• Published 12th Apr 2015
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A Rift Between Worlds - Cinders of War

When Equestria and the human world come under attack from a deadly new foe, Princess Celestia must reawaken one of Equestria’s oldest and most well kept secrets to keep both worlds from losing it all. This time, friendship alone won’t be enough.

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Chapter 28: Still Friends

The next week had passed by without incident. Home Run had gone to school everyday, just waiting for the Stalker to pop out of the shadows, shooting arrows at them, but it never came. He found himself constantly looking behind his back, expecting the rogue Tenno to show up.

“Flash, you think this is his plan?” the baseballer asked his friend. “Get us all paranoid and then strike when we lose our minds?”

“Who knows?” Flash Sentry shrugged. “I’m just glad we haven’t had to draw our swords yet.”

Ah, yes, Flash Sentry,” Volt said in their heads. “That’s something you haven’t done in a while. Draw your sword. You really need practice if you hope to keep up with me.

“Yeesh,” the guitarist rolled his eyes. “If you need me to, I’ll go to the dojo then!”

Yes. I would like that, Flash Sentry. After school today. Let us go.

“Looks like you’re covered for today,” Home Run nudged him. “No way he’s going through the mirror.”

“What about you? Will you be alright on your own?”

“It’s day time, man. I can hang with the girls.”

“Hey,” Mr. Pierce called from the front, his pointer directed towards Home Run. “I’m teaching a lesson. This is some important stuff. If you don’t want to learn, then I don’t know what you’re doing in my class. Computer lessons are very important. Why, you could be the only one standing in the way of a hacker and global domination if you have the right skills. I suggest you put them to use. Are we clear?”

“Crystal clear, Mr. Pierce!” Home Run nodded vigorously. He leaned towards Flash and whispered, “Man, even with a crippled leg, Mr. Pierce is as moody as ever.”

“He’s always like that,” Flash replied, returning his eyes to his computer screen. “We just have to deal with it.”

“Ah’m tellin’ y’all,” Applejack hissed from her computer. “He’s probably had some kinda shady past we don’t know nothin’ about. Maybe runnin’ from the law or somethin’...”

“Well, whatever it is,” Home Run cracked his knuckles and got back to work. “I just wish it doesn’t come back to bite him. He’s already in such a bad mood.”

Home Run kept his eyes open, but the Stalker still didn’t show up. He even got through an entire baseball game without having to pull out his Warframe. They had won the game, but Home Run felt he had been slightly distracted, missing a few balls at the bat.

This time around, Rainbow Dash and Sundown had won the game for the Wondercolts. With the captain’s overall performance and the pitcher’s wicked curveballs, the other school didn’t stand a chance.

The baseball team helped to pack up their gear as the crowds began to thin, leaving the bleachers and school for home.

Home Run couldn’t help but watch his surroundings, just in case the Stalker decided to use the crowd to get closer before… Well, Home Run didn’t want to think about it.

“Looking out for that Creeper?” Jetstream put an arm around Home Run’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. We got that covered, don’t we Lightning? We’re your eyes in the sky.”

“What?” the pale-skinned baseballer tossed his mitt into the crate.

“You know, the Creeper!” Jetstream said slowly, emphasizing each syllable. “The robot?”

“I told you, it’s not a robot!” Lightning Rain threw a hand towards Jetstream. “Even Home Run told you so!”

“Well, it’s close enough,” the brown haired boy shrugged.

“It is not.”

“Look, they’re machines, LR,” Jetstream stood up straight and wore a smug face. “Suits of metal. I’m pretty sure that’s what you call a robot.”

“Uh, no. That’s what you call a suit.”

“You shut your face!” Jetstream yelled and ran off behind the bleachers, away from the field.

“Same response as any other time he can’t come up with something better to say,” Lightning huffed and began wheeling the crate of gear back to the storeroom.

“Home Run,” the captain called from behind him. “Can I talk to you?”

“Uh, sure, capt,” Home Run left all the bats in a pile before joining the rainbow haired girl by the edge of the pitch. “Something the matter? Is it the Stalker? Did you see him?”

“That’s just it!” she threw her hands up. “We haven’t seen it, or even heard it in a week! Something’s up, and I want to know.”

“I think he’s trying to rile us up,” Home Run suggested, leaning against the school building. “Get us all on edge before coming in when we least expect it.”

“You,” Rainbow said. “Are being way too negative and realistic. Good.”

“Uh, well, I mean he’s probably gonna-” Home Run blinked a few times before raising an eyebrow. “Wait, did you say good?”

Rainbow nodded. “Yep. Someone’s gotta be the downer of the group, or all we are is a bunch of idealistic do-gooders.”

