• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 3,101 Views, 164 Comments

Changing Flows - ChaoticHarmony

Needle Wings and Cherish have been together for a decade now, what has happened and what will happen

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Fire Starter

Chapter 2: Fire Starter

Phoenix Flight was blind, the world around him shrouded in a blackness that was dark as his coat. Pain slashed across the darkness, the flashes of it sending red light cutting through the darkness. He could smell the damp grass the was around him and he could feel the soothing touch of the evening wind on his body. The icyness of the wind made him want to shiver, but he found that he couldn't move his body. He heard hoofsteps approach and then hesitate, as if the pony had been searching for something. The hoofsteps sounded out closer and closer until they stopped somewhere near him. He felt a cold, smooth muzzle dig under his body and flip him over. Pain ripped across his vision and body again, the red nearly overwhelming his mind as he tried to curl inward against the pain but to no avail. He heard a gasp and he felt the hard but gentle touch again near his chest, as if somepony was listening to his heartbeat.

He saw a small tint of green in the blackness and pain shot through his body again. He was set upon a cold, smooth body with strange insect wings pressing against his body. Realization struck him, and he felt relief flow into his body following the initial shock of discovery. He felt a firm and warm touch accompanied with the same green aura, and Phoenix relaxed his mind. Dad's here. I'll be fine now... His mind slowly drifted further into darkness and dimmed sensations. He wouldn't.....let anything.....happen to.....me.


She hummed as she walked down the empty street with her horn shining like a miniature sun. Well, they don't call me Bright Light for no reason. she giggled a little to herself at the thought, I wonder at how Cherish has been faring with that Needle Wings, oh and their foal too. It has been far too long since I dropped by to see my baby sister and her little Phoenix. Phoenix Flight was hardly a foal now, but she would always remember him as one. She told herself that the only reason that she wanted to go was to visit her sister, but she knew that reason was only partially true. She was still concerned for her new family's wellfare. The ponies in the town had been reluctant and almost downright hostile to the idea of a changeling living with them, much less the cross between a changeling and a pony. While she never understood it, Bright had accepted their love and had defended them against the glares and muttering from the ponies in town.

She surpressed a yawn as she walked on her normal route that took her by Cherish's home. Having to visit her sister's family at night was pain, but that was the only time her job let her go. Working as one of the ponies who patrolled the streets at night left her too exhausted during the day to do anything besides fall asleep after she tossed off her saddlebags, sometimes even before she could toss them off. Even though Phoenix Wings had destroyed the portal, Needle pointed out that there were many other ways into Equestria and the mayor decided to recruit unicorns with light-based talents or combat skills into the Night Patrol. Since she had both, Bright Light was chosen to lead all of the unicorns of the Patrol, and she did with pride. Even so, it drained her entirely and took her away from her duties as an aunt. Tonight she had assigned her second-in-command, Lightbulb, to take her route halfway so she could have time for a swift visit.

When her light shined against her sister's home, Bright knew instantly that something was wrong. All of the lights were off, and Cherish was standing outside on the front porch. When her light fell upon her sister's face, she increased her pace to a gallop. The pain she saw on Cherish's face told thousands of possible stories, and she was nearly tackled to the ground as Cherish leapt up to hug her around the neck with tears falling from her face. Bright could do nothing but stroke the light-blue earth pony's silver mane as she sobbed.


The green light had disapeared, and voices surrounded him along with a white glow. The words were all slowed down, as if they passed through jelly to get into his mind. He couldn't make sense of anything as he felt his body being moved and jarred slightly. Each bump and shake brought another small jab of pain that was soon erased by the white aura. He felt himself come to a stop and felt stabbing sensations on his legs. Less voices were present but they were still muddled and mixed together as he tried to make sense of them. One voice stood out from the others. Where the others were smooth and pleasant sounding, the other voice sounded as if gravel was being dropped onto shatterd glass. It was the voice of his father. Blocking out the outside noise, he grasped at his father's words. They were like an elusive strand of hair as they swirled around his conscious. He finally succeded in his task, and the words instantly came into focus, clearer than the water that falls from the sky.

"Son, I may not have told you this enough but I'll sure as tartarus start now. I love you son, and nothing will ever change that." Phoenix felt a hoof brush his mane gently. "I just wish that we could have....been the same as the rest, but we aren't. I promise you son, I will find who did this to you. I promise." The voice cracked, and small drops of wetness fell onto his face. He wanted more than anything to reach up and comfort his father. He pushed against the blackness, screaming to be let out of the dark cage that surrounded him. His efforts produced no change, and he cried in his own mind with his father. The hoof that was stroking his mane drifted away, and the wetness stopped peppering his face. "I will be back with Mom soon son, just hold on." His ears followed the hollow noises of his father's hooves gallop out of the door. The world fell once again into blackness, and even the sounds faded away as he was drawn further down into the dark void.


His eyes shot open at the sound of his door slamming open. They closed almost as quickly due to the large amount of eye-blinding sunlight in the room. His mother stood over him, glaring at his squinted eyes. She nuzzled him in the blanket, he touch gentle despite her obvious irritation. That was the thing Phoenix liked most about his mom, she was never truly angry, just irritated. When he groaned and rolled over, she put her two front hooves on his side and pushed him off the bed. He yelped as he felt the floor rush up to greet him as he fell. He rolled over and stood up, rubbing his flank as he glared at his mother. "Geez Mom, what was that for?"

His ever-so-loving mother returned the glare in kind, but the attempted effect was ruined by the wide smile on her face. "Oh, well you are running late for your first day of school, and you didn't seem to be able to get out of bed so I lent a helping hoof, or two." His mother giggled at his expression. "Oh come now, if you hurry you can still make it."

He picked up his comb from the dresser, and gave his hair a few flicks with it. His mother nodded approvingly and walked back downstairs. Phoenix rolled his eyes as he set down the comb. She problably thinks I'm gonna try to straighten this thing out. Ain't gonna happen Mom! Every barbershop in town had tried to fix his unruly mane problem, but none so far had had any form of success. He fluttered his wings with anticipation of his first day of school. He winced as a few more parts of them fell off onto the ground. He had always seen other pegasi with their wings made of feathers, but his had always been like Dad's, not that he had any problem with that.

His grooming completed, he kicked the flakes beneath his bed before shooting down the stairs and into the kitchen where a peice of lily-toast was lying on a plate. He practically devoured the meal and guzzled down his drink. His father looked at him from across the table with a bemused expression. As usual, his dad didn't have anything to eat. It was just another one of those things about his dad that Phoenix had accepted in his life without question. His food gone, Phoenix practically bounced with eagerness as he watched his father kiss his mom goodbye and say something in her ear that made her blush. He leapt over to his father and grabbed one of his hooves, pulling him towards the door. "Cmon dad let's go!"

His father chuckled at his enthusiasm and walked outside into the town. He turned towards the school and set off at a steady pace. Phoenix kept up with ease, wishing silently that his father would hurry. All the other ponies on the street looked at them, but he didn't notice the meaning behind their looks. The school building got closer and closer but it seemed to take longer and longer to reach it. After what seemed an age, they arrived at the front doors, and Phoenix felt a hoof fall onto his shoulder. His dad looked into his eyes with a serious expression on his face. "Now son, I need for you to be careful. Don't go picking any fights. Other ponies might tease you, but just ignore them, because you are perfect the way you are.". He planted a big kiss on his forehead, and Phoenix pulled away from him making over-dramatic retching noises.

"Ugh thanks dad! Now don't worry! I'll be fine!" Phoenix shouted the last sentence over his shoulder as he trotted into the school. How wrong he was that day.

Don't you guys just LOVE my cliff-hangers? I sure do! Allright, here's the plan for chapter updates. As you may already know, I have two other longfics that I am working on at the moment. This means that I will be releasing the chapters every 3 days. You all may be groaning right now, but there is a hope for earlier releases! If I happen to finish a chapter for a different story, I will work on the next chapter for THIS one, as it is my most popular. That means after this update, odds are you will have to wait 3 days. Sorry but that's how it is gonna work! Now go read my other stories while you wait!