• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 3,101 Views, 164 Comments

Changing Flows - ChaoticHarmony

Needle Wings and Cherish have been together for a decade now, what has happened and what will happen

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In a World Without Emotion

Chapter 7: In a World Without Emotion

He paced on the smooth black rocks of his throne room, the clattering of his hooves echoing back at him from the large walls. He kept his pace slow and steady, breathing in and out evenly. A ruler wasn’t supposed to show anxiety, though he was hard pressed to keep his face composed as he looked back towards the door that served as the entrance for the hundredth time. He paused in his pacing as a soldier walked in, a hopeful smile on his face despite his attempts to keep his composure. The changeling limped into the middle of the room and saluted. “My lord, I have a matter of upmost importance to convey to you.”

“What is it? Speak.” His commanding tone made the changeling’s wings shiver and it backed up a few steps before speaking.

“My lord, it is about the food shortage and the rebellion. Without food, the lings starve and grow anxious. Every passing day yields another hundred joining the ranks of the rebel forces.” The changeling, emboldened by his silence, spoke louder. “I would suggest that we send the…“ His voice petered out as Blade Wings glared at him, slowly descending the steps to stand in front of the soldier.

“Have I not said before that I am awaiting only news of Shade’s arrival?” He backhooved the soldier across the face and sent the unfortunate messenger to the ground. “I am disappointed at this display.” He stomped a hoof into the soldier’s side. “Such incompetence.” His horn lit with green flames as he pointed it with rage at a section of stairs. The fire licked out and exploded against the black stone, sending chunks of rock flying with deadly force around the room. “Give me a single reason why I shouldn’t end you now. I’m feeling a little…generous today.” He slammed his hoof in front of the changeling’s face. “Let’s hear it.”

The changeling looked around with fearful eyes, panic leaking on the edge of his voice as he whispered. “My lord, I…um…I have other news! The hybrid arrived where Shade was to deposit him. Please spare-” His breath caught as Blade Wings’ horn dug into his body and sent flares of pain to his mind.

Blade Wings pulled his head away, turning to walk back up to his throne. “Next time soldier, you would do well to tell me the news I want to hear first.” He didn’t turn until he had reached the tops of the stairs. The scrabbling noise of hooves issued from behind him as the changeling stood up unsteadily. He whipped around and fired a bolt of green magic into the floor next to the soldier, sending rocks flying again. He met the soldier’s eyes coldly. “Do I make myself clear?”

The soldier gulped. “Yes my lord, perfectly clear.” His voice wavered with fear bordering panic.

“Good, now get out of my sight before I decide to destroy you.” The soldier made no attempts to be subtle about his feelings, galloping straight out of the door. “Why is it that my subjects cannot follow orders?” He looked into a bowl of clear liquid; his reflection looked back up at him with weary eyes. “Why?” He bent down to take a sip of the clear substance, and he shivered with ecstasy as the feelings contained in the bowl ran down his throat. He snapped out of his trance as his mouth touched the bottom of the bowl. He sighed regretfully as he kicked it away, watching it shatter against the wall.

“What am I supposed to do?” He asked the empty room. “Let the changelings into Equestria after that stupid Chrysalis went and lost her hold?” He traced his eyes around the carvings on the wall, writing long forgotten in the histories. No changeling besides himself knew what they read. “If they go now, the ponies will exterminate us all.” He stomped a hoof to the ground in frustration.

Ever since Chrysalis got herself killed by the rebels, I’ve been the one stuck with the kingdom. He sighed again as he felt the memories wash over his mind. One might think that being related to royalty was nice, but it was hardly a fun time. He shuddered as the memory of her first “training” visit.

She had appeared in the middle of the night, slamming her hoof against the door. He was awake at the time, taking advantage of being alone in the house and staying up. His parents had gone out hunting, he himself being too young to venture into Equestria. Of course, his parents made him work for his meals. They weren’t like those other posh families out there. Always buying instead of hunting themselves. His parents were traditionalists at heart, always hunting even if they were wounded or sick. He had always admired their persistence.

After he pulled open the door, she walked into the house as if it were her own. She looked over the dark room appraisingly before turning to Blade Wings. “Where are your parents?” Like every other female of their race, Chrysalis spoke with a dual tone. She bore down on him with a lit horn after he didn’t answer. “Boy, where are your parents? Do not make me ask again.”

He shook with fear and worked his mouth, attempting to give an answer to the towering ling before him. “T-they l-l-left hours ago t-to go and h-hunt.” His voice, normally strong and confident, was weak and shaky. He let out a squeak as the changeling leaned towards him and looked into his eyes.

“Do you not know who I am?” She reared back and fired a ball of green flames into the air. “I am Chrysalis, Queen of the Hive and ruler of the things that inhabit it!” Her voice pierced his ears like knives as she shrilly declared herself. She looked down at him as he shook on the ground with fear and he hastily pushed himself up to bow to her on unsteady legs. “That’s better.” She walked further into the house and turned to gesture that he should do the same. He resisted the urge to step back a few steps and reluctantly followed her into the room, illuminated by her green flames.

Green flames erupted into existence in front of him, drawing him out of his reminiscence. He held a hoof up to shield his eyes from the harsh brightness of the flames. Such power. He felt his mood life slightly. That must be Shade, coming back to give a report. He turned and looked over at his kingdom once again, waiting for the changeling to speak. Labored breathing filled the room instead of words, and he whipped around to see a mutilated changeling in front of him. He slowly walked over to the wounded creature, his rage building with every step. “What is the meaning of this Shade?” He looked over the body and recoiled slightly in shock. “What happened?” He said it before he could stop himself. “What could have caused…this?!”

The wounded Shade worked to stand, panting with pain at each movement and failed attempt. He tried to flap his wings but let out a grunt of pain as the muscles manipulated the torn wing. After several minutes, he managed to push himself up to stand on his hooves. He has only 3 legs? What in the name of Chrysalis happened to him? Shade seemed to rest a moment, his breathing ragged with pain. The changeling took a look at Blade Wings and laughed without humor. “Your son…is stronger…than he looks…” Shade collapsed on the floor again, still laughing. “He is…an amazing challenge. I haven’t…felt so alive…in my life.”

Rage consumed Blade Wings’ mind. “You mean to tell me, that after all of my orders and all of this time you’ve been given. Needle Wings is alive?” He restrained his magic, resisting the urge to blast this incompetent fool and scour him from this world.

The laughter rang out again, echoing from the stone walls of the throne room. “Yes…my liege, he is still…alive. I can see…why you wanted me to…fight him. I look forward…to fighting him…again. I feel so alive with…this pain.” The larger changeling rolled the other onto his back, producing a scream of agony from the smaller.

Blade Wings looked into the silvery eyes of his best soldier on the ground in front of him. “No, Shade.” His voice was no more than a whisper, yet it seemed to fill the room. “You won’t fight him again. You won’t get to feel, as you say, alive. You never will again.” Green fire flashed, illuminating the shadows in the room and throwing the walls into sharp relief. Blade Wings turned away, walking back to his throne. “Guards, clean up this mess on my floor.” He sat on the hard throne clapped his hooves together under his chin, deep in thought. What to do next. So many paths to choose from...