• Published 1st Feb 2018
  • 2,288 Views, 353 Comments

Equestria Girls: Transformation - The Bricklayer

A strange encounter in the night for Indigo Zap leads to her whole life being... Transformed.

  • ...

Part 18: Into the Den of Serpents

Author's Note:

Okay, so another good-sized length of a chapter. But a lot to cover, really from getting into the minds of Fowler, Steeljaw, and Howlback to covering the combiner bonds along with various other pieces of Worldbuilding. (Also, I give full credit to Minikootzy and her story Fire of Youth and it's three-part chapter focused on the Aztec gods for Steeljaw's scenes here.)

The Autobase

Howlback crept silently into the base, sticking to the shadows to go unnoticed. Now, her job was a simple one. Get in, get out and report back to Onslaught with any information she might have had. Mind you, she wasn’t going to say a word to Onslaught on where the Autobase was, as she wanted him captured. Trouble was, figuring out how to come up with a believable excuse that she’d conveniently ‘forgotten’ the location and not get slagged in the process.

“Yeah, great plan girl,” Howlback thought to herself as she slinked behind a computer console, and nearly let out a sound of fear as Perceptor walked over and began using it, bringing up the status of Road Rage and the progression of the virus in her system. She let out a sigh of relief and quickly regained her composure as Perceptor then turned to walk off and talk to Prowl about something. “Smart plan, real smart plan. By Lio’s spark, what was I thinking signing onto this job? I should have taken retirement early, really…”

Howlback fancied herself fairly proud that she was the first member of the Predacon race to be employed by the Cybertronian Government. She’d had to fight for her position really no thanks to some of the bigoted upper-class, but the Cybercat was a strong one and would not be swayed into giving up so easily. She’d clawed -sometimes literally- her way up the ranks, and now here she was, one of the Government’s best agents.

“By Sentinel Prime, how they laughed when they said a Predacon was going to be working for the Government. Too wild, and too uncontrollable, just something to be let loose when you needed someone killed.” Howlback thought to herself. “Granted, yes, I have had to preform some rather… messy assassinations in the past, but they were all to renegade Cybertronians who would not keep the peace, and insist on bringing back the old Decepticon ways. Hell, I put down a member of the DJD, Vos I think it was, for crying out loud!”

Howlback was well aware of the irony in swearing by Sentinel Prime’s spark. Back before the war and when first started up, Sentinel Prime was a known bigot. He, in the end was known to have gone down as a hero facing down the mighty Deathsaurus in his Apex Armor allowing for the rise of Optimus Prime but the truth was far uglier. Before that, he hated anyone who was not a ‘natural’ Cybertronian or anyone who brought disorder to the planet. That meant Predacons and Decepticons alike found themselves exterminated by the Cybertronian Security Forces.

In fact, Sentinel was only succeeded by his predecessor Nominus Prime in terms of pure madness and bringing disgrace to the title of Prime. Nominus, he had this caste system type crap going on for him. In Nominus’s deluded mind, whatever alt-mode you were born with, it led you to being assigned a job based on that alt mode. Say for example, you got a drill for an alt mode. Meant you worked in the Energon Mines. This was something that originally led to the rise of Megatron’s ideals, and although successful in the end it led to a bloody war that even in the end, Megatron himself admitted was unneeded.

He’d famously said: Because in the final analysis, I would happily wade across a river of corpses, chest-deep in rust and grease and engine oil, just to crush the spark of the last Autobot standing. And I would not do so simply as a means to an end. No. I'd do it, Prime, because it would give me pleasure. And the thing is, when those words were in my head I didn't think I meant them; but when they left my mouth, I realized that I did. If the world thinks you're a monster, what does it matter? The world is wrong. But when you start to think of yourself as a monster…”

And that’s when he’d formed the famous peace treaty with Optimus to end the war seeing what Cybertron had become, a mere shadow of its former glory.

Howlback’s ears perked up at about that moment, hearing a snippet of conversation between Hound and Prowl.

“So, everything set?” Prowl asked, arms crossed.

“Yeah, worked out a few bugs in the Knock Out hologram’s interface, shouldn’t fritz out on us now like it has the last few times. All in all, Flamewar should be completely fooled. Barring any unforeseen complications…”

“...Like the ones we seem to run into all the time?” Prowl questioned, an eyebrow raised.

“Yes those, but barring those we should do fine. Hey, speaking of Knock Out,” Hound remarked. “You know, he did a good job the other day, protecting those kids from that Predacon. Might think of increasing his leash a little further, no? Let him have just that bit more freedom, I’d say he’s earned it.”

