• Published 10th Oct 2016
  • 3,317 Views, 1,000 Comments

A New Dragon in the Crystal Empire - Vedues

Ponies and dragons are living together in peace now. You know, other than the army of dragons trying to conquer the Crystal Empire.

  • ...

Chapter 21

Autumn leaned over the map, blocking the light with her head again. She sighed and sat back up.

“Here.” Spirit created a ball of light in his palm and held it over the map. They had a limited supply of glowstones, totally understandable, but Cadance and Shining Armor’s room really could have used more than one. Maybe it was to help Flurry sleep. He glanced at the crib against the far wall.

“Thank you.” Gratitude radiated from Autumn as she rotated the map so that Shining Armor could see it. “The Crystal Empire has been searched thoroughly. The Alliance must have hidden the Heart in the caves of either the Ice Spire or Shattered Mountain clans.” She pointed to those locations. “If we are going to attack, these should be our targets.”

“I don’t know,” Spirit said. “They could have an outpost somewhere. There’s a lot of ground out there that our scouts haven’t been able to cover yet.” He shifted uncomfortably on the crystal chair beneath him. These things were seriously hard on the rump.

Sensing his discomfort, Autumn responded with sympathy and agreement.

Shining Armor studied the map in front of Autumn, unaware of their silent conversation. “We can’t keep waiting. They’re going to start evacuating the crystal ponies soon.”

“Why not?” Spirit asked. “We have enough crystal ponies down here to generate at least a medium-strength shield once we get the Heart back. Our supplies will last for another month, which gives us plenty of time to find the Heart, and we don’t have to risk attacking secure locations until we have more information.”

Shining and Cadance’s personal quarters were a lot smaller than one would have expected, with only a table, four chairs, and a bed. Cadance was off with Luna, trying some new method to track the Crystal Heart, which gave the rest of them a few hours to plan out an attack that may or may not get a lot of soldiers killed.

Spending time with family was pretty depressing these days.

“The Alliance wanted to mine for gems beneath the Empire,” Autumn said. “In the extremely likely event that they discover this cave system, we would be caught in a bottleneck trap with dwindling supplies.”

“Another good reason to make our move quickly,” Shining Armor said. “I’m sorry, Spirit, but I think that the potential benefits outweigh the risks.”

Spirit was a little annoyed that they were both willing to risk so many lives on a gamble, but he reassured Autumn through their link that he at least understood where they were coming from. “Okay, but if we’re going to attack, at least change it from a full-out assault to more of a sting operation. A company or two of our best troops for each target, and we can hopefully retrieve the Heart and get out of there before the rest of the Alliance realizes what’s going on and intercepts us. Our first two battles against them didn’t exactly go well.”

Someone knocked on the door.

“I’ll talk to Luna about it,” Shining promised. “I’d rather avoid a battle too, but smaller groups also run the risk of getting wiped out if something unexpected happens.” He turned to the door and called, “Come in.”

Much to Spirit’s surprise, Cliff walked in, on his back legs for some reason. His draconic older brother looked dazed, almost like he was sleepwalking. There were some other weird things too, like the worn saddlebags on his hips, or the fact that his scales looked much more clean and well polished than they had been a few minutes ago, when they parted ways after the strategy meeting. Cliff let out a sigh of relief. “You have no idea how good it is to see you all again.”

“What?” Spirit asked.

Cliff didn’t answer. He just walked up to Spirit and pulled him into a tight hug. “I missed you, Bro.”

“Okay, you’re officially creeping me out now.” Spirit pushed the other wyrm back to arm’s length. “What’s going on?”

“Ugh,” an all-too-familiar voice groaned from Cliff’s saddlebags. “Can’t a draconequus get a little sleep?”

“Sorry, Discord.” Cliff turned to Shining Armor. “Do you have a quiet place where he can rest? Warping us back in here took more out of him than he was expecting.”

“You, what, back?” Shining Armor shook his head. “Never mind, you can explain in a minute. Guard?”

The door opened and a guard poked his head in. “Yes, sir?”

“Could you take,” he gestured at Cliff’s bags, “uh, Discord here, to that empty sick room down the hall?”

Cliff reached into his bags and pulled out a miniaturized version of Discord, who looked half dead, and passed him to the confused guard.

“I’ll … be back in a moment, sir.”

“Thank you.” Shining Armor waited until the guard left before turning back to Cliff. “Okay, what’s going on here?”

“It’s a long story.” Cliff reached into his saddlebags again and produced something that made every other jaw in the room drop.

“The Crystal Heart?” Autumn gasped.

“Is that real?” Spirit asked.

“Yes, it’s real.” Cliff took off his saddlebags and placed both them and the Heart on the table where the others were sitting. “Also, you’ll find a bunch of notes in there about the Alliance. Hopefully they’ll help.”

Spirit opened one of the bags, the one Discord had been in, and found it nearly overflowing with pieces of paper and thin sheets of metal, all of which were covered in cramped writing.

Shining looked at the notes, then at Cliff, then to the Heart, then back to Cliff, his expression one of utter bafflement. “I don’t care if it’s a long story. Tell me everything.”

Cliff shook his head as he walked to the door. “With all due respect, sir, I’m going to go see my wife.” He opened the door and stepped outside.

“Wait, Cliff?” Spirit went after his brother, but Cliff was already a purple blur at the end of the hallway. Spirit sighed and turned back to Autumn and Shining. “Okay … now what?”

Any response was prevented as Cadance and Luna teleported into the room, nearly landing on top of Spirit.

“Shiny, we think we found the Heart!” Cadance beamed. “It’s in these caves-” she cut off abruptly as she noticed the Crystal Heart still lying on the table.

“It cannot be,” Luna whispered, lifting the Heart with her magic and leaning closer to study it. “This is it, the true Crystal Heart.” She looked up at the three of them. “How is this possible?”

Spirit looked at Shining to explain, but his equine older brother looked right back with an expression that said, ‘I wouldn’t even know where to begin.’

Giving up on that, Spirit tried Autumn.

She spread her hooves in confusion. “He’s your brother.”

“Thanks, guys.” Spirit took a deep breath then let it out. “Uh … Discord.” Yeah, that about summed it up.

Autumn and Shining seemed to agree, because they both nodded and echoed, “Discord.”


Cliff had to admit that he was a little out of shape as he ran to Fluttershy’s room. The life of a researcher didn’t involve a lot of opportunities for exercise. At least drawing runes all day had kept his willpower strong.

He slid to a halt just above the table covered in snacks where he had spoken with Discord so long ago. His chocolate milk was even sitting on the table next to his chair, steaming gently.

Have I really only been gone for a few minutes? Cliff dropped to the floor next to the table and picked up Discord’s note.

To whom it may concern,

Cliff and I are off collecting a heart, a brain, and some courage. Back in five minutes.


“Well, that sure clears everything up,” Cliff muttered, but he couldn’t hold back a little smile. He grabbed the plate of key lime bars that Discord had made for Fluttershy and hurried down the hallway. He could pick up sounds coming from the room, but he was at the door before he realized what they were.

Fluttershy was crying.

Cliff froze.

“He … he must hate me,” Fluttershy sobbed.

“Are you kidding?” Rainbow said gently. “I’ve never seen anyone love a pony more than Cliff loves you.”

“But I can’t even hug him,” she whimpered. “All I want to do is hug him. W-why,” she choked down another sob, “why can’t I?”

Battle trauma, Cliff realized, his heart sinking. Of course she wouldn’t be over it so soon! “A few minutes,” Cliff whispered, taking a step back.

How did he not realize that she would still be like this? Cliff sat down against the tunnel wall and covered his face with one hand, the other still gripping the plate of lime bars. To Fluttershy, it had only been three days since the battle. Not nearly enough time to recover from what had happened.

Fluttershy was still crying softly. She needed his support.

Cliff got back up and stepped toward the door, pausing in front of it. What was he supposed to say? Cliff had no idea. Gemstone … Gemstone would approach the situation logically. Rune circles had dozens of smaller pieces that all worked together to create a single effect. What effect was he trying to create here?

He wanted Fluttershy to be happy again. Not just that, he wanted Fluttershy to be happy and safe back in Everfree Village.

How could he get her there?

Well, use the Crystal Heart to reconquer the Empire, obviously.

What else might stand in the way?

Cliff swallowed. He was his own biggest obstacle. Fluttershy would never willingly leave him if she knew how much he had missed her over the last four months. That put her in danger of getting caught up in another battle.


She couldn’t find out, then, but he couldn’t tell her that he hadn’t missed her either. Who knew what an emotional blow like that would do to her? It would be best if she never found out about his time traveling at all.

Cliff had to lean on the tunnel wall to support himself as things began to sink in. Could he tell her the truth once she was safely back at Everfree?

Maybe in time. He couldn’t think straight anymore. Fluttershy had stopped sobbing, but he could still hear her on the other side of that door, so close that he could almost feel her velvety coat against his scales. Was one last hug really so much to ask?

Cliff wiped his eyes. No. He didn’t trust himself to be strong for Fluttershy right then. He’d break down completely if he saw her, and everything would come spilling out. He’d find some other way to support her. He had to.


A knock came at the door, making Fluttershy jump.

Rainbow’s wings tightened around the two of them protectively. “Easy there, Fluttershy. It’s okay.” She lifted her head to the door. “That you, Cliff?”

“Cliff?” Rainbow let go of Fluttershy and moved to the door. “Hello?” She opened it. A napkin-covered plate sat in the tunnel beyond, but there was no one in sight. “What’s this?” She leaned down and looked at the napkin. “It’s a note for you, Fluttershy, and it’s got some great news!”

“F-from who?” Fluttershy asked, fighting to control herself.

“Cliff.” Rainbow picked up the plate with one wing and brought it back into the room, kicking the door shut with one rear hoof. She put the plate in front of Fluttershy. “I don’t know why he didn’t tell you himself though.”

Glowing letters covered the napkin, spelling out a short message.

How could I ever hate you, beautiful? Your hugs are worth waiting for. YOU are worth waiting for. Discord got the Crystal Heart back, by the way. Spirit needs my help with a few things. It might take most of the day, but I’ll come back as soon as I can.




“So any idea how this is all possible?” Spirit asked, gesturing to the pile of notes in front of him.

Things were a little bit cramped in the small bedroom with all six of them. Cadance was on the bed, channeling magic into the Crystal Heart. Flurry had woken up and was playing with her mother’s mane. Luna and Shining were reading through some of Cliff’s notes at the table, while Spirit and Autumn were on the floor, doing the same thing.

“I believe he was gone for much longer than a few minutes,” Autumn said softly, flipping a page in the book she was reading. “This seems to be a journal of some kind, and his entries go back more than a month.”

“Are you suggesting time travel?” Cadance asked.

“It does seem to be the most likely possibility,” Luna said, tapping one hoof idly on the table. “Discord has manipulated time more than once, although temporal inertia has always prevented him from changing the past.”

“Thank the Stars for that.” Spirit didn’t want to imagine what Discord would have done prior to his reformation if he had been able to change the past.

Shining gestured at the stack of metal plates in front of him. “This is a report on the common tactics and strategies of wyverns. I don’t care where it came from. If it’s accurate, this will be a turning point in the war.”

“I guess I can’t argue with that.” Spirit went back to studying a lengthy document about runes and their construction. “Assuming we’re right about this, how long do you think he was gone?”

The door opened, and a guard poked his head in. “Excuse me, sirs, I know you didn’t want to be disturbed, but Cliff Runner is back.”

“Permit him to enter,” Luna said before turning to Spirit. “The simplest way to answer that question is to ask him.”

The guard opened the door all the way and gestured for Cliff to go in.

The purple wyrm was on all fours, but his movements were a little stiff, like he was readjusting to standing that way. His eyes were slightly red, and Spirit noticed the completely neutral expression of a dragon using the Stillness.

“Things with Fluttershy couldn’t have gone well,” Autumn sent through her link with Spirit.

Spirit sent back agreement. “So … time travel?”

There was a long pause, then Cliff sighed. “The journal?”

“Among other things,” Autumn said.

“How long were you gone?” Spirit asked.

Cliff looked from Spirit to Autumn and then to the rest of the group. “All of you have to promise me that you won’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you, especially Fluttershy.”

“Cliff,” Shining Armor said gently, “you must have your reasons, but it’s never a good idea to keep secrets from your wife.”

“You really think I don’t know that?” Cliff shook his head. “Look, this is Fluttershy we’re dealing with. She’s on the verge of staying here as it is. How do any of you think she’d react if she knew that I …?” He shook his head. “She’ll never go home if she learns what happened.”

“She can stay at the palace,” Cadance said.

“You’re sending Flurry to live with Celestia in Canterlot until the war is over,” Spirit pointed out. “We all supported you and agreed that it was the best decision. I can’t blame Cliff for feeling the same way about Flutters.”

“When will you tell her?” Autumn asked. “The truth will hurt more the longer you lie.”

Cliff looked down. “I’ll figure it out once she isn’t at risk of being killed. Now do you promise or not?”

One by one, the others nodded, Autumn last of all.

“Thank you.” Cliff took a deep breath. “I was gone for four months. Discord sent me back in disguise as a wyrm named Gemstone Aura to spy on the Alliance right from the beginning.” The words came out in a rush, almost like he’d been wanting to say them all along. “At first I just wanted to learn about the Alliance so we could defeat it more easily, but then Gemstone started making friends, and now they all think he’s a traitor, and I guess they’re right about that, but …” He sat down on the ground and covered his face with both hands.

Spirit didn’t say anything, mostly because he had no idea what to say.

“Look,” Cliff said at last, “the Alliance has set up some anti-magic circles around the Crystal Palace.” He lowered his hands and stood up. “I need to break the connecting lines so that the crystal ponies can power up the Heart.”

“You just said that the Alliance thinks ‘Gemstone’ is a traitor,” Spirit said, positioning himself between Cliff and the door, “and they’d certainly notice if you went up there as just yourself.”

Cliff’s scales suddenly went from purple to forest green, his spikes changed to blonde, and his eyes became sky blue. “I know enough illusions to pull off being Gem for a bit, and the dragons that know he’s a traitor are all stuck in a time-dilation field for another twenty-two hours.” Cliff’s coloration went back to normal as he walked around Spirit to the door. “I’ll be done long before that.”

“Wait,” Luna said gently.

Cliff paused at the door.

Luna got up from her seat and moved to stand in front of him. “You returned the Crystal Heart to us and provided information that could be just as useful. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for the service you have provided to Equestria.” She bowed.

Cliff looked away uncomfortably. “Give Discord the credit. He’s the one that did everything important.”

“Discord will be rewarded as well,” Luna said. “Now one of the Solar Unicorns can get you safely into and out of the Empire, but is there anything at all we can do to aid you beyond that?”

“Just have everydragon,” Cliff shook his head, “everyone ready when I get back. We have to recapture the Empire tonight, before the time dilation field wears off and the Alliance goes on high alert.”


Genesis wasn’t sure how many anti-magic runes he had drawn today. They had been working since sunup, in any case, and his back was painfully aware of it. At least they were doing something productive with their time. These rune circles would keep everydragon safe from surprise pony attacks.

“I think that does it for this rune.” Genesis stood up with a groan and rubbed his aching back.

Rune didn’t even look up from her work. “Just heal yourself and quit moaning.”

“Love you too, Rune.” Genesis poured a bit of magic into his back. The muscles immediately calmed down. “We could really use some more rune masters, though.”

“It usually takes beginners a few years before they can draw anti-magic runes reliably.” Rune shrugged and stood up. “We’d have better luck sending a runner back to Mystic Forest. Some more dragons might be willing to help now that we control the Empire.”

“Maybe.” Genesis looked around for a moment. They were at the southeastern edge of the new dragon district, giving him a clear view of the flattened expanse that separated them from the rest of the Empire.

Ember stood in her thinking form a few feet into that expanse, practicing some kind of drake combat technique. It seemed to involve generating reddish fire around her fists and then punching the rocky ground repeatedly.

Rune followed his line of sight and then sighed. “Ember, you’re going to break your hands if you keep that up.”

“That’s what your healing magic is for.” She gave a particularly strong punch then winced and shook her hand. “Dad thinks that being strong is the only thing that matters. I’ll show him when I use Flame Walking to become clan lord.”

“Uh, sure.” Genesis sat down where the next rune would go and started drawing. He knew that Ember’s father was Drake Lord Torch and that they didn’t get along, but that was about it.

“Flame Walking?” Rune asked. “I don’t think I’ve heard of that drake technique yet.” She looked around for a moment. “Dirt clods, there’s never a notebook around when I need one. Just give me a summary now. I’ll take longer notes tonight.”

“It’s a high defense and maneuverability technique.” Ember balled up her fists and started punching again. “You turn your body into fire, so most physical attacks go right through you. You can even use it in your thinking form, so I can use it in the Gauntlet of Fire.”

Rune nodded thoughtfully. “A clever manipulation of the rules.”

Genesis had no idea what rules they were talking about, but he was intrigued by the technique Ember had just described. A dragon made of fire would be nearly unkillable, but it wouldn’t be able to hurt other dragons unless there was something to the technique that he didn’t understand, which was likely. He shrugged and got back to work, listening idly as Rune and Ember talked about some obstacle course named the Gauntlet of Fire, and how it would be used to pick the new lord for the Rocky Shore Clan once the war officially ended.

Minutes passed, and Genesis was almost finished with his next rune when somedragon called out to them.

Looking up, Genesis smiled. “Hey, Gem!” He waited for the other wyrm to get closer before speaking again, “I haven’t seen you or Clodhopper since we captured the Crystal Empire. What brings you down here?”

Gem stopped slightly farther away than Genesis would have expected. He wasn’t wearing his travel pack either, which was strange. “It’s a long story.” His voice was different too, much deeper and more rough than normal.

“We have time,” Rune said. “By the way, what happened to your voice?”

“That’s … another long story.” Gem turned to Ember. “I’m sorry. I heard about what happened to your battle partner.”

Ember paused in her workout and nodded sadly. “Thanks.” She hit the ground especially hard.

Gem nodded as well, his eyes downcast.

“Anyway,” Genesis motioned toward the rune he was working on, “as long as you’re here, could you lend us a claw on these? We still have to finish all the houses on this street.”

“Actually,” Gem said quietly, “I had something else I needed to take care of. I wanted to see you two, though, so I could say goodbye.”

“Goodbye?” Genesis repeated. “What do you mean?”

Gem didn’t meet his gaze. “I have to leave the Alliance. Hopefully I can tell you both why the next time we meet.”

Genesis felt like somedragon had punched him in the stomach. “Where will you go?”

“To that dragon and pony village that Heart told us about. You two could come along,” Gem said hopefully. “It would be nice to have somedragon with me that I can trust.”

As much as he didn’t want to admit it, Genesis considered the offer. He glanced at Rune, who shrugged. She would support him either way.

Ember watched them silently, her expression unreadable.

Genesis looked at her. “Aren’t you going to tell us how dishonorable abandoning you would be?”

The blue dragoness rolled her eyes. “I’m not Tornado, you know. I don’t go around condemning everydragon for not being as honorable as Yol Toor.”

Genesis smiled weakly. “Fair enough, but what do you think about all this?”

“I hope you stay, but it isn’t my responsibility to tell you which bond to honor.” Ember nodded toward Gem. “He seems dishonorable for pledging his help in this war then changing his mind, but I guess it’s just one of those wyrm things.”

“When did drakes become so reasonable?” Rune muttered.

“About the same time that wyrms started making sense,” Ember replied.

Genesis watched to two of them for a moment, his expression somewhere between amused and sad. Drawing a deep breath, he turned to Gem. “I really wish we could go with you, but I still think unity between the dragon tribes is worth fighting for.” He looked down at his hand, then slowly extended it to his friend. “See you after the war?”

Gem nodded reluctantly and stepped forward to shake the offered hand. “I’ll be at the village for at least a few years. Just come by and ask around for me. I’ll find you.”

“I’ll look forward to it,” Rune said. She got up and gave Gem a hug. “You can introduce us to the pony friends you’ve made.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Gem hugged her back and then Genesis. “Thanks.” He wiped his eyes. "Thanks for everything." Then he turned and started walking away.

“Hey, um, Gem?” Genesis called after him.

The green wyrm turned back to him. “Yeah?”

“May the Stars watch over you.”

Gemstone smiled sadly. “You too, both of you.” He wiped away another stray tear. “Well … bye.” Then he turned and continued walking. This time, nodragon stopped him.