• Published 1st Feb 2018
  • 2,288 Views, 353 Comments

Equestria Girls: Transformation - The Bricklayer

A strange encounter in the night for Indigo Zap leads to her whole life being... Transformed.

  • ...

Part 27: Eyes Wide Open

“Yes, science is my god in a sense. I'm comfortable with the unknown, that's the point of science. There are places out there, billions of places out there that we know nothing about. And the fact that we know nothing about them excites me, and I want to go out and find out about them. And that's what science is. So I think if you're not comfortable with the unknown, then it's difficult to be a scientist. So I don't need an answer; I don't need answers to everything. I want to have answers to find.” - Brian Cox, March 2010.

So, fast forward a week or two and the whole world knew about the Transformers. Speculations ran rampant as to why they were here, if they meant harm to all of humankind or if it was simply some of them. Agent Fowler, Captain Spitfire and Special Agent Chrysalis had all been reassigned to desk jobs in light of their failures to keep the world in the dark about the truth about the Transformers rendering them currently useless as Autobot allies for the time being.

“Science is unreasonably effective, it's generated knowledge beyond all expectation. It's also delivered perspective. Yes, we are an insignificant speck in an infinite universe, but we're also rare. And because we're rare, we're valuable. So what are we to do to secure our future? Well, we must learn to value the acquisition of knowledge for its own sake, and not just because it grows our economy or allows us to build better bombs,” a English accent, belonging to one Professor Brian Cox stated on TV on some old re-run of one of his science programs. “We must also learn to value the human race and take responsibility for our own survival. Why? Because there's nobody else out there to value us or to look after us. And finally, most important of all, we must educate the next generation in the great discoveries of science and we must teach them to use the light of reason to banish the darkness of superstition, because if we do that, then at least there's a chance that this universe will remain a human one.”

Sunny yawned and flipped over to another channel out of pure boredom and sighed to herself. Ever since the Autobots and Decepticons were revealed to the world at large, her mother had won a court battle saying Fowler was an insufficient guardian which meant that yes, Sunny Flare was back with Abigail Cinch once more. They had a stated agreement, which basically said Cinch had to have some involvement in Sunny’s schoolwork and Sunny was allowed to do some of the things she liked and spent time with her friends.

Right now though, she was currently neck deep in school reports and had only been allowed to take one little break just to unwind. Even Cinch understood that her daughter wasn’t any sort of machine. ...Which surprised Sunny really, maybe that save by Knock Out had changed her. Somewhat. Not completely, but maybe her mother was moving away from being a complete bitch.

Sunny eventually found a talk show and sighed. “500 channels and there’s still nothing good on…”

She grumbled something to herself and settled down to watch. Her eyes widened at the topic. It was on the Transformers, on if they were a threat to society at large or not.

“Look, I’m not saying that these guys are going to just enslave us or anything, I mean it’s not Terminator Rise of the Machines or anything like that,” one William Lennox commented. “I’m just saying, we gotta be careful nowadays. I mean, these guys are still an unknown aren’t they?”

“So, what do you think, in general about these beings from another world?” the host, one Vignette Valencia asked him. “Personally speaking, I share your right to be wary. I mean, they’re new here and we were first introduced to them properly when they attacked the Hoover Dam. Shouldn’t that be a cause for concern?”

Sunny sighed, somehow her and her friends' involvement in the whole affair up till now had been managed to have been kept under wraps, maybe by one last effort from Chrysalis or Fowler. Who was to say? She was just thankful for that, if her mom got wind of it then she’d never hear the end of things.

“Listen, I’m still not sure about all of this. I’m really not,” Lennox said. “But let me just go on the record to say that maybe not all of them are bad, you know? I mean, I owe my life to a few of them. Hell, one gave up their life for me so that speaks volumes really. So just for right now, I’m willing to extend that hand of trust.”

“It seems to be war doesn’t it?” Vignette asked. “I mean, soldiers die in war. No disrespect to the dead intended, but how do you know they were fighting for you? I mean, the news choppers captured plenty of destruction at that dam. They could have just been fighting, not caring who got caught up in the crossfire!’