“Interesting…” Howlback thought. She hadn’t been privy to this little development, Knock Out now being in the custody of the Autobots and the Autobots planning to trick Flamewar. Gears started turning in her head, and the basics of an idea began to form. This… This she could do something with. Just required the right amount of crazy and cunning, of which Howlback knew she had in spades.

“I’ll think on it. In the meantime, I’ve got to ready my audio receptors for the verbal blasting Fowler’s liable to give all of us for nearly getting Indigo killed by that ‘Con.”

Hound smiled in sympathy, and put a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ve had Spitfire head him off. She’ll handle things, talk sense into him. You just take it easy and worry about Flamewar. She’s the main issue right now.”

“Thanks Hound. Don’t know if I’ve ever said this to you, but you’re a valuable soldier, and friend.” Prowl replied, giving perhaps one of the first real smiles Hound had ever seen him give.

“It’s never been needed, I’ve always known old friend.” Hound said, before walking off.

One of the few things that was able to be saved from the Axalon aside from some computer consoles and the CR chambers -And even they were still mostly non-operational and a full-time job to get back online- were the holding cells. That’s where Knock Out found himself right now. He shouldn’t have expected any less, considering he was after all, a fugitive from the law. He honestly didn’t blame any of the Autobots for not trusting him. Slag, considering the evidence packed against him, if he were investigating the case from an outsider’s perspective he wouldn’t have believed himself innocent for a second.

He didn’t judge. He was well looked after, provided fresh energon every day every few hours or so, and let out to socialize given he was on good behavior. Even had access to the television, so he could catch up human horror flicks. It was a passion of his, even if he didn’t know quite why. Maybe it was just because of how astoundingly spark-rendingly stupid some of the humans in the films were, and he wasn’t talking about the bad acting. Seriously, if you were going to go interface, don’t go and do it off alone in the woods where any number of things could get you, serial killers aside!

He, upon hearing the sounds of paws padding against the metal flooring looked up from his TV screen, where some guy with a chainsaw was getting to work on his latest victim. Outside the energy bars of his cell, he saw this dark blue jaguar roaming the hallways, a Decepticon symbol adorning her sides.

“Oh, someone has interesting tastes,” the Jaguar remarked. “Didn’t know you were into Torture Porn. Kinky. Personally, I’m into BDSM myself, but to each his own…” she trailed off, throwing Knock Out off guard for a couple of moments and leaving him sputtering. Eventually, he regained his bearings long enough to speak his mind.

“I’m sorry, didn’t realize the Autobots had captured another one,” Knock Out remarked, and the Jaguar actually threw back her head and laughed.

“Oh, they didn’t capture me. Fact is, they don’t even know I’m here,” Howlback remarked, licking one of her paws like a real cat would. “Now, just wanted to check up on you, make sure the Autobots were treating you as well as I would hope they are. So, see you managed to wrangle yourself a deal,” she remarked, noting the tracking anklet. “Who’s your handler?”

“Road Rage, at least while I’m on base.”

Howlback actually threw back her head and laughed. “Oh, now that is hilarious, considering who her fiance was,” she remarked. “Got to give Prowl credit though. She can’t kill you, or she’d face trial herself. Mind you, I know and I suspect anyone with a brain would know deep down you’re innocent of the crimes of which you’ve been accused.”

“Alright then, if you know I’m innocent, how come you can’t just get me out of this damned predicament?” Knock Out growled.

“Ooh, feisty,” Howlback said. “I’d like to, honestly I’d love to help but I don’t have any real proof. More like circumstantial evidence, such as you only just standing over Red Alert, and no actual camera footage of you doing the deed. Now, you must understand my position, right?”

“You haven’t even told me what your position is!” Knock Out shouted.

“Alright, alright. Double agent for the Cybertronian Government, and Onslaught’s crew. Like to keep to the shadows, that’s why you never see me around the Darksyde. Supposed to report back to Onslaught soon on recent developme-”

“Hold up, if you’re here, does that mean you know where the Autobase is?” Knock Out interrupted, with more than a tinge of fear creeping into his tone.

“Well, sorta, but obviously, I’m not going to just feed Onslaught the right info, and bring him and the rest of his army right down on your and everyone else’s heads!” Howlback scoffed, giving Knock Out a look as if asking if she was that stupid or uncaring. “Could say I got knocked out, made everything a bit of a daze,” Howlback shrugged, and pressed her paw to the keypad and unlocked the cell. “I think you can see where this is going, right?”

