• Published 20th Jan 2016
  • 1,587 Views, 39 Comments

Killer of Six - Opium4TmassS

Twilight Sparkle is sent to terminate five artificial ponies masking as real ones.

  • ...


The address she found led to the main market street in Ponyville. Heavily crowded with changelings running to and fro, trying to get out of the torrential rain falling around them. Brought into Equestria as cheap labor filling the jobs unwanted by the normal pony population, they were forced to wear collars around their necks to prevent changing their forms. Now they have been reduced to no more than menial laborers of Equestria.

The dirty rain filled the gutters to overflowing and streaked grime on the buildings. Caused by the smoke coming from Ponyville industries mixing in with the storm clouds. The crud fell with the water, staining everything with filthy streaks. Casting the buildings into strange artworks of a new industrial age for all to see, if anypony would bother to take the time.

Above the city noise she could hear what sounded like a mix of chanting and singing as one. Looking up on a small constructed tower called a Swali tower. Created for the clerics to do their chanting, on top of that one was an Elderly changeling that covered himself with colorful paints all over his bod. Nauu-Shim it was called, a religion or philosophy or whatever it was, Twilight was never sure. Had gained popularity among the changelings a few thousands years ago, now almost all of them practice it.

Twilight Sparkle frowned as she listened, Usually they sing the Kalash 'em or blessing of the day at sunrise and sunset, never during the day. She wondered why the cleric is singing it now.

The boutique stood in the middle of the block. Coated with a repellant that wards off dirt, grime, and even the falling rain, It was immaculate white structure standing out against the other dirty buildings. Twilight was willing to bet that the inside was just as beautiful as the outside, just as beautiful as the owner who took so much love and care to everything she did. "Going In now." Twilight said on her communicator. before getting out of her vehicle, to make a mad rush to the boutique in the dirty storm.

"Welcome to Rarity's boutique." said a very fashionable pony standing behind the counter, slightly bowing to Twilight as she entered. " I am the co-owner of Rarity's boutique Miss Sassy Saddles. Miss Rarity is upstairs finishing an order from another client. Do you need to see her? Or are you here to pick up an order yourself."

She has small diamonds attached all over her skin, and above her eyes. Along with white makeup heavily applied around her face with a red line running down the middle, covering her lips in an almost kabuki style. Her mane and tail had small dots of Lumina nanobytes attached to each strand of hair, changing her color and style periodically. She seemed almost celestial and angelic in appearance.

"No I'm afraid I don't have an appointment." said Twilight Sparkle. Taking off her soaking wet coat. "My brother is getting married next week. I was supposed to have a dress made, but because of some errors by the bride. Well things have gotten mixed up and I heard Miss Rarity can do miracles."

Like the outside the inside was white and immaculate. A symmetry of lines colliding, meeting and expanding in a circle around her. Dotting the room stood crystal mannequins on pedestals slowly rotating in a circle, showing off Miss Rarity's work of fine art in dresses. Attached to the walls were giant screens exhibiting her past works as countless model ponies walked runways across Equestria wearing her clothing. Twilight had to admit they were beautiful, she truly was an artist among artist.

"Aww that's too bad." said Sassy Saddles her face a mask of concern. "But I'm not sure if she will be able to help you at all. She is a rather busy pony and we are already swamped with back orders."

"Are you sure she can't fit me in somehow? I just need something fast. Any help would be really appreciated." she said adjusting her knapsack slung across her shoulder.

"Well Miss Rarity is awfully busy right now. But I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask her." Sassy Saddles said after a moment of thought. "Just wait here for a moment." as she went upstairs to talk to the manager.

Twilight walked around the empty boutique, admiring the creations Rarity has done. She was looking at a faux fur dress, when she heard something hiss at her. Looking down she spied a white cat done with ribbons sitting underneath it. The cat looked at Twilight as started to issue a low growl as Twilight got closer. "Here Kitty, kitty, kitty." she said lowering herself down, reaching her hoof out slowly to pet the cat.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." said a voice behind her. "I always thought artificial pets would be nicer than the real ones, but she had been bad tempered since I picked her up from the lab that created her. I had thought of taking her back for some behavioral modification. But it feels wrong to change my little Opal-wopal from being what she is for what I want her to be."

