• Published 12th Apr 2015
  • 3,301 Views, 319 Comments

A Rift Between Worlds - Cinders of War

When Equestria and the human world come under attack from a deadly new foe, Princess Celestia must reawaken one of Equestria’s oldest and most well kept secrets to keep both worlds from losing it all. This time, friendship alone won’t be enough.

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Chapter 18: An Electrifying Entrance

Home Run, and the Rainbooms made their way to their respective classes as quickly as they could, though Home Run and Applejack lagged behind a little. The rest of them gave support to the two, helping them get to class quickly. Eclair decided to find Mr. Loregiver, heading towards the history class.

Sunset Shimmer knocked on the door to the science room before entering, opening the door right in Mr. Discord’s face, knocking him to the ground. “I am so sorry, Mr. Discord! I didn’t know you were there!”

He rubbed at his nose, but stood up on his own. “It’s fine, Sunset. This is nothing. Anyway, I got the memo from Mr. Loregiver. He said you were helping him move some stuff? And Home Run? What happened to him?”

Rainbow was the first to answer. “Yes, of course Mr. Discord! That’s exactly what we were doing! As for Home Run… a bookshelf fell on him, but Mr. Loregiver patched him up. Quite well, in fact.”

“Very well, just sit down,” Discord shooed them to their seats. “I’m in the middle of some calibrating equations.”

The Rainbooms helped Home Run into his seat before getting in theirs.

“Home Run!” Sundown whispered over to him. “What happened to ya! How’d that bookshelf fall on ya? Are ya gonna be alright for that baseball game later?”

Home Run could have hit himself for being so careless in the battle. He had forgotten all about the baseball preliminaries after school today. “Oh no no no…”

“What’s wrong?” Rainbow asked from his other side.

“Is there a problem back there?” Mr. Discord called from the front, pointing at a theory of equations.

“No problems here, Mr. Discord,” Home Run tried to say as calmly as he could. He slightly turned to Rainbow. “I’ll… I’ll tell you later…”

Mr. Discord continued on with the class like always, spouting some words that didn’t make sense before giving the class more homework. As soon as the bell rang, the students began packing their bags and heading out.

“So, what were you going to tell me earlier?” Rainbow asked once they passed the doors.

Home Run sighed, but told her anyway. “The baseball game… How am I going to play now? I can barely walk. I can’t miss it! I’m not letting my team down again!”

Rainbow’s eyes widened. “Oh my gosh. You’re right.”

“Oh, not again…” Sunset put a palm to her face. “Look, is now really the best time to be worrying about that; we barely got away with our lives earlier. We got lucky, Home Run.”

“I get it,” Home Run nodded hesitantly. “But… I just can’t fail my team. Not a second time.”

The four of them hurried on, unsure of how to deal with Home Run’s problem.

“Well if we’re lucky,” Rainbow cracked dryly. “Maybe the Stalker will attack us before the game, and it’ll have to be moved.”

“I-I’d rather that didn’t happen…” Fluttershy whimpered. “I mean… if it’s okay with you.”

Arriving at the gym doors, Home Run said goodbye to his friends and headed for his PE class. Once again, he sat out for the games, unable to do anything with his injured leg.

“Man, you sure get a lot of injuries,” Soarin gave him a pat on the back. “You’ve got to be more careful out there, slugger.”


“Hey, what’s with the long face? Cheer up. You’ll get better in no time.”

Home Run shook his head. “It’s not that. It’s the baseball game later. I… I won’t be able to help the team out.”

“Hey what’s up, Homey?” Heavy Wind clapped Home Run on the back as well. “You know, I was taking a walk in some ninja garden the other day, and all of a sudden, this huge dude with glasses comes crashing through the wall, being chased by this other guy who looked like Lightning Rain or something… maybe he’s on steroids or something, I don’t know. It was awesome.”

“Are you sure you didn’t dream all that?” Charly put a finger to his chin, trying to imagine it. It seemed he was having trouble doing so.

“Or read that on that website of yours?” Trixie asked, listening in on the absurd story.

Heavy Wind gave them both an incredulous look. “What do you mean? I would never lie about such a serious matter. That’s Jetstream’s line of work. In fact, the big guy was yelling something about small mechanics or something... I don't exactly recall.”

“So what did you do after that?” Home Run asked, his curiosity aroused by this fantastic tale.

“Dunno,” the other boy shrugged. “Just went home, I guess.”

“You’re making that up!” Trixie pointed a finger at him. “Even the great and powerful Trixie has never seen something like that!”

