• Published 1st Feb 2018
  • 2,288 Views, 353 Comments

Equestria Girls: Transformation - The Bricklayer

A strange encounter in the night for Indigo Zap leads to her whole life being... Transformed.

  • ...

Part 25: The Human Factor

The Hoover Dam:

Captain William ‘Wild Bill’ Lennox considered himself a capable man, he’d been a survivor of the War on Terror, and during that time in Iraq had quickly risen through the ranks to make Captain at the age of only 25. Now, a few years later the Army Ranger found himself doing something less exciting in guarding the Hoover Dam in Colorado. Not that he really minded, as this particular post was actually quite close to home for him, and it allowed him the chance to go home to his wife and daughter without the risk of getting blown up by some insurgent’s bomb.

Still, he did have to question why the Hoover Dam was under particularly heavy guard really. Tanks had been positioned in key locations atop cliffs hidden amongst the trees, and army jeeps with mounted turrets patrolled the area.

He, at least in his mind would have liked to chalk it up to just good old-fashioned American patriotism but deep down he knew that wasn’t the case. Not too long ago, the Greeks had discovered both the Temple of Apollo and the Acropolis on Rhodes smashed to bits by some unknown force, and it seems tank shells were used to destroy quite a bit of the sites. It was like some great battle had taken place there, and yet because of the storm raging that particular night very few could figure out what exactly had gone on down there.

There had been terrorist groups -local ones mostly- claiming responsibility, but Lennox had heard rumors from a friend of his in Robert Epps that some higher-ups believed that whoever these groups were they wouldn’t stop in Greece. There had already been an incident outside Mexico City a few months back where some ancient monuments devoted to some Mayan god had been completely destroyed.

So Lennox suspected that he’d been placed at this particular post just simply because Hoover Dam would probably be next on the list. It was entirely possible everyone was just being paranoid as the Dam wasn’t exactly what you’d call a UNESCO World Heritage Site but then again these days it never hurt to be too careful really.

So Lennox just sucked in his gut and followed orders like a good soldier. At least, that’s what he’d have liked to have done. He hadn’t made Captain just by simply following the orders he was given really. No, there was a moment back in Iraq where he was ordered to pull out of a village when Al-Qaeda troops were closing in on his platoon with heavy armament but the man had stayed his ground.

It may have been the Marine code never to leave a man behind, but Lennox liked to follow that code as well, and he still had men trapped in the rubble of a destroyed house and he was not going to pull out in any form of good conscience by leaving those men behind. One of those men would eventually become the man he was proud to call his best friend, Robert Epps.

“You feel that?” Epps asked him, even as he clutched onto his rifle. “It’s… it’s that tension in the air. Like something’s about to happen, you just don’t know what it is, or when it’s going to go down.”

“Yeah,” Lennox remarked. “I feel it. Epps, strange things have been happening lately. You heard on the news a while back, about this brawl on a Maine freeway? Apparently, from the news footage it looked like something out of the Fast and Furious movies.”

“Hoo boy, yeah I saw that,” Epps replied, shaking his head. “Claimed they were only filming a movie, even had a police car and some local state troopers barricade off the highway but what little I saw of the footage looked too realistic to be some movie to me. Something weird’s going on Bill, you and I both know it.”

“Tell me about it, World Heritage sites getting attacked, us being re-assigned to guard the Hoover Dam, reports of strange giant monstrous beasts of myth and legend cropping up all over the world? It’s like our whole world’s gone mad.”

“You believe in God right Bill?” Epps asked.

“...Oh, don’t start on this. Please don’t.” Lennox muttered.

“Hey, I’m just saying this could very well be the start of the book of Revelations.”

“Okay, when fire and brimstone start falling from the sky, the dead rise from the grave and cats and dogs start living together then I’ll believe it,” Lennox replied. “Personally right now, I just think it’s weird. Not Wrath of God levels of weird but just plain run of the mill weird.”

“That’s how it starts man,” Epps replied. “The good Lord raises up your enemies with his right hand, and then he smites you with his left.”

“...I thought it was the other way around?”

Epps shrugged before replying: “It varies.” before he and Lennox shared a hearty laugh. “But I will agree with you on this, this post is a strange re-assignment. Not bad of one, there could be worse posts as we could be out there in Mosul or wherever fighting off Boko Haram and his band of nutcases.”

“True, true…” Lennox replied. “Thank God for redeployment stateside eh?”