Getting up to turn around to look at the new voice in the room, she saw what she thought was the most beautiful pony she had ever seen. Like Sassy Saddles she had diamonds pasted across her body making her shimmer. Her hair was cut in almost a Mohawk style turning into a long curl in the front that matched her tail. She had long eyelashes that , also like Sassy Saddles had Lumina attached to the end of them shifting the colors around. She wore a simple smock that downplayed her appearance but at the same time enhanced her natural beauty.

"Miss Rarity?" asked Twilight Sparkle.

"Indeed I am. And you are...?" she asked extending her hoof for Twilight Sparkle to take.

"Twilight Sparkle. It's an honor to meet you. Really it is." she said taking Rarity's hoof to shake. "Actually I am kinda nervous being here. Your dresses look amazing and way over my budget."

Rarity smirked as she talked. "Don't let the fancy displays fool you Miss Sparkle, we cater to all budgets here. A pony's gotta eat, am I right?"

"Indeed, yes."

"I'm sure we can find something that will make you not only look fabulous but within your price range. Besides its been ages since I have made anything for a wedding. Wouldn't want to lose my touch after all." Rarity said pointing to the stairs. Just follow me and we'll get you measured and design something amazing for you."

"You sure this won't be any trouble for you?" asked Twilight.

"Nonsense! Even if you're not the bride, you should just look your best after all. By the way who is your brother marrying?"

"Some girl from the crystal empire. I don't really know much about her...OW!" Twilight screamed as Opal jumped from her hiding place onto Twilight attacking her.

"Bad Opal!" screamed Rarity as she pulled Opal off. Her cat sunk her claws Into Twilight's knapsack spilling her contents all over the floor as she was pulled away. "I'm so sorry about this Twilight. Opal is usually a grump but she never attacks ponies. I really don't know what's gotten into her."

"It's okay, Really it is. Let me just grabbed my stuff." said Twilight as she bent down.

"Here let me help you." said Rarity handing Opal to Sassy Saddles. "It's the least I can do...Officer?" she said, picking up Twilight's badge. "I see you're an agent of Celestia. How wonderful for you." She continued on widening her smile. "You know I do think I do have something that will be stunning and well within your price range. Miss Saddles."

"Yes Rarity."

"Can you be a dear and put Opal in my room. I'll attend to her shortly. And after that do me a favor and close the store. I have a feeling this will take the rest of the afternoon."

"As you wish Rarity." she said with a slight bow before heading off.

"Follow me upstairs if you please Miss Sparkle." she said as she lead Twilight up the stairs to her fitting room.

Unlike the lower level her fitting room was organized chaos. Surreal fabrics and ribbons were piled everywhere there was space. with simple mannequins placed randomly. A desk with a sewing machine was placed under a simple window looking out to the storm raging outside. Rarity lead Twilight into the room as she flicked on the lights. In the middle was a half made gown hanging unfinished.

Twilight Sparkle watched pixels dance across the dress to create images, break apart, then swirl around to create more pictures, over and over again.

"Isn't It beautiful." said Rarity looking at the dress. "I don't like to brag but I have really outdone myself with this one."

"I love it." said Twilight as she felt the dress with her hoof. "Who wanted this dress?"

"Oh some singer. She wanted something unique so I created this for her." she said offhand. "But that's not what I wanted to show you." Rarity continued on as she walked to the end of the room, pulling a roll of a transparent plastic looking textile and holding it out for Twilight to see. "What do you think?"

"I don't know. I looks like a roll of cellophane that we use to preserve food."

"That so? I suggest you feel it."

Twilight ran her hoof gently over the fabric. and gasped feeling the tingle of electricity tingling across her limb. "This sounds strange but it almost feel like liquid glass."

"It's not so strange, I thought the same thing when I first felt it. Believe it or not. But this is what makes it so special. Watch this." Rarity said as she unrolled a small layer from it. Extending a small cord from the back of her neck to the fabric, she plugged herself in. "Who needs magic nowadays, when we have our technology that can do so much more." she smirked.

Twilight watched as the fabric changed its shape and color, becoming more rough and filling itself in with the color red. "Feel it now." said Rarity.

"It feels like silk a very fine silk." said Twilight.

"It was originally designed for burn victims as a way to cover their scaring. But it has many wonderful uses for someone with some imagination. Now If you would just stand over here so I can get you outfitted." Rarity said as she lead twilight to the corner of the room.

Complying Twilight walked to the corner as Rarity followed her with the fabric, unrolling it with her hooves. "Now let me just take a few measurements from you and I will create the magic." Rarity said as she removed her knapsack and placed it on the shelf next to them.

"So How long have you been an officer?" she asked, standing behind Twilight.

"About six years." said Twilight.

"What type of officer are you? Crimes? Forensics? Artificials?"

"Well I mostly follow whatever Celestia tells me to do."

"I bet you do." said Rarity.

Twilight had forgotten just how fast an artificial can be as Rarity wrapped the fabric around her neck and tightened it. Screaming incoherently as Twilight started to choke from the lack of air. She could feel Rarity's weight as she jumped on Twilight's back, squeezing the life out of her.

"Rarity." Twilight heard Sassy Saddles say as she opened the door. She holding a tray in front of her. "Since you were so busy I thought I make you both some tea as you wor..." she stopped seeing the attack with a look of shock and disbelief on her face.

Spots began to form in Twilight's eyes, tasting the fabric as each inhale made the material invade her mouth a little more. She felt little arch's of electricity across her tongue as for some strange reason the only thought in her mind was. "Rarity was right this is like liquid glass."

Moving herself around she placed her back towards the wall and slammed herself backwards with all of her might. She heard the whump of Rarity groaning as all her air was sucked out of her lungs. But still it wasn't enough as she just clung tighter to the fabric choking Twilight. Shifting herself, Twilight threw herself backwards, once again slamming herself against the wall. And again! And Again! And again! Until she finally felt Rarity slide to the floor, collapsing.

Twilight's legs buckled from the lack of air as she fell to the ground as well. Fighting, tearing, biting to unwrap the synthetic cloth from around her neck and face, until she finally was able to gulp a lungful of air into her lungs as she laid on the ground. Fighting the spots in her eyes and the ringing in her ears she. She saw Rarity laying their unconscious from the blows. Turning her head she could see Sassy still standing in the doorway, holding the tray, still with an expression of incomprehension on her face.

Twilight heard Rarity groan, and knew that the artificial was regaining consciousness. Still weak from the strangulation twilight crawled towards her knapsack.

"No. NO!" Rarity shouted. Twilight wasn't prepared for having her became aware so quickly. She could hear Rarity scramble up rushing at her with all the speed she could muster. She could feel the artificial grabbing her legs trying to pull her away from her knapsack while crawling further onto Twilight to stop her. Grunting with exertion Twilight managed to grab her bag as Rarity began to squeeze her neck again.

"You're not retiring me!" Twilight heard Rarity scream into her ear.

Grabbing her gun inside her purse Twilight managed to bring it out. with a roll to loosen Rarity. Twisting around she pointed her gun into her chest and fired. Their was a muffled pop as the bullet traveled through Rarity splattering the ground around her with the artificial’s blood.

Twilight got up over Rarity, seeing her writhe and tumble on the floor, filling the room with her screaming. She pointed her weapon at Rarity again. Then there was stillness. Gathering herself she saw Sassy still on the floor. Staring at the event that transpired. Then softly, growing louder she started to cry while pulling herself to Rarity's body. Holding the lifeless artificial in her arms.

Twilight could hear Sassy's sobbing following her to her car. As Luna and some of Celestia's security forces surrounded the boutique.