• Published 23rd Jan 2016
  • 4,886 Views, 59 Comments

The Wolf That Saved Equestria - Oldtakufanboy

Jacob was a 18 year old boy who had a crummy life in the real world. Suddenly, he's in this entirely new world in the form of a werewolf. What could happen...

  • ...

The Prophecy

I woke up with the sun shining on my face. I got up and gave out a good stretch.

"Good morning, forest," I announced to the forest.

I took a step to be sure if Fluttershy was right about my leg being better in the morning: she was right. I then ran around the lake to see if my leg was feeling strong; it was.

"Wow, Fluttershy was right. My leg is feeling so much better."

I then went on my fours and walked over to the edge of the lake to have myself a drink.

"Mmm, refreshing," I said, as I took my last sip of water.

My stomach began to growl. Looks like it's breakfast time.

"Looks like I gotta find me some breakfast," I said to myself, as I headed into the forest.

Just then, I stopped. I just remembered that Fluttershy would meet me tomorrow at the lake. I guess I can hold off on eating. Luckily I threw away those fish bones away because who knows how she'll react if she ever did see those bones. I walked back towards the lake and sat down where I laid the other night and waited.

I sat there for the past thirty minutes and was starting to get bored waiting.

"What to do while I wait for her?" I thought, "Maybe I can go make a figurine carving. Yeah, that's what I'll do. I can go into the forest, find a lot, and use my claws as a carving knife."

I headed back into the forest to find a log. As I walked through, all I could find were a bunch of broken twigs and sticks from the trees above me.

"Damn, there's not a log in si-" I was cutoff, as I saw at the corner of my eye, a perfect thick log that looked perfect for me to use.

I walked over to it and placed it within my jaws.

"Perhect," I said with the log in my mouth and ran on my fours back to the lake.

As I made it to the lake, I sat down and looked down at the log within my grasp; thinking on how to do this.

"I guess I can start by removing the bark," I said, as I unsheathed my claws and began to rip apart the bark

10 minutes later...

I finished clawing away the bark that was in my way for carving. I stared onto it and puzzled on what design should I do.

"What type of design should I do? I've done so many when I was human that I totally forgot what I've carved. What should I make a carving of?"

Before I could think about it, a feminine voice called out to me from the skies. I looked up and it was none other than Fluttershy flying down towards me with her saddlebag and a basket within her left hoof.

"Fang! I'm back," said Fluttershy, as she landed ten feet away from me.

"Good morning, Fluttershy," I replied with a smile, as I placed the bark-less log beside me.

"I brought us breakfast. You must be hungry," said Fluttershy, as she sat down in front of me and opened the top of her basket.

She pulled out two glasses of milk, two pieces of toast, a butter knife, butter, and two apples. She handed me an apple and a glass of milk.

"There you go. Do you like toast?" asked Fluttershy.

"I do," I replied.

"Oh good," she said, as she began to spread butter over the piece of toast.

As I waited for my piece of toast, I twist the top of my glass of milk and took a sip. Surprisingly, it tasted very sweet; I've never tasted milk that was this tasty.

"This milk is delicious, Fluttershy," I complimented with a smile.

"Glad you like it," said Fluttershy with a smile, "It's fresh."

"No wonder it tastes so good," I said, as I wolfed down the rest of the drink.

"Here's your toast," said Fluttershy, as she handed me the piece of toast that was covered with a little of butter.

"Thank you very much," I replied, as I took a bite into it.

You know, eating with her reminds me when I had breakfast with my mother; my real mother. She would make toast with jam and make me a warm glass of milk.

"Why does this pegasus remind me of my mother?" I thought, as I finished my last bite of toast.

"Is there something wrong?" asked Fluttershy, bringing me back to reality.

"Huh? Oh uh, no, nothing is wrong."

"Just wondering. You looked as if you were deep in thought."

Just then, she began to gag a little.

