• Published 23rd Jan 2016
  • 4,885 Views, 59 Comments

The Wolf That Saved Equestria - Oldtakufanboy

Jacob was a 18 year old boy who had a crummy life in the real world. Suddenly, he's in this entirely new world in the form of a werewolf. What could happen...

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My Crummy Life/ A New World

"Get the hell out of here, you turd! Go find another place to work!" shouted my boss, as he boots me out of the store.

"Whatever," I said, as I flipped him off while walking away towards home.

My name is Jacob. I'm 19 years old, I have black hair, blue eyes and my life really sucks. I was never a depressed person till an incident eleven years ago. Eleven years ago, I was a happy child till my real parents died by car accident injuries; I was never the same after that. I was raised by two dip**** adults that don't give that much of a damn about me. I ended up getting into fights at school and I began to hang out with the bad crowd. I went to prison once after getting caught by doing a joint with my friends in an alley. After being released from prison, my friends and I went our separate ways and never saw each other again. The only friends I have now are my figurine carvings that I make for a hobby. I base them off of characters I either saw on TV, Internet, games, etc. At times because of how sad my life is, I always wanted it to end. So I take out my knife and place it close to my throat, but in the end, I chicken out and throw my knife away.

Even though my life sucks, I have questions egging at the back of my head: "Will I ever be as happy as I was back then? Will I have at least one friend that I can be with and talk to? Will I ever find that special someone?"

"Damn him," I muttered, as I kicked an empty soda can,"this is the third time I get fired because of my temper."

I had a fight with a customer who was preaching about me being a slow-ass; I went ape-shit crazy and pummeled the guy. Next thing I knew, I was called in by my boss and was fired. In a fit of rage, I threw the boss's glass candy holder to the wall and marched out of there.

"Mom and dad are gonna be pissed that I got fired again, "I said to myself, as I looked towards the beach, where the sun began to set in the distance.

I stopped my walk and stared at the orange setting sun. I don't know why, but I always found sunsets really beautiful. A few times, I actually cried from its beauty.

"Wow… beautiful," I said, as I continued to stare at the setting sun.

As the sun bean to disappear beneath the waves, I continued my walk towards home.

"I wonder where I can get a job now?" I said to myself, as I crossed the street.

As I walked, the sky little by little was beginning to get darker and darker till the stars were visible in the night blue sky. I also heard that tonight is a very special night. On the news, it is said that by 9 PM, there will be shooting stars in the sky. I know my parents will never want to see them with me, but at least I will see them through my bedroom window.

"I can't wait to see them. It will make me feel better," I said, as I cracked a small smile.

"I'm home," I said, as I entered the house.

No one replied; my father sat on his grubby chair staring at the TV with a beer in his hand. Mother sat on the couch knitting a scarf that she was making for herself.

"I got a call from your boss," said father, as he got up from his chair and walked towards me with a scowl on his face, "Care to explain?"

"I got in a fight with a customer and after I got the memo of being fired, I grabbed ahold of the boss's glass candy holder and threw it at the wall."

He scratched his bearded chin and placed a hand on my right shoulder.

"Sorry son… but," said father, as he backhanded me on the face, making me fall to the floor with a trickle of blood coming down my mouth.

"I knew that was coming," I said, as I got up and rubbed the spot where I got hit.

"You dumbass! You f***ed up again! Go to your room! No dinner for you tonight!" said father, as he took a sip of his beverage and sat back down onto his chair.

"Listen to your father and go to your room, son," said mother, as she placed her knitting down beside her," You need to be punished."

"But mom, can I-"

"JUST SHUT UP AND GO TO YOUR ROOM, YOU PIECE OF S***! STOP BUGGIN' YOUR MOTHER!" shouted father, as he glared at me with fury in his eyes.

"Yes Sir," I muttered, as I walked upstairs towards my room.

As I opened my door, I saw my bed, my short bookshelf with books that I bought with my own money, my carvings, my laptop, my lamp and desk with a picture of my real parents… the ones who really loved me.

I walked up to the picture and grabbed ahold of it with and sat down on my wooden chair that I use when sitting down while I do either homework or carve my figurines.

"Mom… Dad… I'm home…" I said to the picture.

I then began to feel tears coming down my eyes as I hugged the picture tightly within my grasp. No matter how much I see that picture, I can't help, but cry.

"I… really miss you two," I sobbed, as I placed the picture back on my desk.

I rubbed my eyes and took out my carving knife and continued working on a carving of Papi from Monster Musume. I've been a fan of the series since the manga came out online. As soon as I save enough money, I'm going out to the bookstore and buying it.

"Might as well kill some time, while waiting for the shooting stars to come out," I said, as I began carving Papi's wings.

8:57 PM

I put away my carving of Papi and placed her next to my EVA Unit-01 carving I did a few months back. I went over to my bed and sat down looking through the window for the shooting stars to come out.

As I sat there for the past three minutes, I did notice a shooting star flying across the sky. I know I'm nineteen and all, but I couldn't help, but make a wish. I closed my eyes and thought:

"Dear shooting star, make my wish come true. I want you to take me to another world that is very different than the one I'm in now; I want to live in a place that is much happier and interesting; I want to meet people or creatures that I can talk to or perhaps make a friend; a place that can treat me as I was one of them… I hate… to be lonely…"

After making that wish, I got off my bed and walked over to my small bookshelf to continue reading the 2nd volume of Wolf's Rain. To be frank, I really like wolves. I find them to be rather beautiful creatures that hunt in packs and live a free life. If I ever were reincarnated, I want to be a wolf; I don't care if I was an alpha or omega (no pun intended).

As I grabbed ahold of the book, I turned on my lamp and lied down onto my bed and began read where I left off. Before I went to the next page, I heard my disp**** father and mother arguing downstairs with the sounds of yelling about something.

"I WANT HIM OUT OF HIS HOUSE BY NEXT YEAR!!" said father from downstairs.

"I'M WITH YOU ALL THE WAY!" agreeing mother.

After hearing that, I sat up and threw my book at the door in a fit of anger.

"Dicks," I quietly said to myself, as I turned off my lamp and lied on my bed.

I lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling, as I began to calm down.

"I hope my wish comes true… I hate my life," I said, before letting out a yawn.

I turned my head towards my window and stared at the stars till I began to fall into a deep sleep.

I woke up and noticed that I wasn't in my room. All I could see around me was nothing… nothing else, but darkness all around me.

"Huh? Am I dreaming?" I asked myself, as I walked forward through the darkness with my voice echoing through the darkness.

As I continued my walk, I began to notice a bright light in the distance, as it twinkled to get my attention.

"What is that?" I said to myself, as I ran towards the light with abnormal speed.

Two minutes have passed and I finally made it towards the light. I stopped a few feet away from it, as it twinkled rapidly than ever. As it did, the aura around it began to grow, making me take a few steps back.

"Your wish shall be granted," said the light, as I was immediately zapped by it, making me scream in pain.

My body began to tremble, as I stared at my hand, which was beginning to make a cracking noise. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK!

I screamed again, as the tip of my fingers changed from nails to claws. My arm began to grow white fur, along with the rest of my body. The next were my legs as they began to stretch out and begin to look wolf-like.

"Wait… Am I turning into… a- AGGGHHHH!" my thought was cutoff, as my face began to stretch out.

My face felt as if the skin on my face was being pulled in an aggressive manner. I then began to feel my teeth become shaper and my ears beginning to stretch out.

"WHY?!?!?! WHY AM I- AGHHHH!!!" I was too much in pain to speak, as my body began to change.

I next began to feel my spine stretching to form a tail with white fur. After feeling my tail coming, the pain suddenly stopped. I began to observe myself, knowing that what I was… was not human.

"I'm a wer-" I was cutoff from the sound of my voice giving me a shock, "My… my voice… my voice got deeper."

As my transformation ended, I began to feel air pushing me backwards with a strong force. I turned around and saw a large black hole that was trying to suck me in. I gripped onto the dark ground with all my might, but ended up losing my grip each time I plunge my claws into the ground. As I began to get closer and closer, I had no choice, but to give up. I made a jump towards the black hole, as I was seconds away from being devoured by it.

"Good bye… life," I said, as I began to shed a tear, as the black hole devoured me.

I woke up with a gasp and stood up. I noticed that I wasn't in my room at all. All around me were dark trees, bushes and the sounds of wildlife.

"Where am-" I was cutoff by the sound of my voice.

I slowly looked around myself and noticed that I still had fur, claws and a snout. Looks like I wasn't dreaming after all.

"I'M A WEREWOLF!!" I shouted, as I began to scream at the top of my lungs, which made the wildlife that was close by run away from me.

I placed my hand over my now furry chest and began to breathe steadily.

"Calm down… calm down… This is a dream. It has to be," I said to myself, as I leaned against a tree trunk.

I looked towards the ground and grabbed ahold of a sharp pointed stick and brought it up to my arm. I steadily placed it in the middle of my arm and scraped the side of my arm, making me wince a bit out of pain. I looked at my now slightly bleeding arm and threw the stick aside.

"Nope.. this is… real," I said to myself, as I collapsed to the ground.

I sat beside the tree trunk for the past five minutes, realizing that I'm not a human anymore, but a… werewolf.

"I can't reveal myself out there," I said, as I looked up at the light that was gleaming down upon me, "speaking of out there, where the f**k am I?"

I stood up and looked around the surrounding area. I appear to be in some sort of forest, which I don't remember being close to my neighborhood. The ground had some rocks and pebbles, along with werewolf tracks that I made. The sky was bright and sunny, which is weird because it said on the weather that it was going to be rainy tomorrow. The last thing I remembered was being sucked from a black hole and ending up in this place. As I puzzled more and more, I began to realize something.

"Is this… my wish? Am I in a new world? Did my wish really come true?"

As I stood there puzzling again, I saw a glistening light getting my attention further in the forest. I turned towards it and cocked an eyebrow.

"What's that?"

I went on my fours and rushed towards the gleaming light.

As I ran, I noticed that I ran quickly than ever as I jumped over a log, slipped a little muddy soil and snapped some twigs and branches along my path.

"Wow… I'm really digging this body," I thought, as I was getting closer to the gleaming light.

As I got close enough to the light, I skidded along the ground to stop and stared to what I was revealed to.

I stared at a clear and clean lake that had a few fishes jumping out of its waters and back into the lake. Around the lake were rocks and pebbles with little of sand that was covered by them. I looked up towards the sky and saw the sun shining down upon me, which stung my eyes for a bit after looking up. I then walked towards the lake and looked down at the edge to see my reflection. What I saw was my hairy wolf-like face, pointed ears, my wolf-like nose and my normal blue eyes. Why out of my transformation are my eyes staying the same?

"Whoa!" I said, as I looked away from my reflection and sat down on the rocky floor, "I really am a werewolf."

I sniffled and looked at my dried up cut from three minutes ago. I crawled towards the edge of the lake and splashed water against it to clean the blood off of my white fur. As I retracted my hand, the blood was gone and I gave out a sigh of relief.

"Good thing I didn't cut myself deeper or I'll be bleeding more than ever," I said to myself, as I sat at the edge of the lake and stared the jumping fish a meter away.

My stomach began to growl from the sight of them. Since I live out here now, it's time I begin to survive out in the wild. Luckily, a month ago, I got myself a book on what to do when stranded on an island. I know exactly what to do in a situation like this, but it might be easier since I'm a werewolf and hunting will be a lot easier because of my speed and agility.

"This spot will be my camp," I said, as I stretched out my arms, "This spot will be my territory."

My arms went to my sides again, as I yet again, stared at the jumping fishes again. Another thing that bugs me were the fish themselves. The fish seemed… cartoony in a way. I thought about that for a sec, but I decided to think about it later; I was starving.

"I should think about that some other time," I said, as I went on my fours and made a charging position, "but not now. Time to eat!"

I immediately jumped as high as I could at the edge of the lake and surprisingly made a meter long jump towards the area where the fish were jumping. As I was close to landing in the water, a fish jumped towards me, which to me seemed like luck. I stretched out my claws and punctured into the fish's sides, as I plunged into the water with the fish in my grasp. While underwater, I placed the fish in my mouth and swam towards the surface, where I walked on my fours towards the edge of the lake. I stopped myself and gave myself a shake, making my fur going poofy.

"Thish ish weird," I said with a fish in my maw, as I shook myself again, making my fur go back to normal.

I sat down and began chomping away on the fish. Surprisingly, the bones weren't that hard to chew on, even though I'd spit them out when the flesh was stripped off of.

"This is delicious," I said with a mouthful of fish meat still in my mouth.

I belched, as I threw away the leftover bones from the now eaten fish. I stood up on two feet and gave out a stretch.

"That was good," I said, as I looked around the lake and trees of the forest.

As I looked at the tops of the trees, I noticed two miles away was a mountain that was perfect enough for me to get a full view of the land.

"Perfect," I said, as I cracked my fingers, "If I make it up to that mountain, I can get a view of the land."

I went on my fours and charged towards the direction of the mountain at full speed.

As I sprinted through the forest, it was a really incredible feeling; I feel like as though I were a normal wolf. I couldn't resist a smile coming across my face; a smile that I haven't made in years.

"WOOOOO!!!" I shouted, as I jumped over a rock and landed perfectly onto the ground, as I continued sprinting forward.

After sprinting for the past five minutes, I stopped and was looking up at the mountain. It was much bigger than I thought, but I'm going to have to climb it. I must know where I am.

"Let's do this," I said before jumping as high as I could for a head start of climbing.

As I climbed, I slipped a couple of times, but luckily with the help of my claws on hands and feet, I doubt I could slip.

"This is gonna take a while," I said, as I grabbed ahold an edge of a rock.

As I made it as high as I could, I took a rest and looked forward towards the now setting sun in the distance, as I noticed a small village of some sort and further away was another mountain that seemed to have some sort of castle beside it.

"Where am I?" I said, as I walked to the edge of where I stood and sat down, looking at the land again for my brain to process this.

Wherever I am, is a whole new world that I don't know about. As much as I want to go out there, it could lead to trouble. What if people saw me and hunt me down for money? What would they do to me if they end up capturing me? I don't want to take the chances of being killed.

"I really shouldn't think about that… all I should do is stay away from society and stay here in this forest area."

Three Hours Later...

The sun was out of sight and the stars began to shine in the night blue sky; I stood up and gave out a stretch.

"Well, looks like my time here is done. I must get back to the lake and make myself a fire," I said, as I began to crawl down the mountain.

As I made it to the bottom of the mountain, I walked around and picked up some fallen branches and twigs as much as I could and ran on my two feet towards the lake. I was lucky to have a really special nose to detect where the lake was because I am not good when it comes with sense of direction (like a certain swordsman).

As I ran towards the lake, I heard multiple snapping noises deep within the forest. I stopped and listened for anything else.



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As I tried to look further away, I notice three pairs of glowing green eyes that were looking at me with curiosity. I was having a bad feeling about this, so I gave out a growl to see if it would scare them off; it did. The three pairs of green eyes disappeared within the forest.

"Huh? I wonder what those things were," I said, as I continue my run towards the lake.

The fire crackled, as I sat beside it lying down. I stared into the fire, as I heard its crackling and popping noises.

"Tomorrow, I shall begin making a shelter," I said, as I began to lie on my back, looking up at the stars.

As I turned towards the moon, I cocked an eyebrow upon it. On it was a unicorn-like symbol.

"What kind of friggin' moon is that?" I said, as I continue to stare at it.

Just then, I heard multiple snaps coming from within the forest. I immediately got up and looked around the trees in front of me that were on the other side of the lake and saw six pairs of green eyes. I growled and unsheathed my claws.

"Back off," I said, trying to sound scary.

The green eyes didn't leave, instead, they began to make wolf-like growls and snarls. I gave them another growl, but still, they continue to growl and snarl at me.

"GO AWAY!!!" I roared, as the unknown creatures stopped their noises.

I stood up as high as I could and let out a howl, to indicate that this is my territory and that they should piss off or things will get messy.

The green eyes began to vanish one by one, understanding that this area belongs to me. The only sounds now, were the sounds of the lake, the wind and the crackling of fire. I snorted and lied back down beside the fire to keep myself warm.

"Changing plans; before making shelter, I should make a barrier to protect myself," I said before giving out a yawn.

I rested my head against my arm and fell asleep with the sounds of crackling beginning to fade.

I was awakening by the sound of feminine screaming in the distance. I immediately stood up and pointed my ears toward the screaming. I don't know why, but my instincts are telling me to go and help whoever is in trouble. I'm usually the type to stay out of people's business, but for some reason, not now. I went on my fours and sprinted towards the direction of the scream.

"Whoever is in trouble, please be safe," I said to myself, as I sprinted the best I could through the forest.

I then began to see a clear view of a path and followed it towards the exit, where the sun was shining down. As I made it to the exit of the forest, I turned my head towards my right and what I saw surprised me.

"What… the hell?"


Ending Song:

Author's Note:

Sorry with the lack of ponies in this chapter, but their will be in the next chapter :raritywink: