• Published 7th Apr 2017
  • 2,990 Views, 974 Comments

The Influence - GMSeskii

Twilight Sparkle awakens in a mysterious room with a mysterious artifact - in a story where your comments influence the outcome.

  • ...


Author's Note:

[PART 2]

[IMPORTING…][...fuck. Ponygood speaking. This is extremely worrying. I really want to break out in swears right now, but that won't be useful at all, so I'll try to stay calm. For both our sakes. ...okay. How do you combat something which sees the future? Well, the first option is to put her in a situation where no matter what she does, she will lose something. Like in chess, making a queen threaten two pieces, and the opponent only being able to save one. The second option is to overwhelm her so that she cannot predict everything. The third option is to set up a trap for her far enough into the future that she can't predict it. However, we don't know just how far her power extends, so I can't reliably give advice for that. The fourth option is to meet her and convince her to speak with you, then explain your side of the story and hope she listens. She was definitely surprised by your being there, but I can't determine the reason. The second and third options can go well together. And there might be someone, somewhere that is resistant to that power. Pinkie, perhaps? Also, Twilight, see if you can study Orchid's magical eye when you get a chance, or go off of your memories, and try to replicate it. Having the ability to see through time would be very helpful. So you gained one party member, yet lost two. Ruby seems to have joined Orchid willingly, but I hope Infinity can at least make their journey inconvenent. Also, if you can manage to get to an altar before Orchid, see if you can do the same thing she did, "collecting" one of the spirits. It would at least prevent her from collecting him/her herself, and I don't want to know what would happen if she got all of them. See if Four can salvage anything from the city, to make a craft of some kind. Speed is essential, and he should focus on that more than anything else.I'm going to see if I can link the prophecy to Orchid somehow. The first verse stays the same. The second verse explains her future-sight ability, but it doesn't explain "what cannot be known." The opposite applies to you. The third verse explains her aquisition of the spirits, and could mean that she uses them to purify herself. The fourth verse is still largely unknown. The fifth stays the same. Crazy thought: maybe both of you together are the Oracle? I tried to look up information about Vriska, but her wiki page is a ranting, incoherent mess filled with terminology I don't want to have to learn. All we know is that she fights with dice, likes 8, can steal luck from people, and can manipulate minds. To Vriska: Hi and welcome to the Influence. You're pretty much stuck here for the time being, but there are some mystical "Time Tunnels" that could help get you home somehow, if we knew their exact capabilities. Or maybe you could call your fellow Homestuck trolls and tell them you were torn from your world, if you want. OH! Almost forgot. GM made a new story about something from the Everfree haunting Ponyville, before the Rainboom ever happened. That's all for now… …Akumakami here: ....God damn. I'll make a deeper commentary on....everything that just happened. But.....in regards to the prophecy, this could mean a few things. One, its a Schrodinger situation in that you and Orchid both are and are not the Oracle- AKA, you're both canidates and either can fulfill it. Option two, one of you is the Dark Lord....it'd be funny if its you in a rather morbid way, but....well, that could mean "banishing you" would send you back to your own time and everything. And onto doors three and four? Either you are both the oracle or one of you is a fake, unintential or otherwise. Again, I'll be back for more. PS Not really the time, but to get this out of the way? You picked a Noble as an advisor- not great publicity with the common folks, but he has a way of finding money. And the complication.....Okay, Twilight, you have three options. The king that gave you the hold just wanted you to build it up and all. So, you have three options: Either the king himself is trying to take back the hold from you,(6 gold) the neighboring nations are with his permission,(10 gold) or both.(16 gold) Either way, the deck is stacked against you. You start out with Ten gold, btw, to spend on your followers, the complications give you more. Now for your more personal perks: pick six numbers between one and eighteen… …josh here - wow so much just happed... i don't even know what advice i could give so instead i'll just make a few things clear, in the universes of homestuck there is a game, (okay it's not game more like the universes of homestuck way of preserving itself in the form of a game) the players are assigned an alignment and a class; for example Vriska is the Thief of light which is why she can steal luck for others, and Aradia (yes they are from the same universe) is the Maid of Time, also on the topic Aradia she has a red cloak and ram horns, sound familiar?… …Ponygood again. I've taken a short walk, and that helped me to come up with a few more ideas. One: Orchid and her party now has the Infinite-sided die. I don't think either her or Ruby can use it, however, since Vriska stole the luck from them. Infinity could still use it, though. Two: I've read through this chapter again, and just realized you are somehow resistant to Orchid's prediction powers, so you might not need any Pinkie right away after all. Perhaps it is because she cannot predict us, and therfore the you that we have molded through our influence. Three: It is possible that you and Orchid both are heading for Alderaan's altar. If that is the case, and assuming Four can create a vehicle faster than Orchid's, you will likely come across them. Perhaps Four should create the vehicle to be driven by you, to nullify Orchid's ability to predict it, allowing you to have a chance of passing her. Also, you should totally have a bomb of sorts to drop on their vehicle to hinder them qquite a bit and allow you to retrieve Infinity and Vriska's die. Four: It might be a good idea to go to Motherboard and tell it that this pink unicorn named Orchid can see the future and is stealing the spirits from the altars. Not sure what that'd do, though. Five: How big IS Four compared to you, anyway? I keep thinking of him towering over you, but I'm not sure that's accurate. That's all for now. PS: If you haven't realized it yet, GMBlackjack prefers to be known as GM as opposed to Blackjack… …FOUR! Twilight, Four is suffering, you, y-you have to do something! You have to re-establish a connection to his motherboard! he, he...h-he...machines are like people, Twilight, and it might be too late for him. When computers are severed from their motherboard, they lose everything that makes them what they are. He's able to be recovered maybe, bu-but he might...I, ah, I'm sorry, Twilight, that things ended up this way. That, that they fe-fell apart so badly. They...Um, my, my son is...his name is Cartridge. He's a teenager now, and I'm lucky that he and I are friends. Lots of teenagers rebel against their parents. I don't know what I'd do if he fought me, I...well I'm happy he's grown up to be such a caring person. ...Twilight, I'm...I'm sorry I couldn't have voted for someone else. I was just scared. I...I don't handle sudden decisions very well. But if, ah, if, if I had more time, I would have told you to choose Evermore Pinkie. She's been through a lot...but, she's smart, and she's...no-not to be mean to Vri...to Vriska, but, I mean, Pinkie is your friend. Sh-she...she would want to help. A-and even though Vriska asked you about the adventure, you two...I mean, you haven't really talked about each other yet. You don't, don't know anything about each other yet. You two should when you figure out how you're getting to the next altar to, to stop Orchid. And please, can Fluttershy sing to Four? It'll...it'll help soothe him... Please Twilight, get help from some ponies, build an army, and...s-stop Orchid. I don't, I mean, I don't know what she needs the spir-spirits for, but I don't like the idea of her having all of them means. You...you and Fluttershy and Vriska need to...to all become comfortable with each other if you'll, if you're going to be working together. Is...I mean, can you use the altar again? To-to call for more friends? Are you able to do that?… …She can only use each altar once… …O-okay, I'm sorry… …You don't have to apologize for lack of knowledge. In fact, you don't have to apologize for anything... but you can if you want… …Josh here - Creek, none of us could of saw that coming, it didn't matter who you voted for since it came down to Mite and Vriska anyway, but if i'm right you got the person you voted for anyway some how… …Ponygood again. There was a section of this story in which GM was speaking to us directly, and I'm not sure if you heard it. So, I'm going to copy everything he said into here. [Yes, she read this. No, it’s not being inserted here again.] I think Infinity is the self-insert character. Also, GM, you didn't do your little "GM, master of blah" thing unique to all your comments. You probaly have a reason for it, since you're the master of making huge Homestucky storylines where everything just happens to work out.  Also, Twilight, try to see if you can connect to the moon, or move it. Something, anything that would alert Luna to you and allow you to communicate. For all we know, she'll turn Nightmare the very next day, which means time is of the essence… …AK: Okay, back for a bit more.RoC: I'm not sure what's more annoying: Influlight's lack of reaction to me or the obvious back stab by the dragon Templar.AK: In fairness, she's had plenty of fair warning up to now, and this is post alicorn Twilight, so less and lesschance to her being a Celestia-zealot version of herself.RoC: Which is half of actually why I'm not friends with your counterparts just yet. They're still working ut that I'm not as bad as Celestia made me out to be.AK: Yeah, turns out that Reign only has issues with Celestia and Luna.RoC: They broke a bargain with me. It was a generous one too!AK: Sadly, he's not lying. He basically leant them a large amount of power in exchange for aiding in finding and releasing an associate of his.RoC: Which is the biggest difference between your world and mine: We have more gods. The age before Equestria involved many Pantheons puppeting various lands and nations in a mix of proxy and direct wars. Though, a lot of them disbanded, went underground, or otherwise took a break after