• Published 23rd Jan 2016
  • 4,886 Views, 59 Comments

The Wolf That Saved Equestria - Oldtakufanboy

Jacob was a 18 year old boy who had a crummy life in the real world. Suddenly, he's in this entirely new world in the form of a werewolf. What could happen...

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The Savior

What I was looking at was beyond my imagination. Thirty feet away from me were three wooden-looking wolves with green glowing eyes surrounding a cutesy-looking pegasus that looked as if it came from a toy company. She was terrified to the bone, as the wooden-like wolves began to circle around her. As I looked again at their eyes, they were the same green colored eyes I saw yesterday in the forest. So, these are the creatures I heard growling and snarling at me. I don't know why, but I sprinted towards them and unsheathed my claws for my assault upon them.

As I charged towards them, one of the wooden wolves jumped towards the pegasus, as the pegasus covered her eyes with her hooves. Luckily, I made it in time and pushed the jumping wooden wolf aside, as it rolled a few times till it got back on its feet again. The wooden wolf ran up to its pack and was giving me growls and snarls to walk away. Of course, I'm not going to do that.

"So you were the guys that were bothering me the other night. Well, its time that you guys pay for it," I said before I charged towards them, as the wooden wolf in the middle did the same.

I raised my left arm and swatted the wooden wolf's head clean off. The head rolled away and the green eyes dissipated. The wolves stopped their attack and looked over to their fallen comrade, and then turned their heads toward me looking angrier than usual. One of the wooden wolves jumped at me before I could make my move and bit down hard on my shoulder as hard as it could. I let out a yelp, as the other tried to do the same, but this time, it bit onto my leg. I thrashed around, to shake them off, but their grip was tight. I raised my left arm and gripped onto the wooden wolf that was holding onto my shoulder. I slowly squeezed its head as it slowly began to lose grip with the pain of knowing that its wooden skull was about to be crushed.

The wooden wolf within my grasp yelped before its wooden head crumbled to bits and its body collapsed to the ground. I then felt yet again the feeling of pain at my leg, as I looked down upon the wooden wolf clamped down upon it. I quickly leaned down and grabbed ahold of the wooden wolf's branch-like tail and yanked him off of my leg, which did tear a little of my flesh. As I pulled it up to my face with my blood trickling down its wooden teeth, I leaned my arm back and threw the wolf ten feet away. The wolf came down with a crash, as bits and pieces were across the landing spot.

"That'll teach ya," I said, as I swished my tail back and forth, making little of dust.

I turned around towards the still frightened pegasus and took a step back to give her some space. After what she saw, I believe she would want me to go away before she calls her pals to come and kill me. I began to feel a little of warm liquid coming from both my shoulder and leg.

"Damn, that really hurts," I said, as I took and knee and placed my hand on my leg," I need to find something to patch this up in the forest."

Before I could limp away to the forest, I noticed that the bodies of the wooden wolves I killed began to float with a green aura upon them.

"The hell?"

The pieces then began to come together, as if they were trying to form one being; I was correct. The pieces began to form a larger body, a larger tail, larger arms, larger legs and a head with glowing green eyes. Somehow, the bodies of the wooden wolves I killed came to life and form a giant wooden wolf. This wooden wolf that stood seven feet bigger than me, took a step forward and gave me a roar.

"Let's go," I said, as I stood up on my two feet, ready to fight.

The giant wooden wolf came charging at me with speed almost as good as mine. I made a high jump and clamped right onto its face. The giant wooden wolf roared as it thrashed its head back and forth, trying to get me off.

"This is like Shadow of The Colossus!" I said, as I clamped one of my hands onto the head and began to claw repeatedly across the giant wolf's face.

The giant wolf roared in pain, as it used its giant wooden paw to swipe me off his face. I fell five feet away from the giant wolf, as it shook its head back and forth trying to let the pain from my clawing go away. It then looked at me and began to charge at me. I immediately stood up, but then fell, as I looked down at my leg, which was bleeding more than before.