“Wait, so you want me to punch you? A femme. And then leave you lying in the middle of the hallway for everyone to see? Sorta goes against both my beliefs, and your super-secret agent status, right?” Knock Out questioned. Once again, Howlback threw back her head and laughed. How nobody had heard her by this point, it was beyond him.

“Eh, relax,” Howlback said, waving a paw dismissively. “Have some systems installed, that as soon as I go into stasis lock, I’m teleported back to the Darksyde via my own personal groundbridge. Being a member of the Cybertronian Secret Police, gets you all the good perks. Now hit me with your best shot, big boy…” she smirked, with a trace of seductiveness in her tone.

Knock Out looked hesitant as he approached, eyeing the security cameras. Him being seen doing this, would not look good on him in the eyes of his carers. Needless to say, he didn’t want to wind up in any more trouble than he already was in. Not to mention, lose access to his beloved human horror films! Seriously, he couldn’t live without them!

“Oh, those little ole things?” Howlback asked, taking on a faux southern belle accent for a moment. “Relax, shut them off as soon as I entered the room. Like I said, you get all the good toys when you’re in my position. Really, you should consider signing up, pays well really. Then again, knowing you, you’d probably decline in fear of getting your precious finish scratched.”

Knock Out then noted the normally green lights were now red. He shrugged, and drew back his fist and then punched the Decepticon, sending her flying back into a wall and as she smacked into it, almost at once she teleported off to presumably the Decepticon ship. Knock Out blinked in shock, before settling himself back down into his berth before groaning as he saw the TV.

“Slag. Just missed the good part!” he muttered to himself shaking his head. “I could really grow to loathe that cat…”

“Hey Knock Out, you there?” a very familiar and very welcome voice indeed asked. Knock Out smiled, his sparkmate and fellow gestalt member Breakdown. Now, all members of Combiner Teams, they had this sorta telepathic bond really, it was hard to explain. It was a side-effect of being bonded so closely, with the only thing even more intimate being the bonds of either a Conjunx Endura or an Amica Endura. Allowed Transformers to share each other’s thoughts, and even see through their partner’s eyes, though only with explicit permission. That was why Breakdown was currently poking and prodding at Knock Out’s mind, asking for him to open the door if you will.

“Yeah, I’m here. So, just wanted to talk, maybe share a few naughty selfies?” Knock Out teased. Breakdown laughed nervously.

“If it were only that. I just wanted to see how you were doing, after I heard you got captured by the Autobots, I got… concerned. We haven’t spoken in days, and I thought they’d executed you already!’

“One,” Knock Out corrected. “I gave myself up freely, and two, you know as perfectly well as I do that if I’d gone offline, you’d feel it in your spark.”

“Sorry Knock,” Breakdown sighed. “You know how paranoid I get. Been trying to work through it, but…”

“Yeah, I understand,” Knock Out nodded in sympathy. “Hey, that Dead End being asked to be let into our little conversation?” he asked, hearing a crack of thunder in the background somewhere, and rain pounding on a windscreen making him curious. “Say, where are you guys anyways?”

“South America. Grimwing followed that Sky-Byte fellow, and so he got wind of where this human god, -Called Quetzalcoatl in the human tongue- likely to be a Predacon resides. Some old temple -Templo Mayor, I think it’s called- not even a few miles from here. Imagine, a Predacon smack-dab in the middle of Mexico City and nobody even notices!” Breakdown laughed. “And yeah, that’s Dead End. Been badgering me all weekend to try and see if you were still alive, or had gone to the great scrapyard in the sky as he put it. As you can imagine, didn’t help my paranoia any.”

“Yeah, I would think not,” Knock Out sighed. “Agh, let him in. Maybe it’ll shut him up about his doomsday prophecies for a few days knowing I haven’t been executed.”

For just a moment, Knock Out got a look through Breakdown’s eyes, seeing this massive structure in front of him, rain pounding down on the Lamborghini's windscreen as a jagged flash of lightning lit up the sky and thunder rolled. To the left side of him was Steeljaw in his massive LAPV vehicle mode, and to the right side was Dead End in his maroon and gold pinstriped Ferrari 458 Italia mode.

Trees in the nearby jungled swayed in the howling winds, and another flash of lightning lit up the temple completely, allowing Breakdown (And Knock Out) to see it in all it’s glory. A stepped pyramid style temple, (Typical of the mesoamerican age) rising high into the night sky, with four serpent heads at each corner.

