• Published 20th Jan 2016
  • 1,587 Views, 39 Comments

Killer of Six - Opium4TmassS

Twilight Sparkle is sent to terminate five artificial ponies masking as real ones.

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The convenience store was dirty, as the smog from the outside drifted in through the numerous cracks and openings that were never bothered to be filled or patched by the owner of the store. The harsh fluorescent lighting overhead made the place feel greasy, along with the heat from the late summer drifting in making the room feel stifling and humid. Twilight Sparkle found herself coated with a thin layer of sweat and grime. As she walked the aisles, pretending to looking for something to eat. She randomly picked up some candy, not bothering to see what it was she grabbed while approaching the counter.

The pony was middle aged, wearing some old glasses that felt out of time and place for this day and age. He was covered with a thin film of dirt and sweat as well, but he stood there waiting to take care of her, and to watch her to make sure she didn't try to steal anything was well. Though he would never have admit to that. That would be rude.

"How much?" she asked placing her item on the counter.

"Five bits." the pony replied absently scanning her candy bar.

"Five bits huh." she said reaching into her knapsack tied around her shoulder. "I remember when they used to cost just two bits. Do you remember those days?"

"Five bits, please." the pony running the cash register asked again.

"It wasn't too long ago when it only cost two bits for a candy bar." Twilight Sparkle continued on. "Before that drought in eastern Equestria made cocoa scarce. Thus driving up the price to, what five bits is it now?"

"The price is five bits please." the pony said a third time.

Twilight noticed the drops of sweat forming under his mouth. Like little liquid diamonds reflecting the ugly neon lights hanging overhead, they betrayed the nervousness and maybe even fear this emotionless looking pony was feeling. Twilight Sparkle also noticed his hooves moved downward under the counter.

"You do remember that don't you? When the price of chocolate skyrocketed." said Twilight Sparkle.

"The price of the chocolate bar is five bits." the pony kept saying like a broken record.

"Ah! There it is!" said Twilight Sparkle. Placing the money on the counter. "Five bits, just like you asked." she said grabbing the partially melted candy, while keeping her other hoof in her knapsack. Slowly gripping the handle of the gun she had in their." I want to ask you one more question."

"Yes." said the emotionless pony watching her.

"You weren't built when the price of cocoa beans rose. It's true isn't it?"

The pony's lower jaw worked itself up and down but no sound came out, as it was busy trying to form words for it to say. Some instinct that kept her alive, took over her body as she leaped to the left of the counter as a large BOOM was heard from the blast of a hidden shotgun underneath the counter, taking a large chunk of it, along with the nearby display isles.

As she dove for cover she had her weapon out and returned fire, both were wild shots but the last one did graze the middle age pony in the shoulder making him duck down as well. Twilight fired a few more rounds from her gun more to keep him off balance while she moved for better cover. she kept herself near the ground further away from the counter, while she reloaded her gun listening for the artificial to make his next decision.

She could hear his hoofs softly scratch the ground, as he tried to quietly move from his cover. Gripping her revolver Twilight tensed herself ready to spring out when the lights in the store turned off and she found herself surrounded in darkness. The light filtering from the outside made things worst as they crisscrossed the darkened store making her eyes unable to dilate from the extremes.

Listening she could hear the pony cautiously make his way around the store, hunting her. He had a good idea of where she was hiding as she heard his hoof prints creep closer. Grasping the first thing she could get her hoof around. A soda can she thought it was. Twilight Sparkle hurled it away from her, towards the other side of the store. She covered her head as the owner fire off another round towards the can hitting the wall.

The pony muttered a curse as he reloaded his weapon. Twilight took this as her chance. Mustering up her courage while firing her gun at the noise.

"My foot!" the pony screamed in pain. Giving away his location to Twilight as she fired off all of her rounds at the sound.

The eerie quiet in the darkness followed for a few moments. With the only sound that she could hear was Twilight's breathing. Than a heavy thumping as something big hit the floor. Twilight listened for a while longer to make sure it wasn't a trick, before getting up out of her safe spot and finding the lights.

The artificial pony laid still on the floor staring out at whatever retired ponies stare at when they cease to function in the world of the living. They didn't live long, burning out after a few years, harmless blending into the mundane world of Ponyville. They couldn't breed, and they had very few problems with them. But when they did Twilight or somepony like her was called to find them and retire them as it was called.

She didn't know why Celestia wanted this artificial retired. What his crime was. To tell the truth she really never knew why all the artificials she hunted were chosen for retirement. She never bothered to ask, it just didn't seem important.

Leaving the store, she could see angry black clouds growing swarming over Ponyville with great speed. It was obvious a terrible storm was coming. In front of the black clouds Twilight could make out one of Celestia's security vehicles racing the weather towards her. Luna she guessed, Celestia's sister, she always seemed to be right behind her, appearing whenever she finished a mission for the ruler of Equestria. Cleaning up the mess that was done. She felt a vibration in her pocket as her messenger indicated she had another assignment. Clicking it on she saw a new mission for her. Five actually, Celestia wanted five ponies retired and after she wanted her to personally report to her when it was over.

Twilight thought it was strange to see Celestia after a retirement, but in the end it didn't matter as she walked to her car. Already feeling the first pregnant drops of rain hitting her face.