"Damn," I thought, as I looked over to the closing in giant wooden wolf, "I gotta end this quick before I begin to pass out."

As the giant wooden wolf came in, an idea immediately came into my head.

"I hope this works," I thought, as I began to charge towards the giant wooden wolf.

The wooden wolf roared, as I began to feel a surge coming from my body. I began to feel an aura around me, as I charged right into the werewolf and came clean from the other side of its head. I stepped onto the ground, as the aura around me began to disappear. I turned around and saw the wooden wolf collapsing towards the ground, making a dust cloud appear. As the dust dissipated, the wooden wolf was nothing, but a bunch of broken wooden and twigs.

"Thank God, I played Darkstalkers to know where I learned this move. John Talbain would be proud," I thought, as I dusted off my fur.

I then thought back about the pegasus and turned around. I turned my head towards the pegasus, who had an expression of surprise and somewhat… fascinating. I turned my whole body towards her and scratched the back of my head.

"Um… your welcome?" I said awkwardly.

The pegasus hadn't changed her expression and just stood there. I then began to feel pain coming back to my leg and took a knee.

"Damn, I went to far," I thought, as I grumbled.

I turned around and hurried back into the forest when suddenly:

"Wait!" said a squeaky voice from behind me.

I turned around and saw the pegasus with a now concerned look, as she slowly walks up to me. I made a growl at her in return, as the pegasus flinched.

"Go away… Don't come after me," I said, as I hurried towards the forest and made my way through the trees.

I huffed and puffed, as I ran on my two feet to get away from the talking pegasus.

"Weird," I thought, "Why would she be concerned about me?"

I wondered why she would do such a thing? Does she care about me? Did she feel pity on me? Or was she just tricking me so that she can capture me? Whatever she came up to me for, might possibly not be good.

As I made it to the lake, I was out of breath and decided to collapse at the edge of the lake. I stick my tongue out and lapped up some water to clench my thirst.

"This water taste fresh," I said, as I began to fall asleep.

I woke up with a yawn, as I looked up towards the now orange colored sky.

"I must've used too much energy during that fight. Or could it be because of my leg," I said, as I stood up and looked down at my now, dried bloodied leg.

I poked it with my finger and I felt a sharp pain.

"Ugh!" I shouted, as I retracted my finger.

I pushed away the fur to get a better look of the bite, and boy did it look pretty bad. I walked into the water and began to clean up my fur, including the wound. The water felt very cool, as I splashed all around my furry body.

As I got out of the water, ten feet away from me was the pegasus I saved earlier today. I wondered how she found me or why would she want to see me again. Whatever it was, I needed to protect myself if she's a danger. I went on all fours and gave her a snarl. She flinched, but didn't leave.

"Go away. I don't want to be bothered by the likes of you," I growled, as I took a few steps forward.

I gave her another snarl and her reaction stayed the same. Looks like I have to kick things up a notch. I began to stand up on my two legs and inhale as deep as I could.

"GO!!!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

The pegasus took a few more steps back, but then she took something out of her saddlebag. It looked like bandage wrappings. Why would she want to bring those.

"Why are you telling me to go?" asked the pegasus with a soothing and sweet voice.

My eyes lit up from what I just heard.

"You… you can talk?" I said, as I pointed at her and took a few steps back.

"Of course I can. Everypony can," said the pegasus with a giggle.

"Well… what are you doing here? Why did you find me?" I asked, as I unsheathed my claws in case of she's trying to trick me.

"I was on my way to meet Zecora, when suddenly I was attacked by those timberwolves you defeated. I was so curious to know where you were after you disappeared that I went back home, brought some supplies and went to Zecora, who told me from her vision that there was a creature somewhere within the Everfree forest. I looked around the Everfree for a while and here I find you."

"What do you want from me? I have nothing," I said, as I sheathed my claws.

"I don't want anything from you," said the pegasus, as she slowly walked up to me with her roll of bandages within her hoof, "I went around the Everfree to find you and repay you for saving my life."

"Huh? She went around this forest just to thank me? I hope she's not tricking me," I thought, as I unsheathed my claws again.

