• Published 7th Apr 2017
  • 2,990 Views, 974 Comments

The Influence - GMSeskii

Twilight Sparkle awakens in a mysterious room with a mysterious artifact - in a story where your comments influence the outcome.

  • ...


Pinkie called to Twilence the moment she was back. "Don't bother reading through it now, I can take care of most of it. Basically, Orchid, try using some of Gamnemnon's powers, Twi, see if you got the Element of Magic still in you, and I'll do... this." She drew a truly absurd sized sword and a strange staff with a piece of jade it, while still holding the frying pan in her tail. A boombox somehow appeared behind her and started playing a song. "And no offense Ponygood, I just think this song's better."

Vriska cracked her knuckles. "It's literally impossible for you to beat me. You're lucky Siron doesn't want you dead, yet. You would be if he did."

Orchid put the essence of Gamnemnon forward and went into Vriska's mind. She frowned. "...I feel like I should be able to sever the connection, but it's just... not working."

"Luck," Pinkie said. "Just luck."

Twilence glanced at her cutie mark and tried to sense her connection to the Tree of Harmony. She felt... Something, that was for sure, but nothing powerful. Nothing that would aid them. "No... Nothing. Sorry."

"Are you all quite done?" Vriska asked, sighing. "Just give in, I really don't want to have to do this."

Pinkie shrugged. "You'll run out of luck eventually!"

Vriska snapped her fingers, absorbing the luck of both Orchid and Twilence. The two of them fell down to the ground, unable to stand properly. Pinkie shrugged. "Was that supposed to do something?"

Vriska narrowed her eyes. "That's right. You cheat..."

"And what good is luck if you're playing against a cheater, huh?"

Vriska smiled. "Do you mind if I let myself enjoy this?"

Pinkie giggled. "Not at all! Go nuts!"

Vriska rushed Pinkie with her sword. Pinkie met it with her own, but this was Vriska's plan - she rolled her dice on the ground, rolling a combination of 7s and 8s, producing what appeared to be a proton cannon the size of a small mountain in the sky, blasting the ground around Pinkie into nothing. Pinkie herself just appeared on top of the tentacle of darkness holding Fluttershy - and cut it. She moved to free Infinity, but the black tentacle tightened around the unicorn's neck, telling Pinkie that she'd be dead if she got any closer. She dodged some of Vriska's sword swipes.

Twilence frowned - Vriska was enjoying this. She was in full control of her thoughts, if not her actions, which made Twilence question her integrity. Not for the first time, either. She tried to shoot Vriska - but her horn fizzled and popped from a 'random' magical surge. "Ugh. Orchid, can you see anything?"

"Vester's all around her. I can't see the future of her actions. The tentacles though... They're fuzzy, but I'm getting better at it." She tried to stand up but tripped over her own hooves. "DAMMIT. This... How does anyone beat her when she's like this?"

"I don't know. Glad she's on our side... Technically. We need to get out of here. Aradia..."

"She'll appear in fifteen seconds towards your left. Do something that draws their attention, please? I'm not."

Twilence nodded, turning to her left while Pinkie was launched into the ocean by a shark made of pure diamonds. "You know," Vriska said. "Were you most people, you'd be dead by now."

"I'm not most people!" Pinkie giggled, pointing the staff and enveloping Vriska in a red and green swirl. She didn't care - whatever its effect was supposed to be, it didn't do it. "Darn."

"Yeah, hitting me with anything isn't going to happen unless it benefits me."

And then Aradia appeared to Twilence's left, holding up an arm in defense.

"Aradia!" Twilence yelled. "Get us out of here!"

"I'm a little occupied but... I think I can come back later..."

The steampunk Starlight appeared and attacked Aradia while a future version of Aradia appeared. She moved towards Twilence, only for an extremely lucky stray shot from Vriska to bean her in the chest, tossing her to the side. "Ack..."

Orchid moved to heal with Proteus's essence, but with her luck the healing was minimal. Then another Steampunk Starlight took a shot, blowing off Aradia's head.

Twilence gasped. She... She'd just watched Aradia get killed. That... That didn't-

Another Aradia appeared behind her. "Twilence, don't look too closely, okay? There's more where that came from."

Starlight screamed in rage. "Why do you do this to me!?"

"You do this to yourself."

"All I did was exist!" Starlight yelled, charging at Aradia again, and the two vanished into time.

Vriska shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, that was something." Pinkie was trying to hit her with a frying pan and missing where missing should have been impossible. "Hey, you. You done yet?"

"No!" She giggled, grabbing a newspaper and hitting Vriska across the face. "You don't have to be too unlucky to get hit by a newspaper!"

Vriska blinked. "...Right." She grabbed Pinkie's outstretched hoof and threw her into a nearby spire of darkness. "Not that it helped you any."

"Ow..." Pinkie muttered.

Twilence tried to stand up, but again found herself tripping. It was pointless. She had to have something else...

The Influence. She started reading through the comments in haste. If they were going to get a response, they'd have to read her thoughts... Josh had apologized, he was forgiven, but her trust was still shaken. Even though he did have those disorders, the trust issue still stood, though she was sorry for him now. She wondered if any of the others had real disorders - was Wolfe serious about being a pyromaniac? And - no, she didn't have time for this. Creek... Creek didn't have anything... GM had said something about Akumakami which was interesting but not all that relevant... All the suggestions didn't help! Pinkie had already told her about the important ones - the mind attack, the weapons, saving Fluttershy, the Element... And it sure didn't look like Vriska was going to run out of luck anytime soon.

