• Published 13th Dec 2015
  • 10,769 Views, 428 Comments

The Days Passed - SilverEyedWolf

A poor break-up sends Spike to the most understanding of the Six. She sends him to bed.

  • ...

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A Happy Week Later

Author's Note:

This is a good one :pinkiehappy:

Spike blinked, smiling, but yet unsure as to why. Something warm shifted against his chest, and his smile widened.

Ah, right.

Stretching his neck a bit, he let it pop before arcing it down and nuzzling the fluffy pegasus in his arms, almost hidden beneath the blankets.

We should really stop doing this, Twilight's going to get ideas about what we're doing… Tartarus, so will the rest of the town.

He gently pulled away, slipping from beneath her blankets, and placed three of his claws on the floor.
The fourth clutched over a suddenly shaking rabbit.

Looking blearily at the white poof he now had obtained, Spike blinked before gently lifting the creature up to the bed, petting Angel softly before giving the base of his ears a scratch. The bunny melted, and Spike smiled warmly down at him.

“I love how good you are with him,” a soft voice muttered.

Looking up, Spike caught an even warmer smile, her eyes almost still closed.

He drank in the sight of her eyelashes, just barely crusted over in the corners, and her mussed hair, one thin lock hanging over watery blue eyes. Her mouth tweaked up at both ends, and her smile creased her eyes wonderfully.

He could swear his heart paused.

Leaning forward, he kissed her, pulling away to look into her eyes before he leaned forward again, meeting her giggling lips one last time.

“Good morning, 'Shy,” he murmured, placing a last kiss on her forehead. “Be right back.”

She giggled and nodded, raising herself and stretching her forelegs above her head until her back gave a gentle series of pops.

“Uhm, Spike?”

He blinked, then shook his head. “Right, bathroom,” he said, leaving her room even as his bladder raged.

Relieved, he gave her a kiss as they walked around each other in the hallway, Spike making up the bed as Fluttershy took care of her own needs. Almost as soon as the door opened, he heard the shower start, the noise sending a shiver down his back.

Cautiously, not wanting to appear too eager, he snuck his way down to the bathroom and poked his head in, seeing two towels sitting on the sink.

“You need a shower too, Spike,” Fluttershy called, poking a hoof around the curtain and motioning him to her. “You remember how big it is, come on.”

Hesitating only a bit, he moved around the plastic curtain and into the large stall, grooves in the walls holding a variety of shampoos for coats and fur, and one bottle of rock polish that Fluttershy had assured him she needed sometimes.

There was even scale cleaner here, though Spike didn't feel like working it into his hide today. Just hot water to get the dirt from his scales, and…

And she stood in the middle of the stall, the specialized track pouring water like rain from the ceiling, just soaking up the heat. Slowly, he approached her and started running his paws over her back and down her sides, getting a warm look and a nod. Reaching over, he snagged a bottle of coat soap and popped the top, laying a single line along her spine and working it into a lather, earning small coos of appreciation as he worked along her muscles and into her fur.

He stopped for a moment, then slowly moved to her front, working the lather into her neck, then down her chest. She moved her front hooves onto his shoulders, looking up at him happily as he gently scratched along her pelt, much like he'd done for Angel's ears. He paused just above her belly, looking extremely nervous.

Shaking her head, Fluttershy moved his head with a hoof and kissed him deeply, then slowly laid on her back and stretched her limbs out, smiling up invitingly.

“Wash the rest of me,” she commanded, softly.

Blushing, he tried to say something, then gave in and did as she ordered.


They walked out of the shower together, Fluttershy a giggling mess and Spike just blushing like a lighthouse.

“Dear Celestia, Spike,” she giggled, “what in the how and huh, indeed.”

He shook his head, looking away. “You startled me,” he growled. “My brain doesn't always do words good when somepony rolls over and tells me to,” he leaned closer, whispering as sensually as he could, “‘Wash the rest of me.’”

Her face brightened, wings snapping out and clipping Spike on the jaw. She stared at him a second, worry in her eyes, before breaking down into giggles again.

Rolling his eyes, he picked up his marefriend and walked down the stairs with her, moving into the kitchen and setting her at the table. Settling into the kitchen, he shook his head at the depleted stocks and walked over to the supply list on the refrigerator. Adding a couple items, he measured the piece of parchment and shook his head.