“So, you’re still alive, awaiting to see the day when Unicron comes to call and eats us all alive.” Dead End drolled. Knock Out sighed, now he remembered why he really didn’t like talking to the ‘Con. “Nice to know. Want to see us get eaten alive in a horrible manner by some giant winged snake god?”

“I’ll pass, thank you,” Knock Out replied flatly. “Also, pretty sure Unicorn’s just a legend for parents to tell their Sparklings to behave or just some campfire story really. He doesn’t exist, and he never will exist. Simple as that.”

“And you have proof of that…?” Dead End asked.

“No, but I prefer to believe in what I see with my own two optics. So unless Unicron himself comes waltzing up to me ready to ferry off my damned soul, I will not believe in him.”

Another crack of thunder.

“Y-You hear that?” Dead End stuttered out. “That’s the sound of blasphemy! That was Unicorn himself getting angry at you not believing in his existence!”

“Oh please, give me a break…” Knock Out sighed, rolling his eyes. “Look, the humans believed in Gods as you are finding out right about now, and all they turned out be were normal Cybertronians like you or I. I’m simply saying, that if Unicron did ever exist, he was probably just like us, no devil-like figure or anything.”

Dead End sighed, knowing his fellow Stunticon would never be swayed on this matter and transformed to robot mode alongside Breakdown and Steeljaw. None of them considered themselves mythology buffs in the slightest, but Steeljaw was the smartest of them, remembering what Onslaught had told him and the other two about Quetzalcoatl in his myths.

Needless to say, he wasn’t keen on meeting him. He just wanted to find the damned beast, get in, and get out with it in tow and a new addition to the Decepticon ranks. Actually, that was a lie. He wanted to put the creature down, just to spare himself from chancing getting mauled someday soon in the future, and more importantly anyone else from falling victim to a Predacon’s jaws. Although, now that he thought of it, Onslaught attempting to control what was basically a god and getting slaughtered for it was an amusing thought.

Now, to the Maya, the creature was known as Kukulkan, and to the Aztec it was Quetzalcoatl. In both versions of the story, it was a powerful winged serpent hailing from the stars. Curiously, it was a wind deity and a creature of learning. So, although violent to a fault, maybe that meant it was intelligent and could be reasoned with? But what struck Steeljaw curiouser still, was a few other cultures around the region worshipping the same monster? No way this was a coincidence. No, it was more likely, and as much as he hated to even entertain the thought, there were more than one of these beasts.

Each iteration of the beast was slightly different in aspect, but all bore more or less the same basic characteristics. It was powerful, and it flew and it had the nastiest temper this side or Hydrus Four.

“Reminds you a bit of the hunting parties for Turbofoxes Mirage used to take us on back on Animatron, the so-called Jungle Planet, right?” Filch remarked from somewhere overhead in the clouds. “Oh, those were the days, just you, me, him, and that brother of yours, Gekisoumaru.”

“Yeah, I remember…” Steeljaw mused. “Mind you, no acid spitting dogs or the like, but humidity’s about the same. Doing wonders to my insides! I’m going to have to take a bath in a CR Chamber after this!”

“Who knows, maybe I’ll join you…” Flich teased, with that phone-sex murmur she dared to call a voice that made Steeljaw’s faceplates blush a bright red. He was so thankful neither Dead End nor Breakdown could see this.

“Oh, oh!” Dead End shouted. “Rader’s picking something up, going crazy. If I didn’t know better, I’d say we’re standing right on top of our little quarry!”

“Ground scanners… Yeah, they’re penetrating alright,” Breakdown agreed, switching one of his hands out for a drill. “Miles of tunnels right beneath our feet. And I doubt the ancient humans could build them.”

They set about searching, for any sort of clue that would lead them to an underground tunnel to the beasts and their lair. For an upwards of about a half of an hour, there was nothing to be found till a shout rang out from Dead End.

“Hey, come have a look at this!” he shouted, gesturing to a fallen pillar. It was very old, that much was certain, and an Aztec style Decepticon Symbol had been carved into it. Steeljaw allowed himself a smirk, their first real clue.

“Well well, leave it to the old cyclops to hide something in plain sight,” Steeljaw chuckled to himself. “Logical? More like predictable in my mind.”

He pressed down on the crest, and the groaning of ancient gears opened up a deep yawning abyss right in front of them. Picking up a rock, Steeljaw tossed it and waited to hear it hit the ground. After a few minutes, he heard it hitting… something. Something metallic.

Dead End, Steeljaw, and Breakdown all wisely backed up, fearing they’d awoken something very ancient, something very powerful and something very angry.

