• Published 13th Dec 2015
  • 10,769 Views, 428 Comments

The Days Passed - SilverEyedWolf

A poor break-up sends Spike to the most understanding of the Six. She sends him to bed.

  • ...

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Three Days Later

Author's Note:

Those of you who've read Fluttering Around will recognize a chunk of the beginning; please persevere, as this is the story that was supposed to be before that one happened.

Fluttershy woke up that day much as she did any other day; with a small yawn and a smile at the rooster crowing outside her window.

“Thank you, Early,” she called through the window with a wave. The rooster nodded to her, then walked out of sight, head bobbing with his stride.

Folding her blankets neatly off of her, she slid from the bed and stretched her back, her stance purposefully catlike. With the gentle popping of her spine out of the way, she walked to her small vanity and pulled a brush through her hair, swiping five times to straighten and style her hair to her liking.

She gave herself a smug smile in the mirror before giggling and walking out of her door, ready to start her day.

A knocking at her door froze the blood in her veins.

She wasn’t expecting any visitors, oh dear no, and a quick run through her mental lists showed no one who even woke up early enough to visit her before she fed her animals…

Another round of knocking knocked her mental train asunder, and she felt her legs trembling.

“It’s just me, Fluttershy.” His voice was weary, but she still recognized the young male. It calmed her instantly, and she allowed herself a smile.

“Sorry Spike,” she called towards the door as she trotted forward. “I just wasn’t expecting… anyone…”

She had slowed, her mind working double speed as she heard a soft sniffle through the wood. The second one almost stopped her. The sob kick-started her, and she sprinted the remaining distance and wrenched the door open.

The teenaged drake sniffled loudly, smiling around the twin fountains of his emerald eyes. His ear-fins drooped into his face, giving him a drowned look. Even his scales seemed less radiant than normal, and his large wings drooped to the ground.

“Heya, ‘Shy. Can I come in?” he asked around his pained smile, sniffling and shuffling on his four legs.

“Of course you can,” Fluttershy said, taking his foreleg and pulling him into her living room. “What’s happening, what’s wrong?”

“Oh, no-one’s hurt, it’s not an emergency,” he reassured, patting her neck lightly. “I just need someone to talk with right now…”

Fluttershy ran her options through her head and settled for, “Let me go put the kettle on. I’ll be right back.”

He nodded, snagging a cloth tissue from one of his scales and blowing his nose into it. “That sounds nice.”

She nodded and bustled him over to the couch before rushing into the kitchen. She set the clean pot into the sink and started the water as she ran to the back door. Cracking it, she lifted her leg as Angel Bunny flew through the crack, attempting one of his wilder kicks to her shin.

“No playing today, Angel,” she scolded as he peeled himself off the baseboard. “Spike’s here, so I need you to get Mr. Bear and have him help you feed the rest of our guests.”

Angel squeaked angrily, getting across his indignance at her attempt to unload the daily chores onto him.

“Angel, we both know that you give yourself more food than I would, and that this is a treat for you,” she interrupted, bringing a bashful blush to the rabbit’s face. “Now please, one of my very good friends needs me.”

He muttered under his breath, but hopped willingly back through the crack in the door.

“Thank you!” Fluttershy gently called, before shutting the door and turning off the water. Walking back into the living room, she started loading up the fireplace to set the kettle to boil.

“Here,” Spike muttered, holding out his foreleg with his claws spread. She handed the kettle to him, and he took a deep breath.

Knowing what he was doing, Fluttershy walked back into the kitchen to grab two mugs and her box of teas. There was the sound of his fire crackling, and then the whistle of the teapot. Setting everything on her back, she grabbed one of her cloth potholders and made her way to the short table in front of her couch.

Setting everything down, he set the kettle on the thick cloth pad and took his tea cup. He quickly opened the tea box and handed her the one he knew to be her favorite.

He had a different brew every time he drank tea, and Fluttershy had quite the collection. He flipped through it for a long moment, enough time for his host to pour herself a mugful of hot water over the bag of dried herbs and leaves.

“Spike?” she said, and he looked up at her through his watery gaze. “Uhm, you’re getting salt in my teabags…”

He blinked, then wiped the tears away from his snout. “Sorry, sorry…” He pulled a cleaner handkerchief from his scales and swiped at his eyes, clearing them as best as he could. When he had finished, he stared deep into the wrinkles of the cloth, thinking silently.

He jumped a bit when a blanket settled around his shoulders; it was the one used to decorate the back of Fluttershy’s couch. She plopped a bag of spiced chamomile into his mug and poured water over it, then rubbed his shoulder as she smiled at him.

Normally this would calm a pony down, stop the tears a bit.

Spike gently set his cup down, then sagged against her, renewed rivers of tears dampening her hair as he wrapped his arms around her and sobbed quietly.

She did the same thing almost anyone else surprised in such a way would do: She wrapped her legs back around him, patting his back and making soft sounds as she stared at the wall, bewildered.

The fresh wave passed after a minute, and he pulled away to blow his nose.

“Sorry,” he muttered, his throat feeling thicker than normal. “I didn’t mean to just unload on you like that…”

She shushed him, pressing a hoof to his mouth. “Are you ready to tell me about it?” she asked.

He nodded weakly, staring into his tissue again. She shifted on the couch, and he looked up into her eyes.

“Rarity broke up with me,” he muttered, sniffling.

She sat back, heavily.

“What?” she asked, then waved away his pained glance. “No, I’m sorry, I understood you, but… What?”

He chuckled a little, until he choked a bit on a sob. “Yeah, that sounds like what I said at first…”

“Oh Spike… What happened?”

“I dunno, she just said something about how she didn’t love me,” he muttered, glaring at his teacup.

“Spike,” Fluttershy admonished gently, “did she actually say that?”

“I don’t know,” he snapped, then flinched. “Sorry. I wasn’t listening too well,” he admitted. “The last thing I remember about that is her telling me that she still didn’t feel that sort of love for me… after six months…”

She touched his shoulder again, a sympathetic frown on her muzzle. “I’m so sorry it didn’t work out, Spike…”

He chuckled again. “At least she gave it a chance, I suppose. I jus’ thought, you know, after half a year of me doing my best for her…”

“Sometimes there’s just nothing we can do,” she said, trailing off. She pulled him to her, hugging him and stroking his back as he held her. “The heart does as the heart does…”

“Then it needs to learn the whole ‘Work Smarter, Not Harder’ thing,” he muttered. “Maybe Twilight could figure out how to give mine a lecture on that…”

He sniffled into her shoulder and ran a claw down her back, something Twilight would have appreciated.

Fluttershy shivered under the talons, and he stopped.

“Sorry, Twilight likes when I scratch her back…”

Fluttershy giggled at the image of Twilight getting her back scratched, arching it like a cat. She stopped as she remembered her own morning routine.

Spike pulled away, looking at her.

“Just, Twilight arching like a kitty as you scratch her back…”

He stared at her like that for another moment, then chuckled himself, the first true smile appearing since he’d gotten here.

She took ahold of his jaw, smiling as she looked into his eyes. “There we go. Life’s not so bad, huh? Not when we have kitty Twilight.”

He smiled again, returning her near-grin.

She looked closer, then frowned. “Spike, why are your eyes so baggy? I haven’t even seen Twilight with bags like these.”

He looked away, to the floor, his snout still in her hooves. “I haven’t slept since Rarity’s consolation speech.”

“Well, I did wonder while you were up so early…” Fluttershy muttered. “Was it late last night?”

He avoided her gaze.


“… How long ago, Spike?”

“… Three days…”



Fluttershy got up, pushing on his shoulder and shoving him towards the stairs that led to her room.

“It’s naptime for a sleepy dragon!” she called, her head in his back and shoving. “Poor tired Spike, no wonder you’re so distraught.”

“But my tea…?” he called weakly over his shoulder as he walked on his rear legs, like he used to as a child.

“Somedragon’s taking the train to sleepy-time junction,” she sing-songed up at him. “Somedragon is so tired he can barely function…”

Her gentle singing lasted all the way to her bed, where she tucked the giant lizard in and sang until he fell asleep; about twelve seconds later.

Sighing, she walked over to the desk under her window and pulled out a spare piece of paper and an inkpot. Scribbling briefly, she wrote Twilight a short note about what was going on with Spike and where he was.

Opening her window, she whistled quietly and gave the scroll to a Jay that flew down. “Take this to Twilight, please.” He sang cheerily, then took off. She then shuttered the windows, drawing the curtains after.

Sighing, Fluttershy left the room, then trotted downstairs and out her back door, ready to assist Angel and Mr. Bear with whatever was left of her chores.


Spike woke up six hours later. He definitely needed more sleep, but a certain distant-eyed mare had haunted his dreams, and her cold words had driven him to wakefulness.

With a yawn, he looked around the dimmed room and let his sluggish thoughts catch up to that morning. Licking his lips, he stretched out a claw and snagged Fluttershy’s water jug. He swirled it and peeked inside before downing the water.

Don’t want to drink another one of her fish…

He slithered out from under the sheets, fighting with his wings to do so, and stood on his back legs to walk over to the door. He still preferred walking as a biped, although at this point he was nearly as tall as Discord had been. Opening the door, he fell through it onto his front legs and pulled it closed with his tail on his way out.

“Fluttershy?” he called quietly. “Are you around?”

Nopony responded, but a mouse popped out of the wall to gesture at him. Lowering his head, he watched the little mouse pantomime.

“She’s outside?” he finally ventured, to the mouse’s nodding. “Do you know when she’s supposed to be back?”

The little rodent shrugged at him, before tapping its wrist twelve times.

“She’ll be back at midnight?” he asked, incredulous. The mouse gave him a look, and after a second he breathed in. “Oh, noon. Alright. Is it okay for me to wait for her in the living room?”

The mouse shrugged, before waving its paw towards downstairs and scampering back into her hole in the wall.

“Alright then.”

He made his way downstairs, avoiding a family of voles on his way to the living room. Inspecting it carefully, Spike flopped heavily onto the sagging couch. Stretching, he laid his chin on one legrest, the very tip of his tail twitching barely past the other.

“Hmm...” He looked up at a clock and resigned himself to waiting for at least another fifteen minutes.

“I wonder what she’s up to…” Spike stared into the wall beside the couch, his vision slowly blurring. Huffing, he pushed the thoughts of her away and closed his eyes, concentrating. He took hold of his breathing, slowing it as he cleared his mind.

Thank you, Twilight. Your panic attacks have taught me how to deal with my own.

He snorted, a bit of smoke curling from the barely upturned corners of his lips. Keeping his mind empty, he lost himself in the nothingness of his thoughts.


Fluttershy opened her door and pulled her narrow cart into the house. Angel Bunny closed the door from the back of the cart, and she thanked him as they rolled into the kitchen.

A snoring echoed from the living room, and she froze for a second, before remembering her early morning visitor.

“Oh no, I forgot all about him!” she squeaked at Angel. “Oh, I hope he’s okay…”

Spike was fine, mostly, though his neck struck a strange angle as he rested upon the arm of her couch. His nose was almost touching the wall; it was quickly acquiring a dark singe from his smoky snores.

Giggling at the sight, she struggled between waking him to save her wall and letting him snooze. Deciding that her wall may actually combust, she walked over and nudged his shoulder.

“Spike, please, you’re starting to…”

She froze as one of his forelegs lifted lazily, snagging her over her withers. “Spike?”

She gasped as his other foreleg shot beneath her barrel and between her front legs. She was airborne for a moment, then she was tucked into his chest, his forelimbs wrapped around her chest and cuddling her close.


Looking over her shoulder, she stared up at his muzzle lying along her foreleg. He sighed, the tiniest smile resting on his face.

She laid there a moment, stricken. Testing her gentle bonds, she found that she could move his forelegs elsewhere, but each shift brought a displeased grumbling. Her mind raced on numb legs, and she looked to the kitchen for help.

