is fine,” Lavender gently cooed, and I saw her with a smile on her lips before they met mine, and I fell asleep again.

It was a really short slumber. As I opened my eyes again, the sun outside seemed to have not moved much since I put Electric out. Looking around, I recognized that I was lying in Lavender’s and my bed, something soft to my left side. Smiling, I saw Lavender with a cute expression on her muzzle, sleeping at my side. I wanted to turn and face her, but it seemed like I had already moved too much.

“Hey, beautiful,” I cooed as her eyes fluttered open.

“Hey to you, too,” she smiled and reached her neck to give me a small peck on the lips.

I watched with a smile as she rolled over, “I love y--”

My words were cut off as Electric's trap was finally sprung. I have no idea how she did it, but she did. As Lavender rolled off the bed and got to her hooves, a magical drain spell went off under the bed, no doubt meant for me. My voice caught in my throat as I saw her yell in pain as lightning coursed through her body.


She fell to the ground in a heap, unable to move.

I jumped up out of bed and went instantly to her side, unable to believe what I had just seen.

High, Purple, Rose and Wave all burst in, “What happened?!” they seemed to yell in unison.

“I don’t know.... she… she….”

High pushed me to the side, the uncertainty from her at Electric's betrayal was gone, to be replaced with something that she could actually help with.

“Electric must have done this, it’s one of the queen’s punishment spells, it drains all the magic from it’s target.”

“Is she?”

“She’s alive, for now. But, Aurora...”

There were tears in my eyes as she looked at me, it was the same look a doctor might give a dieing foal’s mother, “She’s… she’s not going to…”

“No!” I shouted.

“It just drains her magic, right?” Wave asked.

High shot her an annoyed look, “We ARE magic,” she scowled, “Take all the magic from a changeling and she will die. We feed through magic, we disguise through magic!”

“That’s not what I’m saying, I’m saying that the princess might be able to heal her.”

“What?” High asked.

“The alicorn sisters possess more magic than anyone else in the world. If her magic is being drained like this, they might be able to restore it.”

“Re… really?” I asked.

“How long does she have?” Purple asked.

“About twelve hours,” High stated.

“No good, our train doesn’t arrive for seven hours, and it’s an eight hour ride to Canterlot.”

“We’ll just take the next one out, then!” Rosewing stated.

“An… unsecured transport? One that could be a huge trap?” Wave stated.

I still laid on the ground, sobbing, but that was soon replaced by more. As I stood up, my eyes flickered green, “We’ll take the next train. Rose, High, restrain Electric and make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid. That little brat comes with us, maybe I’ll even decide to play a bit with her,” I scowled, and they all took a step back, even Purple and Wave.

Wave seemed like she was about to question me, and I simply lost it, “MOVE, NOW!” I yelled, my disguise dropping and my magic extending.

At this moment, some part of me knew that I was ready to kill, no matter who. I knew that the life of my wife and my foal was on the plate. I knew that I would do everything to save her.

As they made preparation to leave, preparations which mainly involved how to transport Electric without her giving away that we were in fact changelings, I looked down to Lavender’s form. She was breathing, but only barely. I could see that every breath seemed to hurt her.

“Stay with me, please,” I cried as I picked her up in my hooves. Somehow she managed to wrap a hoof around my neck, it wasn’t enough to support any of her weight, but I don’t think that was her intent. I think she just wanted to hug me again.

“We’re going, now!” I shouted as I flapped my wings, enabling me to fully pick her up off the floor.

Purple looked at me, smiling sadly, “Other night guards will join us at the train station. I managed to get a few more mares ready to help us.”

“You managed to get more ready? On such short notice?”

Wave snickered, “I think you missed it, or she didn’t told you, but she’s the Captain. She tells us, we do.”

I looked at Purple in awe, and at that moment it wasn’t a surprise to me that Luna talked to me. Of course she would trust and believe her Captain, her most trusted guard.

“Okay, she’s ready,” Rosewing said as her and High dragged the unconscious body of Electric back into the room. I noticed that High couldn’t help but to let her head drape over the floor, bumping every single obstacle.

Without further fanfare, I turned to the window and shattered it with my magic, “Little excessive?” Rosewing asked as she took flight after me.

“It’s just stuff,” I growled, “I have what’s really important right here.”