After a few moments of tense waiting, nothing happened. “Well, looks like whatever it was, it’s a deep sleeping. Boys, grab your grappling hooks and prepare to descend,” Steeljaw barked out.

“H-Hey Steeljaw,” Flich piped up, nervously circling above them in her jet form. “J-Just be careful. I don’t want you to be swallowed up by some ancient death god okay?”

“I’ll be fine, if anything I’ll just throw Dead End to the thing instead,” Steeljaw joked. “He’d probably like that.”

Dead End made a face, idly considering the possibility. He admitted it was an interesting prospect. Probably a quick if not brutal death to be sure. Probably a better one than he’d endure by Unicron’s hands.

“Har har,” Filch laughed, not amused in the slightest. “Very funny.”

“Okay, so what we got here boys,” Breakdown piped up. “Is what’s called a cenote. Advanced as they were, the Mayans did have a penchant for human sacrifice.”

“Lovely to know,” Steeljaw deadpanned. “Any other utterly fascinating trivia?”

“Well, actually-”

“Save it, don’t want to hear it. I was being sarcastic, you dunce.” Steeljaw groaned as the three rappelled into the sinkhole.

“Just asking here, but what if we do find one of our snake guys in here?” Dead End had to ask, as the darkness of the hole threatened to consume them. “I mean what, should we hope and pray to Primus for our souls to be saved?”

“No, we bargain,” Steeljaw said. “We talk, get ourselves to seem like less of an interesting prospect for a meal.”

They finally reached the bottom of the cenote after a few minutes, and turned on their various vehicular modes’ headlights. A small lake was in front of them, but that wasn’t all. No, there just so happened to be this dark green scaled snake, with crimson red wings. A massive door rested beyond, and despite the humidity, Steeljaw shivered. He had to wonder, was that built to keep something out… or something in? Whatever the case, he had half a mind to turn back now and run. He got the feeling he was somewhere he definitely shouldn’t have been.

“...Yeah, might want to start thinking of how to bargain soon.” Breakdown noted.

Steeljaw noted the various carvings on the walls, some of which looked to be man-made. This could connect with his currently working theory that the snake was friendly in some format, and protected those who showed it great respect, and was only violently territorial. There was a chance, a small one mind you, that they could live to see the next sunrise.

“Let’s just take this thing slow, and wake it up… carefully. I don’t think even Onslaught, or slag, Bruticus could take this thing on if it went online and got rather cheesed off at us for doing so.” Dead End mused.

“Uh yeah, might not have to worry about that,” Breakdown remarked, running his scanners along the beast. “To quote a certain TV doctor, he’s dead Jim,” he said, drawing a light glyph in midair with a finger that was meant as respect for the deceased.

Steeljaw quirked an eyebrow, he had no idea Breakdown watched human TV shows. But then his mind registered what Breakdown had just said.

“Wait, what do you mean he’s dead? How could have it…?” Steeljaw trailed off, shuddering at the monster’s perpetual stare.

“Well, got a guess and it ain’t pretty,” Breakdown replied. “He was sealed up in here, probably for Primus knows how long and Primus only knows why but my best guess? Burned up his own internal energy reserves.”

“Poor bastard starved to death,” Dead End muttered, shaking his head. “Not the way I’d want to go out. What’s that old saying? Oh yes, now I remember. “When a Spark goes online, there is great joy. When one is extinguished, the universe weeps,” he said, shutting the eyelids of the once great beast.

But something didn’t line up. These carvings on the wall, they didn’t match up with the age of the beast, who seemed to have been dead for a while now. Actually, come to think of it, the carvings didn’t look man-made at all. In fact, they almost looked…

“...Cybertronian.” Steeljaw whispered, and slowly but surely the great door behind Kukulkan or whoever he might have been in life opened and out stepped a figure, awash with color and holding one very dangerous looking sword.

“Ahora quién eres y por qué has profanado la tumba de mi hermano Skyquake. Habla ahora, o serás silenciado por siempre.” Quetzalcoatl spoke.

Back at the Autobase, in Fowler’s personal office the former Army Ranger found himself in a… mood. He’d heard about what happened down at the Bay, with Snaptrap, Sky-Byte and Indigo. More specifically, how Indigo had almost drowned no thanks to Snaptrap.

Swearing, Fowler punched the wall, nearly knocking off his desk lamp from the sheer force of the blow.