“I’ll drink to that,” Epps said before he popped open a can of beer. “Quite literally, in fact.”

There was a roar of an engine as they, from their current spot atop some jeep’s hood saw a deep crimson Chevy Camaro approach, with whoever owned it having apparently put quite a bit of work into it, giving it some matte black detailing on the hood and some nice aftermarket star-themed rims.

“See?” Epps asked as he drunk a bit of his beer. “Now why can’t you just go out and buy yourself a nice car like that? Instead, every day you just show up in that God-awful minivan of yours. You do realize you look like a soccer mom, or soccer dad I suppose in that thing right?” he joked.

“Hey, I’ve got a family to think about, that’s why!” Lennox replied. “Gotta drive the kids to school sometimes, and I doubt a muscle car would be particularly helpful in that regard.”

“See Lennox, there are two types of cars. The boring soccer dad car, and the fun I want to be a cool fun parent type of car. That Camaro right there? That’s the second type. Take a guess as to what’s the first.” Epps deadpanned.

“...Wait a moment, last I checked civilians weren’t allowed on base right?” Lennox asked, ignoring Epp’s ribbing.

“How do you know it’s a civilian? Could be just one of the guys showing off their fancy cool dad car,” he remarked, unable to resist getting in one last gentle ribbing against his friend. “Hell, for all we know it could be the boss.”

“...Trust me, I know everyone on base, and nobody -especially not the commander- owns a car like that.” Lennox replied, and Epps nodded.

“Good point,” he stated before both he and Lennox ran over to the driver’s side door of this car and gave a slight tap on the glass. “Um sir, we’d like to see some ID.”

Well, in a way I suppose they got that as the car’s parts began to shift and move and Epps and Lennox stood slack-jawed as the ‘car’ began to stand upright before next thing they knew an insectoid-like face with green eyes was staring down at them.

“Oh Hell no!” Epps shouted as he raised his rifle and began firing on the intruder, who simply seemed to brush off the shots. Alarms began to go off all over the dam, and as if to make matters worse both a fuel tanker and the very jeep Lennox and Epps had been sitting on a few moments before followed the car’s lead and transformed into massive robots toting equally massive rifles.

“Cleanse the area!” the red robot -Who from his facial features Lennox would call Stinger for the time being- ordered, pointing to the various troops and their vehicles before he grabbed a jeep and tossed it skywards. A cannon shot from a tank positioned high above on a clifftop somewhere rank out just barely missing Stinger’s arm before Stinger pulled out what looked to be a massive shuriken -Lennox recognized a few parts of it came from the car’s rims- and tossed it cleaving the tank clean in half right down the middle.

The robot who’d transformed from this fuel tanker brought out this giant rotating blade and began cutting a path through the heavy armor firing his rifle at any poor souls who tried to stop him.

“Agh, finally!” Octane shouted. “No more of this robot in disguise crap!”

“You’re not kidding!” Swindle agreed as he smashed a troop transport flat with his foot. “I swear, if I had to spend one more day as that jeep listening to human chatter my joints would go numb! They’d lock, seize up! You know how much of a pain that is to deal with?”

Lennox and Epps, during all this chaos took cover behind the wreckage of a building, and Lennox looked at his friend.

“Okay, maybe now I believe you,” Lennox stated, as he tried firing off shots with his pistol that seemed to do very little damage against the attacking forces currently razing the place. “Where’s your radio?”

“Man, I don’t know what kind of backup you plan on calling in to help out, but go right ahead!” Epps shouted in reply as he watched the three robots lay waste to the Dam. “Left cheek, left cheek!”

Lennox quickly grabbed the radio out of Epp’s back pocket and called the situation in.

“This is Captain Lennox of the US Army Rangers. We are under attack, I repeat Hoover Dam is under attack by some sort of robot… things!” He shouted.

“This is Special Agent William Fowler,” a voice Lennox recognized as one of his old commanders echoed through the radio. “Repeat, over.”

“How the…?” Lennox muttered, with a shake of his head. “I said, we are under attack by some giant robot things! That’s not the kind of thing you mistake, for fuck’s sake!”

“Goddamnit!” Fowler swore in return. “I’ll be sending forces your way shortly. Expect GI Joe Skystrikers amongst… other things en route shortly.”

“Let’s just hope they get here fast,” Lennox muttered, as he fired his rifle on Stinger, who was currently engaging in some wanton destruction with another car rim, using it as a chakram to slice a tank in half.

“Oh, now this is just cute,” Stinger said as he turned on Lennox, pulling both of his weapons. “Real cute. Some human germ thinking they can go up against me.”

“...Yeah, well call it my duty to protect my own,” Lennox stated, gritting his teeth as he unloaded more rounds into Stinger’s body. During this chaos, he’d noticed very distinctive purple symbols, almost resembling faces on the bodies of the three attacking robots. He didn’t know what they meant, maybe they signified their regiment or something. That was his best guess. The Jeep robot, in particular, had a scratched out symbol, a red face with wings on his left shoulder amongst numerous other battle scars.

“You’re just like Autobots then…” Stinger remarked as he continued his advance, and lowered himself down to Lennox’s level. “Far too loyal to your own. Credit where it’s due,” he continued, as Lennox found himself backed up against a ruined tank. “You’re putting up a fight, but you’re nothing against me.”

Suddenly, there was a battle cry as Epps leaped out from behind some wreckage, and grabbed onto Stinger’s back, the robot flailing about madly as Epps clambered up his backside before he threw a grenade down Stinger’s throat.

“Get clear!” Epps shouted as he leaped off Stinger and onto the roof of a car before Lennox nodded and ran for it as Stinger’s head exploded, parts and shrapnel alongside this strange blue goo flying everywhere.

“...Well, that’s… one minor victory. One down, two to go…” Lennox panted out.

The Autobase:

Meanwhile, currently unaware that their cover had pretty much been blown wide open by the Decepticons, the Autobots had returned Pyra Magna along with the rest of the surviving crew of the Van De Graaff to their outpost deep within Maine’s Ghastly Gorge.

Currently, Perceptor had lain Pyra Magna’s barely functioning body flat on a table and aside from hooking up tubes to feed her energon and get her internal repair systems back up to full capacity, he with a little help from Hoist was reattaching her missing arm.

“Old girl’s as tough as nails, I’ll give her that much,” Hoist remarked. “Put up a jolly good fight trying to stay alive this long, just hoping someone with more medical experience would find her. She never lost faith.”

“And Primus repaid that,” Perceptor replied. “You know what they say about Sparks right? When one comes online, the universe gives a cheer of great joy. But when one is extinguished…”

“...The universe weeps,” Hoist replied. “Pyra’s always been a special sort, you know? That soul of hers, it’s always burned with a powerful flame that’s fueled her need to survive.”

Perceptor cocked an eyebrow at Hoist’s choice of phrasing and his tone, but thought nothing more of it.

“Yeah, I believe you, I’ve heard the stories after all. Her leading her team, the so-called ‘Rust Renegades’ is proof alone of that,” Perceptor replied with a small nod before he took a quick look at her vital signs. “Okay, she’s stable, but we need to work fast if we have any chance of saving her. I’m not letting anyone else die, not on my watch!”

“And neither am I,” Hoist stated with a firm nod. “Already lost too many, I’m not losing her.”

Perceptor nodded, even as he thought to himself. The way Hoist was, so determined to save Pyra above all else almost led one to believe he might have had more than a passing interest in her. But then again, it was just entirely possible that Hoist after losing so many of his crewmates on the Van De Graaff not to mention Primus only knew how many other friends in the war for Cybertron he just didn’t want to lose anyone else. Perceptor knew how that felt, it was what drove him to try and save Hound so badly even if in the end he had no choice but to pull the plug.

“We’re stronger together than we are apart…” Hoist murmured, reciting an old passage from the Covenant of Primus. Meanwhile, Swordbreaker and Knock Out looked on.

“Stronger together than apart'. Ugh.” Swordbreaker muttered, chewing on a cy-gar. Which to Knock Out, looked suspiciously like a bullet casing.

“What?” Knock Out asked. “I rather like the phrase.”

Your choice ‘Con’. Not mine. It's so... squooshey. I mean, who talks that way?”

“I don't know—nice people?” Knock Out deadpanned. “And just so I can remind you, I was only forced to become a Decepticon because of circumstances beyond my control.”

“So you say…” Swordbreaker muttered, blowing a puff of smoke from his cy-gar into Knock Out’s face.

“Hey, hey, hey!” the former Decepticon shouted, waving the smoke away as he let out a few small coughs. “Do you know what that stuff does to my internal components? I like to keep my insides looking as good as my outsides thank you very much! Primus above!”

Swordbreaker rolled his optics, before walking off his echoing footsteps being heard throughout the base. Knock Out sighed, and continued to carefully watch Pyra Magna’s vital signals ready to be of assistance if required.

“Come on Magna, pull through. If any one of the rumors I’ve heard about you are true, you’re a good bot, and we need more of those right now.” He thought to himself.

Unknown to him or anyone else for that matter, Pyra Magna was more alive than they thought, her mind still hard at work even if her body was in considerably poor condition. Even now, she was running through her last moments in the waking world as she piloted her ship and it’s crew into a hopefully safe landing.

“I thought I understood trauma,” Pyra thought to herself, reliving days of battles long since past in the Cybertronian Civil War. “We were losing so much, and gaining so little. Small wonder why the crew I got signed on to flee Cybertron for greener pastures. But I was fooling myself, loss followed us everywhere we went.” she thought, thinking of her first mate Dust Up being blown backwards by an exploding console and joining the great One in the beyond.

“I… I just hope that my mission, in most respects, was a success and my crew -however many remain- are safe and sound.” Pyra thought only able to hear what was going on around her thanks to her optics being practically shattered. They weren’t beyond repair of course, most of her systems weren’t. It would just take time for her internal repair mechanisms to kick back into gear. She was thankful when she heard the voice of Hoist, and let out a mental sigh of relief that her ship’s chief medical officer was online and had joined up with Perceptor. Where there was life, there was hope.

She’d heard other voices in the background, although most were too faint to make out, and the ones she did hear she barely recognized as it is. But none seemed to mean her no harm, and given the fact that Perceptor and Hoist were in the area she doubted she’d fallen into enemy hands. If that was the case, chances are Decepticons wouldn’t have bothered having Hoist and Perceptor work on her chassis and give her new energon to course through her systems. No, more likely they’d have just finished the job the crash of the Van De Graaff had already started.

That alone gave her hope that she had succeeded in where others had failed.

A new voice joined in, feminine in tone and sounding urgent.

“Perceptor… We’ve… I just got a call from Fowler. There’s… There’s an attack. The Hoover Dam,’ the woman’s voice panted out, sounding as if it’s owner was about ready to collapse.

“Chrysalis, is that you?” Perceptor’s voice asked, before his tone turned into that of shock. “What’s wrong? ...Wait, is that a Decepticon?”

Mentally filing away that name for later, even as her spark raced upon hearing their was a Decepticon in… wherever she was.

“Name’s Howlback, and yes I’m a Decepticon. But I’m on your side, I’ll explain the details later, right now we have a problem.” ‘Howlback’ replied.

Back at the Dam, it seemed reinforcements had arrived, the roar of jets coming in from somewhere above.

“Damn, they got here awfully fast!” Epps shouted as both he and Lennox ran like Hell to dodge Swindle and Octane’s fire.

“Yeah, too fast…” Lennox noted, observing the paint-jobs of the F-15 Raptors that were currently inbound. For one thing, most Raptors in the military today weren’t purple or green in shading. And for another, F-15s weren’t even in use anymore.

The lead jet, the one coated in this green shading, as he flew in across the man-made lake towards Lennox and Epps seemed to narrow in on them as he left a powerful wake behind him. Then, right before he reached the battleground the exterior of the dam had become, parts moved and shifted as the jet’s nose and cockpit tilted backwards and a head popped up with the engines and rear wings becoming legs and arms sprouting out of the ‘jet’s’ shell.

“Oh hell…” Lennox muttered as the Decepticon known only as Acid Storm landed in front of them, pulling out a rifle and smirking as he aimed it at them.

“Well well, so these are the two humans that have been giving ya so much trouble eh?” Acid Storm asked his ‘friend’ Swindle, sounding a bit like an Old West gunslinger. “Don’t seem like much, if yer asking for mah opinion.”

“I think you’ll find humans are little tougher than they look,” Swindle remarked, in a tone of slight respect -Slight- as he gestured to the decapitated body of Stinger. Acid Storm nodded, before he raised his rifle, the barrel glowing green slightly and as Lennox braced for death whispering his last goodbyes to his wife and daughter a voice rang out.

“And we’re even tougher!” Swordbreaker’s voice bellowed out as he, Prowl and Knock Out jumped out of a Groundbridge, and in mid-air transformed even as Lennox and Epp’s eyes went even wider if that were possible.

As soon as Knock Out completed his transformation, he landed a kick to Acid Storm’s stomach, the military camoed seeker stumbling back in shock as nearby, other Vehicons landed and transformed laying down covering fire, with Prowl and Swordbreaker returning it.