She had nothing.

She was useless.

And it was obvious Pinkie was getting tired.

They needed a break...

Then Twilence saw her.

Fluttershy. Holding the infinite-sided die in her hoof.

She threw it - and it hit Vriska square between the eyes. She fumbled. "Wha-" then she saw the die. "Oh. So that's where that was..."

It lit up... And summoned both Starlight and Aradia there. This normally would not have done anything - but Starlight was in the middle of casting an impressive time spell.

All of them - including Infinity and part of the dark tentacle - appeared on Troisha a thousand years in the past, on a beachfront with a single house. An old stallion was sitting on the house's porch. He slowly backed into his house, removing himself from the rather obvious confrontation.

Vriska blinked. "Uh..."

Fluttershy moved forward. "Are you... Free from Siron?"

"...No..." She shook her head. "Okay look, the past Siron is trying to figure out where this new servant came from, so really quick, before he realizes what I am and what I can do, uh..." She grabbed her sword and stabbed herself in the chest, collapsing on the ground. "This is a temporary measure! Run! FUCKING RUN!"

Aradia quickly froze Vriska in time. "That should keep her for a while..."

Starlight undid the time spell. "No. She's going to do what needs to be done."

Aradia redid the time freeze. "Do what? Kill all of them?"

"Kill you! She'll obviously get lucky enough to hit the real you!"

"You really don't understand how this works do you?"

"Who needs to? You've slain countless millions!"

"Your time was never supposed to exist in the first place!"

"Who made you the judge of that!?"

"It's literally my job description!"

Twilence finally managed to stand up. "Everyone! Stop! Please, we can't argue like this! Siron is going to take advantage of us all if we don't keep Vriska frozen!" Did suicide count as a just or heroic death? Maybe in this case... But with Vriska's current level of luck it would probably tip in favor of not, and Vriska had known it. She needed them all to run. "He'll kill us all and use whatever information she has to make the future even worse! And there's no way anyone can want that!"

Starlight frowned but did stop unfreezing Vriska. "Fine." She glanced at Fluttershy, Twilence, Orchid, Infinity, and Aradia. "...I'm outgunned right now..." She gritted her teeth. Then she vanished into time.

Aradia let out a sigh of relief. "I was worried there for a second..." She turned to the frozen, dead form of Vriska with a bizarrely cheerful smile.

Fluttershy had tears in her eyes. "...Is she..."

"Conditional immortality," Aradia reminded her. "While this situation was dubious, her luck will ensure she revives. Which means we need to get out of here. Or I can just send her back to the future-"

Orchid sighed, exasperated at something that was about to happen. Twilence tensed. "Aradia do it fast-"

Then the mass of shadowy tentacle moved, engulfing Vriska and vanishing in a puff of black magic.

Aradia turned to Orchid. "Why didn't you say anythi-"

"Because I didn't in my vision. Obviously."

Pinkie facehooved. "This is... Greeeeeeat..."

Aradia pulled out a pocketwatch. "Our past versions are still sailing across the sea and will vanish in a few seconds. Excuse me while I procure us another yacht..." She vanished and reappeared a second later. "There, got one. Let's take this from the top!"

And then they were on a time-accelerated yacht again, heading for the Capital once more.

Except this time there was definitely a difference.

There was, somewhere in the world, a Vriska tied to Siron.

Twilence gulped. She - and everyone else - knew that was very, very bad.



Vriska frowned. "Mite, I'm getting one of those feelings again. They've been happening a lot lately."


"Bah, whatever." She examined her surroundings - she was inside the palace, she knew that. A few minutes ago she had seen it from the outside, a tall structure sitting on top many other skyscrapers as if they were stilts. The palace was very orange and had an innumerable number of onion domes, some of which she swore smelled like actual onions. Currently, she was inside a small cell with no windows and only one door. They had confiscated her sword and most other belongings, but they had missed her dice. Rarely did anyone even know what a strife specibus was, even less of the time how to disarm it.

She took one look at the door. "So, we need to grab this Overseer's attention, eh? Well, I'm sure I can do that. Mite, place bets on how many rolls it'll take for him to show up."


Vriska smirked. "A-"

Before she even threw the first roll the door opened. "Anything within the palace has my attention."

The Overseer was... an eye. An eye composed almost entirely of fire with a single, dark pupil in the center, a shape almost identical to Twilence's and Orchid's eyes. Translucent robes draped from the flaming eye itself, giving it the appearance of being a head on a body, even though the two parts of the Observer were separate. Vriska wondered if the 'robes' were even real.

She stared into the deep, red, fiery eye for some time, mesmerized.


She snapped out of it. "Right. Overseer, let me cut to the chase. I am Vriska Serket, and I am from another world. I am here to warn you and the council about a certain prophecy, a Dark Lord, and a weird set of eyes..."

The Overseer nodded. "Have the Eyes of Time and Rhyme been activated?"

"...I suppose that's one way to refer to them. Heck, it even rhymes! Cool."

"This would explain much about Heildor's actions... Come, the Council will see you. I do wish to know how you obtained such a tiny companion..."

"Otherworld stuff. Or 'Rhyme' stuff, I guess. Hey, what are you the Eye of, by the way?"


"...You really put a lot of thought into the naming, didn't you?"

Vriska noticed the Overseer's fire flare up and down rapidly - was that laughter? "Indeed I did. But that is something for another time. Come..."