“Look, I know what I saw,” Lennox responded. “I saw a soldier, dying and yet in his final breaths trying to save whoever he can. Maybe they’re not all as bad as those who attacked the dam. Like I said, I’m holding out that little hope that maybe, just maybe those beings from beyond the stars -Some, if not all- are here to lend a helping hand,”

“You talk as if they’re like us, like they’re… human,” Vignette replied. “What makes you so sure?”

“You share the trenches with someone, if you will, and you get to know them. Now, while I didn’t know these guys for long before I got pulled out I can tell you this. They’re very much like us. They bleed, they have emotions. Isn’t that enough to think of them as something close to human?” Lennox asked.

“You think these mysterious incidents all over the world have something to do with these Transformers as the public calls them? I mean, not too long ago the Temple of Apollo was attacked in Greece. Think something went down there that we meaning us as the public aren’t aware of?” Vignette inquired.

“This is starting to sound less like a talk show and more like an interrogation Ms. Valencia,” Lennox responded in a rather annoyed tone of voice.

“It’s not, trust me,” Vignette laughed. “These were just questions submitted by the viewers. I mean, the public wants to know! They’re hungry for information! Chomping at the bit really!”

“Yes, well you can tell your viewing public I’m done answering questions,” Lennox growled. “You can get your viewing figures elsewhere, interview some other sap,” the man said as he got up out of his chair and walked off-camera in disgust. “I’m done.”

“Well, there you have it folks!” Vignette Valencia chimed cheerfully, despite the colossal failure of her interview. “One William Lennox’s take on the whole Transformers debacle. I swear, getting that name trademarked. Seriously, I’m going to try. Now, seriously, love you all! Kisses!” she exclaimed, blowing kisses at the viewers. “Just keep sending in those questions, and I’ll keep finding those willing to talk in order to answer them. Tomorrow night, Soarin’ Skies of the United States Air Force reels in on his whole views on the matter.”

Sunny in disgust switched the TV off. Vignette Valencia was a hack, no other way of stating it. She probably only got her show because she spread her legs wide for some guy. Before she got her TV show, she was this social media hound who was always saying who got busted for some offense and who was currently relevant.

Her talk show really hadn’t changed much from her early days, she was just now on the TV spouting her nonsense. The only reason her interviewees half the time got on the show -If what Juniper said was correct, and Sunny had no reason to doubt the girl given she knew a lot of famous people- was because they got paid well enough.

Sunny chuckled to herself, she was starting to sound like Sour. The girl must have been rubbing off on her really. Groaning, she turned her attentions back to her paper, and sighed. Life had gotten so boring as of late really, with Prowl not wanting the girls around the base anymore in fear of them getting hurt or worse.

“Took a few levels in jackass didn’t he?” a feminine voice said from behind Sunny as mechanical cat paws leaped up onto the couch. Sunny, a few seconds before had heard the sound of her mom’s old VCR transforming. “I mean before he was all too happy… Well, as happy as Prowl can get anyways to have you around. Now, he’s banning you from the base!”

“H-Howlback!” Sunny stammered out in a hushed whisper. “Mom’s going to kill you if she finds you here!”

“Oh well, can’t be any worse than being slagged by Onslaught. I’m a wanted fugitive now, least to Onslaught and his boys. Had to find someplace to lay low,” Howlback remarked.

“Why… Why did you blow your cover at Hoover Dam? I mean… why did you?” Sunny asked the Cybercat.

“I… I honestly don’t know really. Maybe it was for selfish reasons, me wanting to rip and tear. Either that, or it was because I still have some Autobot programming left in me that Onslaught didn’t completely corrupt. Freedom’s the right of all sentient beings and all that rot,” Howlback sighed.

“Speaking of your kind,” Sunny replied. “What’s with the attack on Hoover? Onslaught never seems to do anything random, so why order an attack on a national monument in broad daylight and blow everyone’s cover wide open? What, was he getting antsy about wanting to blow something or someone up?”