His thoughts were a turmoil. On one hand, he had Robots risking everything and laying themselves on the line for his family members…

“Fuel line’s been breached, you three need to get going now!” Knock Out stated quickly, without hesitation. “Be careful with the woman, spinal fractures. She needs proper medical treatment, like yesterday!”

“E-Excuse me?” Fowler barked out as he began moving the woman to his own car. “Me, take orders from a Con?”

“No, take orders from a medic,” Knock Out replied. He’d also noted the way Fowler was carrying the woman, and how he held her tighter than should have been normal for any random person just stopping to help. He also noted that Sunny was casting nervous glances at the woman every now and then. “Now get in!” he barked, even as he transformed back into vehicle mode, and both of his doors opened.

Fowler and Sunny shared a brief look, and then a look back at the trashed car and the fuel leaking from it with electrical lines dangling dangerously above it and beginning to spark. Then, they made their choice.

Fowler, as he wrapped gauze around the woman’s neck handed her over to Sunny as he took the driver’s seat.

“Floor it!” he yelled, and Knock Out didn’t even need to be told as his tires squealed and he peeled off into the distance just as a large fireball was visible in his rearview mirror.

“So… so what do you get out of this?” Sunny asked, her voice growing ever more dangerous with each passing moment even as she stroked the woman’s hair as she rested in her lap. Knock Out winced, he could see where she was definitely Fowler’s daughter. “I mean, aside from helping to clean up a mess you caused, Decepticon.”

“Honestly?” Knock Out mused, even as he drove up the road to Canterlot, his onboard navigation system set to the nearest hospital. “Absolutely nothing, I’m just doing the right thing.”

But then again, he had children caught up in a war they shouldn’t even be in. They should be worried about things like their grades, pimples, their love lives and not getting blasted to smithereens by stray laser fire or drowned by giant sea serpents. And to make things even worse, now he had a new charge to worry about in Juniper Montage.

“Goddamnit!” Fowler whispered quietly. “They… They shouldn’t have this burden placed upon them!”

A door softly opened, and Fowler didn’t bother to look up. He already knew who it was.

“You forget, you didn’t make this choice for them, neither did the Autobots. Those kids, they chose to get themselves involved of this of their own free will,” Spitfire reminded him. “I don’t like it either, but we can’t force them to just drop this. They want to help. And honestly, given what we’ve seen so far, with the Autobots’ forces as low as they are, they need all the help they can honestly get…”

“Suppose you have a point there…” Fowler admitted, remembering how the Decepticons’ forces seemed to be growing in number and power every passing day. God only knew how many Cons really did come to Earth, and now that they knew there were simply ancient Transformers on Earth with no real allegiances -The wild cards if you will- things just got ever more complicated. “B-But you have to forgive me for being concerned here,” Fowler whispered. “What if that had been my daughter that nearly died? It could have very well been!”

“Yeah…” Spitfire trailed off, rubbing Fowler’s shoulders. “We’re insects compared to those creatures, but this is our world as well. This is our fight. Soon as the Decepticons came to our planet, they made it our fight whether we liked it or not.”

“Yeah, our fight,” Fowler pointed out. “Not theirs. Not the kids. This is a matter that should be left to the adults, fully trained military men of the United States and whatever other countries the ‘Cons decide to invade and terrorize. Take Japan, for example. The ‘Cons raided a power plant there, so we know they won’t stop at the US. God only knows what their end game is, but whatever it is, Onslaught seems intent on involving the whole world in it.”

“And we will stop him, along with every one of his followers,” Spitfire stated firmly. “We fight, that’s all we can do. Just fight, and hope and pray everything will turn out alright in the end. You know, soon as we started this job, I didn’t like it either just seeing the Autobots as an unwanted pain in the neck and more paperwork. But now, they’re like family to me as I see them lay their lives on the line every day. Semper Fidelis. Always Loyal, Always Faithful. That’s how it goes. Never leave a man behind. I’d never leave one of them behind, would you?”

“No… No I wouldn’t. Much as I hate to admit it, they’re family now as well. Just for looking out for my daughter as best as they can. They’ve earned that much.” Fowler admitted, thinking of Prowl’s unwavering stance on bringing these criminals to justice. He had to admire that, never giving up or backing down even in his… condition. “They’ve helped us so many times, so I think it’s time we start giving back eh?”

“Believe me, way ahead of you on that line of thinking,” Spitfire smirked. “Next time the ‘Cons decide to call, they’ll have a surprise waiting for them. I have a few old contacts left, some in the army and some elsewhere. They want to mess with this planet? Well, they’ve got another think coming…”