• Published 10th Oct 2016
  • 3,317 Views, 1,000 Comments

A New Dragon in the Crystal Empire - Vedues

Ponies and dragons are living together in peace now. You know, other than the army of dragons trying to conquer the Crystal Empire.

  • ...

Chapter 60

Despite his best efforts, Cliff didn’t get Miracle to smile for him all Wednesday or Thursday. Cliff knew it was petty, but he couldn’t help but feel jealous of how Fluttershy could make her smile so easily, even in the middle of a crowd.

At that very moment, Fluttershy had Miracle giggling and cooing happily, in spite of the fact that they were in an enormous banquet hall, surrounded by changelings. “And what’s this?” She tapped Miracle’s left hand with one hoof, holding her against her chest with the other foreleg.

Miracle looked down at her hand. “Und?”

“That’s right!” Fluttershy nuzzled her, prompting another giggle. “Hand. You have two hands.”

Cliff sighed and leaned against the wall. Life wasn’t fair sometimes … most of the time … ever, really. It would be nice if it were unfair in his favor for once, though. He looked past Fluttershy and Miracle, scanning the room around them.

There were no tables in sight, even though this was apparently Canterlot Castle’s largest banquet hall. There wouldn’t have been room for them anyway; Chrysalis has brought her entire hive, over three thousand changelings. Several thousand of Canterlot’s elite also littered the room along with least a hundred reporters that had managed to squeeze in.

‘Squeeze’ really was the right word. Both levels of the balconies were filled to capacity, and the floor was standing room only. Some pegasi had built a second floor of sorts out of clouds, but even that was crowded, and pegasi and changelings hovered wherever they could find an empty bit of air.

Celestia stood at the side of the stage, watching them all as though waiting for an unspoken sign to begin.

Closer up, Cliff stood in a loose circle with his family and the Element Bearers and their families. Oh, and Discord. He was a bit taller now, coming up to about Big Mac’s height. Apparently that was partially thanks to Miracle. The chaos energy she generated was good for him.

Next to Discord stood Rarity and that one changeling that had saved her from the Alliance spy. Like most of the group, he was staring at Fluttershy and Miracle, but Cliff didn’t appreciate the way he kept licking his lips.

“Would you please quit drooling over my daughter and granddaughter?” Silver Lining said, stepping between Fluttershy and the changeling.

The changeling blushed. “Sorry, it’s just, motherly love is sooo delicious. I feel like I could get full just standing next to those two.”

Rarity smacked him across the rump with her tail. “Nymph, we talked about what is and is not acceptable to say in public.”

“You’re right.” He rubbed the spot where she had hit him. “Sorry, Rarity.”

Twilight’s pony father chuckled. “You two sound like an old married couple.”

Nymph looked over at Rarity, seeming to study her from horn to hoof. “I could do a lot worse.”

Rarity gave him a flat look. “And I could do far better.”

Spirit winced. “Oooh, burn.”

At his side, Autumn just smiled knowingly. Cliff assumed that meant Rarity actually did like Nymph but was pretending not to for some reason. Maybe it was a pony thing. He’d never really understood the intricacies of pony courtship.

“Back on topic,” Spirit said, turning to Autumn, “were you saying yes to my growth plan for Everfree Village.”

“No,” Autumn said.

“The new training schedule?”


“I’m running out of ideas.” He looked around. “Can any of you think of anything?”

This was the latest bit of insanity from Spirit and Autumn’s personal life. Apparently Autumn had agreed to something, but she wouldn’t tell Spirit what until he guessed it. Cliff had long since given up on trying to understand those two.

“Maybe she wants to move in with you,” Nymph said.

Rarity smacked him again.

Autumn smiled. “That’s … close.”

Both of Spirit’s pony parents glared at them.

Twilight grinned nervously and stepped between Spirit and her parents. “Oh, uh, Fire Claws, why don’t you tell everyone about that new spell you taught me?”

Fire Claws arched an eyebrow at her. “Twilight, I haven’t taught you any new spells in months.”

“Cliff,” Discord’s voice suddenly echoed in his mind, “embrace the Stillness. Now.”

Cliff focused his attention on Discord. The draconequus was standing oddly still, his brows furrowed in concentration. Cliff took a deep breath, soothing all of his emotions away. “What’s wrong?”

“One of the Requiem Guard is here. It’s not alone either. I can hear it talking to Silver Tail, both of Yol Toor’s daughters, and the Hurricanes.”