Back at base, Trixie was watching this whole incident with worried eyes, actually spotting her girlfriend in her armor somewhere in the midst of the chaos.

“I… I wish I could be useful. Like them,” she thought to herself even as she watched both Lemon Zest and Sugarcoat change into rifles for Prowl to hold, and be used to gun down Vehicon troopers. “But… But I’m not. Trixie’s just a simple magician. She’s not smart, she’s not a good shot. She’s just… well, a boastful braggart who can’t even bedazzle an audience. I can’t even be out in the field like them, all because I’m such a coward.”

Swordbreaker, in fact, was actually living up to his name going blade to blade with Octane, sparks flying off the two metal warrior’s weapons as they clashed again and again the two an even match for each other. The Toyota Tundra was soon swarmed by various Vehicons, but he didn’t exactly look impressed.

“Have you forgotten who I am?” he roared out, breaking away from his duel with Octane before swinging wide and decapitating the group. One managed to survive, having ducked low apparently knowing of Swordbreaker’s reputation before Swordbreaker flipped the cy-gar in his mouth, and fired it at the Vehicon slagging him.

Suddenly, Swordbreaker having apparently forgotten about his prior engagement was shoulder-charged by Octane knocking him flat to the ground with a mighty clang of metal.

“And I thought you were supposed to be tough!” Octane laughed, swinging his blade low to the ground intent on impaling Swordbreaker before the mercenary turned Autobot shifted back into vehicle mode and did a donut all around Octane kicking up a storm of dust in the process.

“What the…?” Octane roared. “For Primus’ sakes, I can’t see!”

“That’s the idea, slagger!” Swordbreaker shouted before he released what looked to be an orange mechanical bird resembling a hawk except slightly bigger and with fans in its wings. The hawk then let out a powerful blast of sound, making Octane stumble back.

“...Huh, guess those wubs are useful for something after all.” Swordbreaker muttered, and the bird made a little noise, seemingly offended.

“...Okay, can someone please explain to me what’s going on around here?” Epps asked, completely lost even as Acid Storm took to the skies transforming back to jet mode and seemingly flying off leaving a contrail in his wake. Transforming robots, transforming girls in mecha suits. Man, when he signed up to the military he didn’t sign up for any of this crap. Before, it was just pointing your gun at the enemy terrorist, and shoot them for God and Country. This was so beyond him now. He needed a raise.

Nearby, Swindle and Prowl were trading blows, Prowl having changed his Decepticon Hunter into a form of riot shield made of energy using this to block Swindle’s gunfire, the jeep transformer’s rifle now mounted on his shoulder.

“Beats the Hell out of me,” Lennox remarked. “But I’m guessing those guys, the ones that just saved our asses are good and the ones ripping up the place are bad.”

“Well, you catch on fast,” Knock Out remarked admiringly, in his faux-European accent. Nearby, Howlback leaped over his shoulder and pounced on a Vehicon finally showing her true colors to everyone involved in this battle. “Good to know!”

Some more Vehicon troopers ran up, but Knock Out was joined by Lemon Zest who turned into her rifle form and together the two began cutting them down. Sometimes literally, thanks to Knock Out’s surgical saw.

“Uh, quick question, was rain supposed to be scheduled today?” Epps asked, even as storm clouds seemingly began to build crackling with lightning. Knock Out’s optics widened in alarm.

“Prowl!” he shouted to the bot currently engaging Swindle. “Rainmaker!”

Prowl swore in some unknown language caught off guard by this new development before Swindle landed a resounding right hook to his faceplates.

“Meet our trump card Autobots!” Swindle cackled. “Made sure to coat ourselves in a special paint that wards off Acid Storm’s special payload beforehand, did you?” he asked.

“Slag-damnit!” Swordbreaker shouted as the rains began to pour down with parts of his body beginning to rust and fall off, including a hand. Namely, the one that held his sword. Octane used this opportunity to grab him by the shoulder and practically judo-flip the massive Autobot.

“Time ta bring the rain!” Acid Storm cackled, as the clouds continued to open up.

“So it seems an old warrior has his time…” Swindle chuckled as he watched Prowl try and stand, and chuckled even more as he watched Swordbreaker practically collapse to the ground.

“Really Swordbreaker,” Swindle continued to mock as both Howlback and Sunder fell to the ground, quite close to death themselves. “For all your preparedness, you should have expected this. Anyone Onslaught deems of use, he makes use of. You should have thrown your lot in with us, might have turned out better for you in the end. Might have lived to see yourself getting paid.”