“We'll need to go shopping after we feed the animals,” he told her. She nodded her head, staring dreamily off into the aether. Shrugging, he pulled some blueberries and eggs from the fridge, then walked to the oven and pulled out some oatmeal and a few pans and a pot from the nearby storage.


He stopped, looking over at the table.

“Thank you, for… for the shower thing. I've never had anypony do anything like that with me. It was wonderful.”

Blushing furiously, he nodded and walked back to the fridge, opening the freezer and pulling out some protein substitute, shaped like a dragon dish called Bacon.

“It's not a problem,” he said, pausing to grin at her. “Not a one time thing, either, as long as you like it.”

She shivered, her wings flexing as she hid her face, giggling behind her hooves.

Shaking his head, Spike got on with breakfast.

Sighing as he looked in the cabinets, he opened the dishwasher to find most of the dishes within. Pulling out two bowls and a couple of small plates, he made a mental note to help her put away the rest later.

“Sorry,” she called from her place at the table. “Things have just been a little hectic lately, between your moving and the extra critters I've been taking care of. So many have been showing up lately, something must be going on in the Everfree.”

“I hope not,” Spike muttered, closing the dishwasher and turning to the fry pan to test the heat. “Last thing we need is the Hydra getting territorial again. Remember when it sat on City Hall and snapped at anyone walking by? The Mayor had to go all the way to Canterlot just to do her daily paperwork, not to mention the city projects that got put on hold.”

“Poor thing had to be tranquilized and airlifted back to the bog,” she said, nodding.

Carefully, Spike flipped the pair of eggs in the fry pan, catching them and making sure he hadn't broken them before moving to stir the oatmeal. “They called in the Wonderbolts for that, and Rainbow cried for days about how they made her come and help since it was in Ponyville.”

They shared a giggle, then amiable silence. After a while, and some more small-talk, he finished the rest of breakfast and sat with her at the table, digging into his food as Fluttershy worked slowly through the rest of her half.

They became a flurry of action after the meal, Spike working to clean the used dishes as Fluttershy did her morning rounds, checking any animals sick or hurt enough to stay with her overnight.

Unloading the last of the dishwasher into the cabinets, Spike placed the recently used dishes and pots within, then moved outside, readying the cart for a trip into town. Finishing quickly, he walked through the garden, giving it a once-over and pruning where it needed.

He saw Fluttershy coming out of the house and heading to the chicken coop, so he skipped it and went straight to the shed she kept the larger animal's food in, refiling the various buckets around her back yard.

Locking it, he looked around the yard, scratching his head and wondering if there was something he was missing. Shrugging, he went and grabbed the list from the fridge, sitting near the wagon and waiting for Fluttershy.

“Did I remember everything?” he asked as she wandered close, looking around the house herself.

“I think so,” she said, frowning. “I feel like I'm forgetting something, but...”

Spike thought about it, glancing over to the open door, then smacked himself in the face. Tugging gently on her tail, he pointed at the open passageway, currently showcasing one irritated rabbit, his arms folded as he tapped his foot expectantly at them.

“The inside animals!” she squeaked, flapping her wings and disappearing inside the house.

Chuckling to himself, Spike only had an extra minute or two to wait as she quickly flashed through her feeding routine, breaking a personal record she didn't keep track of.

Double-checking everything, she locked the food away, smooched her bunny on his head as he irritatedly batted at her, then closed her door, turning and smiling at Spike, her face a bit flushed from the exertion.

“Ready?” she asked, breathless.


It was around eight when they got to town, so the only ponies up and about were the merchants and a few harried mares rushing their foals the rest of the way to the schoolhouse.

The animal supply store was their first stop, Fluttershy picking up her usual massive orders of carnivorous pet foods, the specialized omnivorous version for certain friends, and many medical supplies specialized to small mammals, as well as a small restock on her larger medical goods.

Spike hitched himself back to the cart, receiving a small kiss and a thank you as he tugged the much heavier cart towards a general market. He waited outside while she grabbed some house-cleaning chemicals she was running low on, as well as a new set of rags as the last ones had been taken over by a mouse family.

Looking over the list, they each pointed several different directions as they discussed what was where, and what was closest, then started on their way to the fresh market.

On the way they met with one of Spike's new neighbors, the only one he hadn't known at least relatively well before the move. When they finished talking with the tall pony, named Minty Fresh despite his rich chocolate colored coat, they continued to the market as he rushed off in a seemingly random direction.