“No… I don’t think it’s that,” Howlback sighed. “Heard rumors that something’s been buried under there, kept locked up tight by the US government. Your brainboys have been trying to make heads or tails of it ever since it was found in the Arctic Circle by this Archibald Witwicky guy back in the 1890s or so. Not sure what the scrap it is, but… Whatever it is, had Onslaught all a-flutter with excitement -or was it worry- whenever he heard about it,” she continued to explain. “So, he ordered a few of his boys to steal whatever ‘it’ was before the Autobots got to it first. You saw how well that went I take it?” Howlback asked, raising an eyebrow with her cool blue optics looking directly at Sunny.

“Course I did,” Sunny replied. “Kinda hard to miss when it’s on the evening news.”

“Yeah…” Howlback yawned rolling over onto her back. “Sorry about that, blowing the cover of every Bot and Con on Earth wide open,”

“You had nothing to do with it. You didn’t order the attack,” Sunny replied.

“Might as well have, I hacked into secure servers and provided Onslaught the information,” Howlback stated sorrowfully. “So I’m the reason he even knew about it in the first place. I’m the reason why your friend Swordbreaker’s one with the Matrix now…” she whispered mournfully.

“What’s done is done,” Sunny told her sternly. “We can’t change the past, no matter how much we want to. All we can do now is hope for the best, and keep our present safe. So stop blaming yourself okay?”

Howlback smiled. “You know something kid, I may just be starting to like you. I can see why you were a good fit for the Autobots. Someday soon, I can see you doing something great, you know that right?”

“Yeah, but first… Well, I gotta ace this science test,” Sunny sighed after giving Howlback a brief smile.

“Well, guess that’s what I’m here for,” Howlback replied. “I’m staying here, so gotta pay my rent somehow right? So, let’s see what I can do eh?”

Decepticon Base:

“Man, can’t believe we’re still on this rock,” Dropkick grumbled, his rotors hanging limply on his back. A sign of his assault helicopter based alt-mode. Well, one of them anyways, with the other being this Ford Ute. “I thought for sure we’d have found what we’re looking for by now! I’m seriously convinced Onslaught doesn’t know what he’s even doing anymore!”

“Hey, if the boss has a plan, he’s got a plan. Have a little more faith in him why don’t you?” Swindle asked fully repaired from his battle at Hoover Dam. It was sorta touch and go for a while, with some of the Cons wondering if the conman would have to get a major reformatting. However, despite huge energon loss Swindle had managed to pull through. “Personally, I can’t believe Howlback turned out to be working for Cybertron’s government the whole slaggin’ time! None of us the wiser!” he complained.

“Well, she played a very good Decepticon,” Dropkick admitted.

“To you maybe, but you’re as dumb as a bag of rocks!” Swindle snapped back with Dropkick looking rather offended by this. “Me, I should have seen it coming!” he continued on ignoring Dropkick’s outraged shout.

“Personally,” Dropkick replied after collecting himself somewhat. “What we all should have seen coming was Filch and Steeljaw breaking away from us and trying to form their own third faction in the Predacons on Earth. Meet up with their fellow beasts and all that. Such idiocy…” he muttered.

“Ha!” Swindle agreed. “What, did they not think we’d track them down eventually? All they ended up doing is leading us right to another member of their kind!”

“Think she can be turned?” Dropkick asked him.

“What, willingly?” Swindle replied, before laughing heartily. “No! Not a chance. We’ll probably just put the same bomb collar on her like we did with Filch and Steeljaw and the dearly departed Darksteel. Whether she’ll comply then is still up in the air as I’m not entirely sure she’s afraid of death but I guess we’ll have to see eh?”

“Speaking of Predacons…” Dropkick trailed off pressing his fingers together nervously. “What… What about that other one?”

Swindle looked confused for a few moments before his optics widened in realization. “Ah yes, him. The one Brawl says it’s in our best interest to terminate. Haven’t met him personally, at least while he’s conscious so I’m not so sure what he’s so scared about but Onslaught has taken… measures to keep him under control.”

