• Published 20th Jan 2016
  • 1,587 Views, 39 Comments

Killer of Six - Opium4TmassS

Twilight Sparkle is sent to terminate five artificial ponies masking as real ones.

  • ...

Pinkie Pie

The wave of nausea hit Twilight Sparkle as she pulled into the parking lot catching her unprepared. She could feel the bile rushing up her throat as she clenched the wheel so hard she could feel her limbs starting to ache from the pressure. Her breathing came out in gasps, feeling like her heart was going to explode in her chest.

Then as suddenly as it came it ended, leaving Twilight Sparkle sitting in her vehicle feeling perfectly normal. She wondered for a moment what had come over her, listening to the filthy rain hit her car, letting herself calm down and relax before getting out of the car to her next destination.

"Welcome! Welcome!" the artificial bear with the friendly smile said. As a soaking wet Twilight entered Pinkies Party Supply Store, still hearing the Nauu-Shim priest chanting over the storm going on outside. "We welcome all here with much happiness."

"Welcome! Welcome!." the other dolls repeated in unison when she entered.

The place was filled to the brim with Throwaways. Artificial dolls either based on real or fantastic designs. They sat row upon row everywhere their was space. Some chaotically tossed about on shelves and huge overstuffed chairs, others absently places into corners, or on top forgotten desks, still others just stood around watching following her with their eyes. She felt unnerved as they silently watcher her walk over to the counter.

Twilight could hear the rain from the storm outside unmercifully pound Pinkies store. As the Low rumble of thunder continued on for a moment. "Miss Pinkie Pie?" Twilight Sparkle called out.

"Just a mmooommment." a cheerful voice coming from the back of the store said. "I'm pretty busy here in the back. It would be better if you just came to me instead."

Twilight pushed herself though the throngs of artificial toys who silently watched her. While listening to a myriad of different music boxes softly play their tunes, which added to the chaos. Moving to the back of the store was slow going as she stepped over Pinkies creations, careful not to knock anything over until she finally made it.

The room wasn't very big, made smaller further by more of Pinkies stuff tossed around. Artificial dolls. Fully furnished, and half-way done, boxes of odds and ends piled up around the walls of her study. In the corner was a flight of stairs heading up to the second floor. "Probably her living space." She thought to herself.

In the center of all this cluster was Pinkie, sitting down was peering into a gene splicer. Creating yet another throwaway, unlike the ones she was hunting, these were simple animations that did simple tasks, with little to no independent thoughts of their own. Twilight thought if was ironic that an artificial was creating another artificial. She wondered how did she feel about it.

"Sorry I couldn't meet you at the counter." Pinkie said still looking into her screen. "Mr. Moneybags wants me to create a special throwaway for his daughters birthday this Saturday. If you need something special this week I'm afraid I can't help you with that. Maybe next if you check....." she stopped after hearing the cocking of Twilights gun.

Slowly turning around. Pinkie faced Twilight. She was a young looking artificial, full of energy and warmth. Wearing a set of magnifying goggles that only enhanced the fear in her eyes at finally being caught. Silently the two of them watched each other. Seeing the end of life from the actions that would shortly come.

"Hug Gummy!" she yelled. Suddenly springing out of her chair. Making a mad dash up the stairs.

"I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you!" The voice said in her ear over and over again as Pinkie's alligator embraced its leathery arms around Twilight, hugging her tightly against its body. Fighting against the throwaway only made the creature hold Twilight even tighter.

Surprised just how strong the artificial was she felt her body tightly press against the throwaway, barely able to move. Picking up new sounds, Twilight Sparkle saw other throwaways come to life. Shambling over to here in their simple ways. with their arms outstretched to embrace Twilight. The noise rose into an almost chant of "I love you. and Lets party." that the throwaways repeated.









"Open you stupid safe!" Pinkie yelled out. As she tried to best to stop her hooves from shaking. "Why oh why did she keep her gun locked away in the safe." she frantically thought to herself. "Access Denied!" said the automated voice again. as Pinkie's trembling hooves put the wrong code in. "Access Denied!"

"Dammitt! Dammitt! Dammitt! Why didn't I have the gun with me? Why can't I remember the code? Why don't I just run?" she kept repeating like a mantra that would make everything go away. She could hear the commotion coming from downstairs as the throwaways she created, kept the hunter of her busy, buying her at least a little time. "If only she could remember THE STUPID CODE!"

"ACCESS DENIED!" the automated voice said.


"I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you!" The toothless alligator, with the big smile repeated in a continuous loop of affection. While it was overshadowed by another throwaway's of a giant Bison dressed in a bright clown outfit, wearing makeup filled her field of vision. "Lets have a good time pardner." it said to Twilight as it pushed itself even closer.

The press of the throwaways against her body immobilized her. But even more was the cacophony of all the different noises invading her ears. Music boxes playing different sounds, throwaways repeating their one-liners over and over again making it almost painful. She wanted to put her hooves over her ears but found them restricted from the press of them all.

She turned her head sideways in order to stop it getting smashed into the Gummy's smooth chest, that gave off a faint smell of spoiled milk almost making her want to vomit. They couldn't hurt her but she couldn't move either.


"ACCESS DENIED!" the automatic voice said again.

"CELESTIA...DAMMITT!" Pinkie screamed at the roof from the frustration, fighting the tears from coming out. Blinded momentarily from the spotlight from the floater. A small urban blimp used for advertising, cruising by her window, showing off a new outfit for sale at Rarity's store.

Pinkie stared at her friends face floating by, knowing she was lost to her. She felt guilty for not feeling sad for her lost, only thinking of her own survival at this point in time. As the thoughts in her head frantically jumbled and collided with each other making her unable to think or calm herself. "I'm so sorry." she said to the Image disappearing into the night.


"PARTY! PARTY! PARTY! PARTY! PARTY!" The bison with the clown makeup said in her face, obscuring the world around her. She felt the weight of them pressed upon her chest making each inhale difficult. She was trapped, waiting for the artificial to fight or flee unsure of which one she was going to do, when an idea hit her, Bending her legs she dropped to the floor. and curled herself up for protection, waiting for them to try to kick or hurt her.

But they didn't she realized watching them carefully stepping over Twilight Sparkle's body they avoided any actions that would damage her. They were Too big and limited to bend over and try to pick her up, and programmed to avoid causing pain to another being. So belly rubbing against the floor Twilight Sparkle crawled through the mob of throwaway bodies and made it up the stairs.


"ACCESS GRANTED!" the automated voice said. Their was a click of a bolt being released, as the hatch popped opened. Pinkie let out a small laugh of relief finding now she had something to protect herself with. Reaching down to grab the weapon, A small but lethal revolver she had purchased on the black market a few years ago, in fear something like this would happen. Celestia had banned the use of lethal weapons in Equestria for civilians, but their was plenty of places to find them if you knew wear to look.

Opening the chamber she reached back into the safe to grab the bullets she kept in a box next to the weapon. "You can do this, you can do this, you can do this." she said to herself while her shaking hooves spilled the rounds all over the floor, catching the light from outside and making them into tiny stars rolling around her dark room. Paralyzed she watched one roll over to the opened door, stopping by the hoof of Twilight Sparkle.

Pinkie didn't care about the tears running down her face, in front of this unknown pony with the emotionless face. Knowing it was pointless to finish, knowing she was never going to leave this room ever again.

"What did I do wrong?" Pinkie asked. Motionless in her position.

"I don't know." said Twilight. "Why did you run from me if you didn't do any wrong?"

"I don't know. I just know your here to kill me. You killed Rarity as well. Didn't you?" Pinkie said watching Twilights face, seeing her expression unchanged telling what she already knew. "She was a good pony."

"It's not my place to say who is good or bad. I do what Celestia tells me to do."

"Do you know why then Celestia hates me enough to do this to me? To us?"

"I really can't say, for what its worth I'm sorry for this."

"Why are you sorry?" Pinkies said turning to look out the window. "I'm just an artificial. By Equestria's standards I'm not a living creature. Even though I need to eat, sleep, I feel happiness, anger, fear, and pain. I'm just a toy." she continues on, throwing the gun in her hooves across the room, where it bounced off the wall and onto the floor. "Like I said why should you be sorry. I'm just an artificial."

The room light up again from a flash of lightning overhead, casting long shadows of Pinkie sitting across the floor. "You're going after the rest of us aren't you?"

"Yes. It is what I have to do."

"What I do. What I do. It's what I have to do. You make it sound like that actually mean something. As if the world will end unless you do what you have to do. Well do It. DO IT!" she screamed turning around to face Twilight Sparkle.


Twilight Sparkle left Pinkie's house. back into the raging storm. Her exit was a lot easier than her entrance as the throwaways shut down after she left Pinkie. Until the pain hit her again. Collapsing into a puddle as she fought off the waves of pain, nausea and dizziness that assaulted her. Laying their, trying to catch her breath and gather her strength to get back up once the world stopped spinning. Blinded by the glare of the headlights piercing the rain pulling up close to her. She could hear the door open and a pony walk over to her. Friendly hooves gripped her and brought her back standing position.

As the world swam back into focus, she found herself staring into the eyes of Luna, Celestia's sister. Silently she walked Twilight back to her car and sat her down in the seat. "I'm fine." Twilight said catching her breath. "I just need a few moments." as she started her car up. Luna said nothing, staring her in the filthy rain.

"I need to go now." Twilight said to Luna. Finding her strength returning. Shutting the car door and driving off to her next retiring, leaving Luna in the background watching her over the cry of the changeling cleric's voice mixing in with the storm.