“S-Shut up…” Swordbreaker snarled. “I never go back on my deals, and I especially don’t make them with ‘Cons. Call me stubborn, call me old, but here’s the thing about us old warriors. We’re tough!”

Parts on his back shifted, and twin shurikens fired out of his body severing both of Swindle’s limbs. Vehicons rushed in to help Swindle in with his retreat, and avenge his wounds, but Knock Out seemingly showing no concern for his own life or limb rushed in, slicing up the foot soldiers.

“Knock Out, get out of there!” Swordbreaker coughed out, having been in the rain the longest.

“No, I’m not leaving you behind. You put faith in me, you never said it, but you did. You could have killed me any time when I was with you guys,” Knock Out stated, ignoring a limb falling away even as he picked up Swordbreaker’s weapon and sliced a Vehicon’s head off clean from his shoulders. The Vehicons, getting the message, grabbed Swindle’s limbs and retreated through a portal even as Knock Out collapsed.

“Also, as it turns out we make friends easily, us old warriors. Turns out, humans are a lot tougher than you think.” Swordbreaker stated, before Twilight Sparkle leaped out from behind some rubble, and fired off twin magic blasts, her geode glowing purple. One hit Octane. Making him stagger, while another ripped off a part of Acid Storm’s right wing, and the Rainmaker decided it was high time to bail out taking his storm with him.

“Twilight…” Trixie thought to herself jealousy, seeing her girlfriend kick the scrap out of the Decepticons and show the courage in which Trixie lacked. Unable to watch any more of this, she switched the viewscreen off and punched a wall, letting out a scream of frustration.

Meanwhile, Twilight was rushing to Swordbreaker’s side.

“Are… Are you okay?” the former Crystal Prep student asked, as she placed her hands on Swordbreaker’s faceplates, a lot of his body having already crumbled away into rust.

“I’ll… I’ll be fine, you understand kid?” Swordbreaker asked, an optic falling away. “You… You just live your life. I’ve had a good run, engine’s been good to me for all these years. Guess it’s just my time to finally cough out,” he continued, systems beginning to shut down with the lights on his body beginning to go out one by one. “The Thirteen, they’re waiting for me. I just hope they can forgive this old warrior’s sins.”

With that, he finally collapsed even as Twilight stifled a sob, before letting the tears flow into Swordbreaker’s broken chassis.

As the storm subsided, Prowl began to pick himself up off the ground ignoring the pain in his rust-filled joints and walked towards the humans and lowered himself down to their level.

“I think… I think you and I need to have a talk,” he stated, and Lennox nodded, automatically recognizing Prowl's rank for what it was.

“Yes, I agree with you Commander…”

“Prowl. Just call me Prowl.”

Meanwhile, in Sri Lanka Steeljaw and Filch had found themselves in front of an ancient temple, worn with age and covered in vines.

Filch suppressed a shudder, fear was unbecoming of a Predacon. But something about this temple, it just felt wrong. Especially if it turned out Thunderclash’s information was incorrect and Airazor was not happy about visitors.

And then there was the fact that she suspected the hunters had turned into the hunted, as she still kept seeing this massive white mechanical cat darting between the trees every now and then.

“Airazor, is that what they call you?” Steeljaw asked, yelling out to the interior of the massive temple. “Just want to talk, that’s all!”

Suddenly, there was a loud screech, and a flash of dark-colored metal as a massive falcon flew out of the darkened woods and pinned Steeljaw to the ground, before with a shifting of parts became bipedal in nature, a blue and red head staring down Steeljaw. Two massive talons made up her hands, both surely able to render a bot limb from limb.

“Then speak.” Airazor stated.

Author's Note:

Okay, I'll be perfectly honest with you, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get this chapter out today. But I pushed myself, and results came. Now, I did confer with MKChief, and he said it was okay by him to kill off Swordbreaker so just wanted to clear that up.

Now, yes... Lennox and Epps. Been wanting to get them in the story for a while now, considering they were probably two of the only humans from the Bayformers films I actually liked alongside Cade Yeager and Joshua Joyce. Mind you, that list will possibly grow when Bumblebee comes out.

And before anyone asks, yes there's something important inside the Hoover Dam. It just isn't a certain Decepticon Leader.

Now, as ever, your comments and feedback are welcomed.