“What?” Cliff’s breath caught. He looked around the room again. Nothing had changed. “Where are they?”

“Somewhere beneath the Castle, but they’re rising quickly.” He locked eyes with Cliff. “I’ll tell Celestia. You get Fluttershy and Miracle out of here. Whatever you do, don’t let anyone know what’s happening. Panic will spread like wildfire with all these empaths around, and the last thing we need is a bunch of trampled ponies.” Then he stretched. “Well, this is wonderfully boring. I think I’ll liven things up a bit.”

In a flash, Discord was on stage at the podium. “Hello, everyone! Welcome to this celebration in honor of the bug that saved a marshmallow from a lizard.”

The crowd murmured in confusion.

Celestia crossed the stage quickly. “Discord, what are you doing?”

Discord grinned. “You. Every Thursday and sometimes on Friday.”

Celestia facehoofed amid a chorus of laughs from the changelings. All the ponies seemed unsure if laughing would be socially acceptable.

“There will be time for your foolishness later.” Celestia lifted Discord in her magic and walked backstage with him.

“All right! I guess it’s one of those Fridays!” Discord called before he disappeared behind the curtain. “Your turn.”

Cliff sent back his agreement before turning to the group. “All of you come with me. It’s important.” He took Fluttershy by the hoof and started working his way to the exit.

In the hall, Cliff turned back to the confused group that had followed him. Surprisingly, even Nymph had come along. No one else was around, but it couldn’t hurt to be careful. “Grandma, generate a bubble of silence around us.”

She nodded. “Done.”

“Some of the Alliance’s most powerful champions are somewhere beneath Canterlot Castle and rising quickly.” Cliff took a breath. “Discord is telling Celestia, but the rest of us need to figure out what we’re going to do.”

“We need to evacuate the banquet hall,” Spirit said immediately. “Hundreds will die if there’s a stampede.”

“We need to guard the dungeon,” Autumn said. “That must be what they’re after.”

“Can we even slow them down?” Fire Claws asked. “Who all is in this group?”

“Silver Tail, the Hurricanes, Yol Toor’s daughters, and …” Cliff looked at the group, “one of the Requiem Guard.”

Fluttershy hugged Miracle to her chest. “We have to get the children out of here.”

There was a loud popping sound, and suddenly they were standing in a room that Cliff didn’t recognize, although from the sun pattern on the doors and the expensive furniture, he guessed that it was Celestia’s bedroom.

Celestia herself stood in front of them with Discord beside her. “Spirit,” she said quickly, “I need you to send a message to Luna right away. Tell her to come immediately with Cadance, Shining Armor, and Zephyr.”

“Good idea.” Spirit ran to a desk and grabbed a quill and some ink.

“I assume that Cliff has told you all what Discord told me.”

They nodded.

Celestia looked at each of them for a moment. “There isn’t time to mince words. Yol Toor is being held in the dungeons beneath the Castle, and the Alliance is likely here to free him.”

“Wait,” Nymph said, “he’s here? I thought you’d have him locked down in some hidden bunker somewhere.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Applejack said. She turned to Celestia. “Think the Rainbow Power will stop that Requiem Guard?”

Celestia shook her head. “Discord tells me that it’s the same one that was hit by the Rainbow Power earlier. Harmony spared it once, and I will not risk your lives against it again.”

Fire Claws stepped forward. “Let Torch, Twi, and me deal with the Hurricanes. We can at least keep them off you for a while.”

“Thank you,” Celestia said. “Luna has more experience fighting Silver Tail than any of us, and Providence will likely seek me out. That leaves Zephyr to face Dun Brii and Qo Peyt.”

“Two against one and five against three are bad odds,” Autumn said. “Let the rest of the Everfree Platoon help.”

“Most of the Platoon wouldn’t be able to contribute meaningfully,” Celestia said.

“The Shadow-form Rune would at least make us hard to kill,” Cliff said.

“But you can still die if you run out of magic.” Celestia shook her head. “I’m sorry, but I won’t let you sacrifice yourselves.”

“My team can help at least,” Rainbow said.

Celestia shook her head again. “You won’t be able to use your Sonic Rainboom in a cramped dungeon, and even if you did, it would be as much of a threat to your allies as to the Alliance.”

“What should we do then?” Apple Bloom asked.

“The evacuated foals from the Crystal Empire are staying in the west wing, directly above the dungeon” Celestia said. “I need you to take them to the east wing, where you all are staying.” She turned to Autumn. “The Everfree Platoon will need to guard them once they’ve arrived.”