“I am so not making that up!” Heavy Wind shot back hotly. “In fact, I even took a video! Here!”

He yanked out his phone and showed them a video. It was grainy and blurry, but two figures could be seen sprinting in the dusk, one of them large and muscular, the other one thinner and carrying a long, shiny object that almost looked like a baseball bat. The audio was crackly, but near the end, they could barely make out the words, “...chines, son!”

“See? Solid proof!”

“Looks real to me,” Charly said.

“I don’t know,” Spitfire had joined the huddle and was now scratching her chin. “Looks an awful lot like that new Wooden Cog game that came out last week to me. I think I even played through that boss.”

Heavy Wind put his hands on his hips. “It’s totally real, and it’s going on Neighgag- wait...” he held up a finger. “You have Wooden Cog Upsurgence: Counteretribution? I’ve been looking everywhere for that game!”

“What can I say?” Spitfire shrugged smugly. “Sometimes it’s good to be able to run fast.”

“Hey!” Coach Whiplash blew his whistle. “What are you all hanging around Home Run for? Back to the game! Come on, move! Let’s go!”

Soon after PE, Home Run found himself back with the Rainbooms in Mr. Loregiver’s class. When he entered, Eclair was already there, seated unobtrusively at the back of the room at a desk that was usually empty.

“Who’s that?” Lyra asked Mr. Loregiver as she entered the classroom, looking at the new girl.

“Class,” Mr. Loregiver walked up to the front. “This is Eclair. She’ll be joining us from today. Be nice to her.”

Eclair didn’t stand, simply nodding her greetings to the class. The bell rang shortly after, allowing Mr. Loregiver to begin his class.

“Now, today we’ll be focusing on ancient myths and legends. Like that of King Dawn Saber and the such, but more recent. Can anyone tell me of a more contemporary myth?”

Lyra raised her hand. “How about the story of that Trotsylvanian vampire?”

“Very good,” Mr. Loregiver nodded. “Now, while I’m quite sure there are no such things as vampires, the story of Draculina has been a staple of the horror genre for nearly a hundred years. In fact, I’ve been trying to get the principal to arrange a field trip to Trotsylvania for a while now… but that’s another topic. Now, in light of this, I’d like you all to get in groups of four and discuss various legends through the ages."

For once, the students were excited, talking to each other about all kinds of legends, like the Labyrinth, and the headless horse, except for Home Run. His mind was still busy trying to figure out how he could make it for the baseball game. It was almost deja vu for him; the same thing happening to him when he was still with his old school.

“Home Run?” he heard Sunset say. He blinked and looked up, the others looking at him. “You’re not still thinking about the baseball game are you?”

“Don’t worry about it, Home Run,” Rainbow assured. “This isn’t like the last time. We’ll win that game for you. I mean, Rainbow Dash and the Winds of Destruction? We’re awesome.”

“Yeah, that’s right,” Applejack added in, giving him a confident smile. “Although, Ah have no idea what happened the last time.”

“I’ll tell you some other time I guess…” Home Run sighed, but they were right. Even if he did play, what then? He couldn’t run. He wouldn’t even make it to first base. He just had to trust in his friends. They did have quite the reputation after all. They can do it.

Princess Celestia and Luna paced around Twilight's palace, looking in to the Warframe pods to check on them.

"We need to waken the others, dear sister," Luna suggested. "How are the humans going to manage against that Stalker? It has already proven it is stronger than eight of them, and even damaged two. We won't last long against such an enemy without reinforcements."

"You're right, Luna, but where are we going to find more pilots?" Celestia contemplated.

"Ooh ooh!" Pinkie hopped out from behind one of the pods. "Pick me! Pick me!"

"Unfortunately, pony Pinkie Pie," Nyx stepped in. "An Equestrian cannot pilot a Warframe in this form. You will need to transform into a human before you are able to."

"What's wrong with that?" the pink pony raised an eyebrow and put a hoof to her chin.

"It is as always, Pinkie," Celestia informed. "It would be strange for two of you running around. We'll have to scout the school for more pilots... Or... We could have the Tenno pick the pilots."

"How is that possible, Lotus?" Nyx questioned, putting a hand to one of the pods. "I thought they couldn't reactivate on their own?"

"There is a way," Celestia continued. "If you bring the pod into vicinity of a possible pilot and activate autotracking, the Warframe will automatically attach to its host, allowing the Tenno to reactivate."

Nyx almost snapped at the princess. "Then why didn't we do this sooner? The rest of my brothers and sisters would have awoken by now!"

"Calm down, Nyx," Twilight scolded, but felt Nyx's sadness. Being away from those you love was hard. "I mean... It's unnecessary and dangerous to bring other humans into this battle unless we really have to."

"And I believe we have to," Luna agreed. "If the Stalker were to keep attacking, or if there is more than one, there won't be enough pilots to take him on. We need to start recruiting."

"I will take them to the human world," Nyx immediately volunteered. "I... I want to be there when they awaken."

"I'll go with her," Twilight stepped up to Nyx. "She's my partner after all."

"Alright," the white alicorn smiled. "And Nyx? I know you miss him, but please don't rush the process."

"I will do my best, Lotus," Nyx bowed before merging with Twilight. "Come, Twilight Sparkle. Let us go. Time's wasting."

Princess Celestia and Luna activated their magic, sending the pods through the portal with Twilight and Nyx before heading back to their castle.

"Luna... There is something else I want to talk about. Another plan."

The smaller princess raised an eyebrow. "Another plan?"

Celestia nodded and closed both eyes, having to reveal yet another secret. "These Warframes... I didn't create them. I found them."

"I thought we were clear on all secrets, Tia?" Luna narrowed her eyes, disappointed.

"I know. I'm sorry. I never thought it would come to this. I found the suits in the Void. An ancient place long before our time. An area deep in space, hidden to most and shares no boundaries with our dimensions."

"How will this... Void help us?"

Celestia took a breath before continuing. "When I found the Warframes, I had also found secret vaults. The precursors... The Orokin as I call them, left them around the Void, hiding plenty of their secrets from us. After years of research into the Void, I've realized they've been keeping Warframes in them. Not just any Warframes, but ones with tremendously more power."

"Then why haven't you gotten them yet?"

Celestia looked down to the lands below them, watching ponies go about their usual routine. "I never figured out how to open them. Maybe Home Run and the girls can figure it out."

Luna was aghast. "You plan on sending them in there? Even with that... Thing chasing after them?"

"What choice do we have, Luna? I'm afraid without better Frames... They're not going to last long."

Twilight and Nyx had set the pods up on the roof of CHS before calibrating the autotracking device.

"So how do these work?" Twilight looked around the back of the pods. "Are they just going to fly out? Or do they point us to a suitable pilot?"

Nyx shrugged. "I have never seen this function before. We shall just have to find out."

"So... Which one first?"

Twilight remembered she didn't have to ask Nyx. She knew which one she was going to activate first. Nyx stood before the pod, resting her hand on the glass. After finishing her peaceful moment, Nyx activated the tracker, watching as the pod opened, releasing the pressurized air as a Warframe moved out. Nyx put a hand on it before it launched off, heading for the person who synced with it the best.

"So what now?" Twilight asked, running to the roof to watch the Warframe go.

"We follow it." Nyx quickly melded over Twilight and leapt off the school roof, landing with a roll on the soft grass below.

"What if the students see us?" Twilight worried. “I don’t think they’re used to seeing things like that.”

“Oh, you’d be surprised, Twilight Sparkle. Excalibur has told me tales of how the students just ignore him when he’s up and about. He just makes sure to clean up after a battle to avoid the general suspicion.”

“Huh…” was all Twilight had to say. They continued on as Nyx scanned the area for the Warframe. “So… this Warframe… you seem to have a special bond with him.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” Nyx said frostily.

“Nyx,” Twilight said soothingly. “You don’t have to hide anything from me. I won’t laugh.”

“Good, because there’s nothing to hide. Come on. Volt is moving faster now.”

“Volt? Is that his name? Has he found a pilot?”

Nyx responded by speeding up their pace. Indeed, the unmanned Warframe had picked up the pace; lightning was sparking from its feet as it navigated the school and tendrils of electricity arced onto its body as it passed outlets in the walls.

“I’m guessing Volt’s power is electrical in nature?” Twilight said, ducking back from a discharge.

Nyx’s HUD flickered. “As observant as ever, I see.”

“Oh, Nyx. I have to say… I haven’t missed your petty words.”

Volt suddenly turned a sharp corner, dashing through a half-opened door. There was a startled yelp and the sound of a opening Warframe before electric began sparking out the doors, forcing Twilight and Nyx to stay back until they were extinguished.

Twilight peeked her head around the entrance, watching as the Warframe stood up from the ground, immediately looking at his hands. Nyx took over Twilight’s movement and headed inside, alerting the Warframe to their presence.

