• Published 10th Oct 2016
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A New Dragon in the Crystal Empire - Vedues

Ponies and dragons are living together in peace now. You know, other than the army of dragons trying to conquer the Crystal Empire.

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Chapter 59

“Oh, you’re back so soon?” Rarity asked.

“Yes.” Autumn sat down and slid over next to her.

Spirit followed. “I’m as surprised as you are.”

Rarity studied them both. Autumn’s eyes were red and swollen, and her coat had lost much of its luster. Spirit, on the other hoof, looked the same as he ever had. He was watching Autumn carefully, though. “What was Spirit’s surprise?”

“He …” Autumn let out a long sigh. “He had a changeling transform into my father so that I could say goodbye properly.”

Rarity waited for more of an explanation, but one never came. Thinking about it, Rarity had never heard Autumn talk about her father before. It was probably a touchy subject—best not to pry.

Spirit didn’t say anything either, and so Rarity went back to her work.

Several of the models in that dreadful catalog had been wearing lingerie pieces. They weren’t her specialty, but Rarity knew enough to see that most of the outfits these changelings were wearing would be laughed out of any quality fashion show. Even worse, the models and the outfits didn’t go together at all. Violet lingerie on Princess Luna certainly fit her natural color scheme, but the shade was too dark, making it disappear against her coat. It needed to be lighter, to attract the eye and arouse the imagination properly. Furthermore, a chemise did nothing for Luna’s figure. True, it looked like sleepwear, and so Rarity could understand the connection, but a flyaway babydoll was really much more flattering, and it could be removed without having to fuss with her ever-flowing mane.

She was nearly done with her preliminary sketch when an unfamiliar voice said, “Excuse me, miss?”

Rarity looked up and found that a changeling had brushed aside the curtain to their booth.

“Nymph can see you now.”

“Thank you very much.” She picked up the catalog, slid out of her seat, and motioned for the changeling to lead on.

They left the waiting area and walked down a hallway until they reached a locker room of some kind. The sound of running water filled the area, and wisps of steam brushed across Rarity’s coat.

“Nymph,” the changeling called, leading Rarity around to a communal shower. Nymph stood under one of the shower heads, letting the hot water pour over him.

“Yeah?” Nymph replied. He glanced over his shoulder at them, brushing soap suds off of his forelegs. His eyes focused on Rarity. “Need me for another Element Bearer special?”

The other changeling shook its head. “Visitor for you.” It turned and walked away.

“Wait,” Nymph pointed at Rarity, “you’re real?”

Rarity took a deep breath. “Nymph, I’m here to apologize to you.”

“You what?” Nymph took a step toward her before he paused. “Er, give me a second.” He turned back to the shower head and quickly rinsed himself off. Once clean, he turned off the shower and walked over to her. Water rolled right off of his carapace as he walked, leaving him mostly dry without even needing a towel. “You’re here to apologize? To me?”

Is that really so unbelievable? Rarity must have been more rude than she’d thought. “Yes, I was terribly ungrateful to you for helping me. I also judged you by the standards of my culture instead of your own. I am truly sorry.”

Nymph looked at her blankly. “Huh, I’ve never had a pony apologize to the real me before.” He shook his head. “I mean, thank you.”

“Nopony has ever apologized to you?” Rarity asked in disbelief.

“Not before now,” Nymph said. “I think most of them think that we’re just mindless puppets for Chrysalis or something.” He tapped his hoof against the shower floor. “Actually, maybe I could bring that up in my acceptance speech Friday.”

“I could as well,” Rarity said. “Celestia asked me to speak just before she gives you the Star Medallion. Perhaps we could meet tomorrow and compare our speeches.”

“Well, if you want to, sure.” He brushed past her, grabbed a towel, and started wiping off the moisture that still clung to his carapace. “Is there anything else you needed to talk to me about? I’ve got to turn into Princess Luna in a few hours, and I need to recharge on some love first.”

“Actually, it’s fortunate that you mentioned Luna.” Rarity flipped through the brothel’s catalog with her magic until she found the picture of Luna in a violet chemise. “Will you be wearing this outfit?”

Nymph looked at the picture. “Yeah, it’s part of the Dream Girl package.” He leaned closer. “Actually, I think I was the model for this.”

Rarity grinned. Her preliminary sketches and measurements had all been based on that picture. If Nymph was the model, she could start working on the piece immediately. “I insist that you allow me to create a better lingerie piece for you. This one simply isn’t good enough.”

“What’s wrong with it? I look hot in this picture.”

“And with my help, you will be radiant.” She grabbed onto his hoof. “Come with me to the Palace. I can have you back in two hours.”

Nymph pulled back a little. “Er, I need food, remember?”

“Does a creature have to feel love toward you for you to be able to feed off of it?” Rarity asked.

“No, love toward anything is fine, but it can be really painful if we don’t use those modified staffs from the Alliance. That’s why I always waited until my targets were asleep first.”

“Then count yourself lucky,” Rarity started pulling him toward the door, “because I love my art and I’m willing to suffer to see it completed.”

Nymph let himself get pulled along. “You know, you’re really sexy when you take charge like this.”

In spite of herself, Rarity smiled.

“Maybe I should be more dominant when I’m impersonating-”

“Stop talking, dear. You’re ruining the moment.”


Less than an hour later, Rarity and Nymph were standing in Rarity’s room in Canterlot Castle. She stepped back from the ponequin and took a moment to admire her work.

A flyaway babydoll was similar to a vest in crudest sense, a sleeveless shirt that was held together by a clasp in the front. It was much longer than any vest, though, coming down to the model’s hips. For this particular outfit, Rarity had chosen a light, almost ethereal cornflower-blue material. A proper lingerie piece needed to show nothing and yet hint at everything, and this fabric had just the right thickness to do that. Frills at the edges and wave-like ripples in the fabric would keep the design visually interesting as well as guide the eyes to either the model’s chest or her hips.

Of course, there had to be something interesting at both ends, or there would be no point in guiding the eyes there. For the front, Rarity had added royal-blue silk surrounding a simple but elegant crescent-moon clasp. That clasp had been a lucky find at a fabric shop on the way home. Not only did it match the theme, but it would be very easy for an eager stallion to undo.

At the other end, a pair of panties covered the ponequin’s flanks. They were the same shade of blue as the rest of the outfit, but made from a slightly thicker material. The sides had been kept thin, so as not to hide Luna’s cutie mark, but the material on the front and back was wide enough that it wouldn’t qualify as flank floss, which was terribly uncomfortable to wear. Intricate designs had been embroidered into the fabric, letting light and shadows play across the panties more effectively, but they weren’t so strong that they would overshadow the shape of the model’s flanks.

There were many other details to the piece, of course. Slits for wings were hidden among the ripples of the top, a divot had been cut out of the material over the back so that it would spread across the model’s flanks more effectively, the clasp would pop free of the outfit before it could tear the material, and the list went on. Rarity knew that most other ponies would never even notice some of these features, but they were the things that mattered most to her, the small improvements that made each piece she designed uniquely her own.

Rarity turned to Nymph. “And you’re sure that these will be your measurements once you transform?”

“Yeah.” Nymph circled the ponequin, whistling softly. “This is amazing, Rarity. I’m getting turned on just thinking about myself in this thing.”

“As well you should.” Rarity took a deep breath and smiled. “Now come, feed off my love for this work of art so that we may have the final ingredient, a model.”

“You’re a bit dramatic sometimes. You know that, don’t you?” Still, Nymph touched his horn to Rarity’s and lit it up with magic.

Rarity gasped. It was as though something had reached down through her horn pulled on her very heart. Her whole body shook as something indescribably precious was ripped from her chest and out through her horn. She tried to scream, but more of that precious substance erupted from her mouth, choking her as a river of glowing green energy flowed from her into Nymph’s waiting mouth.

Then then he pushed her away, knocking her backwards into the side of the bed. A loud crash told her that something had hit the far side of the room as well. Rarity shuddered and looked up to see what had happened.

Nymph lay opposite her, clutching the back of his head and gasping. “You, uh … you really … love fashion.” He rolled over and stood up on three legs, leaving one against the back of his head. “Oh wow, I … I was expecting … like a high school crush … or something … but that was like.” He groaned happily. “That was like a long-term romance.”

Rarity coughed and pressed both forelegs to her chest. She felt hollow, weak, exhausted. Even getting up seemed like too much effort. Her art, though. It had to be complete. “Were you able to get enough love to transform into Luna?”

“At least three times over.” Nymph twitched and shook like a dog drying itself off. “I took way too much.” He rushed over to her and carefully touched the back of her head where it had connected with the bed frame. “Good,” he sighed, “you’re alright.”

“Just transform.” Rarity tried to get up, but Nymph blocked her.

“One second, let me give you some of this back.” He pressed his horn to hers before she could object.

Now energy flowed back into her, and she soaked it up like a patch of dry ground soaks in the life-giving rain. It was an experience unlike any she had ever felt, both relaxing and exhilarating.

All too quickly, the sensation ended and Nymph was helping her to her hooves. “Sorry about that. The stronger the love is, the more quickly and easily we can feed. I really underestimated your love of fashion and pulled too hard.”

Rarity took a deep breath. “I understand.” She still felt tired, but now it was the good kind of tired, like she had stayed up all night designing outfits again. “Now transform, and I will add the finishing touches.”

Nymph flashed a brilliant emerald green, and then Princess Luna stood in his place. His mane and tail didn’t wave, but otherwise, he looked like Luna in all aspects. “What do you think? Sexy, right?”

Rarity could only blink for a moment. That had been Luna’s voice, but in a tone that Luna herself would never use. “It is a very good impersonation, although your mane and tail are a bit off.”

“Oh that?” Nymph ran a hoof through his mane. “I normally cover them up with illusions.” He looked back at his flanks. “By the way, do you think I should make this bigger?” He wiggled his hips from side to side. “I always thought Luna’s rump looked a bit scrawny on her.”

“Her rump is fine, Nymph.” Rarity started fitting the babydoll top over his shoulders. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. Whoever impersonated me in your catalog made my own flanks far larger than they actually are.”

“Is that a bad thing?” Nymph ducked his head through the top and then pulled his long mane through as well.

“Of course it’s a bad thing! If changelings insist on impersonating me, they should do it right.” She shut the clasp and then started on the panties.

“Big rumps are popular lately, and yours is on the small side. We gave Rainbow Dash a boost too”

Rarity finished adjusting the panties and then looked back at her flanks. Were they too small? She shook her head. Now was not the time to get distracted. “I just need to apply some makeup and you will be ready to go.” She hurried to her vanity to gather the right items.

“Probably not a good idea,” Nymph said. “My job gets pretty sweaty.”

Rarity arched an eyebrow at him. “And just who do you think you’re talking to? I can climb a mountain and fight a dragon without my eyeshadow or eyeliner running. It will certainly hold up for one of your, uh, sessions.” She came back and pulled his head down. “Now hold still. I also need to style your mane and tail.”

A few minutes later, Rarity nodded to herself. “Finished.” None of the makeup stood out or was obvious, but the countless little changes had certainly added up. Luna’s features had never looked so exotic and alluring, at least, not that Rarity had ever seen. Nymph’s bangs were styled to frame his face, drawing attention to his eyes, while the rest of his long hair cascaded down his back. Meanwhile, his tail was unstyled other than being brushed to a fine shine. Like parsley on a dish, Nymph’s tail was only meant to complement everything else. She guided Nymph to the vanity mirror. “Behold, my art!”

Nymph’s jaw dropped. “Wow, I could totally seduce a straight mare like this.”

“Somehow I find that doubtful,” Rarity said, “but I’m glad you appreciate the effect.”

“Doubtful, huh?” Nymph pulled Rarity into an embrace, standing on his hind legs so that he could hold her against his whole body. He leaned closer and whispered in her ear, “but not impossible?”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Save it for your client.”

Of course, that had to be the exact moment when someone knocked at the door.

“Enter,” Nymph commanded, smiling mischievously.

“Princess Luna?” A royal guard opened the door and looked inside. His face turned bright red. “Forgive me, Your Highness, I didn’t realize I was interrupting.” He went to pull back.

“No, stay.” Nymph winked at Rarity and then set her down. “Lady Rarity was simply aiding me in the creation of a new outfit.” He turned to the guard and tossed his mane expertly, striking a pose. “We would know thy opinion, loyal servant. Is this pleasing to thee?”

The guard gulped. “Um … Yes?”

“Thou canst be honest. I wish for honest praise or none at all.” Nymph smiled seductively and approached the guard, running his hoof along the guard’s armor. “Dost this outfit give thee a desire to lie with me?” He spun slowly, letting the guard take in every detail.

“Yes,” the guard answered in a voice that was nearly a squeak.

Nymph produced a card from somewhere and tucked it into the guard’s chestplate. “Then come visit me and see that dreams do come true.”

Rarity cleared her throat. “Please ignore Nymph. Was there something you needed?”

The guard gawked at Nymph. “You mean you’re-?” He shook his head. “Lady Rarity, Celestia wanted to see if you will be able to come to lunch with her and the other Element Bearers. A similar invitation was extended to the changeling that saved you …” He looked at Nymph.

Rarity sighed. “Yes, that’s him. I offered to design outfits for the brothel as a way of showing my gratitude.”

“I’d have to leave early,” Nymph said, going back to his normal tone. “I have an appointment right after lunch, but I’d be honored to spend at least some time with Princess Celestia and the other Element Bearers.” He turned to Rarity. “Can I leave this on for lunch?”

“Absolutely not,” Rarity grabbed him by the hoof. “You could stain it.”

“Fine, fine.” Nymph undid the clasp and slowly peeled back the babydoll top. His eyes turned to the guard. “Tell Celestia we’ll be there as soon as we’ve both,” he winked, “finished.”

“As I said, please ignore Nymph.” Rarity found a box for the lingerie piece and the makeup. “Please tell Celestia that we will be there momentarily.”

The guard nodded. “Y-yes, ma’am.” He gave Nymph one last look before shutting the door.

“I’d call that a successful test.” Nymph slid off the panties and passed them to Rarity. “And I got a new client out of the deal.”

“What makes you think that he’s interested?” Rarity put everything into the box and then closed it.

“He kept my card.” He turned to Rarity. “Any chance I could get you interested? It would be nice to have some more mares among my regulars.”

Rarity turned to him in surprise. “I thought you preferred stallions, considering how you flirt with them.”

“Most of our clients are stallions, but I actually prefer to be with mares. Stallions usually jump right to the main course. Mares like it to be more than just rutting somepony that happens to look like a celebrity. They want to feel loved and romanced, and that just makes it better for everypony.” He licked his lips. “Not to mention lust tastes a lot better when there’s some love and affection mixed in there.”

“Nymph, do me a favor.” Rarity got a cloth and poured some makeup remover on it.

“Sure, what?”

“Whenever you’re about to finish a thought, don’t. You might actually be charming if you knew when to stop talking.”


Far to the north, Providence sat looking at a stack of metal sheets. “We don’t need this many backup plans.”

Talon agreed with him, but she wasn’t going to say so with the Hurricanes and the rest of the Council watching.

“You’ll get used to it,” Heart said. “I swear, wyverns won’t even eat breakfast without at least two backup plans.”

“Rescuing Yol Toor would be a major victory for the Alliance,” Typhoon said. “We can’t leave anything to chance.”

“Yeah,” Silver Tail said, “but you do need to change a few details.” He flipped to the second page of his notes. “Right here is says that, after we free Yol Toor, you want me to use Void Fire to bring down Canterlot Peak.”

“It will cripple Equestria’s government, destroy many of their reserve forces, and likely kill at least one Element Bearer,” Typhoon said.

“And kill millions of innocent civilians.” Silver Tail pushed the stack of metal away. “I’m not going to do that.”

Drake Lord Torch nodded. “I don’t know of any drake that would.”

“Perhaps we should vote on it,” Typhoon said. “Or have you all forgotten your oath of loyalty to the Alliance?”

“Change the plan,” Silver Tail said, “or I’ll find a way to break my oath even if it kills me.” His eyes narrowed dangerously. “I’ll do my best to make sure it kills you too.”

Typhoon sighed. “Very well, we will change it. Now onto the next part. Yol Toor’s cell almost certainly has alarm wards. We can’t open it without alerting Celestia, and so we use diamond dogs to maneuver our warriors into position around Canterlot Castle, capturing it first.”

“Actually,” Heart said, “let’s go with backup plan three instead. A flying ambush will distract Celestia long enough to rescue Yol Toor.”

Typhoon shook her head. “Capturing the castle will be far more difficult without teams on the inside.”

“We don’t need to capture the castle,” Heart said. “This is a rescue mission above all. We’ll lose warriors in an extended battle when a quick distraction will be all we need. Plus we’d never pin Celestia down in her own home. She must have at least one safe room she can teleport to if things get dangerous for her.” She flipped to a page of her notes. “We can cluster our most powerful champions around Yol Toor while we rescue him. That should be enough to keep Celestia at bay.”

“Protecting Yol Toor from Celestia might be difficult,” Silver Tail said. “We don’t know what kind of shape he’ll be in. But you’re right, focusing on defense will give us the best chance of success.” He hummed thoughtfully. “A quick strike will be safer for our warriors, but they’ll be vulnerable to Celestia if all of our champions are guarding Yol Toor. I say we have the warriors scatter into the city after they reveal themselves. Celestia won’t unleash her full power where it might harm her followers.”

“You refuse to kill these ponies, but you’re willing to use them as living shields?” Typhoon asked.

“I refuse to attack them,” Silver Tail replied, “but I’m not going to let our warriors get slaughtered either.”

Typhoon sighed. “Very well, we will revise our plan to incorporate both of your suggestions.” She looked from Silver Tail to Providence. “Does anydragon else have anything to say?”

Nodragon spoke up.

“Very well.” Typhoon stood up and stretched her wings. “We should all get some rest. We fly to Canterlot tonight.”

Talon rose as well, going over the timeline in her mind. It was Wednesday afternoon. By dawn on Thursday, Elite Swarm One, six hundred of their best dragons, would be hiding in a cave system near the base of Canterlot Peak. That gave the diamond dogs the better part of two days to find the dungeons beneath Canterlot Castle. According to their spy, an award ceremony was supposed to take place at the Castle on Friday night, giving the Alliance a perfect distraction while they maneuvered their forces into position. By Saturday morning …

Talon looked over at Tornado. She could see the hope burning in his eyes. It was the same hope that she felt.

By Saturday morning, Yol Toor would be back with the Alliance, and they could finally vote to end the war forever.