There was a mumble of agreement throughout the party as we made our way to the train station. I kept my eyes always facing forward, ready and hoping that someone would be stupid enough to come out and challenge us. Purple took the left flank, Wave took the right. High Spirits and Rosewing brought up the rear, carrying the traitor between them.

Sadly, my desire for a fight was not answered, and we arrived at the train station without incident.

“You almost look disappointed,” Purple said.

“I am,” I replied.

She stopped me with a hoof on my shoulder while the others went to buy tickets. I turned and glared at her with a look that said this was not the time.

A look she ignored.

“Aurora, I get it, you’re pissed, and you have every right to be.”

“Tell me something I don’t know,” I growled.

“You keep down this route, you’re going to get Lavender killed.”

My stern expression died in that moment, “Wh-- what?”

“What’s the goal? Revenge, or saving her life?” she asked.


“Then why are you looking for a fight?”

“I want to make them pay!”

“What’s the goal?”

Fuck… she’s right...

Purple continued without waiting for me to answer the question, “I’ve seen it a hundred times. A squad mate goes down, everyone wants revenge. But that vengeance costs the battle, as they are no longer seeing the bigger picture. In those cases it was a battle, here it’s saving your wife’s life.”

I looked down at her at that. Sometime during our flight, Lavender had--thankfully--passed out.

“There are two ways this trip could go; absolutely nothing could happen and we get there without issue. Or… we get ambushed, below strength, and with an injured teammate. You should really be hoping for the former, but even if the latter happens, you need to keep your eye on the goal, it’s about saving her, and not getting revenge.”

“You’re right.”

“You’d make a good soldier,” she said in a laugh, “I think your skillset is wasted pushing clouds around.”

“I’m happy with it, and it keeps my family alive,” I answered.

“If the princesses think you’re trustworthy, I would add an offer, but not now. We got other things to do at the moment,” Purple smiled at me before looking around, “Where are they? I said thirty minutes, not thirty-five!”

As if that one comment was somehow telepathically linked to her squad, four ponies ran up to us from the back cabin of our train, “Captain,” the first one yelled, “Per your orders, the rear train compartment has been secured for our usage.

I turned and looked at the black pegasus mare in full armor, on edge in case these were opponents.

“Very good. Aurora, allow me to introduce you to Midnight Strike, Black Cloud, Snow Clouds, and Endless Clouds.”

My eyes trailed down them each in turn. Midnight Strike was a black pegasus mare with a yellow stripe going down her equally black mane. Black Cloud was a grey pegasus mare with a yellow mane. Snow Clouds was unique in the group as the only unicorn. She had a grey blue mane. Endless Clouds stood out due to her pink coat color and blue mane.

“Don’t recruit a lot of stallions?” I asked in jest.

Purple laughed, “It’s rare for them to not want to be in service to Celestia. The night guard don’t have the same renown, and as such, they see little glory in it.

“Bunch of pansies, if you ask me,” Black cloud said with a smirk.

“Well, if you count that Blue Wave and Thunderstreak are the only stallions in our squad, yep, you’re right,” Endless Clouds snickered.

At that moment, the horn blew, signaling that the train was almost ready to depart.

We made it just in time…

It was a silver lining in the dark cloud we were under. High Spirits returned with the tickets, she passed two to me before, reluctantly, going back to help Rosewing with their cargo.

“Let’s get moving,” I stated.

The eleven of us boarded the train at the rear. Together we made a very interesting sight. Five of us were fully decked out night guards. Two more unconscious. As I passed our tickets to the operator, we got some very strange looks indeed, but he didn’t say anything more about it.

The cabin was empty, a little factoid we owed to the Lunar guard for clearing it for us. There were fifteen empty benches, enough for us each to have our own. Something that wasn’t going to happen.

High and Rosewing unceremoniously dropped Electric in the center bench on the left side of the train. Rosewing sat next to her, but High took a spot right behind them, refusing to stay in contact like that.

The Lunar guard split into two teams. Midnight Strike and Black Cloud took the front of the cabin, Snowy Winters and Endless Clouds the back, no doubt to keep their strength in the front and their spellcaster in the back.

Wave Night went and took a seat on the right side, about halfway from the center and rear of the cabin. I took Lavender and sat directly across from her.

Purple stayed on her hooves, walking back and forth from the front to the back.

“Wow, she really is the Captain, isn’t she?” I asked Wave.

“Yep, she’ll be like this the whole trip, too. But it’s mostly because she’s worried for us. We’re not her soldiers and recruits, we’re her family. I guess that’s also why she understands you so much,” Wave replied. I could tell there was pride in her voice, and something else. Sadness. She may never give voice to it, but part of her wanted Purple to relax and sit by her.

“Hey Purple,” I called.


“How about you take a place besides your wife and relax. I’ll keep an eye on everyone,” I suggested, and she stared wide-eyed at me.

Her expression moved from me to Wave, I could see that same longing in her eyes that I saw in Wave Night’s. However, it was only temporary, “Duty first.”

Those words seemed to stab Wave in the heart.

“Hey, I thought family comes first? At least, that’s how I hold it. Now, sit down and relax before I have to add a sleeping spell over a Captain to my list of crimes,” I told her.

“Soldiers don’t have that luxury,” she replied, “But… I may have to… rest my hooves once we get started.”

“That’s a bunch of horseapples and you know it,” I replied, “Now go ‘rest your hooves’,” with that, I stood up and took her position in the middle of the cabin, keeping everything in my view.

She stared at me in indignation, almost as if she were still going to fight me. Something that went away as the train whistle blew once more and we all felt a jolt as it started up, “Looks like we’re on the way, weren't you saying something about that?” I whispered.

She growled for a second before she sighed and sat down next to her wife, “Okay everypony. You all listen to Aurora while I… well… rest my hooves a bit,” she said, causing her guards and Wave to look at her in awe, “What? She’s a Captain, too!” she said, and for the guards it seemed enough. Only her wife still stared at her, at least until she got shut off by a kiss.

I stared forward to see Midnight and Black still smirking, knowing that their surprise was not in taking orders from me, but that their boss actually gave into her soft side. My eyes didn’t stay with them for long, they’d naturally find their way back to Lavender every few minutes, just to make sure she was okay.

I wonder what her guards will do once they know that we’re changelings? I guess it will come to that for sure, at least once some changeling is dumb enough to attack us.

I didn’t let my mind play over that question for too long, partly in worry of what they might do. Partly because I wasn’t worried at all, they’d obey Purple’s orders without question. After all, that’s what they were trained to do.

My demeanor stayed rigid, unmoving. Every few moments I’d switch from looking over the front guards to the back ones. Unsurprisingly, they were all on point, keeping to their duties just as Purple had done before I forced her to spend some time to with her wife.

When I turned back to the front, I almost jumped out of my fur when a hoof tapped me on the side.

“WH--,” I paused when I looked back and saw Purple standing up, “Tag out,” she replied.

“Go back to Wave,” I said, “I told you I’ll take it for a bit.”

“It’s been three hours, Aurora. I appreciate what you did, but your wife needs you, too.”

Three hours? What the...

“First rule of commanded, you can’t stay on point forever,” Purple said as she gestured back to the front of the cabin. I turned and looked, seeing nothing different in Midnight and Black’s behavior.

“Look at Black,” she whispered.

It was then I saw it, it was small, so much so that I never would have noticed it unless it was pointed out. Both ponies were still on guard, but Midnight was slightly more posed than Black, slightly more aware. Black was resting, letting herself recover while Midnight watched for her.

“How long have they…”

“Ever since we got started, they’ve been trading off, one on watch, one resting while still guarding. It’s a little trick I teach everyone under my command. Regardless how dedicated you are, no pony can stay one hundred percent all the time.”

“That’s why you have them in teams of two?”


“But you were going to…”

“I know my limits, eight hours is nothing. After all, you don’t become Captain by having good looks. Now, why don’t you go… rest your own hooves. I think she’s been missing you.”

My eyes turned back to Lavender. She was still passed out, but the expression on her face wasn’t one of a peaceful sleep, “Okay,” I said as I made my way back to her.

I sat down next to her and raised her head so it laid at my side. It looked like Purple was right, because as soon as her head touched my coat, her expression slowly turned up in a smile.

“I love you, Lavender,” I whispered and pressed her up to my coat. Her warmth pressed up against my own, reminding me just how much I did love her all over again. And how tired I was, the adrenaline I had been using since she rolled off the bed this morning finally leaving me.

I laid my head back, “I’m just gonna rest my eyes a bit,”

“I’ll wake you if anything happens,” Purple said with a smile as I drifted off to sleep next to the mare I loved.


“Aurora, wake up!” Purple shouted into my ear.

“What?” I asked, feeling worse than before.

“We’re under attack!”

As if to place the exclamation mark on that point, the roof of the cabin broke open, revealing seven changelings lead by a lieutenant. They clung to the roof and started to walk to the front of the cabin, their prey being the front two guards.

My eyes shot to and fro, taking in the situation we were in. We were going to lose, that much was obvious. Outside both sides of the cabin, there were at least fifty changelings, possibly all the ones the queen could summon left in Equestria.

The back of the train blew out, causing Snowy Winters and Endless Clouds to have to take cover. I took in our situation in an instant. In the front, several of the other passengers had revealed their changeling forms and were already attacking Midnight and Black, both of which were using the natural bottleneck of the entrance to thin their numbers. However, with the addition of the seven from the roof, they were going to be pincered and slaughtered.

“Purple, I--,” I paused, Purple had seen it, too, and was already off to counterattack the seven. Still, she’d be outmatched with the lieutenant there, “High Spirit, help Purple.”

She nodded at me and took off.

I glanced back, seeing Snowy Clouds and Endless Cloud getting up. They were both worse for wear, but still in the fight, “And I’ll go...”

‘NO!” Wave shouted at me, causing me to pause before I could go join them in guarding the rear.

“What?” I asked her.

“What did Purple tell you? Keep your eye on the goal,” at those words, she gestured to Lavender.


“No buts, the battle can be lost, as long as we win the war.”

My mind raged at those words, but somehow, I didn’t go join in. I wanted to, I wanted to tear apart as many as I could. However, she was right; Lavender had to come first. Still, I could adjust the layout, “Wave, come sit by me.”

She nodded and hurriedly switched sides of the cabin.

“Rosewing, how’s our prisoner?” I asked.

Rosewing took a potshot at one of the changelings that were about to jump for High’s throat. “Sleeping like a foal,” she responded, partly laughing.

I grunted at that as my eyes kept darting to each combatant. Purple Star was facing off against the lieutenant, a changeling that did not expect such a match from a pony. High Spirits fought like a mare possessed, she was using her anger and hatred at Electric against her six opponents.

I almost felt sorry for them.

Seeing them fight, I grew hope that we might actually win this.

It was hope that died when I heard a scream from the back of the cabin. My head snapped back just in time to see Endless Cloud fall to the ground, her pink coat a little darker from the blood that leaked out of a gaping wound down her flank.

“Cloud!” Snowy Clouds shouted as she powered up her horn and blasted Cloud’s attacker through the side of the cabin.

That attack was a mistake, as another hole made itself known to the changelings waiting outside.

“Shit,” I yelled as I looked around at Wave.

“Go,” she said with a nod. We both knew that now was the time for me to join. I wasn’t needed before, my job was to stay back. If I didn’t go now, we would lose the war.

I jumped to my hooves and made my way to the new hole. I looked back only once, just to see Wave take my spot with Lavender.

With a smile, I turned back to the hole, just in time to see three changelings trying to make entry, “Sorry boys, mare’s only,” I stated as I shot all three back out of the cabin with a blast of magic power.

Thinking quickly, I picked up two benches in a green aura and pressed them against the hole. Concentrating on the metal, I preceded to heat them almost to boiling, enough for them to grasp ahold of the side of the cabin.

“It won’t last forever,” I said to my patchwork melding, “But it’ll do for now.”

Unfortunately, every second you spend in battle on B, A continues on without your notice. When I turned away, it was just in time to see another seven changelings crawl in through the hole, and to make matters worse, there was another boarding party landing in the rear, where only Snowy Clouds remained.

“Purple, behind you!” I shouted as I went to join Snowy Clouds. While the seven new arrivals were a threat, they could still fight. Snowy was going to be overrun for sure if I didn’t help her.

“I’ll help her!” Rosewing shouted as she jumped up and made to join in the fight.

It leaves Electric unguarded, but we really don’t have a choice right now. I just hope the magic I put into her keeps her out for some more time.

I made it to Snowy Clouds barely in time to shield her from several blasts from two changelings. She shot me a thankful smile before slicing one with her blade while the other got burned by me.

Together, we fought them off, Snowy a blur of magical bladework that made my appreciation of her skill change dramatically. I fought with my magic, drawing upon all the power I had left, power that had yet to fully recover.

She only paused once when she noticed a pegasus using magic, but that once almost cost her life. A changeling lept for her throat with his fangs bared, only to be repulsed by a green shot from me.


“Anytime,” I replied back, smiling.

A loud crack overtook the train, causing me to pause and look forward in time to see another section of the cabin tear away, one that was far, far too close to Wave and Lavender for my liking.

“Go,” Snowy Clouds shouted.

I didn’t hesitate, I flapped my wings and took flight, just in time to see a second lieutenant appear through the gap he had ripped from the top of the train. He stared at Lavender with a hungry look in his eyes, “What do we have here?” he stated.

Wave jumped up and placed herself directly between the two, “I won’t let you hurt her!”

“Who said anything about hurting her? You, on the other hand,” He said with a laugh as his horn powered up and shot a green beam directly at Wave.

“AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” I screamed as I threw myself in the path of the beam. It burned through every minor defense I could raise, hit my fur, and blistered my skin. I felt my body radiate with pain and anguish. My muscles felt like they were on fire, my brain barely able to process anything other than pain.

“Aurora!” Wave shouted, I could barely hear it, I could barely hear anything. I fell onto my side. Breathing hurt, moving hurt, touching things hurt, and even seeing hurt. I forced myself to face my attacker, not wanting to give him the pleasure of an easy kill.

“And she was worried about you, ple--”

He never finished that sentence, a purple blade pierced his throat from behind, causing him to gurgle blood and fall to the floor. My eyes focused on the one that had ended him; Purple Star was standing over the lieutenant's prone form. Her body one of cuts and blood, one of her front hooves appeared to be broken, her wings torn and shredded.

None of that showed on her face, she stared at him as one might stare at a pile of excrement on the ground, “And that’s… two,” she said before falling to the ground.

“Purple!” Wave cried.

She didn’t even look at her wife as she looked over, but Wave stayed beside Lavender. Even I couldn’t hold out much more, and a look to the front showed that Black Cloud was down while Midnight fought every single changeling on her own, blood and tears equally staining her coat.

Of Rosewing and High Spirits, I could see no sign. However, I had a suspicion that they were in the pile of changelings that were currently fighting it out, no doubt unable to keep their forms.

Another gaze, however, made me freeze. Electric Blue stirred in her position, and I could see that it was a matter of minutes before she would be awake. Something I clearly didn’t want to add to my list of things on my mind.

With all the strength I had left, I rolled to my stomach and started to crawl to Lavender.

If I’m going to die, I want to do it in her hooves.

The thought wasn’t a pleasant one, but it was the only one that mattered to me. Before I could make it halfway to her, another noise caused me to stop. Not by what it said, but how it was said.


It was just my name, spoke from Wave, but it was said with surprise, and hope.

I forced my head to look to the back of the cabin, in the same direction Wave was looking. The changelings were no longer attacking, they were retreating. A glance forward told the same tale. It was like it was last call at a bar, and the last one out got stuck with the tip. They were fighting each other to leave the train, their opponents left battered, bruised, and utterly confused.

“I… I don’t understand.”

“I do. Look,” Wave said with a smile as she pointed out the gaping hole in the roof of the cabin.

I stared up and cried at what I saw. It was like the sun’s wrath made manifest on the planet. Celestia, in all her glory, she was flying this way. Power radiating off her in waves of pure magical energy.

Behind her, Canterlot Mountain was coming into view.

My cries became a smile, then a chuckle, then full on laughter.

“We’re… we’re saved.”

“She’s amazing, isn’t she?” Wave said with a smile.

“Yes, she is.”

It felt like seconds later when the train came to a stop. Wave had placed Lavender gently by me, careful not to cause me too much pain despite me lying to her that was I fine. She then went and helped Purple, who I was relieved to hear was not mortally wounded, just exhausted after killing two changeling lieutenants back to back. Of the others, I had no knowledge of, I couldn’t check on them even if I wanted to.

When the door opened, a power made itself known to us. It wasn’t the brilliant light of Celestia’s sun, and it wasn’t a darkness either, not in an evil way anyway. Rather, it was calming, like peace made manifest. My eyes took in the princess of the night making her way onto the train car. I looked up at her, tears in my eyes as she spoke to me.

“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Aurora Blue. Welcome to Canterlot,” Princess Luna stated right before I passed out.

Author's Note:

We're coming to the end pretty soon.
But for now, enjoy :twilightsmile: