• Published 12th Apr 2015
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A Rift Between Worlds - Cinders of War

When Equestria and the human world come under attack from a deadly new foe, Princess Celestia must reawaken one of Equestria’s oldest and most well kept secrets to keep both worlds from losing it all. This time, friendship alone won’t be enough.

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Chapter 37: The Invasion Begins

“And so you’ve been there, living with your sister?” Rarity asked, very interested in Velvet Breeze’s time in Equestria. “So what is it like, dear? To walk about on all fours?”

Velvet looked at her palm and smiled. “It’s not as bad as you might believe. I’m sure Sunset will tell you the same.”

“It’s true,” Sunset Shimmer chuckled. “See, I’m pretty used to walking on two legs. It’s not so bad.”

“Well, I’ve had a good time catching up with Satin.” Velvet looked into her glass of soda and stirred it with her straw. “She’s not exactly the same person as my sister, but… wow, she’s pretty close.”

“Ooh, now I really want to meet the other me!” Rainbow Dash shook with excitement. “I wonder what she’s like! I’m pretty sure she’s really awesome!”

“I haven’t met her,” Sunset said after sipping her milkshake. “But from what Twilight has said, she’s quite similar to you. Um, awesomeness and all.”


“So, Velvet!” Pinkie popped up next to Velvet. “You said your sister is a guard! Did you do any of that? Did ya? Did ya?”

“I didn’t, Pinkie,” Velvet laughed. “My sister doesn’t exactly do a lot of that either. Apparently, she’s mainly just used as a model for the posters and propaganda.”

“Wait, what?” Applejack leaned forward and plucked her straw from her mouth. “You’re sayin’ your sister is a guard, but doesn’t do guard work?”

Velvet shrugged. “She’s just serving the guards in her own way.”

“Well, I think that’s a wonderful idea.” Rarity waved a hand. “Why, perhaps I should make her a dress or two.”“Rarity…” Applejack frowned at her. “These are guards we’re talkin’ about, not some kinda fashion model.”

The fashionista flipped her violet hair back and looked away. “Guards can be fancy too, can they not?”

“Well…” Velvet rubbed her neck. “Off work, I guess they can. Though off work, they simply just not wear anything.”

“Not wear anything?” Rarity seemed appalled by that statement.

“We’re ponies, Rarity,” Sunset tried not to laugh. “Over there, it’s different.”

“Sunset’s right,” Velvet nodded. “Although, I do keep my sister’s scarf on me at all times. Satin does too.”

“You both keep the same scarf on you?” Fluttershy asked confusedly.

“It’s… kinda hard to explain...” Velvet tried to think of a good way to put it. “Since I’m dead in Equestria, Satin keeps the scarf to remember the other Velvet. I have mine from Satin to remember her.”

“That’s interesting,” Sunset nodded. “Things turned out differently over in Equestria. I guess our worlds aren’t totally the “Yeah,” Velvet continued, drinking some of her soda. “The others are there too. Dewdrop, Morning Blade, even Frigid Night. I haven’t seen High Noon or Keila though.”

“Ah’m sure the fella’s back in Appleloosa where he belongs.” Applejack smiled at the memory.

“That’s so cool!” Pinkie bounced around her friends on the long couch seat. “So the Assassins are alive? Do they still kill people to save the world?”

“They’re not Assassins over there, Pinkie. They’re just guards, protecting Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”

“Oh,” the poofy haired girl sat back down. “It’s still cool.”

“Sure is,” Velvet pulled at her now long hair. “So how’s it been with you girls? Still saving the world and such?” She laughed at her little joke.

“Actually, yes,” Sunset answered, finishing the last of her drink. “We’ve actually fought aliens this time.”

“A-aliens, is that right?” Velvet raised both eyebrows in surprise. “Guess I have to come to agreement with that. We don’t exactly live normal lives, huh? I’ve seen a vampire, you’ve fought, uh, sirens was it?”

“Yeah, sirens,” Rainbow Dash pumped an arm up. “We sure showed them! Though, they’re back now, Velvet, if you’ve seen them. Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.”

“I do believe some of the students have mentioned them...” The blue-skinned girl rubbed a hand under her chin. “I haven’t identified them, no. I guess I will see them sometime in my time here.”

Sunset continued to chat with her friend, glad that the girl was now back in school. They sure had a lot to catch up on. Sunset hadn’t been home to Equestria in a long time, though the human world was what she called her home now.

Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset didn’t exactly hear the words at first. “Sunset Shimmer!

That second call blared loudly in her ear, forcing her up. The rest of the girls probably heard it too, with the exception of Velvet Breeze.

Good, I have your attention,” Ember continued. “Trouble. Check your radar. We have hostiles close by.

“Hostiles?” Rarity stood up, a frown forming above her eyes. “Really? Now?”

“Erm… What’s going on?” Velvet wore a confused face as she looked between the other girls.

“Oh, you know the aliens we were talking about?” Pinkie hopped out to the aisle. “This is one of those! Time to kick some alien butt!”

Yes,” Mirage said. “Let us kick and party over their remains!

“Sorry, Velvet,” Sunset told her as they began packing their bags. “This one’s pretty important. We’ll have to catch up another time. It’s great seeing you again.”

“Oh, don’t worry, Sunset,” Velvet shook her head and smiled. “I know how it’s like. Go. Do what you need to do.”

“See you later,” Sunset said as she followed the other Rainbooms out the door. “So, Ember, what do we have?”

I think I shall let the Lotus explain.

On cue, a small square popped up on the left side of Sunset’s view as Ember folded out around her, encasing her schoolbag in protective armor as well. The other also did the same, each of the Rainbooms now standing in their Warframes. Princess Celestia’s face stared back at her, the purple Lotus visor over the top half of her head.

Greetings once again, humans and Tenno,” she wished. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but we have multiple Grineer signatures around your school. I do not know their intentions, but I fear for the safety of your students and teachers. You must go, now.

“Well, good that we’ve been keepin’ in shape at least,” Applejack stretched her arms. “Ready, Rhino?”

You know it, Applejack.

“Ha!” Rainbow yelled as she bent into a crouched position. “Zephyr and I are ready. We’ll see you girls when you get there!”

With a jet of air, Rainbow was off, swooping through the sky faster than a jet plane.

“Come on, girls!” Sunset ran at the head of the group, calling the others to follow. “Let’s go see what the Grineer want here.”

Home Run had stopped in mid-jump when he received the distress call from Princess Celestia, dropping down into the abyss, only to be teleported back to the start, which was good for this circumstance.

Let us go, Home Run,” Vauban said. “The Grineer have returned as I have foretold!

“Yeah, you were right,” the baseball player said as he rushed for the portal. “Well, training’s over for today.”

I shall move the portal back and wait there for Twilight Sparkle,” Nyx informed them, standing guard by the portal. “Go. I will see you later, Vauban, Home Run.

Home Run left the portal, emerging right on the other side, back in CHS’ front lawn, almost bumping into Velvet Breeze.

The girl suddenly got into a combat-like stance, narrowing her piercing orange eyes at the armorclad boy.

“Woah, woah, Velvet Breeze!” Home Run didn’t know if he should tell her, but the rest of the student body knew, so he didn’t see why he shouldn’t. “It’s me, Home Run! Umm… You met me this morning in homeroom and computer class!”

He folded back his helmet in hopes that she would recognize him.

“Oh,” Velvet regained her posture and straightened her jacket. “Yes, I remember you. What’s with the, um… And why did you come through the portal?”

“Well…” he rubbed his head. “I don’t know if Sunset and the others have told you or not, but we go in to get to the dojo for some practice and training. Uh, we call these Warframes. They help us fight the aliens. Aliens! And that’s what we have going on in school right now, so I really gotta go help. Why are you heading for the portal anyway?”

“I sorta live there,” Velvet looked past the baseball player at the mirror.

Home Run.” It was Vauban. “Now’s not the time. Let us go. Your people need our help.

“Right.” Home Run folded Vauban’s helmet back over his head and swung his jat kittag over one shoulder. “Velvet Breeze, I’ll catch you later. Run along through the portal. It should be safer for you in Equestria anyway.”

“Right,” Velvet nodded and stuck a foot through the mirror. “Be careful.”

“Sure will.” And Velvet was gone, the mirror shimmering before reverting back to normal.

Careful isn’t something you are good at, Home Run,” Vauban told the boy. “But if you do indeed need assistance, I shall take over.

“Sounds good. Let’s go.”

Home Run watched his radar, following the clutter of red dots, searching for the Grineer. He hadn’t thought there were more of them, but now that he thought about it some more, it made sense. Captain Vor was merely a captain. Surely he was working for someone else. Perhaps the Queens that Princess Celestia had mentioned once when they were confronting the Stalker. Whatever the case, the enemy was back and they needed to be taken care of.


Home Run was so deep in thought that he almost missed a bullet, flying down from above. It would’ve definitely hit him in the head if Vauban had not intervened, spinning the jat kittag in an arc, taking the bullet out.

Above a neighbouring building sat a Grineer with a sniper rifle, its scope glinting in the sunlight. Another shot was fired, but this time, Home Run was ready. He hopped aside, running at full speed for the building, keeping his hammer up in case he would need it again.

And then more Grineer stood up from above, standing alongside the sniper, their rifles now pointed at the boy.

“Great…” Home Run sighed. “Vauban, I might need a little help.”

Do not worry. I shall take over as necessary. Let’s do this.

Spinning his hammer, Home Run made sure he got the momentum right, before advancing forward, getting closer to the Grineer on the building above, at the same time, deflecting the bullets they shot at him.

Once he was close enough, Home Run tossed a bounce grenade, angling it so that he would leap high over the enemy forces. A few bullets pelted against his shields, but soon the boy was up in the air, switching the function of his grenade, a new feature Vauban had fixed up in his spare time.

The concuss grenade landed by the Grineer ballista in the middle, detonating at her feet. The entire block of Grineer grabbed for their heads as they stumbled back a step, stunned for the moment.

Home Run readied his hammer as he fell, lifting it high above his head, ready to smash down as hard as he could, like a comet.

Wait, Home Run,” Vauban quickly warned. “If you do that, you will bring down the entire building with that much force.

Home Run realized his mistake and moved his hammer. He mentally hit himself for forgetting there were people in there, people he was trying to protect. It would’ve been very silly and devastating if he had followed up with that smash.

“Right. Thanks, buddy.”

Home Run landed before the first Grineer, the one with the sniper rifle, swinging his hammer at her like a baseball bat. The Grineer ballista flew off the roof, going a good distance before crashing down on the school lawn. Starting on the others, Home Run batted at each one of them, trying to clear them all before they could recover from his grenade’s effect.

Here, let me take over for a while,” Vauban said, taking control of the Warframe.

Home Run watched as his body flew and spun like he’d never seen before, almost like he was some kind of acrobat in a circus. Vauban spun at one Grineer, somersaulting up before delivering a skull-cracking smash down on his head, instantly turning around with a swing, knocking another Grineer off the roof. The Tenno was like a whirlwind, moving from enemy to enemy and finishing them off in the most flashy of styles.

Only when the last Grineer fell at their feet, did Vauban stop and return control to the blue haired boy.

“Gee, you didn’t need to do all that, did you?” Home Run asked, swinging the hammer up on his shoulder. “All that spinning seemed very unnecessary.”

It is what we Tenno excel at, Home Run.

Home Run was about to answer back, when a bullet hit him in the back of the head. The shields broke, but otherwise, the Warframe took no armor damage, though it still left a decent ringing in the baseball player’s head.

“Ooh, take over for a bit, Vauban. I think… I need a break.”

Vauban swung the Warframe around as a new batch of Grineer ballista and heavy gunners emerged from the rooftop door. “Hang in there, Home Run. I’ll take care of this.

You won’t be alone, Vauban...” a low creepy voice said in Home Run’s ear.

Nekros?” Vauban tossed a tesla grenade over to the Grineer before rushing at them. “Where are you?


Suddenly, more than half the Grineer dropped dead, a scythe spinning through their midsections before returning to a Nekros-clad Eclair, standing on the opposite side of the roof, shrouded in shadows.

Run…” Home Run heard Nekros say as he released a shockwave of dark energy in the air.

The remaining Grineer turned and fled, heading back down the staircase they had come from. Not wasting more time, Vauban ran ahead and dropped four tesla grenades down the stairwell, wanting to take down as many as he could before they got away.

“Home Run, are you alright?” Eclair asked, lowering Nekros’ hood as she joined him by the door.

“I think so,” he hit his head with the palm of a hand. “It’s like when you ring a bell beside your face. Ever done that?”

“Once, actually,” Eclair patted him on the shoulder. “Then we shall wait here till your head is right.”

“What, there’s more?” Home Run groaned internally. It felt as if he’d just fought through an entire army already.

“The others are taking care of it too,” the dark haired Equestrian answered. “We shall join them when you are ready.”

“Oh, then let’s go. Vauban will take care of it for now.”

Yes,” the analytical Tenno said. “Come, Nekros. Let us go find more.


Eclair folded her helmet back on and followed after Vauban, both jumping off the roof and heading towards the school building. A few people had peeked their heads out from their windows, some even taking pictures of the Warframes.

“Does it matter if they see us?” Home Run asked as Vauban zipped through the air beside Eclair. “I mean, if the Grineer are popping up in places, will it matter anymore?”

“That is a question we will have to answer after all this,” Eclair replied as they landed by the school’s lawn.

“Why? What determines that?”

“The amount of forces the Grineer have sent, Home Run. If they are numerous, there is no point hiding. Fighting for the safety of your world is more important.”

And then the first rocket hit, sending Home Run and Eclair tumbling back.

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