• Published 13th Dec 2015
  • 10,769 Views, 428 Comments

The Days Passed - SilverEyedWolf

A poor break-up sends Spike to the most understanding of the Six. She sends him to bed.

  • ...

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"Oh," Spike muttered, letting his paws rest on the table, his head having naturally trained on the ceiling after the proclamation.

"Oh," he said again, rolling the sound around his maw and letting it drop from his lips. He couldn't make his eyes lower to gaze at any of the ponies around him, and he was just barely able to keep his breath even and slow.

"Yeah, I get that," he said, nodding and looking up at the ceiling. "I mean, that's the obvious reason, isn't it."

He stood up from the table, slowly, and nodded again.

"I'm going to my room for a bit," he said lightly, before looking down at the table where his paws had been resting, and at the crescents that had been taken out of the slab of crystal. He raised his left paw, and forced the digits to unclench, powdered rock sieving through his fingers and trickling onto the tabletop.

"Sorry," he said, still looking above the heads of every pony in the room, before he moved to leave. He started to lower himself to four feet, but paused when he remembered the reason he usually tried to walk at the same height as everypony around him.

"Guess it doesn't make a difference," he muttered as he rose to his two hind legs, standing a little taller than Discord would be.

"Goodnight," he said again, before his legs started mechanically moving him towards the door.

He stopped when a light weight settled against him, wrapping her hooves around his waist as she squeezed. He waited until he felt her stop, then let a claw wander over and trail along her hair a couple of times, petting her like he would a cat.

"Be careful, Fluttershy," he said, finally looking down into a pair of red and blue waterlogged eyes. "I don't want to hurt you. I'm a monster, after all."

Gently, he placed his paws underneath either of her forelegs and picked her up, moving her to the side. Setting her down as gently as he could, he walked to the door, opened it, and left.


Cadance's breath caught in her throat, and her eyes snapped to the drake. His eyes had wandered to the undecorated ceiling, his head leaning to look higher up.

"Oh," he said, almost experimentally. She watched as the first of his tears welled at the bottom of his eyes, as it started to flow like a river down his cheek to drip from the bottom of his jaw.

"Oh," he said again, rolling his jaw as he did so, almost like a snake getting ready to unhinge and eat, and she could hear the splintering of rock as his paws gripped the table. Feeling a deep shame in her heart, Cadance let a bit of magic siphon into her horn, readying a spell in case his draconic side made its appearance.

"Yeah, I get that," he said, and she felt her heart break as he started nodding towards the roof. "I mean, that's the obvious reason..." he said, mumbling the rest of his sentence. Slowly he stood up from the table, still nodding.

"I'm going to my room for a bit," he said, almost starting to choke on the words at the end, his eyes blinking rapidly as the saltwater streamed down his face. She watched him take a step before raising a paw to his face, letting the glittering dust fall from his palms as the other paw at his waist also opened.

"Sorry," he muttered, under his breath. He started to hunch, letting his forelegs stretch before him, before pausing. He considered something for a moment, still talking to himself, before he straightened, walking towards the door on two legs, much like Discord had.

Fluttershy, who had been stricken up to this point, shook her head lightly before she ran over to the door, blocking his way.

"Spike, wait!" she cried, tears trickling down her face as well. "Please, we can talk about this, please-"

But he continued to walk closer to the door. As he neared, she reared up on her own hind legs and took a shaky step forward, gently coming to rest against his mid stomach and wrapping her forelegs around him.

Cadance relaxed a bit when his paw wandered over to her head, petting her slowly.

"Please Spike, let us talk about this," Fluttershy cried into his stomach, and Cadance felt her heart rise when he finally looked down into her eyes.

"Be careful, Fluttershy. I don't want to hurt you.

"I'm a monster, after all."

Cadance felt her own tears come as he picked Fluttershy up, moved her out of his way, and walked through the door. She watched Fluttershy look physically struck by the words, before she curled up into a ball, her own sobs muffled by her tail.

Cadance looked down the table, and Rarity withered further upon her gaze.

"Congratulations, Generosity," she said, edging into her Royal Diction tone. "You have broken a hero of the realms, and one who thought he was your best friend. Congratulations."

Then she left her seat, striding over to the door. She paused by Fluttershy, nosing her way through her tail to touch their muzzles together.

"Come now dear," she said, quietly. "He needs us right now."

Snuffling, her sobs slowed, before the yellow mare nodded, shakily coming to her hooves. Without looking back into the dining room, the two left after one who held both of their hearts in different ways.


Spike entered the room he'd been given, his thoughts racing but only coming up with three words.

You're a Dragon

He looked listlessly around his room, at the one small bag he had for general toiletries and showering items he still had packed on the bed, and the community service form from Clear Sights next to it.

You're a Dragon

He picked up the community service form, looking it over and remembering that one of the Princesses had asked him to learn how to control his transformations, to find a trigger for them that he could use whenever he needed it.

You're a Dragon

"If I'm a monster, I may as well be a useful monster," he whispered to himself, crumpling the form and dropping it to the bed.

He looked over to the window, striding over and unlatching it quickly. He threw himself out without looking, coming to a rolling stop in a large garden in the middle of the castle. Instead of an area with the trees he was used to, this one was filled with beds of pretty, well-scented flowers.

You're a Dragon

He stopped trying to block those words. He stopped trying to not hear them, again and again.

You're a Dragon
You're a Dragon
You're a Dragon

He let himself feel the true weight of those words, and the cold tears he now felt flowing from the corners of his eyes.

"I'm a Dragon," he whispered, and then shivered as the magic came over his pelt. He felt his joints straining again, and his scales flexed as his body readied itself to grow again.

But he was aware this time, and he knew what he wanted, and he focused the building power into the muscles on his back.

Immediately he felt twin spots of searing pain, and he grimaced as the bones first formed, then shot out of his back, covered in thin pebbled skin. The limbs formed quickly, but they left an ache in his back that caused him to whine as his head dipped to the grass below him.

You're a Dragon

"I'm a dragon," he whispered, the pain subsiding as he let the magic go.

He straightened his neck, lifting his head into the air as he flexed the old, familiar muscles.

"I'm a Dragon," he whispered again, before crouching down and flinging himself into the air, much like Rainbow Dash had taught him all those years ago. His back flexed, and he felt the new nerves in his fresh wings sing as the tips scraped the ground, then lifted him higher and higher over the castle.


Cadance rushed around a corner, right into a guard speaking into his stone.

"My Lady!" he yelped, before pointing to a window. "Above the castle!"

"What!?" she asked, rushing over to the window and throwing it open, not bothering with the latch that shattered under the pressure of her hooves. She poked her head out and looked up, gawking at the deep indigo wings that stretched much too large for a creature the size of her little brother in the middle.

Then, with a flap, he disappeared into the sky.

She threw herself from the window, her own wings unfurling as she sped into the sky, intending to fly him down herself.

When she reached the level he'd been at, she gasped as she saw him far, far in the distance. She watched the massive set of wings flap once more before he dipped behind one of the mountains to the south.

Moments later Fluttershy joined the princess, panting a little with the effort she was putting into her wings.

"Where?" she asked, looking all around them for Spike.

"Gone," Cadance whispered, letting her wings beat slower as she descended. "He's gone."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the bit of repetition at the start, it just felt right to show it from two different sides. Hope you guys enjoyed the two days in a row, I make no promises but hopefully this caffeine can keep it going :yay: :moustache:

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