"Fluttershy, are you ok?" I asked, as I placed my hand on her tiny shoulder.

"It's… when was the last time you took a bath?" she said, as she placed a hoof over her muzzle.

I brought my arm to my nose and took in a whiff. Boy, she wasn't kidding.

"Gross, you're right. I really do stink." I said, as I stood on my fours and walked over to the lake.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna take a dip in the lake. By the time I come out, I'll smell like a flower," I said, as I placed my hand into the cool water.

"I hope so," said Fluttershy, as I dipped my whole body into the lake.

I rubbed all over my furry body from head to toe to get the stink off of me. By the time I got out, I shook myself till I got all fluffy. Fluttershy began to giggle over the sight of it.

"Oh ha ha," I said sarcastically, as I shook myself again.

My fur went back to normal and I took in another whiff; I smelled much better than before.

"There, I'm all clean," I said, as I sat down in front of her.

"Good to know," said Fluttershy with a small smile.

"So… what do you want to do now?" I asked.

"How about you tell me a little about yourself. What are you? Where did you come from? What are your likes and dislikes?"

"Well, you already know my name. In this world, I'm a werewolf, a being that is a mix between man and wolf. What you see before you isn't what I really looked like. I was a human; a hairless ape, but that just sounds too insulting. I came from a world called Earth, which was the planet that I lived on."

"So you're an alien?"

"To you, yes. My home on this Earth is a state called Rhode Island. I live with my…my…"

Fluttershy walked over and sat beside me.

"What's wrong? You can tell me," she said, with a soothing voice.

"I live… alone. I never had that many friends; the only friends I grew up with were the carvings I made. I made them off of characters that I grew up. To me, they were the only family I got. I also am a reader, I read a lot of fantasy stories growing up and they take me to places that were magical. As for the things I dislike, I hate my temper; my temper can take control me and make me do things that I really regret. I hate being angry; all I want is to be happy, but… I can never be as happy as I was when I was one to eight years of age."

Fluttershy had a sad look upon her face and leaned her head on my arm.

"You poor thing," said Fluttershy, as she stroked the hair on my arm.

She then had tears flowing down her eyes, as she began to cling onto my arm and sob.

"I never… heard anything so sad," said Fluttershy, as she looked up at me with a sniffle.

"I know…" I said, as I looked down onto the ground.

"Well… Fang, can I ask you something?"


"How about I become your very first friend in Equestria," said Fluttershy, as she let's go of my arm.

"Huh? Why would a pegasus like you want to befriend a werewolf like me?"

"Because I'm so kind and nice. You may be a monster to everypony else, but not to me; you are considered to me as a friend."

I don't know why, but… I stretched out my arms and gave Fluttershy a hug.

"Fluttershy… you are the best thing that has happened to me while being in this… what do you call this place?"

"Equestria," said Fluttershy, as I broke the hug.

"Could you tell me more about this world of yours and how it works?"


For the past two hours, I learned about this world, the rulers, the places, the residents, these cutie marks, and many more things. What caught my attention was that Fluttershy is one of these elements of harmony, including her friends. I never knew that Fluttershy had an important role in this world; I seem to be lucky to be making a friend with a pegasus that's important to everypony in this world.

"Wow… this is a lot to take in, Fluttershy," I said with amusement.

"Don't worry, Fang. You'll get used to it."

"You're right. I don't know how long I'll stay in this world, but I find it very fascinating," I said, as my tail began to wag.

"Now that I'm done talking about Equestria, I want to know how did you come here?"

I stopped my tail from wagging and thought about her question.

"From what I remember, I made a wish to a shooting star to take me away from where I came from and to take me to another world; a world that is interesting and happy. a world where I can't be lonely. After falling asleep, I confronted a light and then I began to transform into what you see before you. I woke up and I was here."

"Fascinating," said Fluttershy.

"So now you know," I said, as I stood up and gave out a stretch, "I'm stuck in this world and in this form. It seems as if my wish really did come true. I'm in a fascinating world and I made a friend; you."

Fluttershy flew up and hugged my head.

"We're friends to the end," she said, as she ruffled my hair.

"Thanks Fluttershy."

Fluttershy broke the hug and placed everything back into her basket. Just then, she noticed the log that I was beginning to carve.

"Hey Fang, what's this?"

"It's a work in progress. I was about to carve a figurine while waiting for you."

"Would you like me to just leave it here?"


Fluttershy placed it down and walked towards me.

"So what do you want to do now?"

I perked up my ears and gave her a cocked eyebrow.

"Huh? You want to spend more time with me?"

"I do; actually, I want to spend a whole day with you. It could be fun."

"I have an idea," I said, as I went on all fours, "would you like me to run around the forest with you on my back? I won't go super fast."

"Are you sure?"

"Sure. It won't be bad. I had a blast when I began to use this body."

Fluttershy shrugged and jumped onto my back.

"Ok, hold on," I said, as I began to sprint into the forest.

"Whoa!" shouted Fluttershy, as I moved in different direction through the forest.

"WOOOOOOO!!!!" I shouted, as I jumped over a rock.

"Slow down!" squeaked Fluttershy, as I skidded across the ground.

"Sorry, I went too quick that I thought."

"No prob," said Fluttershy, as she began to shake.

"How about we take a walk around the forest?"


I slowly began to walk through the bushes, as the sounds of the forest came to life.

Five Minutes Later...

I looked around for a puddle, as Fluttershy rested on my back with cute little snores.

"Aw, she's asleep. I'll wake her in-" I was cutoff, as I began to hear noises thirty feet away.

I quickened my pace, till I can clearly near noises coming within the forest. As I peeked my head through a bush, I saw a hut with a little of smoke coming from within.

"Fluttershy?" I whispered, "Fluttershy wake up."

"Huh? Yes, Fang?" said Fluttershy, as she gave out a yawn.

"Whose hut is that?"

Fluttershy walked off of me and peeked her head over the bush.

"Oh! This is Zecora's place. She was the one I told you yesterday," she said, as she slipped out of the bush, "Come on, she's not dangerous."

I crawled out, but stood on my fours. As we got to the front of the hut, Fluttershy gave the door a few knocks. We heard hooves coming towards the door and in front of us was a zebra with an earring and rings around her left arm and neck.

"Welcome miss-" she was cutoff when she looked directly at me.


"He is Zecora, but he's not dangerous! Please calm down!" said Fluttershy.

"I really am, Miss Zecora. I mean you no harm," I said, waving my hand up and down.

Zecora gave out a sigh of relief and wiped a bead of sweat from her head.

"Good to hear," said Zecora, "Why don't you two come in here?"

"Thank you," said Fluttershy.

"Thanks Miss Zecora," I said, as I walked in behind Fluttershy.

As we made our way in, I was looking around the hut. There were masks, tubes, a cauldron in the middle of the of the hut, and other sorts of weird voodoo stuff. Fluttershy and I sat down in front of the cauldron, as Zecora sits in front of us with a vile that she began to pour into the cauldron.

"So tell me creature, what are you? You look like a creature that escaped from the zoo," said Zecora, as she placed the vile away and sat down beside us.

"I came from no zoo, zebra! I'm a werewolf!" I growled.

"Fang, calm down," said Fluttershy, as she stroked the fur on my arm, "Sorry Zecora, he has a bit of a temper."

"Sorry," I said, as I began to calm down.

"It is me who I should apologize. You see, I have been in a tizzy because you are the creature that has been prophesied."

Fluttershy and I looked at each other with a cocked eyebrow and then we looked back at Zecora.

"Prophesied? What do you mean Zecora?" asked Fluttershy.

"I was doing what I usually do; I've been looking through my cauldron to see the future till something I noticed was new."

"What was it? Was it Fang?" asked Fluttershy.

"He is the one who will save us; the one who will save us by dusk."

"Me? A hero? That's impossible," I said with disagreement.

"The cauldron doesn't lie," said Zecora, "the prophecy is nigh."

"She means it, Fang. Everything she says is true," said Fluttershy.

"I… how? How can I be a hero?"

"You are a hero. You saved me from the timberwolves. You used some sort of werewolf power to destroy them. I think that power will be useful for whatever force is coming."

"You're right about that, but we don't know how strong this foe is. This foe could be powerful than I am. This foe could be powerful than this Twilight Sparkle! This foe could be stronger than the two sisters for all we know!"

"You are wrong," said Zecora, "if you were not here as the prophecy says, then we'll be gone."

"Ok then, I'll do it. I'll defeat this nemesis whenever it shows up," I said, as I stood up on my fours, "I'll train everyday if I have to. I won't have this new world crumble before me. I've lived in a terrible world and I don't want to suffer here."

"You mean it, Fang? You'll save us?" asked Fluttershy, as she gave me a face with concern.

"Of course Fluttershy… for you, your friends, the rulers, and everypony else."

"You are very brave to say that, Fang," said Zecora, "You must go and train before the evil nemesis comes with a bang."

"Thank you very much, Zecora. I'll have to tell my friends, which means I'll also have to tell my friends about you, Fang."

"OK… since you are my friend, I can trust you, including your friends. Your friends seem like nice ponies after all," I said, as Fluttershy and I headed towards the door.

I turned around and looked back at Zecora. I kinda feel bad that I snapped at her earlier.

"Miss Zecora, again I apologize."

Zecora smiled and shook her head.

"I will accept it. I do have one thing to tell you: do not quit."

"I promise you, Zecora. I won't quit till this evil is vanquished," I said, as Fluttershy and I left the hut.

"Fang, how are you going to prepare for this fight or possible war?" asked Fluttershy, as and I walked back towards the lake.

"I'll train tomorrow, today's not enough time for training. What I want to do today is make a shelter by the time we get closer to the lake."

"A shelter? Why that first?"

"Because I want to see how sharp my claws are. I wonder if I can cut a tree with a swipe of my hand," I said, as I unsheathed my claws.

I looked back at Fluttershy, who was a bit nervous from the look of my claws.

"Sorry," I said, as I sheathed my claws.

I then stopped and lied down.

"Get on. We'll run back over to the lake," I said, as Fluttershy jumped on my back.

I then ran forward, as I made some turns.

"Whoa! Could you slow down a bit!" shouted Fluttershy.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" I laughed, as I continued to run.

Four Hours Later…

Somewhere Close To The Lake

I stood in front of a tree and took in a breath. I unsheathed my claws and swiped my arm as quickly as I could at the trunk and shouted:

The tree immediately fell over with a clean cut; it fell with a loud boom that made the animals close by run. I then walked up to the fallen tree and sliced the tree more. It was then in twelve pieces that were easy for me to pick up.

"Man, I'm really digging these claws. It feels as if I can cut through anything," I said to myself, as I grabbed ahold of twos piece of wood within my arms.

I walked back towards the lake, where Fluttershy was busy hammering the wood together. It was nice of her friend Applejack to let her borrow her equipment for this. I don't think she's told her friends about me yet; maybe tomorrow.

"How's the shelter coming, Fluttershy?" I asked, as I placed the wood close by.

"It's going great, Fang. It's a good thing to, I believe it's gonna rain tonight. At least you'll be dry under this thing."

"Fluttershy, thank you for helping me with this. Tomorrow, I'll be training for the upcoming fight."

"Fang, I know you'll do great when this fight happens. Make me proud and… don't die."

"Thanks Fluttershy," I said with a smile.

Fluttershy flew down and opened up her basket.

"Also, I brought us some dinner. Do you mind eating salad?"

"Sure. I don't mind," I said, as I sat down in front of her.