“What does he do again?” Fluttershy asked, watching the tall pony lean over and seemingly listen to a water drain.

“Runs a music store, deals mostly in vinyl I think,” he said, dodging a wagon going the other way.

“Huh,” she muttered, watching him talk into the drain before becoming obscured by the cart. When it passed, he wasn't anywhere to be seen. Shrugging, she dropped it.

Strange things happened all the time in Ponyville.

The market was normal, Applejack waving from her stall as she saw them. They made her their first stop, Spike crossing 'Apples' off the list.

“Thought you were supposed to be living by yourself, loverboy,” Applejack teased, hoofing over the bushels of apples as Fluttershy laid her coins on the stall counter.

“I've been good,” he said defensively, placing the fruit carefully in the cart. “Last night was the first time I haven't slept in my house since I started renting it, and that was only because Twilight told me to take the day off.”

Laughing, AJ reached over and rubbed her hoof over his spikes, ruffling them. “Ah know, Spike, ah know. Still, it's supposed to be living space, not a hotel you stay in when you gotta work the next day. A house is only what you put into it, you know.”

He let her pull his head and some neck into a sisterly hug, and he reached up and patted her shoulder as she imparted her wisdom.

Fluttershy leaned over and pointed at the carrot stall, and Spike nodded to her as he continued to speak with AJ.

“Well, if nothing else, my bedroom and kitchen are fairly homey,” he muttered, reaching up and cracking his neck. Fluttershy winced, while AJ tapped her hoof against her muzzle.

“Well, while this should be a Rarity suggestion, have you thought of decorating?” She asked. “Like a nice couch and some paintings, or sommat like that? With your friends coming over, I'd imagine you'd need a whole mess of chairs, as well.”

“I've borrowed a basic couch and a few chairs from Twilight, but...” An idea seemed to strike Spike, and he smiled widely. “Say, Applejack, I don't suppose you have a favorite chair, do you? One that needs to be replaced, maybe?”

She gave him a sideways look, then snorted. “Yeah, Spike, think I've got something like that. I sort of use it, though, as it is my favorite seat and all.”

“Is it irreplaceable?” he asked eagerly.

“Well, no, but...” she started, then she looked at him with a wry smile. “Well, Spike, I think I see what you're getting at.”

He nodded, then looked at Fluttershy, who was just returning with a large sack of carrots. “Fluttershy, I have an idea for my house, but I need to borrow your cart for a bit. Would you mind very much?”

“Oh, uhm, of course not, but...” She looked over the almost full wagon.

“We'll take it to your home first and unload, I'd like to go there anyway,” he said excitedly, snagging the carrots from her and placing them carefully within the cart.

Without warning, he then picked her up and placed her in the front of the cart, resting on the bags of feed, right behind him. “I'm gonna try and be speedy, but safe, okay 'Shy?”

She nodded, wiggling into the bags and trying to get as secure as she could. When she felt comfortable, she nodded to Spike.

“AJ, I'll be by your place later, alright?” he said, to which the pony nodded. “See you then.”

He pulled away quickly, pulling the loaded cart and his marefriend much faster than she expected him to be able to. The feed alone was massive, not to mention the rest of their shopping trip, plus herself.

Giggling a little, Fluttershy spread her wings and felt the breeze blow through her feathers. “So Spike, what was your great idea?” she called ahead.

“Well, to make my house more comfortable, I should surround myself with what makes me comfortable, no?” he said, turning his head to her even as he kept his pace. They were out of town by now, there wasn't anypony to bump into. “So I figured I should surround myself with my friends. I was thinking I could take something from each pony, like a chair, and replace it out of Twilight's stipend. That way I could have you girls around all the time, or at least a facsimile.”

“Oh, Spike,” Fluttershy said, clapping her hooves together. “That's so smart, I had no idea what was going on. If you want it, uhm, you can have the couch that you sleep on from me. It's a bit springy, so it needs to be replaced anyhow, but if you want it?”

Laughing, he nodded. “That sounds perfect, we can...”

They slammed into something taking up space in the road, Spike taking the brunt of the force of the cart, even as he flared his wings in shock.

Fluttershy was pitched forward at the sudden halt and thrown onto Spike's back, between his wings.
Coughing, and marching back, Spike winced at a twinge in his hip as he moved the cart back with his tail. Looking forward, he didn't see anything…

No. No, he saw a purple haze in the air he'd just slammed into. Looking closer, he wasn't sure if it was just from the impact or his imagination, but he swore he could see large bright spots in the purple miasma, almost like…


“Fluttershy, run!” he screeched, raking his claws over the bindings of the cart as he saw a large red gash open in the air over them, lined with gnarled teeth. Over the gash, two massive slits opened, revealing yellowed cornea surrounding red pupils.

Spike raised his wings, preparing to take to the air.

Something translucent, some creature he could barely see, smashed into his left side. It twirled him through the air, landing him near the stream leading into town.

Twitching, he almost screamed when his left wing twitched, shattered at the shoulder. Standing, he looked down to see a little ball of yellow and pink beside him, whimpering and squealing. Turning back, he watched the monster finally lose its transparency and turn to them, letting loose a massive roar that shook his very bones.

He screamed back, mostly in pain from his wing.

The bear sniffed, moving forward and looking down at the pair.

“Now, listen,” started Spike in a wavering voice, “maybe we can-”

The bear's left claw swung through the air, Spike screaming again as he landed on his previously good wing. He laid there a moment, panting, then looked over at the bear again.

It seemed to be ignoring him, sniffing around the ditch where he'd left…

“No!” he screamed, wriggling and standing, falling and standing and walking forward, falling again. “No, you will not-!”

Not even looking, the bear flicked at him again, flipping him in the air and landing him on his back. His vision swam, blackness seizing him as he panted, pressed away, tried to to remember what he was fighting for…

“Mine,” he growled, setting his teeth. Rolling, he flexed his shoulders as he felt his wings withdraw.

“She is mine,” he said, feeling his back crackle and pop as it lengthened.

“You will not touch,” he growled, the bear turning to look at the growing dragon.

Mine,” he growled into the ground, his head straight down.

Mine, mine, MINE.

The bear growled, sensing something changing as the dragon stood before it, growing to almost rival its size. Snorting, the bear lazily swiped at him again.

Its claw bounced off of his scales, and he raised his head. The dragon’s eyes had turned yellow, his pupils blacker than any night the bear had seen. Instead of the marble smooth glass they had been, his scales now glinted light in all different directions, the light scattered by the thorns growing from the dragon.

The dragon roared, fire dripping from his mouth as he arched his back, his legs spreading as he lowered himself towards the ground, tail raised for balance.

Standing, the bear answered his challenge, icy spittle raining as it bellowed back at him.

Not missing his chance, the dragon leaped forward, digging into the beast's fur and tackling it towards the forest as he bit for its neck.

Screeching, the bear batted at its foe's head, then rolled over and smashed him against the ground. It screeched again, the dragon's thorns pulling at its fur, some finding the flesh below and ripping cruelly at the hide.

Flipping quickly, the dragon pushed up against the bear, digging and tearing with new talons, finding the freezing blood and spilling it against the ground. He kicked up like a cat, scratching at the belly of the beast even as the great bear slammed its weight onto the dragon, trying to squash him into the earth.

Dazed, he let his head lull as he shook it, roaring out in pain as the beast sunk its teeth into his neck. Squirming, he rolled himself away from the teeth, great dollops of freezing blood landing on his neck.
The bear stood again, roaring with its bloody maw as it prepared to stomp the dragon's head into the ground.

Sensing his doom, he inhaled, then leaned forward to spew a gout of flame against the beast's undersides. The bear let loose a strangled scream of sorts, falling backwards.

The dragon rolled, whipping his tail against the bear's head as it looked towards him, and another ursine scream echoed as the bear curled up, into itself. Roaring, the dragon made a half-hearted claw attack against the bear's back, then left it to bleed.

It had to check on its his, on its Mine.

The small yellow ball was right where he'd left it, and he gently ran a claw over her back.

He recoiled when she screamed again, and he sniffed at her to make sure she wasn't hurt. No blood smell, just…

Just fear. Fear of him.

Slowly, Spike's mind unclouded, and he leaned back to look at his paws. His scales were covered in thorns, the thorns covered in icy blue blood. He looked back down at the tiny pegasus, and he felt a drop of warmth fall from his eye as he understood she was afraid of him now, not just the bear.

Turning, he leaped over the bear and into the Everfree, not looking back as he thundered through the underbrush of the jungle.

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