The pegasus stopped her walk from the look of my claws.

"Empty your saddlebags. If you have any weapons on you, I won't hesitate to kill you," I said with a snarl.

The pegasus dropped her roll of bandages and began to take off her saddlebag. As she dropped it, out came supplies that look like medical. I wonder if I'm wrong; maybe she doesn't want to kill me. I sheathed my claws and sat down on the rocky floor. The pegasus cocked an eyebrow at me with confusion.

"Are those things… for me?" I asked.

The pegasus nodded and gathered them up into her saddlebag.

"Well… sorry for scaring you then. I'm new to this world and I don't know much about it," I said, as I looked down at the rocky floor.

"It's ok," said the pegasus, as I pulled my head up, "I understand. Don't worry, I'm not your enemy."

The pegasus walked up close to me and sat down in front of me. She placed her saddlebag beside her and took back out the bandages.

"Could you show me your leg?" asked the pegasus.

I obeyed and stretched out my leg where the timber wolf bit me. She gently grabbed ahold of my leg with a hoof and inspected it.

"This doesn't look to good," said the pegasus, as she went through her saddlebag and took our what appears to be a spray, "This might sting."

The pegasus sprayed onto my leg, which made me flinch a little from the sting.

"There you go. Now to bandage that," she said, as she grabbed the bandages and wrapped them around my leg.

When she finished, I stood up on my two legs to test it out. It didn't hurt as much as it did earlier.

"It… it's healed," I said with astonishment.

"Now I need to do your shoulder," said the pegasus, as she tapped the spot where I sat before.

I walked back to where I sat, as she flew up to my shoulder. She used her hooves to push away my white fur to see the bite.

"Good thing this one isn't as bad as your leg," said the pegasus, as she gave me a soft smile.

She flew back to the ground to grab ahold of her spray and sprayed right onto my wound.

"There you go," said the pegasus, as gave me another soft smile.

"Thank you," I replied.

"Your welcome."

She flew back down and packed her things.

"Your body will be fully healed till morning, ok?"

"Really? Great."

The pegasus placed her saddlebag on, as she gazed upon me one more time.

"Do you mind if I come here tomorrow to check on you?" asked the pegasus.

I gave her a smile.

"Sure. Whatever you like, as long as it's only you," I replied, as I began to feel my tail wagging.

The pegasus giggled from my wagging tail, that I gripped onto it to make it stop its wagging.

"Sorry you have to see that. Hehehe," I said, as I chuckled awkwardly.

"Hehehe, no problem," giggled the pegasus.

We stared at each other for a few seconds, till the pegasus spreader her wings and flew up into the sky.

"Wait!" I yelled to the pegasus, as she looked down at me, "What's your name?"

"It's Fluttershy!" replied the pegasus, "What's yours?!"

"My name is j-… Fang! It's Fang!" I lied.

The pegasus smiled and waved to me, as I did the same. She flew away and I was alone yet again.

"Might as well get a fire starting," I said to myself, as I headed into the forest for branches and possibly logs.

The fire crackled as I began to cook a lizard I caught and turned it into a shish kabob. I pulled my stick back and blew on it.

"I wonder if it really does taste like chicken," I said to myself, as I took a chomp onto its head.

Wow! The taste was so delicious that I continued to eat the lizard.

"They weren't kidding. It does taste like chicken," I said, as I took the last bite of its tail.

I looked back up at the sky and thought to why I made up a name to Fluttershy.

"Why did I lie to her? Was my human name too boring? Maybe it's because I'm not human anymore and what werewolf goes by the name Ja- ohhhhhh," I said, as I began to think about it, "Oh damn, I almost forgot about that… you know what, I'm just gonna stick the name Fang in this world."

I stood up and gave myself a stretch.

"You hear that world?! My name is Fang!" I shouted before I howled to the heavens.


Author's Note:

Looks like Fang has made an acquaintance with a pegasus named Fluttershy. Will they be possibly friends? We'll see in the next chapter :raritywink: