• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 3,101 Views, 164 Comments

Changing Flows - ChaoticHarmony

Needle Wings and Cherish have been together for a decade now, what has happened and what will happen

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A Father's Wrath

Chapter 6: A Father's Wrath

"You shouldn't have done that." The cold words seemed to echo in the room, repeating in the silence. The force of them would have sent a regular pony galloping for their life, yet this monster stood in front of him with a calm expression on his face, his silvery eyes betraying no emotion. The changeling with the silver eyes brushed himself off casually, still the utter appearance of calm. Needle stomped a step closer, crushing beneath his hoof a large shard of glass. Rage, burning-hot and ice-cold at the same time, flowed through his veins and his muscles trembled to have their force unleashed against this abomination. "Who are you," his voice was deadly quiet, "and where is my son?"

"What? Do you think that I'd just tell you my name?" The changeling laughed coldly, his ice-white eyes staring straight at Needle. "Well, I suppose it wouldn't do any harm. It's not like anyone besides you will hear it, and you'll be dying soon enough." He flew a little into the air and streched all four of his limbs and dropped back to the ground with a yawn. "Well, I thought you would attack me or something by n-" He jumped back as a beam of green fire shot through where he had been before.

The midnight-black changeling landed on the wall with all four hooves sticking to its surface, a maniacal grin on his face. "Oh yes!" He drug out the last part of that, sending a hissing noise reverberating in the room. "That is more like it!" He dropped off of the wall and landed deftly on his hooves, still appearing completely relaxed. "To answer your question, my name is Shade, and as for where you son is," He put a jagged hoof to his chin. "I told you that message didn't I? Take a guess." The maniacal grin returned as he stepped a little closer to Needle, his eyes glinting in the green light. "Oh yes, he's with Daddy now and there is not-" His hissing voice was silenced as Needle's hoof smashed into his face and he flew backward against the wall.

Needle panted with rage, his hoof extended outwards. He couldn't remember moving at all, but he didn't care. The only thing he cared about was the changeling in front of him, and what he was going to do to it. "Father has him? There truly is nothing I can do, about that.". He stepped closer to the pile of plaster where the changeling lay. "But, Shade, you are wrong when you say that I can do nothing." He placed one of his front hooves on the monster's body, pressing down lightly. "I know what I can do," he leaned in and dropped his voice to a whisper. "Kill you...slowly." He pressed down harder, intent on causing deep pain to the creature under him.

Cold laughter, tinged with a small hint of pain, issued from beneath his hoof. "You think...that YOU...can kill ME?" The changeling worked to speak around his laughter. "Oh Chrysalis that is rich! You know, I bet you're gonna sound just like your boy did when we worked him over. Nice and squeaky. Oh yes." The monster's words held a stronger hint of pain, and it hissed as Needle pressed down with more force. "You know, I remember setting him on fire." Weak laughter echoed in the silence. "He made a good candle." The rage that Needle had been working to supress burst forth, flowing across his mind and eliminating rational thought. His horn glowed with green flames, and he reared up to smash his hoof into the thing beneath him.

He brought his hoof down with all of his strength. A loud snapping noise rang out, and he lowered his horn, sending flames to issue forth and scour the ground beneath him. He panted heavily with the effort of maintaining the white-hot flames, but he continued sending wave after wave of fire onto the floor. The flames licked up the walls and wrapped around Needle's jagged hooves but he continued to send out his fury in waves. Exhausted, he sealed off the flow of flames and dropped his head to stare at the floor. The bright flames burned and eventually sputtered out as their fuel was consumed. The floor was scorched black by the fire and grey ashes blew on the wind that drifted in through the hole in the wall.

A spike of pain flashed across his body as a sharp edge was slashed across his back leg. He cried out as he dropped to the ground. Another burning slice slashed over his shoulder, and he flailed wildly with his hooves to fend off the attacker. A cold voice came from the darkness, dripping with malice. "Ohhhh, you've made a bad move Needle. Most ponies who attack me die within seconds, but I'll take my time with you." The razor-sharp edge cut into Needle's side, sending signals of pain to crowd into his mind. "Now you'll get to see why they really call me 'Shade'."

Pain like he had never felt before gripped his mind as the air itself seemed to fill with black razors. The hooves dragged their sharpened edges across his carapace, gouging deep cuts all over his body. He flailed wildly, but the shadows just seemed to bend around his hooves and come at him instantly from another angle. He felt himself driven onto the ground by the pain and a hoof slammed into his back, driving him completely down.

As he hit the ground, the weight was lifted from atop his body. He looked wildly around, searching the darkness for Shade. "Tell me Needle, how does it feel to fight something you can't see?" Needle whipped his head around and fired a weak beam of flames at the sound. Laughter sounded from a different part of the room. "You people are all the same." The voice scoffed. "All of you just rely on your eyes. It's sad really." A sigh sounded from behind him and he leapt at where it had come from. He passed through thin air and crashed back onto the ground. A sigh resounded from the opposite side of the room. "Well, I suppose it's time to end this. Prepare yourself, not like it will help."

Needle clenched his eyes shut, bracing himself for the pain. His breath caught as he heard the air whistle from the holes in his opponent's hooves. He leapt to the side and turned to where the confused changeling was reeling. It cursed and shot off to his left. He brought up his hoof to block the next attack, and he grasped the monster's body with his other hoof and threw it against the wall. He could hear its wings rustle as it stood back up. "Ah...you learn fast don't you? Seems like it was a mistake to tell you that." Its joints creaked as it moved. "That just makes it more interesting. After all, I have done this much longer than you. A few seconds of learning won't save you."

Wings flapped rapidly, filling Needle's ears with the sound they made. The noise came from all sides and the hooves soon flashed at him again. He raised his own to block, but the wings blocked out any other noise as they overwhelmed his ears. A hoof lashed out and caught him under the chin, sending him flying upwards into the air. The wings followed him into the air, and hooves smashed into his chest. He collided with the cold floor tiles as the moster pushed him down against them. "Looks like I win, time to end this." His horn lit with green fire, and he chanted under his breath. Needle opened his eyes and looked at the changeling above him, trying futilely to aim his own horn at the creature. The white eyes looked down at him, a hint of crazed joy deep inside them. "Time to die Needle Wings."

Then a pair of sky-blue hooves bucked into his side and sent him sailing into the concrete support collumn in the wall. The angry pony glared at the crumpled body that she had just incapacitated. "First you take my son away, and then you try to take my Husband too? I don't think so." Needle watched through a pained haze as Cherish stalked over to where Shade lay dazed. "Give a message to your boss for me." He heard the crunching of a shell, and an agonized scream come from where his wife was standing. "Tell him that he had better give me my son back, or I will tear out his insides from his body while he is still living. Tell him that I will break every inch of his shell."

"Why do you think that I'll tell him anything?" Another crunch and snapping noise rang out, followed swiftly by another scream of agony. "All right! I'll do as you ask! Just no more, PLEASE!" The once-calm voice was ragged with pain and pleading. Cherish nodded at the now mutilated changeling before her, and he disappeared in a collumn of fire. Needle stood up slowly and walked over to where it had been moments before. He recoiled in shock. The entire spot was spattered in blood and shell fragments. He shuddered as he looked on the floor in front of his wife. There at her hooves lay a black leg and a insect-like wing, covered with green blood.

Cherish looked at him with concern in her eyes. "Anything wrong Needle?"

He backed a small bit away from her. "No Sweetie, nothing is wro-" Darkness seemed to reach in and drag him down into the world of unconcousness.