“Angel Bunny…?” she whispered.

He poked his head in, looked up at her, then disappeared. She heard a brief rustling in the kitchen, and he returned with his tool of choice.


Fluttershy blinked the spots away as the camera dispensed its picture, Angel waving the magic-soaked paper to speed the print. Showing her the picture, he set the camera and print on the coffee table, before hopping back into the kitchen.

Fluttershy sighed heavily, before muttering a ‘Thank You’ under her breath. Wriggling slowly, she adjusted herself to the furnace beneath her, and settled in for a wait.


Spike woke up to gentle snoring and an almost familiar warmth.

“Mmm, Rares, when’d the wings come in?” he muttered, gently stroking a white wing lying across one of his shoulders. He imagined it was white, anyhow, with his still closed eyes. He couldn’t imagine her letting any other color stay and potentially clash with her coat.

“Always knew you were a princess…”

The wing shuffled around a bit, nudging him closer to consciousness.

“Mmh… Spike?”

The nudges became a shove, and he opened his eyes to find himself nose-to-nose with a set of the most perfect blue eyes… surrounded by pretty yellow fur.

“Ah. Hello, Flutters.” Spike blinked before yawning, stretching his jaw to the point of popping. “Sorry about that. Grab and snuggle?” Blushing, she nodded. “Yeah, Twi gets pretty fed up with it. She’s stopped coming into my room, you know.”

“Do you always do tha-that to her, as well?” she said with a small shudder and a shifting of her forelegs, tucked between them.

“Do what?” he asked, confused.

“You-you’re doing it n-n-now,” she stuttered, shivering again as she flicked her nose over her shoulder.

Looking, he finally felt his claws as he watched himself run the talons through her hair, an activity he used to enjoy with…

He made himself stop, dropping his arms limply by his sides. Fluttershy pulled her nose away, holding herself up on her fetlocks.

“Sorry. I used to… Rarity enjoyed it when I ran my talons through her coat.”

With a small noise, Fluttershy slid back down to touch their chests together, wrapping her forelegs around his neck. He patted her shoulders, awkwardly.

“I’ll… I’ll be okay, Flutters. Promise.”

She squeezed tighter for a second, then released him and sat up, balancing on his stomach.

“You should honestly check up on Rarity,” he said, settling his head deeper into her couch cushion. “I… may have been a bit brusque when I left.”

“Nothing too mean,” he said quickly when her eyes hardened. “A bit hurtful I’m sure, but I’m… I hope I’m not that kind of guy…” He stared up at the ceiling, losing his train of thought in a paint swirl. “I don’t really remember anymore.”

She looked down at him, a bit of his heartache mirrored in her eyes, before she nodded and slid down onto the floor.

“I tried checking on her when I was at the market earlier, but she was busy with one of her clients at the time,” she admitted, walking over to her cupboard. Unlocking it, she pulled out a tin of cat treats before closing and relocking it.

“She asked me to order her some imported treats for Opal, but I forgot to bring them along earlier; they’re pretty expensive, so I didn’t want to trust them to the Postal Service… I’ll go give them to her and chat a bit. Does that sound okay?”

“Absolutely, Fluttershy. Thanks for doing that for me,” Spike said, rubbing his eyes and sitting up on the couch. “I think I’ll stick around here for a bit, do a couple of chores as thanks for the bed.”

“Ah, you don’t have to, I really don’t mind…”

“I know, but I’d like to. You’ve been a big help, and I’d like to do something to really thank you.” He glanced over to the wall. “Think I’ll start with that. Angel, you know where the cleaning stuff is, right?”

The bunny nodded, staring haughtily up at Spike.

With a toothy grin, Spike straightened his spine and looked down at Angel Bunny.

“You’ll show me, right, Angel?”

The bunny’s gaze wavered, and with a couple of blinks and a sigh, Angel waved him out of the living room and towards the cleaning cupboard Fluttershy kept in the kitchen.

Standing up, he stretched and groaned as his back popped loudly. With a small smile, he wandered over and laid one of his paws on Fluttershy’s head, between her ears. “Really, Flutters, thank you. I’ll see if I can’t at least get the scorch marks out of your wall, and make sure your bedroom didn’t gain any for itself.”

“Well, if you’re sure… Thank you, Spike.”

“No problem,” he called over his shoulder, making his way towards the kitchen as she moved to the door. “See you in a bit.”

And they parted for a time.


The bell overhead rang quietly as Fluttershy stepped through the door.

“Welcome to the Carousel Boutique!” a cheery voice called from the back. “I’ll be just a moment!”

“Take your time, Rarity,” Fluttershy called back, as loudly as she dared.

The mare in question poked her head around the edge of her door, a tube of mascara still held in a gentle blue glow. One of her eyes was as pristine as ever, but the other was covered by a slice of cucumber.

“Oh, hello again, dear,” she said, smiling at Fluttershy as she tossed away the vegetable, revealing a naked, slightly puffy and red eye. “Sorry I couldn’t talk earlier, but you know how business can be.”

Wiping gently at her eye with a tissue, she ducked back behind the door, reappearing after a moment with completed make-up.

Fluttershy shifted awkwardly, attempting to think of a way to bring up Rarity’s obvious sorrow. Reaching into her bag, she offered forth the tin of treats.

“I got Opal’s treats in,” she started. “I had another reason earlier, but I thought you’d like it if I brought these along as well.”

“Oh, right!” Rarity levitated the treats from Fluttershy’s hoof, looking over the label with a distant smile. “I must admit darling, recent events had driven these from my memory.”

Rarity turned, scanning the room for her cat and shaking the tin lightly.

“Uhm, that’s actually the reason I was here earlier.”

“What is, darling?” Rarity looked over at Fluttershy, who was now staring at the floor. Confusion sketched itself on the white mare’s muzzle.

“Spike came to visit me this morning,” she said as she looked up from the rug, into her friend’s eyes.

“Oh.” Rarity’s face blanked, her lips wavering. “Right, right…”

She turned back to her showroom, the treats now just floating in the air. Opal had come and sat beneath the box eagerly.

Absently, Rarity peeled away a corner of the tin, lifting one of the exotic bites out and tossing it to the side, letting her cat chase it merrily across the room. Replacing the corner, she floated the box over to a shelf, away from her cat’s usual perches.

“How is he?” she asked suddenly, quietly.

“About as well as you are, I believe,” Fluttershy said as she walked up beside her friend and sat down next to her.


Rarity continued to watch Opal play with the tidbit, looking away when the cat shoved the morsel into its awaiting maw.

“I couldn’t keep leading him on,” she told her friend. “It felt… selfish, in a way. He was always so nice to me… And I could never repay his generosity to me, I could never catch up…”

She sniffed loudly, levitating a box of tissues from behind the counter. Blowing her nose indelicately, she sniffed again… Then once more, smelling the smoke entwined in Fluttershy’s coat.

“He slept on my couch,” Fluttershy said quickly. “You remember how he snores. The poor dear hadn’t had any rest at all since… well, since your talk.”

“But that was days ago!” Rarity exclaimed, staring at Fluttershy, horrified.

“He’s a bit better now, of course,” Fluttershy said quickly. “He had a nap on my bed, and another on the couch. He’s awake right now, cleaning a scorch mark off the wall from his snoring.”

Rarity giggled, with a suspicious hiccup at the end. “He still does that? I remember, from when the poor dear was so little, he’d curl up on a couch while he was helping me, and I’d have this ratty old blanket I’d set under his head so he wouldn’t roast my cushions.”

Rarity giggled again, with Fluttershy providing a faint smile.

The unicorn nuzzled into the pegasus’ shoulder, breathing in short sniffles.

“I br-broke up with hi-him, Fluttershy. Why do I miss him so m-much?” she asked, the first of this bunch of tears falling to her friend’s shoulder.

Not knowing what else to do, Fluttershy pulled her wing around the seamstress, holding her tightly as the sobs came.


“I’m home,” Fluttershy called as she opened the door, reciting her customary greeting to Angel Bunny and the rest of her animal friends.