“Oh, uh… If you say so, Rainbow.”

Rainbow made a face. “I was kidding, man.”

Home Run stared at her blankly for a few seconds before her words finally registered. He leaned back and pointed a finger up, understanding. “Ah, right, right. Of course. Should’ve known that. How silly of me.”

“Still, you have a point,” the rainbow haired girl rubbed her chin. “Something’s changed, but we just don’t know what. We’d better figure it out sooner rather than later.”

“Changed? How about Mr. Loregiver’s new Warframe. I’m pretty sure that’s a bit of change. Maybe he can even defeat the Stalker one on one now. But that’s our new problem, isn’t it? Getting the guy to show up.”

Rainbow sighed and flopped down onto a bench, taking a swig from her water bottle. “I’d rather not do that, but I guess you’re right. If there’s a wasp in the room I’d rather be able to see it.”

“That’s a pretty good comparison,” Home Run laughed and joined her. “Well, he’ll be doing a lot better than… well, better than me, I suppose.”

The two of them sat there in the afternoon sun, just the two of them, seeing as the other baseball players had already headed to the storeroom or to change.

“Welp, best not stay too long, or people are going to start talking,” Rainbow sighed as she got up.

“Guess you’re right, captain...” Home Run patted his knees and stood up. The boy still thought about his captain a lot, even though he kept telling himself to forget about it. There was nothing more to be done.

Rainbow seemed to sense something was up, and turned around.

“You all right there, slugger?”

“Hmm? Oh yes, fine. Perfectly fine, Rainbow.”

“Hm? You sure?”

Home Run waved his hand, though he felt himself heating up. He had probably shown something on his face earlier. “Uh, yeah. I’m… I’m all good. Nothing to worry about, hehe... uh, yep.”

Rainbow almost looked as if she was about to press him, but then shrugged and went on her way, leaving Home Run very much alone.

You didn’t tell her, Home Run?” Vauban spoke in his head, making sure to keep the communication secure.

“Tell her?” Home Run turned around and whispered. “Why would I tell her? These kinds of things… well, I mean, it’s not like it’s good to keep it to yourself, but… uh, it’s kinda embarrassing.”

I don’t see *bzzzt* what the problem is. Simply tell her the way you feel. She can help you. Rainbow Dash is your friend, is she not? And a really *bzzt* loyal one at that.

“Yeah, but I can’t just walk up to her and say, ‘oh hey, Rainbow Dash. I still think about what you said that night and I know I shouldn’t keep thinking about it, but I just can’t help it! What should I do?’, right?”

Vauban was not impressed. “You, boy, have issues. How is it you can face down a Grineer Bombard with no trouble, and still have trouble *brrzzz* talking to a member of your own team?”

“It’s not that simple!” Home Run burst out. “I mean, she’s the one who told me that she didn’t want to take the next step. I can’t just go up to her and ask her what I should do!”

You know what, Home Run? You’ll thank me later.” Vauban suddenly switched back to the group chat. “Hey, Zephyr, I’ve *bzzzt* got something to ask of you.

“Wait, what?” Home Run’s eyes widened in shock. “Nononono, Vauban. Don’t do that!”

“What is it, Vauban?” There was a quick gust of wind as Zephyr and Rainbow flew from the changing rooms to Home Run’s position. “Are we under attack?

None of that. *brrzzzt* Home Run just has something to ask of your pilot.

“Wait, no, Vauban, you can’t do that!” Home Run looked at Zephyr and Rainbow, unconsciously rubbing at his hands. “Uhhh, how’s it going guys?”

“How’s it going?” Rainbow gawked, readying her weapons. “What’s going on? Why’d you call us back?”

“Uh, I didn’t. Vauban did. Nothing wrong here, I guess I’ll just be-” Home Run started to back away, but Vauban folded the suit out over him and walked him back to place.

Just tell her, Home Run,” his partner told him bluntly.

“But I…” the blue haired baseballer sighed. “Fine. Okay. Well, Rainbow, uh, Vauban, you mind if you and Zephyr head somewhere else?”

Vauban folded away from Home Run, beckoning for Zephyr to follow. Both Tenno and their Warframes headed out to the bleachers and sat down, careful not to stray too far, but also giving Home Run enough space.

“Time to spill the beans I guess… Listen, Rainbow. I know you told me that you weren’t looking for a relationship. I get that, and I understand, but… even though I tell myself it’s okay, I don’t seem to be taking it too well.”

Rainbow cocked her head to the side, as if confused. “Yeah?”

“Ummm… yeah,” Home Run rubbed the back of his head. “Well, my mind hasn’t been in one place since then. I just keep replaying it in my head. Vauban suggested talking to you about it, but… well… yeah. I did, I guess.”