Nyx…?” his voiced appeared in Twilight’s head. “Is… is that you?

“Volt,” Nyx slowly said. “It’s… been a while, hasn’t it?”

Volt reached out to Twilight, the electricity fizzling out. The Warframe had led them to the band room, where numerous instruments were stacked up neatly, with the exception of a blue electric guitar which lay on the ground.

“It’s been… how long? It feels like forever. Where… are we?”

Volt held out his hand, allowing Nyx to take it. She gripped it firmly, as if letting go would send him back to cryosleep. “We’re back in the human world. This is Canterlot High School. A… learning center as they call it.”

“So… Nyx,” Twilight twisted her mouth into a smile. “Still nothing to hide?”

A startled voice suddenly emerged from within the electrical Warframe. “Uhh… What’s happening? Why is my hand moving on its own? Who are you?” Twilight and Nyx stepped back, narrowly missing Volt’s foot as the pilot fell over backwards into a drum kit. “Oww.”

Nyx just had to ask. “Volt. Is your pilot an incompetent? Believe me, I know what it’s like; Twilight Sparkle here was more than a bit hopeless at first.”

“Hey! Twilight is not hopeless! Who are you to say that?”

There was a crunching sound from the door. Everyone turned to see Jetstream there with a bag of popcorn. “Hey Flash!” he called, not looking up from his snack. “Mr. Bray said he wanted to talk to you about…” the fistful of popcorn he’d been holding fell to the ground as he realized what he was looking at. “Uh…”

“I got this.” Quick as lightning, Nyx took control and launched a mind control at Jetstream. They boy’s eyes went blank and he turned a hundred and eighty degrees, walking right back out without another word.

“Nyx! You can’t just use your powers on the students!” Twilight began to lecture. “And besides… Mind control doesn’t erase his memory.”

“Well he’ll have a hard time convincing anyone that what he just saw was real,” Nyx snapped back. “Unless you’d prefer I remove the problem permanently…”

“Hold up, hold up!” the pilot of Volt said, walking in front of Nyx and putting his hands up. “Whoever you are, you can’t just go around killing kids! What are you anyway? What am I? Where’s Twilight? How do you know her?”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Flash?” She willed her helmet to fold. “Is that you?”

The other Warframe jumped back a few steps before taking a closer look at Twilight. Suddenly, his helmet went down too. “Woah that is cool, but Twilight? What’s going on? What’s all this? Uhh… well, it’s nice to see you and everything, but I have no idea what’s going on…”

“Easy, Flash Sentry,” Volt started. “I am Volt, and we are Tenno. The beings that inhabit this suit, this Warframe, with you. You have been selected to defend your race from a coming threat I believe. Nyx, what are we facing? Why have we been awoken?”

Flash looked for all the world like he’d been told the sky was green.

Twilight took his hand and they both sat down after locking the door. “Easy there,” she said. “Let’s start from the beginning…”

Home Run sat miserably in the dugout as his friends went up to bat one by one. Their first preliminary game was against the Chicoltgo Academy Foxes. Home Run remembered them from his days at Fillydephia State. They were an average team. Pretty fast, but they’re weren’t as good at the bat. He cheered half-heartedly as the Wondercolts scored a run, Jetstream returning back beside him in the dugout.

“Did you see that, Homey? I was gone, like a wind of destruction! No one can tag me out. Nobody!”

“Yeah, nice one, Jetstream,” Home Run fistbumped. “Wish I could be out there with you guys, but this’ll have to do.”

“I’ve already told you, Home Run!” Rainbow gave him a pat. “You leave it to us. If Jetstream already did that well, you can bet I’m gonna do even better!”

“Hey,” Jetstream raised his arms in surrender. “You’re the boss, boss. I’m happy as long as I’m better than Lightning Rain here.” The boy in question curled his lip in a silent sneer before getting up for his turn at the bat. Jetstream chuckled and leaned back, taking a swig of water from the cooler. “Yo Homey, don’t look so down, let Jetstream here tell you a story.”

“Ummm… sure,” Home Run wasn’t sure what to say, but he just went with it. “Go for it…”

“It was a dark and stormy night,” Jetstream waved his hands around to accentuate just how dark and stormy it had been. “And me and Lightning Rain were dueling with our swords in the middle of the desert on motorbikes, and-”

“Hey, Jets,” Heavy Wind said from behind his phone. “If you’re gonna tell a tall tale, at least tell one we haven’t heard five times already.”

“More than five, brother,” Cold Wind reminded him around the wad of gum in her mouth.

“Is it true?” Shortstop asked excitedly. “You being in the desert and all?”

“Yeah!” Jetstream said.

“Aw, heck no,” Sundown’s voice came from the other end of the dugout as he got up to bat.

“You shut your face!” Jetstream stood up and pointed at him. “Anyway, if you want a new story, I’ve got one just for you guys.” He cleared his throat theatrically. “I was walking through the school, when-”

Heavy Wind coughed. “Is this the one about the ninjas in the lockers? Because you know you’ve told us that one too…”

“Hey, you memelord,” Jetstream warned. “Who’s telling the story here, you, or me? Just listen, will you?” Once everyone had quieted down, he kept talking. “Anyway, I was going to the band room, and it was aaaaallll quiet, like real quiet, man. Then I see this light from the room, because like, it was like a lightning strike indoors, man.”

Home Run leaned back as Jetstream’s face became more and more gleeful. He gave First Base a high five as the freshman headed for the home plate. “Where are you going with this?”

“I’ll-I’ll tell you in a second. Anyway, I was going to get something, or someone, or I don’t know, then I saw… it.”

It?” Shortstop gasped, clearly in awe of the older boy.

“It,” Jetstream confirmed. “And I’ll never forget it for the rest of my life. It was unlike anything I’ve ever seen.”

“Wha-what did you see?”

“I saw…” Jetstream paused for maximum effect. “... a robot.”

There was a moment of stunned silence, only to be broken by Lightning Rain returning to the dugout.

“Wow,” Cold Wind said after blowing a bubble. “That’s gotta be like… the lamest story you’ve told, ever. Thanks for that, Jets. Really; that’s two minutes of my life I’ll never get back.”

“Hey, no I’m serious! I did see a robot. Or was it two robots? You know, I don’t quite remember the full details, but I’m certain I saw them!”

“Robots?” Lightning Rain let out a small laugh. “You sure it’s me who’s been playing too much Wooden Cog? Because you sound like you’re seeing mechs everywhere.”

“No, I’m certain!” Jetstream raised his volume. “It’s one of the only things I know for real! I did see a robot!”

“These robots…” Rainbow butted in. “What do they look like?”

"Glad you asked, boss!" Jetstream gave her a big smile.They were big and tall, and one of them was carrying this huge gun! I barely got out of there alive! In fact, I think it even shot at me, but I was too quick for it.”

"Right..." Home Run leaned back against the wall and blew some air from his mouth. At first, he thought Jetstream had seen one of the Warframes, but after listening to his absurd description, it must have been another story he made up on the spot.

"Jetstream, don't bother them with your boring stories," Lightning grunted into his water bottle.

Soon, the whistle blew, indicating the placement change for both teams as the Wondercolts headed for the field with their mitts.

"Time to shine, team!" Rainbow told them as they got into position. "Like me! We're gonna win this game for Home Run there. He deserves it."

"WONDERCOLTS!" all of them shouted as they moved to their field placements.

"Wait," Flash Sentry called for a stop. "So you've all been fighting this secret battle for the last month? I haven't seen any signs of combat or anything."

Twilight had explained everything to Flash while Nyx and Volt went to another corner to catch up. She started from finding the void keys all the way to the new enemy showing up.

"Your Mr. Loregiver is very good at his job," Twilight explained.

"Okay, so he's from your world, right? And he's this indomitable machine or something?"

"Sounds about right," Twilight laughed. "Are... You okay with this? Defending the world and all?"

"Yeah!" Flash said enthusiastically. "If you're in, then I'm in!" He took Twilight's hand, making her blush. "By the way... Valentine's Day is coming up. Will you be around for that?"

Twilight scratched at her head. "Umm... I don't believe I know what that is."

"Let's see how to put this..." Flash put a hand to his chin. "Valentine's Day is a day where you... hang out with... with a special someone."

"Oh," Twilight started playing with her hair. "Kinda like Hearts and Hooves Day."

"I have no idea what that is."

"So, this... Velvetines's Day..."

"Valentine's Day," Flash corrected. "Would... would you like to hang out with me?"

Twilight was just about to give him an answer before Volt slammed them both to the ground. "Down!"

Twilight turned her head as a few knives flew over their heads, stabbing themselves in the wall, raining plaster down on them.

"Twilight Sparkle! To me!" Nyx beckoned, helping Twilight up. She quickly folded over the lavender girl and pulled out her sybaris. "The Stalker. It's here. Somewhere."