“Welcome back!” a masculine voice called from the kitchen.

She froze for a second, and then remembered that Spike was here. “Hello, Spike. What are you up… to…?”

She rounded the doorway leading out of the short entryway and walked into a warm kitchen. The table had four places set, one for each chair. The dragon was standing in front of the stove, roasting some vegetables on thin skewers.

“Heya Flutters,” he said, pausing in his flaming of the veggies. “I finished cleaning the wall, and your bedclothes too, so I started on some dinner for us. I hope you don’t mind?”

“N-No, of course not, but you didn’t have to…” she protested, eyes flitting back between the table and the stove.

“I know, but it’s an easy meal, and you’ve been… You’ve been here for me, today.” Spike blinked down at the skewers, before inspecting them and placing them on a plate to the side of the stove. “It really means a lot to me.”

He had to bend his knees to open the oven, but managed to pull the casserole dish off of the rack effortlessly. He tested its temperature before walking it over to the table, grabbing the plate of veggies and shutting the oven with his tail.

“Viola, rice and broccoli casserole, with Shish Kebabs for fun.”

Fluttershy clapped politely, smiling as Spike bowed over the food.

“I, uhm, wasn’t really sure how many of your animals eat with you, so I just filled in each side.” He rubbed the back of his head, glancing around the animal-less room. “Oh, uhm, drinks. Water?” She nodded, and he fetched two glasses from her cupboard.

“Oh, I usually eat after they all turn in for the night. Most of them go to sleep with the sun, so right now’s about the usual time.”

Spike peeked out the window over the sink, frowning. Moving back to the table, he set the drinks down.

“Aw, dang, I didn’t know it was already this late.” he muttered. “I should probably get to the library, Twilight’s gonna have a fit.”

Fluttershy shifted on her chair, looking at the two large dishes in front of her. “Oh, oh dear, uhm… I don’t think I can eat all this food by myself. And… and I wanted to tell you about… Ra-Rarity.”

His spines drooped, lying flat along his back and on his head. Sighing, he sat heavily. Reaching to the casserole, he dished himself a hunk of cheesy rice flecked with green, then offered the spoon to Fluttershy.

“How is she?” he asked suddenly, quietly.

Smiling sadly, she took the spoon and said, “About as well as you are, I believe.”

“Ah,” he said, snagging a wooden skewer from the pile, staring at it forlornly.

They ate in silence, Spike mechanically, Fluttershy with a bit more gusto.

“This is really good, Spike,” she said after clearing a bite from her mouth. “What cheese did you use?”

“Oh, I wandered into town and grabbed a bit of Pepper-Jack from Bessie’s stall. Mixed it with the Colby you had.”

“Well, it’s very good.”


They ate some more.

“Is she… She’s not depressed, is she?” he asked.

“I… I don’t think she’s that far. She is very distraught, though. Very sorrowful. ”

He perked up a little, a spark of hope fluttering in his eyes.

“… Regretful?”

Meeting his eyes, Fluttershy thought for a long time about it, then shook her head.

“No, Spike,” she whispered. “Not like you’re hoping.”

The spark died, and he stared down at his dish.

“I think I’m done,” he said, picking the kebab up and placing it back on the pile. “What should I do with the rest of the plate?” he asked, waving a hand over the nearly untouched mound.

“Back in the dish is fine with me.”

He nodded, scooping it back and getting up, placing the plate and glass in the sink. Looking back out the window, he sighed shallowly.

“Guess I’ll fly back to the library now.”

Fluttershy left her plate, walking with him to her door. He opened it, stepping onto her doorstep.

“Thank you for the meal, Spike, and for cleaning for me,” Fluttershy said, smiling up at him.

He smiled back, his lips wavering for a second before he shook his head. Reaching out, he pulled her into a brief, but intense hug.

“Thank you, Flutters, for being such a good friend.”

Stepping away, he snapped out his wings, flapping twice before taking off for town.

Fluttershy smiled to herself, thinking on the warmth of his hug for a moment, before turning back inside and closing the door behind her.

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