“Well, I’m sorry to have gotten you so worked up,” Rainbow said slowly. “But if it’s not going to work, then what can I do to help?”

“Honestly, I don’t know, but… Thanks, Rainbow. Thanks for listening,” Home Run looked away and sighed. Why had Vauban suggested talking to her? He still didn’t see the point, and neither did the captain. Maybe it was a problem for him to solve on his own, to work it out with her on his own.

“I guess what I’m trying to say...” Home Run said. “You’re a really good friend, Dash. I… I think I’m just afraid of losing friends… Of losing you as a friend.”

“What, is that it, slugger?” Rainbow lightly punched him in the arm. “Of course we’re still friends, Home Run. Nothing’s going to change that! Look, I might not be interested in a relationship right now, but you’re still one cool kid. I’m still your friend and nothing like that’s going to change it.”

“Thanks, Rainbow,” Home Run nodded and smiled. He strangely felt refreshed, like he had just run through a cool shower. Perhaps that’s all he really wanted to hear. That there wasn’t anything keeping them apart from being friends.

“Anytime, Home Run,” she patted his shoulder. “Well, I heard Flash needed to train some with his sword. Wanna go watch?”

Home Run chuckled and shrugged. “Why not. We’ve got time.”

“Then time’s a-wasting! Hey, Zephyr!” Rainbow whistled and waved to her Tenno partner. The Warframes ran back over and the rainbow haired girl quickly got into hers, jetting off towards the statue.

How’d it go, Home Run?” Vauban asked as he enveloped Home Run in his suit.

“Yeah, you’re right, buddy,” Home Run said as he casually walked out of the baseball field. “A talk was all I really needed. Glad to have you around.”

It’s what we *bzzzzt* do, Home Run. Partner’s work with each other. Trust each other.

Home Run nodded. He should’ve seen that earlier. Vauban hasn’t done anything to harm him. The Tenno has always tried to be a helping hand, even before he regained control of his suit. With newfound respect for his friend, Home Run started a light jog, running over the soft grass to the statue.

There was still something worth seeing in there, and it might even be better than watching Princess Twilight try to hit a moving target.

Stardust stumbled down a steep slope, finding herself rolling down the mud, then into the water below. The unicorn braced herself as she landed headfirst into the small creek.

Seeing as one of her new mechanical wings were destroyed, she had no way to take to the skies, though she never did have wings before, so it didn’t bother her a lot.

For the past few days, she had been fighting hard, trying to stay in control, trying to fight off Duality. Ever since that Warframe touched her, the white unicorn found her strength and senses had returned, giving her a small edge against the machine within her, although she could only keep this up for so long. She needed rest; Duality did not.

Why do you persist?” she found a voice speaking in her head. “Give me control. It must be done. What comes from the Void stays in the Void.

“N-No…” Stardust mumbled, shaking water out of her mane. “Those are m-my friends! I can’t let you hurt them!”

Duality took control for a second, shuffling ahead in the water, spreading her single wing to its maximum length. “It is our directive. The Neural Sentry demands it. We must punish those who take from us.

“Neural S-Sentry?” Stardust forced her mind back into her body, falling on her front hooves. “I don’t take orders from machines!”

You do now. Now give me control so we can accomplish what we set out to do.

Stardust fought against the conscience within her, struggling to push it out by the minute; she hadn’t slept in seven days now, and her control was seeping from her like running water. She could only hold for so much longer.

“I will stop you, Duality…” Stardust grunted against the strain in her head, placing both hooves to it; she lost her balance and fell into the water again.

You will try, but this is what we were made to do. You cannot fight against your directive.

That’s what you were made for… Not me.

The pain was getting unbearable now. With every ounce of strength gone, Stardust closed her eyes, only for Duality to take over, standing herself up and moving out of the creek. Her body wasn’t hers. Not after all the augmentations she had received in the Void.

The Neural Sentry had wanted her alive. It could’ve killed her back in that horrible place, but it didn’t. Instead, it hid her away and experimented on her. Turned her into something else, with something else inside her to control her every move. She couldn’t remember how long it had been, but judging from the look of the new world, it had been ages ago.

Stardust knew she had to die. The only way to stop Duality was with her body’s death. Unless… Unless she could somehow disable the Neural Sentry. The only way to do that was to re-enter the Void. Stardust figured her augmentations would allow that, but only Duality knew how to use it. The unicorn knew it; one way or another, the princess and her warriors had to finish this. They would have to be the ones to stop the Sentry and Duality.

Princess… Please… Do the right thing and end this…

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