• Published 7th Apr 2017
  • 2,988 Views, 974 Comments

The Influence - GMSeskii

Twilight Sparkle awakens in a mysterious room with a mysterious artifact - in a story where your comments influence the outcome.

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Author's Note:

[IMPORTING…][…Twilight, it's Key, first things first, I'm sorry for scaring you, I help because I often have things to say but people basically ignore me or shut me out, after several year it gets a bit frustrating. I'm sorry for it. So just to put your mind at ease, you are real, you are the real Twilight taken from Equestria. It's not entirely clear if Fluttershy is real, but there's also nothing saying she isn't the real version of your friend. The Sweeper is unable to create sapient life, and tends to grab from their homes, that's what I know to be real. I think working together to help you is worth while, but I don't really trust anyone else to listen to what I have to say and actually try to work with me, I know the Sweeper better than anyone else here, and can answer any question about it, but I'll be told I'm wrong. For example I can tell you that Fluttershy can't interact with the machine because she's not who was chosen, you were chosen, so most things will only work for you. I'll not say anything more so you can keep from going mad, thanks...for listening at any rate, it means a real lot to me… …Ponygood speaking. There's a saying among my kind, although I don't know who said it. "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst." You are in a dangerous situation, as you have personally experienced, and by expecting the best to happen, you end up unprepared for what actually happens. However, by taking steps towards the worst case scenario, you can at least not be caught entirely off-guard and have an increased chance of surviving the worst, or being pleasantly surprised when the worst doesn't occur. That is what I'm trying to do. Since the only thing I can do in this case is talk, that is what I'll do to try and make sure you're prepared for the very worst that could happen. It's not much of a surprise that the worst isn't very desirable at all. Once again, I am sorry for causing you so much distress, but I doubt you believe me at this point. And as for your supposed insanity? It probably doesn't really exist at this point, if you think rambling to yourself is a symptom. In fact, it's actually a good way to reinforce some information you may have gotten, or act as a sounding board for ideas in the event that no-one else can listen. I also believe it's good to be a little insane, such that the absolute monotony of life is a little more bearable. But enough of that. Let's focus on not-as-morbid things, such as where to go next. Thinking back to when you first came here, I recall that you went to most of the locations recommended by us, being the lake, the town, and the forest. However, there is one location you have yet to go to, being the top of the mountain that someone compelled you to go to. There is also the Lost Desert, which we know a little bit more about, and the wide plethora of other potential locations on your map. And I'm pretty sure there are more of those communication/collection devices scattered around the island. I think, if you can find enough of them, you might be able to summon the rest of your Element-bearing friends, and you can use your Rainbow Friendship Laser Power to do cool things. I wouldn't recommend using those altars until you find at least four if them, though. Also, about the time-travel situation. I believe that time cannot be manipulated such that the future can be changed, and that going back in time to cause changes is the very thing that caused the future to be how it is in the first place. Essentially, the only things that can come out of time travel are ontological paradoxes. However, I haven't yet seen the episode of your show in which Starlight Glimmer destroyed the world, so I admit I don't have all the information. Also, there's something weird in the method that Blackjack used to convey your adventure to us that I wanted to share with you. "Then Fluttershy appeared a few years to Twilight's right, a smile on her face.” This was when she returned from the mysterious lake after you burned that piece of grass. And speaking of Fluttershy, I have decided that, in the event that Blackjack takes us away from your perspective for a time, I will recount what happens so that you can be educated in it. This is assuming he ever does do that... And for my final statement, I believe you can trust Key. Outside of this story, he and Blackjack are good friends, and he's been following Blackjack's works for a long time now. Hell, Black's even revived one of Key's old abandoned stories! That's all for now. Watch out for any super-sized astral lions, alright?… …Josh here - I vote talking to go to the leaders first, and a world to everyone else; if you have something else to say add on to the first thing you said; keep the confusion to a minim you know, also twi Fluttershy has been added to the main character tags so it's safe to say she's real and Key i'm sorry about what said before, had i'd known about that i wouldn't have bashed on you like that, i can't speak for everyone but i'm willing to hear you out this time, but this time do try to explain yourself a bit better this time… …Nickel again, good to see that you are coping with this craziness.  not to put to blunt a point on it, but i'm pretty sure most of us assumed you were fairly crazy even before you got here, of course that is part of what makes you so interesting, i just assume that everyone is a little crazy afterall sane is a relative term.  just go with what seems right in this case, since the marks on your story include adventure and drama you can be sure that you will have a lot to do and find as well as a fair degree of stress off of the drama mark, personally i dislike that one due to the stuff it normally accompanies since i'm bad with people.  also the interface looks like it may cut  some of the content before me due to errors, it mentions that key and blackjack have helped each other before and they get along better than what you have seen would indicate.  i cant be entirely sure of the veracity of all of it but to me this indicates that key's comments may not be all they appear.  there is a chance i may miss the next entry window so it could be awhile before i can get back to observation… … PONYGOOD THAT'S NOT ME YOU'RE MIS- Key, stop, re-evaluate your position. I-I just-I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS! ahem, I believe Key would like you to know, Ponygood, that he and Keywii_Cookies55 are not the same person, and also that he doesn't like being mistaken for others. Key? Thank...thank you sir. Yes, I'm not the founder of the Recursive Organization, Keywii_Cookies is like The Sweeper, he's a creator, but he doesn't do much of it. Thanks Josh, truth be told, when you're the shortest person around people ignore you quite alot, you'd think a person get used to that, but you'd think wrong. Anyway, yes, we need to work together, and sort of put our different skills together, or something, and come up with a way for Twilight to beat the Sweeper and get hom… …I was simply shorthanding Keywii's name, like I did to Blackjack in the same comment. I didn't intend to cause you distress, and I apologize.
Oh oh oh! I just remembered something that could help you with your anger! All you have to do is shout something as silly as "Fluffy Bubbles" as angrily as you can, and the ridiculousness of the situation should dissipate anger very quickly. This could be useful to you too, Twilight… …Twilight #2, Spike here. Could you come up with a nickname so that we can speak to each other a bit easier? Cause calling you Other Twilight or Twilight #2 is going to get annoying fast. When you mentioned to Northern desert, I looked up some information about it. Apparently about 100 years before Discords defeat, there was a race of ponies living there called Flutter-ponies. But after his defeat, they vanished, and the place soon came to be known as the Badlands. Be careful when you go because that is the last place my brother checked for changelings. Uh... why not just let her do the technique that cadence taught us? Deep breath in, hold for ten seconds, then release. Granted if your panicking then it's a good idea to think of something completely outlandish and have the shock break you out of your stupor. Like Kumquats! ...*sigh* Yes Pinkie, like kumquats… …This isn't the Northern Desert you're looking for... What I mean to say is that this continent is not the same as the one you're all familiar with. Therfore, they have two entirely different Northern Deserts. And as for the anger management technique? It's funny!… …It's LeftMoss, something (or someone) that is possibly powerful to the north... an object (or being), possibly POWERFUL, up NORTH. Sorry if I am coming of as cryptic, but just think about it, where have you seen/heard about something similar in your life? Oh, and, uh, I will try not to have you burn something anymore... no promises… …Light here and oh my God thank you Twilight for telling them to work together although I don't think it made much of a difference seriously these guys need to stop rambling oh and be careful when going to this power source it probably won't be 100% safe. Also Dark has gone quiet which means that Dark is planning something so you should mentally prepare yourself just in case… …This is Zen. Going by what some of the individuals you met said about their leadership, I would imagine that going straight to the top isn't the best course of action.  I say go to the desert. Of course, there are some preparations that need to be made before you go.  Depending on how far away it is, you'll need water and food for both yourself and Fluttershy, some means of keeping warm during the night (though you may know some spell that can accomplish this), and a map if you can get one… …They have a map. It's how they learned of the desert in the first place…. …Zen once again. I had meant a map specifically of the desert.  One that shows the locations of these ruins of particular interest in greater detail.  I was too vague on that point, Ponygood, so I thank you for raising the issue… …Be careful when you get there . Trust not what your eyes can see, but focus on what they can't. Afizha out. Also,  can someone tell me how another twilight manged to gain access to our link?…]

Twilight took in a breath - and let a smile come to her face.

"Did it go well?" Fluttershy asked.

"They're starting to work together. There's still a few but it... There's progress. It means a lot to me." She stretched out. "Now, time to return the favor... Thank you Key, Ponygood, Zen, Nickel, Josh, and other me - you're all doing great so far. Just.... Thanks for cooling it down a bit. Nice that you're willing to think despite the... nature of this situation."

"Uh... And thank you as well," Fluttershy said.

Twilight chuckled. "Feels crazy, doesn't it?"

"A little, yes."

"Anyway, they said some things... We could go to the mountain, desert, or the leaders - I think the leaders are a bad idea, and they thought so as well. Though they cared less about time changing and more about the leaders not being of good character - which I suppose is possible. I think the desert has more reason to call us personally... Fluttershy?"

"Well, we'll need a map first."

Twilight laughed. "Exactly what Zen said. Come on, let's start flying back to town. I can do the rest on the way back." They took to the skies. "So, other me wants something to call me."

"Why not that fake name you had? Glimmer?"

"...Sure. You can all call me Glimmer if you need to differentiate. So... The device worked for me because I was chosen. But why was I chosen? And how? I think it has to be more than just Blackjack or a primary just saying I was - there's got to be an explanation. ...I don't suppose you can talk to Keywii?"

"Who's that?"

"Another primary. One behind Key and that little group of his. Apparently, they know Blackjack somewhat closely. Wondering if there was a way to get information."

Fluttershy blinked. "Maybe. Are there ways to contact Blackjack?"

"I dunno. Are there?" She looked down at the Witch's eye. She shrugged. "We'll have to wait for an answer on that one. So, our little story here has been deemed an adventure-drama."

"Well, you have been having a lot of drama lately."

"I know... Guess it makes sense. Unlike why Ponygood keeps calling this an island... That still doesn't make sense! Your philosophy makes... more sense, but not as much. I'm not here to judge though, I'm sure it's helped you through a lot. Though..." She paused. "...years? I'm sure it was yards..."