Autumn and Apple Bloom nodded.

“Actually,” Discord said. “I have a better way to keep those foals safe.”

All eyes turned to him.

“Let me send them forward in time by one day.” His expression was unusually serious. “Whatever’s about to happen will be long done with by the time they reappear.” He turned to Fluttershy and held out his lion paw to Miracle. “There’s one little kirin that I’d especially hate to see hurt.”

Fluttershy exchanged a look with Cliff before kissing Miracle on the forehead. “It will be okay, sweetie.”

Cliff nuzzled his daughter. “Discord will keep you safe.”

Then Fluttershy held Miracle out to Discord.

Discord took her and blew another raspberry on her stomach. “See you in a second, Miracle, from your point of view, at least.”

Miracle tilted her head to the side. “Wh-?” She disappeared mid-word, leaving Discord holding nothing but air.

Cliff looked at the space where she had just been, silently promising himself that he’d be here with Fluttershy when Miracle reappeared. “Are you going to be okay, sending all of those foals forward in time?”

Discord shrugged. “I don’t think we have a choice, Cliff. Although I wouldn’t object to a little help from any sources of chaos energy you happen to have.”

Pinkie held up a hoof. “Ooh, I know!” She cleared her throat. “Boy, we sure do need a party planner right now!”

The door opened and Cheese Sandwich walked through. “Did someone call?”

Out in the hallway, two royal guards stared at the newcomer in shock. One of them pointed at him. “Where did you come from?” He shook his head. “I mean, you can’t go in there!”

Celestia smiled. “He is a welcome guest, you need not concern yourself with him.”

Pinkie bounced over to Cheese. “We need your chaos magic to help Discord protect a bunch of crystal foals. I’d do it, but Celestia wants anyone with a set of Everfree Armor to suit up and protect the guests in the banquet hall.” She turned back to Celestia. “That is what you were going to say next, right?”

Celestia stared at her for a moment. “Yes, it is.”

A shudder coursed through Pinkie, so strong that every hair on her body stood up simultaneously. “Oh no, we’ve gotta hurry! Something unexpected is going to happen soon!”

“Then you must all get your armor on as quickly as possible.” Celestia turned her attention to Nymph. “Cadance and Shining Armor will put a shield around the dungeon, which should keep everyone safe. However, it would be best if we get our guests out of the banquet hall as quickly as possible. I will award you your medallion, and you can still speak, but please make it as short as possible and then tell everyone to go out to the gardens for refreshments.”

Nymph nodded. “Can do.”

“What about Chrysalis?” Rarity asked.

Celestia took a deep breath. “She deserves our protection just like everyone else. Now all of you go. Meet me in the banquet hall as soon as you can.”

Cliff held back as everyone else hurried away. “Celestia, I have nearly two hundred anti-aura gems stored with my suit. At least take those with you.”

“Gladly.” Celestia looked from him to Fluttershy, who had paused at the door. “Both of you be careful. Whatever surprise Pinkie just sensed, I fear that it will endanger us all.”


Celestia was the picture of tranquility when she walked on stage a few minutes later. Rarity had to admire that as she watched from backstage. Luna, Cadance, and Shining Armor, recently arrived from the Crystal Empire, were also hiding backstage, and they made no secret of the fact that they were on edge. Even Zephyr had gone silent, standing with his eyes closed and a slight frown on his face. His six tails wove and rippled behind him, almost like they were responding to music that only they could hear.

At Rarity’s side, Nymph was fidgeting so badly that he could barely stand. “I’m gonna die. Either the Alliance will kill me for messing with their plans, or Chrysalis will for not giving the speech that she wrote.”

Rarity pulled him into a hug. “There there, calm down. The Alliance isn’t here for you, and I thought you were going to write your own speech.”

“So did I,” Nymph said, “but she wanted to spice it up a bit.”

“She will understand. I’ll speak to her myself, if I must.”

Nymph stared at her. “You’d do that?”

“Of course.” Rarity stepped back now that Nymph wasn’t shaking so much. “I’m not afraid of her.”

“Well you should be.” Nymph shivered. “Lust isn’t as good as love, but she’s had so much of it to feed on lately that she’s probably more powerful than Celestia.”

“Really?” Rarity tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Perhaps she could help Celestia against the Alliance’s champions.”

Nymph laughed nervously. “And how did you plan on convincing her to do that?”