I got turned to stone.AK: Seeing the top dog go down does make one pause and think.RoC: Quite right. Now, Twilight, as the God-King of Chaos, I'd recommend figuring out who this Dark Lord. Chances are, they will use your presence to paint YOU as the dark lord. Assuming you're technically not. As for you, Fluttershy, don't worry, my Fluttershy....Reignshy? Flutterreign? Flutterreign seems a bit relieved I'm more forgiving than expected. She'll probably warm up to me over the community service- yes, I have the Reign Mane Six doing a month's worth of community service off.AK: Don't ask, he's playing the Manipulative Bastard angle up. Now, I do have one other person for you to meet today.Roc: Gag. I'm jumping ship now.AK: Of course you are. Now, here you are, Milady.Pamphile: Charmed, Author. Hello, Princess Twilight , Alicorn of Friendship. I'm Twilight Sparkle, Lady of the Realm and Alicorn of Harmony.AK: It is so weird yet impressive how well you can pull off a Celestia Smile.Pamphile: Thank you, Akuma. I'd introduce you to Harmony here-Akuma: Sh'es tapping the regalia thing on her neck, which has al lthe elemnts on it.Pamphile: -but they can only speak through glowing different elements to convey different things. So, they're a bit let down by this text interface. I'm sure you're wondering how I managed to become an alicorn all on my own and right at the start. In truth, I don't know. Despite them wanting to help, I managed to get into the Everfree without anypony following. And when I faced Nightmare Moon....it was like finding my cutie mark all over again. I felt...a natural, wonderful connection, both to the principle of harmony and to everyone. Hence Pamphile, friend to all.AK: My best explaination is that she's the you that has an even stronger natural inclination to friendship and harmony. Combine that with the Elements of Harmony and her ephinany on the friendship of Harmony....I think you get the picture.Pamphile: I believe she does, yes. In truth, I'm a lot like you still, but with a few difference. Some I can't help being a bit jealous of. While I am friends with Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack I'm not as close to them as you are. Though, I did avoid losing contact with my canterlot friends. Moon Dancer was very understanding of the whole "Had to save the world and become an alicorn" thing. At least in it being why I had to miss her party.AK: Also, after her paents got done cheering for her, her father is now convinced that she and Shining are trying to one-up each other, while her mother demanded all the details for book inspiration.Pamphile: That's another difference. Though, I believe you did this as well, but nopony brings it up: Everyone can't help commenting on how I'm like out of fairy tale, especially when I "played chicken" with Nightmare Moon. AK: You are both very badass for that- also stupid or brave. Pamphile: Anyway, enough about me. You seem to be in a predicament, but I can't help noticing something. This Orchid didn't throw the first attack, beyond taking out the wall. And she as surprised to see you. Call me optimistic, but you might actually just be having a misunderstand with this Orchid. If she is or believes she is the Oracle, she believes she is doing the right thing. And she's obviously not trying to kill you. Perhaps, jst perhaps, she can be reasoned with. Or, at the very the least, prompted to tell you her side of these events in exchange for yours. AK: Its also possible that Orchid is misinformed, believing that the Ancients are evil due to their stuff attacking cities and everything. Anyway, I believe we've taken up enough time. Anything else, Pamphile? Pamphile: No, but she should help Four if possible. Or put him into...what did you call it? AK: Recovery Mode. Pamphile: Yes, that. Well, if you have aany questions for me or Reign, feel free to ask. Though, I'm sure you'll be hearing from Rewrite soon. PS (whisper) Pamphile is wise, but she's also naïve....or innocent, at least. She doesn't get Innuendos at all. PAmphile: What was that, Author?AK Nothing, nothing… …*twilight suddenly felt as if the infinite sided die was rolled again and spawned a small, immortal, annoying blue fairy that could only say "Hey Listen!”*… …we've been over this, why are you still trying to make things happen like this?… …LeftMoss here, do you think that you can burn an area when Orchid is around? Most likely instance of you doing that is to box her in through flames. There is not much you can do against someone who can see into the future... maybe use words against Orchid instead of anything physical, and make those words HURT. Or... go to one of the altars and get Ursarkar E. Creed. That guy is such a tactical genius, he beat the god of change in chess (some universes at least, because others they never did face each other in chess). Shulk might be of help too, due to him having something called the Monado and the ability monado purge, which dulls the targets senses, helps against enemies that can read your mind; That's also why I said might, due to the fact that it is the mind read ability, not seeing into the future, which Shulk is able to do too. By the way, I am a pyromaniac so yeah... not much you can do about that… …I would just like to make one thing clear to everyone who might not have realized this yet: Orchid could not predict Twilight's actions. That is why she was surprised and interested in Twilight… …Josh here - yeah i think all got that ponygood, mentioning it once was enough… …This is Zen. I do have one thing to add to the myriad suggestions: you need to plan out where you're going after the next altar. If you can get to Alderan's altar before Orchid and Ruby, you should be able to ask about the locations of the other altars. You may be able to get ahead of them. Additionally, to my fellow members of the Influence, we should try to speculate on potential allies who might be immune to Orchid's power. The only candidate I can think of is the protagonist of Background Pony, Lyra Heartstrings, but she is bound geographically… …Motherboard told Twilight where all the altars were. Once of them was in the frozen south, one in the city, and one in the southern archipelago. I stand by my choice of Mite, if only as a stepping stone for the Destroyer of Worlds. Don't worry: despite the name, this Destroyer only exists in its universe as a stepping stone to fight more powerful creatures. But if you want someone resistant to prediction, I'd suggest any Pinkie Pie, especially Evermore Pinkie. You might not need a prediction resistant person, though, just someone that can put Orchid in checkmate, if you know what I mean… …This is Zen. Ah, I had forgotten. Then it is necessary to plan out the most time-efficient route between the altars—once a mode of transport can be arranged, at least. Speed is paramount. While I will concede that it isn't entirely required that new allies be resistant for them to be effective against Orchid, I do think that it would be useful… …it's not going to happen to twilight this time.  plus it would be a nice distraction for twilight and the gang to manage to get past orchid without stopping to fight her again… …we influence Twilight and Twilight alone you're just going to make her paranoid about that… …Do you DENY the beauty that is annoying useless flying minions? You ought to be ASHAMED of yourself, you heretic-face!… …what the fuck are you talking about… …Your undoubtedly heretical face, obviously.Begon, lest we call upon the wrath of our lord and saviour Butt the Cloud, god of being annoying and useless! All hail Butt the Cloud!… …nickel again, i could be wrong but unlike what creek said i don't think four's problem is related to the lost connection but rather physical damage since most machines can work in offline mode with minimal loss of capability. well it looks like we or maybe you managed to break the interface and it actually gave us a direct response from blackjack, i suggest not trying anything like that again, the hole is a bad enough relay already and if you manage to break what little connection i have then it might not come back. anyway i really cant be of much use this time, but i can answer the thing about alignments. i gave the wrong term but it makes little difference, their system breaks out into class and aspect, classes are things like seer, heir, mage or rouge and many others that define how the aspect manifests and the twelve known aspects are time, space, void, light, mind, heart, rage, hope, doom, life, blood and breath. the aspects define the "element" so to speak, that their class draws from. there will always be players with the aspects of time and space within a group in the homestuck universe and the rest are mostly optional and can be interchanged to fit the group, there was one exception but it only occurred due to there already being an older group still around. oh and it should be mentioned that the full capabilities of many of these are unknown since their bearers played either a role that didn't use it or died before they had a chance. if you want to learn anything specific about that universe then you can ask vriska, but as you have already seen she may be... difficult to say the least. i don't know if the infinity sided die is native to homestuck, but the only such artifact coming to mind is problematic... if its the same one i'm thinking of and likely even if its a different one then you need to get that back and lock it away, it has capacity and behavior about even with pre-reform discord on a vengeance spree while dealing with the aftereffects of whatever it would take to get him drunk… …LeftMoss back, and hoping that it is not too late to say something... Monado purge does not dull senses, it just stops the target from moving… …This is odd. Anyways, Owleero here. Wow, Ruby, you are an ass. Also, does anyone else see the parallels between the Spirits and the Elements of Harmony? Or is it just me?… …This is odd. Anyways, Owleero here. Wow, Ruby, you are an ass. Also, does anyone else see the parallels between the Spirits and the Elements of Harmony? Or is it just me?… …Owleero! Welcome to this crazy mess. There are similarities, I give them that, but they definitely won't be entirely similar. Keeping in mind the prophecy, I hypothesize that either Twilight and/or Orchid will find some building, ritual, etc. that absorbs their party members/spirits into them, to maybe achieve the power overwhelming. And we still don't know which one's the real oracle! I dunno, it's a mysterious prophecy, which is garunteed to be mysterious. What a mystery!… …Hello my name is DeadLyokoBrony but call me DLB, luck maybe on your side, and the battle will be quite the challenge…]