"There might be small errors in the reports they receive. Like it gets to them corrupted somehow."

"Oh, my."

"Yeah... Hope that never creates a huge mistake. Be careful guys."

Fluttershy looked at the Eye. "This is... weird."

"Yes, we've established that. Trust me, it's weirder if you can hear them."

Fluttershy laughed. "Well, I guess it's time to us to get to the 'adventure' part of our adventure."

Twilight nodded. "We'll need to ask for help, and that Diorite is suspicious of us... I'd rather not draw too much attention."

"That Wound Dream mare seemed like she might know stuff."

"...I guess we could go ask her. But she might not know what we need to know."

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, Twilight, stop worrying. Ponygood is rubbing off on you."


They arrived back in Pebbleton and nopony paid them any mind. Twilight put her hood back on, she needed to get used to wearing it. They walked around for a while, taking the town in, looking for Wound Dream.

"Heeeey!" Prancey said. "You're back again! What is up?"

"Looking for Wound Dream," Twilight said. "Going to ask her about traveling."

"Oh, I'm sure she'll be glad to see you!" She winked. "Right this way!" She led them to Wound's house - which looked normal from the outside, just like all the others. It sounded odd though - constant ticking, ticking, ticking noises, coming out in an uneven cacophony.

"HEY WOUND!" Prancey yelled, pounding on the door. "Twilight's here to see you!"

Wound stuck her head out of the door. "Yes?" Through the crack, Twilight could see dozens of structures composed completely of clockwork - only half of which were actually clocks. Twilight gaped at the moving statues of dolphins, ponies, and dragons. "Wow..."

"Yeah, impressive, maybe." She shook her head. "Whatcha need?"

"I'm thinking of heading to the Northern Desert. You seem like a type to know things that isn't Infinity."

"Why not ask Diorite? ...It's because he's a dragon isn't it?"


"I understand, it's fine. Uh..." She put a hoof to her head. "Well, there's no maps of the desert region itself, since the place seems to be in a constant state of shifting around. But... I do know going straight to it is a bad idea. If you go straight north the band will stop you. Horrible stretch of land that constantly emanates deadly magics. Best to go around, but that'd require crossing the Moissan border, and the dogs aren't fans of trespassers."

Fluttershy frowned. "Couldn't we just fly over this band?"

"...Maybe? I think there's still danger up there, even if it's less."

Twilight nodded."So we brave the band or brave the Moissan dogs... I'll have to think on this one."

"it's getting late anyway," Fluttershy said. "We should turn in before we head out into the unknown."

"First, we should shop for survival supplies."

Prancey saluted. "You two go rest - I'll take care of that." She dashed off, a dopey grin on her face.

"...Wow, she's been so nice to us. I wonder how I can thank her..."

Wound was suddenly overcome with a fit of coughing. "Well, have a good night. I... Am going to get a drink of water." She shut the door.

Twilight blinked. "Uh..."

"I don't know either," Fluttershy admitted. They went back to the inn - but before they could open the door, Infinity appeared right in front of them.

"I hear you're thinking of leaving."

"Uh... Yeah," Twilight said, looking around nervously.

"You're not leaving without answering some questions."

"I'd rather not."

"You are an 'alicorn.' How does this happen?"


"More specific please."

Fluttershy sighed. "Infinity... We don't want to be interrogated."

"Too bad! I need answers and you're going to provide them!" She levitated up a checklist. "So, why have you been avoiding me?"

Twilight facehooved. "Because we don't want to deal with your questions.

"Oh, so there's secrets! Like, oh, maybe the fact that you had something to do with the sun freaking out?"

Twilight paled. Infinity grinned. "Gotcha."

Twilight lit her horn - and Infinity fell asleep right in front of them.


"I'm bad at keeping a straight face, Fluttershy, okay? I had to do something!"

"Will she be okay?"

"She'll wake up with a headache." She bit her lip. "We'll need to leave quickly tomorrow. Say our goodbyes and get out before Infinity goes crazy."

Fluttershy nodded in agreement. She took a moment to move Infinity to a soft patch of grass, for a more relaxing sleep. "Okay."

They went back to their room.


Twilight fell asleep much easier than the night before. She allowed herself to smile - she was dreaming of dining in some fancy restaurant with Rarity.

"What to order what to order today..." Rarity was saying.

Twilight shrugged. "I don't know. This menu looks like gibberish to me, actually... Is it in pony-latin?"

"The correct pronunciation is ponilatin, dear. And yes, yes it is. I'd order the-" The world was shaken by an earthquake, and everything became stars. Twilight became aware of the same entity from the night before.

"...Are you going to keep interrupting my dreams like this?"

The entity paid her no attention. "You have adjusted much, I see. A given goal in mind. Thoughts - most wrong - on the situation."

"Well then, what is right?"

Sand swirled around her in a cyclone. "I assume you have questions. Perhaps I will answer them if you give me some information."

The Witch's Eye started glowing again. Twilight closed her eyes, preparing for it.