“By appealing to her better nature.” Rarity paused. “Never mind.”

A shout of fear went through the crowd. Rarity couldn’t make out their individual voices very well, but the word ‘dragons’ was being repeated a lot, and everypony was pointing to the windows. She couldn’t see what was going on outside, though. There were no windows backstage.

“Do not panic!” Celestia’s voice filled the room, so loud that Rarity could feel it in her chest. “Exit in an orderly fashion. My royal guards will escort you to a safe part of the Palace.”

An explosion of some kind went off behind Rarity, and she turned just in time to see Luna finish blasting her way through the room’s outer wall. In the sky beyond, hundreds of dragons were bearing down on them. Some of the drakes were already glowing with those energy auras that they could generate.

Shining Armor generated a shield over the room, but oddly, it wasn’t needed. Beams of Void Fire shot from the drakes, but they all hit the ground around Canterlot Castle without even touching the structure itself.

Cadance added her strength to Shining Armor’s shield moments later, but the Alliance forces didn’t seem interested in attacking it. They turned and flew away from the Palace, right into the city of Canterlot.

Luna gasped. “Are those fiends attacking the civilians of Canterlot?” Her horn began to glow. “I will distract them while the rest of you bring to bear whatever forces you can rally.”

Celestia galloped to them, sliding to a halt in front of the destroyed wall. “Luna, don’t! Their true objective is Yol Toor, and we can’t defeat their champions without you.”

“We can’t let these dragons attack Canterlot either!” Shining Armor said.

Indecision played across Celestia’s face for a moment, then she lowered her head. “Put a shield around the Castle, holding all of them in.”

“What?” Rarity looked out at the crowd of ponies, still fighting to exit the banquet hall. Strangely, the changelings hadn’t moved at all other than Chrysalis, who was walking toward them. “What about everyone here?”

“Thousands of civilians, surrounded by guards,” Celestia said quietly, “weighed against millions of civilians with no defense at all.”

Shining locked eyes with Cadance and lit up his horn.

Cadance looked out at Canterlot for a moment, then she touched her horn to his.

A taffy-pink wave of energy exploded from their horns, shooting out past the Alliance forces before solidifying into a shield. At the same time, a column of energy formed around Cadance and Shining.

Shining looked up at Celestia. “We’ll create a shield around the dungeons as well. It won’t hold if Silver Tail and the others attack it seriously, but it should at least minimize collateral damage.”

Celestia nodded. “Luna, Zephyr, we should go. Twilight, Fire Claws, and Burning Torch are already on their way to the dungeon.”

“I think you owe me an explanation first,” Chrysalis said, walking up to Celestia. “What is going on?” She paused and looked at Nymph, nodding slightly. “Oh, so they finally realized where Yol Toor is.” She turned and pointed at Celestia and Luna in turn. “If you two, and,” she paused at Zephyr, “whatever that is, are going to the dungeon, then there must be some truly impressive dragons down there trying to set Yol Toor free. Will you be able to defeat them? I need to know if I’ll have to deal with them too after they’re done killing you.”

Celestia held up three dimensional pockets in her magic. “Cliff Runner supplied me with these. Hopefully they will be enough to turn the battle in our favor.”

“Ah good.” Chrysalis stepped past her and looked up at the dragon forces, which were attacking the inside of the shield. “I’ve seen enough of your job to know that I don’t want it. I’ll take care of these dragons for you.”

A warm smile lit up Celestia’s face. “Thank you.”

“Don’t misunderstand,” Chrysalis turned back to Celestia, “I’m only doing this to protect my changelings.”

“You have my thanks regardless.” Celestia turned to Luna and Zephyr, then she lit up her horn and all three of them disappeared in a flash of golden light.

“Now then,” Chrysalis grinned evilly. “Time to feed.”


“I thought Shining Armor was still in the Crystal Empire!” Crystal said, scratching uselessly at the shield with her claws.

“He’s supposed to be!” Talon clawed at it as well. “Heart, what are our chances of using the Shield Cracker?”

“Not good,” Heart sent from her spot on Tornado’s back. “We don’t have enough staffs to make a completed rune, and none of our aura drakes are powerful enough to break through the shield with raw force.”

Tornado flapped, sending dozens of wind lances into the shield.

“The cluster leaders are asking for permission to attack the Castle,” Heart continued. “I turned them down, but most are demanding some kind of plan. Ideas please.”

Talon thought about it. Celestia had to be in the Castle. This swarm was composed of the best that the Alliance had to offer; they could at least put up a fight, but what would it really gain them in the end? Hundreds of deaths, probably. All Providence and the others really needed was a few minutes to find and free Yol Toor. There had to be a way to give them that without ordering most of the swarm to their deaths.

Then the answer came to her. Nodragon would like it, but it really was the best choice.

“Have the swarm surrender instead.” Talon turned to Heart. “It will take a while to figure out what to do with us all, more than enough time for the Council to do its job.” And hopefully give Silver Tail the time he needed to call for a vote of peace, she added silently.

Heart nodded and sent back agreement. “I always did say that the Alliance needed to surrender. Now’s the perfect time to do it.”

“Dragons of the Alliance,” a new voice shouted—a very familiar voice.

Talon turned in disbelief. Yol Toor was flying toward them in his thinking form.

“Do not attack. The need for this war has passed.” He paused a respectful distance from the swarm.

Talon gasped. “Heart, is that really him?”

“I don’t know,” Heart sent back. “It feels like him, but we know that Equestria is allies with the changelings now. I’m going to ask him some questions.”

Talon sent back agreement and flew to her battle partner. “C’mon, Tornado. Let’s make sure that’s really Yol Toor.”

Tornado nodded, looking at the newcomer suspiciously.

Up close, Yol Toor looked a little bit worse for wear. He was more thin than before, and his scales were a bit dull, but his smile was completely genuine. “Hello, Heart, Tornado, and Talon. It is good to see you all again.”

Tornado didn’t smile back. “Use your aura,” he said in a throaty growl.

“I understand,” Yol Toor said. Glowing red and blue energy surrounded him. “But remember that changelings are experts at illusion magic. Replicating my aura would be easy.”

Talon wasn’t so sure. She could imagine a changeling recreating the visual aspect of his aura, but the pulsing energy she could feel radiating from him was something else entirely.

Heart didn’t seem convinced. “What did you say when I first introduced you to Talon and Crystal?”

“I told them that their bond with Tornado was what motivated you to join the Alliance,” Yol Toor said. “I also advised Tornado to learn the Stillness to help him control his battle form.”

Heart looked over at Talon. “That was months before changelings joined the Alliance. Do you have any questions?”

“Just one.” Talon turned to Yol Toor. “What’s going on?”

“Celestia offered me a deal,” Yol Toor said. “She would set me free and give the Alliance control of the gem mines beneath the Crystal Empire if I swore to destroy the two remaining members of the Requiem Guard.”

“What?” Talon shook her head. “No, only Providence is left, and he’s our ally.”

“That rainbow blast did something to him,” Heart said. “He’s normal again.”

“Interesting …” Yol Toor turned back to the Castle. “Let us go speak with Celestia. She may be willing to renegotiate our agreement. Even if she is not,” he looked at Talon and the others, “none of you will be required to fight anymore. That is a significant victory.” He started flying back toward the Castle. “Bring the whole swarm. Celestia is not easily intimidated, but she does understand negotiating from a position of strength, and nothing in my oath will prevent me from protecting you all.”

Heart hesitated for a moment before sending out the order. “Okay, take us to Celestia.”

Yol Toor nodded and led them back to the Castle. He landed outside of a large hole in the wall and stepped through.

Talon waited for Tornado to go back to his thinking form before she followed. “Keep your eyes open, everydragon.”

Inside was a wide room with a massive curtain that covered one whole wall. Two ponies floated in a glowing pillar of energy the same color as the shield outside. Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor, priority one threats. Members of the Alliance had orders to kill either on sight, and here Talon was less than ten feet from both of them. She shuddered and focused on Yol Toor.

He walked to the curtain and brushed it aside, revealing a giant room full of ponies. There must have been thousands of them, all watching nervously as Talon and the rest of the swarm trickled in. Around the edges of the room, Talon also caught sight of royal guards, and ponies and wyrms wearing Everfree armor.

Great, the last thing they needed was a fight against those suits if things turned ugly. Still, she followed Yol Toor to the very center of the crowd, where Princess Celestia stood.

Talon had never seen the Alicorn of the Sun this close before. She towered over the other ponies, easily tall enough to look down at Talon with eyes that seemed to pierce right to her very soul. Her mane and tail were masses of fire, dancing and crackling against her pure-white coat. Even the white unicorn at her side seemed intimidated by her.