Twilight took in a sharp breath - she felt like she had been holding her breath for a while. A lot longer than usual...

"Oh, there you are. I was worried for a while there," Fluttershy said. "You were in the trance for almost two minutes."

Twilight gasped for air. "Wow... That... Wow... Paff..." She slowly calmed herself down, getting air into her lungs. "Okay... I'm fine..." She shook her head. "...Did anything happen in those two minutes?"

"Four and Vriska bonded." Fluttershy pointed at Four running around to various ship wreckages, Vriska on top of his head pointing at certain pieces and laughing. Four was still damaged, though Twilight could see one of his holes was patched up.

"Good. We need this team to work together... Okay, Four? Vriska?"

"Yeeeeeeees boss pony?" Vriska trilled playfully.


Twilight nodded. "First, Four, fix yourself if you can with what you have. Then you need to make us a ship from the wreckage if you can - preferably one that is as fast as possible. We need to get to Alderan's alter before Orchid."


"Are you sure it isn't painful to be disconnected from your motherboard? Creek said it was."


"Can they be repaired?"


"Oh. Sorry Four."


Vriska smirked. "Ah, ol' Four, I've known you for all of eight minutes and already I like you! Now let's build ourselves a speedster ship to catch that bitch!"


Twilight nodded. "Well... That's that. Fluttershy? You need anything before I confer with the Influence?"

"I don't think so... ...you think Infinity's okay?"

Twilight nodded. "I'm sure she is."


Twilight took a breath and looked into her mind. "Okay, first off- Owleero and Lyoko, welcome! I look forward to getting to know you and hope that we haven't scared you off already! What can you tell me about yourselves? Ponygood, I didn't get a good enough look at the eye spell to replicate, and something tells me I couldn't without a LOT of practice anyway. And I suppose it is possible we're both the Oracle - maybe Pamphile was right, maybe it is just a misunderstanding and we are meant to work together."

"I doubt that!" Vriska shouted.

"Or not..." Twilight said, raising an eyebrow at the troll. "You seem to be taking this in stride."

"I have been apart of such a huge mess of complicated adventure in my life that this pales in comparison. Get off your high horse, this isn't THAT unusual." She chuckled. "Talking to those beyond isn't even unique. I met my 'creator' once. He was the orange-skinned fucktard I mentioned. Screw him."

Twilight nodded. "I can see... I can see why you think that. I recently was forwarded a message made by my creator - GM he calls himself. He uses you as his avatar."

"I'm flattered," Vriska deadpanned.

"GM's message was... A bit distant. He didn't seem very caring. He kinda sounded like one of those manipulative mastermind villains you read about in books. Distant, crazy, and eternally amused. It... Wasn't pleasant. He also suggested that the Influence Influences - gah - me more than we realize. Which is... Concerning."

"Oh, that's not good..." Fluttershy said. "Is it?"

"I... I don't know." Twilight sighed. "Anyway... Thanks for the list of classes Nickel. Those of you who are suggesting new people to get through altars, I think I've decided we're going to get Mite and Evermore Pinkie eventually, and I think Josh is right, seems like we are destined to get Aradia somehow. That leaves one hole that you guys will have to discuss to fill with something, somehow."

"Wait, Aradia?" Vriska said. "...I haven't seen her in eons..."

"Yeah. You... Do like her right?"

"Are you kidding? We were awesome god tiers together there at the end before everything went to shit! ...Man that was a long time ago..."

"Oh, Vriska, got a message for you from Ponygood. He says hi, sorry that you're stuck here, but you may be able to get home through the Time Tunnels, or call your fellow trolls and tell them what's up."

Vriska laughed. "Ah, he's behind the times. I've been trying to get home for longer than you can comprehend, little pony. The multiverse seems to be keeping me away, despite my awesome luck. I can't contact any of my troll or human buddies, and I seriously doubt these Time Tunnels can do what so many other things have failed to accomplish."

"Oh... I'm sorry."

"Eh, I'm used to being fucked over by now." Vriska shrugged. "Maybe it's penance or something. Bluh. Four, how's it coming?"

"WELL-L," Four stated.

Twilight looked up at Four. "By the way, Ponygood? He's like... Three stories tall. Huge. Don't know why you can't see that - wait, nevermind, you read this as words. Right. Yeah, we'll talk to Motherboard as we pass overhead, shouldn't be too hard. And... I..." She blinked. "I guess I was immune to Orchid's scrying spell there. Huh. That's helpful."

"Wasn't very helpful in-fight, was it?" Vriska commented.

"...You know I can't decide what to think about you."

"Don't be in a rush to make up your mind, I sense I'm in here for the long haul. Bring on the fucking legions of evil."

"Ah. Okay, so, Akumakami? I choose... Both, one, two, three, four, five, and s-"

"Eight. She chooses eight."

"...Fine, I choose eight, doesn't really matter, this is all kinda pointless anyway. Creek, I'm glad to hear that about Cartridge. You two take care, you hear? And you, King Discord and Pamphile... You two. Still not sure what to make of you. Hey, Fluttershy, King Discord is making moves to get his Fluttershy to trust him, AND he calls me... Influlight."

Fluttershy smiled. "That's nice. Him talking to other me, that is. Do you like the name Twilight?"

"It'll do. Not sure it fits me though..." She frowned. "I do think I should get myself a name other than Twilight or Twilight Glimmer, I am not the 'mane' Twilight, after all. I've deviated. Wonder what I should call myself..."

"Sporacle," Vriska suggested.

"Ha-ha." Twilight rolled her eyes. "Anyway... Yes I'll look for information on the Dark Lord but I don't think we can find it here..."


"Yeah. Thought so. Also, Pamphile? Akumakami's using innuendos around you. Just thought I'd warn you. Yes, it annoys me too."

She took a breath. "So! Okay. PLAN. We're going to Alderan's altar, but Orchid might get there first. She left a while ago. So, after we head there, we'll probably need to leave right away for another altar - one she hopefully ISN'T going to, so we can stop her from taking the spirit that dwells in it. She has three - Proteus, Castorson, and Ine. One of those was from the forest altar I found early on, and Ine was from here. I don't know where the other came from, we'll probably have to ask the Motherboard."


"Okay, so she's going to Alderan, then if she follows the pattern of 'closest alter' she'd go for the frozen south, then the capital of Peran. We should probably head to the capital after Alderan."

Vriska nodded. "Sounds like a plan. An annoyingly good one at that."

"COMPLET-TED!" Four announced, standing back from his work. There was a ship before him - long, pointed, and fast looking. It was obviously slapped together quickly, and it looked like there was barely going to be room for them all to fit - Four was huge after all - but at least it looked functional.

Vriska marked the side in something blue. 'Spider8ite.' "I thus christen you the Spiderbite!"

Twilight looked ready to object, but then shook her head. "Fine. Spiderbite it is. Can we get in Four?"


"Good. Let's go then."

Four got in first, towards the back of the cockpit. Vriska, Fluttershy, and Twilight squished themselves into the front. There was only one couch-like seat here that probably didn't even belong on a ship in the first place, but it was what they had.

The three of them exchanged glances. Then they put hands and hooves on the throttle.

"This makes it go?" Fluttershy asked.

"YES," Four said.

"Then let's do this..."

They pulled the lever - and blasted off in an instant sonic boom.

This was definitely faster than the previous ship they had.


"Okay, this is fast," Fluttershy said, teeth chattering. "How long until we reach the mountains?"

"ONE HOUR AND TWELVE MINUTES," Four said, his voice synthesizer fixed.

"Okay..." Fluttershy stopped talking - it was painful to talk with the shaking the Spiterbite was undergoing.


The connection was successful, seeing as a message appeared on the screen in front of them.

>> I have bad news. <<

"What's that?" Twilight asked through the shaking.

>> I am afraid Orchid returned to us literally two minutes ago. It looks like she is going to make it to the control room despite our best efforts. <<


Vriska growled. "That bitch..."

>> I expect she will order us to shoot you down, or to become her personal army, or something else equally petty. <<


>> No. Four, remain disconnected from me. Continue on, there's nothing you can do. Just try not to get shut down. If you have any questions, ask them quickly. <<

Twilight gulped. "I'm... I'm sorry, we tried to help."

>> And that is why I'm talking to you now instead of just letting her shoot you out of the sky. Ask, quickly. <<

"The Dark Lord? Do you have any idea who he could be or what he represents?"

>> None at all. I believe he will come out of the Archipelago, but that is simply an educated guess. <<

"Can you name the spirits at each altar and tell us what they're like?"

>> Ine and Alderan you know. Gamnemnon lives in the frozen south and hates company. Castorson lives in the Archipelago, in the protection of some Star-worshipping cult. Proteus is in the forest and loves all living creatures. And Vester lives in the Palace and˜√∑¨ø¥ƒß˜ø∂ßµ√´<<

"What?" Twilight blurted.

"The Mind's been Compromised," Vriska said. "Four, avoid all missile fire-"

A missile hit them right in their engine. Twilight was rammed into the ceiling and blacked out.


She was dreaming again.

...Ine was nowhere to be found.

Twilight gulped. "Hello? Anybody? Anybody at all?"

There was no response at all. Just blackness. Eternal, infinite blackness.

She felt like she was being watched. And it wasn't just the Eye on her chest. She gulped.

She saw something in the inky blackness. A brilliant eye - but not one of the same design as hers, like Orchid's had been. This one was round, and had stars in it, stars imposed upon a spiral.

And it was red.

She screamed.


She woke up screaming in fear - then screaming in pain. She knew instantly that her front left leg and left wing were broken. She wailed, tears squeezing out her tightly shut eyelids.

"Twilight! Sit still!" Fluttershy yelled. "You'll make it worse!"

Twilight forced herself to stop squirming - but the pain was still too much. Every breath shot a horrible pain through her entire body. She shook involuntarily.

Vriska walked up to her - a look of genuine concern on her face. Her own right arm was broken, stuck in a cast. "Guess that was a rough landing, huh?"

Twilight let out a pained laugh. "No... Kidding... ...Four?"

"HERE," Four said, standing tall. He looked mostly undamaged. Behind him Twilight could see the wreckage of the Spiderbite - it had been cannibalized. Fluttershy looked unhurt, praise the Stars.

They were in the desert, sand all around them. She saw one of the islands that had once floated crashed in the distance, but no Fosis. But she did see something else...


"We're... We're close," she managed.


"Turns out, traveling at the speed of sound makes you crash really, really far away from where you were hit," Vriska observed. "We're ahead of her right now."

"Not for long..." Twilight said. "We're injured... And heading into foreign territory..."

Vriska smirked. "Bring it on."

And then the Eye activated, and Twilight's pain was taken away momentarially...