Flash still had no idea what was going on, but Volt melded over him and took control, bringing his fists up in front of him.

"Finally," Volt charged his fists with electric. "I've been waiting for a fight. Flash Sentry. How good are you in a battle?"

"I don't know!" Flash started to panic. "I've never really fought anyone."

Volt resisted the urge to slap a hand in his face, instead taking a step in front of Nyx. "Stay back, Nyx. We'll get this."

"No, Volt!" Nyx protested. "From what I've heard, this enemy is strong. We'll take him together. Like old times."

"Very well," Volt smashed his fists together, sendings sparks out. "Like old times. Flash Sentry, if you see an attack that I fail to see, dodge it for me."

"Tenno..." a creepy voice sounded around them.

Twilight raised her rifle, making sure to check all around her. Almost at the exact moment she turned left, a darkness grew on her right as the Stalker emerged, swinging his scythe right at her. Nyx immediately took control, spinning and throwing them to the ground.

Twilight took the chance to fire off four shots, three of them clipping the Stalker in the side. It growled at her as it dodged a punch from Volt, taking a huge slide back.

It pulled out its bow and fired an arrow at them.

"Watch out!" Volt warned as they ducked under it. "Bladed arrows. They're going to cut right through you."

The electrical Warframe gathered his energy before firing off a shockwave towards the attacking Tenno. It shorted out all the lights in the room, but the Stalker jumped up and disappeared in a cloud of smoke, instantly appearing over him and pinning him down.

Twilight quickly threw herself in between both of them and activated an absorb as the Stalker's blade slashed towards them. The blade connected, allowing Twilight to redirect the damage to the Stalker as she caused her barrier to explode.

"That was really good, Twilight Sparkle," Nyx congratulated.

The Stalker flew back into a wall, cracking the structure with the impact. It pulled itself off as more bullets flew in its direction. Pulling out more throwing knives, it let loose a few as it ran towards the Warframes. Volt shot off a jolt of electricity at each one, managing to blast them all out of the sky as they got closer.

“You’re not the only one with sharpshooting accuracy, fella!” Volt blew on his fingers like it was a gun.

“You think you know how to fight?” the Stalker boomed. “You cower behind your Lotus, and kill the innocent? Let me show you how to fight.”

The Stalker vanished in a blur, suddenly sliding past Nyx, breaking her shields and cutting a huge gash in her armor along the side. Nyx and Twilight screamed out in pain as the blade pierced deep through the armor, tearing along the skin and muscles. Twilight collapsed from the pain, but Nyx, Volt and Flash managed to catch her and hold her up.

"Twilight!" Flash held her. He checked the wound, slowly spilling blood down her suit. He focused his words on Volt. "What can I do to help her?"

"Fluttershy," Nyx informed him. "Take her to Fluttershy. She can heal the wound."

The Stalker turned itself and brought out its bow again.

"Run, Flash Sentry!" Volt pushed his Frame towards the door. "Run! Don't stop running till we lose it. I'll help out with my skills. You keep moving!"

Flash didn't have to be told twice to get out. He picked Twilight up and dashed for the door. Nyx threw a few psychic bolts at the rogue Tenno while Volt activated a speed boost, sending Flash jetting through the hallway, electricity rippling off his Frame.

The Stalker let loose an arrow, just missing the blue haired boy as he turned. Two psychic bolts got it in the chest, irritating it, but it shrugged it off and ran after Flash.

"Did we lose it?" Flash asked his partner.

"Just keep running. Don't stop unless I tell you to."

The speed boost Volt gave him was surprisingly useful, allowing the guitarist to sprint long distances in such a short time. The Stalker nocked in another arrow and fired, missing Flash by the shoulder, startling the guitarist. Nyx fired off a few more psychic bolts, hoping to slow down their pursuer. Soon, the sound of the Stalker fell behind them, slowly growing softer and softer until he was not heard any longer.

“Very good, Flash Sentry,” Volt acknowledged. “Now keep going. Don’t stop yet. It might still be on your trail. Nyx. Where does this Fluttershy hang out? We must find her. Fast. Before your pilot loses too much blood.”

“I believe Fluttershy hangs around the animal shelter after school,” Flash suggested. He looked down to Twilight to check if she was still breathing. She was. “Hang in there, Twilight. We’re getting help.”

Flash Sentry plotted the nearest path to the animal shelter and took off even faster than before. He didn’t get to see Twilight all that often, and he wasn’t going to lose her now.

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