Celestia looked at Heart. “I know what you said to Yol Toor, now tell me what you didn’t say. What exactly has happened to Providence of the Requiem Guard?”

Heart licked her lips and swallowed. “A-after you hit him with the power of Harmony, it’s like he went back to the minotaur he used to be …”

Talon looked around as Heart continued her story. The ponies all still looked terrified, but they were slowly approaching the dragons and introducing themselves. By the time Heart finished explaining how Providence killed Samhane, the dragons and ponies were so mixed that they weren’t really two separate groups anymore.

“… So now he understands that what happened to him isn’t really your fault,” Heart continued. “All he wants is to help us and to see if he has any descendants living in Equestria.”

Yol Toor stood next to Heart and put a paw around her shoulders. “I believe it’s time for this to end.”

Celestia nodded.

Yol Toor tilted his head back. Radiant green energy surrounded him for a moment, then that same green energy shot from him, filling the room and knocking Talon flat.

She tried to get back up, but some kind of green slime held her to the ground, along with every other dragon that she could see. “Wha-?” She looked to Yol Toor and felt the blood drain from her face.

Chrysalis stood in his place, grinning cruelly, with Heart bound and gagged by more of that slime. “Attack!”

Celestia was engulfed in green fire and emerged as a changeling. The same thing happened to nearly every pony in the room, and before the weight of their predicament could really sink in, the changelings were on them.

Dragons roared and struggled behind Talon, but she couldn’t turn her head to look, and their struggles quickly turned into screams of pain. Even that only lasted for a few moments.

Chrysalis leaned over Heart, inhaling deeply. “Mmm, your love for each other is delicious, but who to feed on first?” She skimmed the room, and her eyes locked on Talon. “Ah, Talon Wind, the head of the Alliance’s information network, and a perpetual thorn in my side.”

Talon tried to shrink back, but the slime held her firmly.

“Do you know how close you came to foiling my plan?” Chrysalis asked, drawing near. She leaned down and whispered, “Equestria would never have pardoned the changelings if I hadn’t threatened them with the big bad Alliance. Your little olive branch to Twilight Sparkle could have changed that if we hadn’t intercepted it.”

Something rumbled nearby, but Chrysalis didn’t seem to notice.

“Changelings could still be hunted and persecuted, because you couldn’t wait one week longer to show Equestria that most of the Alliance just wants peace.” Her lips curled back, revealing sharp teeth. “I’m going to enjoy this.”

A glowing tail swung over Talon’s head, smashing into Chrysalis and sending her flying into the stage.

Tornado ran into view in his battle form. Brilliant light shot from his scales, but the rays of light seemed to wave and billow, like wisps of hair caught in a powerful storm. He curled around Talon and Heart protectively, even covering them with his wing. “I won’t let you hurt them!”

Bits of his … aura surrounded both dragonesses, slicing away the gunk holding them down.

Talon got back to her feet, struggling to come to grips with everything that had happened so quickly.

“Cute,” Chrysalis said. Talon couldn’t see her, but her wind sense told her that the changeling queen had picked herself up. “I changed my mind. I’ll eat you first.”

Tornado went flying, pushed by a beam of green energy from Chrysalis, until he crashed into the second-story balcony.

Chrysalis appeared above him, slamming down with both forelegs.

Tornado was knocked through the balcony, leaving a huge dent in the floor below. His aura flickered and faded.

“Don’t hurt him!” Talon yelled. “We surrender!”

Chrysalis landed and looked over at her. “Do you, now?” She pulled Tornado’s head up with her magic. Green energy erupted from Tornado’s giant mouth, flowing into the changeling queen’s much smaller one. “Too bad I don’t care.”

“Stop it!” Talon kicked off, flying through the hoard of changelings as quickly as she could. “Please, I’ll do anything!”

Something small shot past Chrysalis, leaving a deafening rumble in its wake.

She jumped back and turned to the nearest wall, where a wyrm in Everfree armor stood at the front of a small group of armored warriors.

“They surrendered,” he said firmly. “Leave them alone.”

Chrysalis stared at him for a moment, then she laughed. “Oh, what on earth makes you think I’d do that?”

The wyrm gestured, and then two gems appeared in his palms.

Behind him, two pegasi spread their wings, a large earth pony and a female wyrm dropped into fighting stances, and a unicorn lit up his horn.

“How adorable.” Chrysalis crossed the distance between them in a flash. “But I don’t think so.” Then she punched the lead wyrm through a wall.