“Measures?” Dropkick replied. “Okay, now color me curious. If Brawl wants something terminated without even a second thought, then we all should be-”

“What, worried?” Swindle laughed. “Brawl’s a brute. His next thought generally consists of what to shoot next! Anyways, if you’re so worried I’ll tell you what happened as soon as we brought Sinnertwin as he’s apparently called onto the base.”

Onslaught and Swindle observed the massive yellow Predacon as he was floated in on a platform usually reserved for moving energon cubes. In one of his hands, Onslaught held a surgical knife comprised of pure energon.

“Well, isn’t he a big one?” Flamewar observed, casually leaning up against a crate her bow on her back. “And his propensity for violence. Well, girl’s gotta admire that!’

“Bit too much violence if you ask me,” Brawl muttered. “Damn beast nearly slaughtered me and Breakdown as it is. To say nothing of our Vehicon troops!”

“Aww…” Flamewar cooed. “Is the big bad Brawl scared of one dumb beast?”

Brawl let out a growl and looked ready to throw a punch at the more limber Decepticon before Onslaught held up a hand to stop and shot them both a warning look.

“Every beast can be controlled,” Onslaught stated. “A beast's weakness, properly manipulated, can be a sharp tool. And believe me, that thing has one. Everyone does. Now I believe it’s time for my surgical strike.”

With that, he walked over to the unconscious Sinnertwin and stabbed downwards with his knife. When the Predacon was to eventually awake, he groaned out in pain before letting out a roar as he found himself shackled to the wall, with Onslaught watching him.

“Well, so the beast finally awakens from his slumber,” Onslaught chuckled. “And here I thought you were going to stay asleep for the rest of your life.”

“Let me go…”

“Oh, I will, in time,” Onslaught replied. “Just so long as you understand the rules of what’s going to happen here. You’re a Decepticon now,” he said gesturing to the new badge on Sinnertwin’s right shoulder. You shall be an honored member… so long as you never forget one important fact about your new life: It's mine.”

“My life shall never be yours!” Sinnertwin snarled and Onslaught chuckled.

“That’s all a matter of perspective. See, you’re still free to do as you choose. Rip and tear, within reason of course, but remember this…” Onslaught said bringing out a small box lined with energon crystals with a spark in the middle of them. He pressed down on the box, making Sinnertwin scream out in pain as the Predacon realized which spark exactly was in that box. “You belong to me now.”

Swindle shuddered in remembrance. His commander, while a good tactician was extremely ruthless and without mercy of any sort when it came down to it. It made it all too easy for Megatron to turn him into a Decepticon playing on his pride. There was a reason back on Cybertron whenever anyone heard the Combaticons were coming, they were more than likely to surrender outright then put up any sort of fight. Mind you, there were those that resisted, but in the end they were overwhelmed with sheer might.

“Great, so now Sinnertwin has a reason to hate us even more,” Dropkick muttered. “Anyone else see the flaw in this logic?” he asked turning towards Swindle and then to a few vehicons who were watching this whole exchange with barely disguised boredom. “No? Nobody? Fine, ignore the guy who thinks we should just shoot the bastard before he turns on us all!”

“Dropkick, with me!” a female voice called and he looked to see his partner, a slightly taller crimson colored femme-bot gesturing to him. “Just got orders from up top, Onslaught has a new mission for us!”

“Ugh…” Dropkick muttered, the former Autobot sighing. Mission this, mission that. He needed a break. First, it was him and Shatter recapturing the renegades in Filch and Steeljaw. Now it was something else.

“Heh,” Swindle chuckled. “Seems your sparkmate has you on a leash like a little puppy!”

“She’s not my…” Dropkick muttered before groaning. “Ugh, never mind.”

“Dropkick, are your servos locked up or are you coming?” Shatter questioned, her expression hardening. “Onslaught got to thinkin-”

“Oh, oh. Thinking. That’s always good,” Dropkick muttered. “Usually means someone like me’s going to get placed in the lines of fire. Can’t he ever get off his butt and do something himself for once?”

Shatter rolled her eyes. “Continuing on. As I was saying, Onslaught got to thinking that if the Autobots have partners in the humans, why shouldn’t we? Seems to be working out for them so far,”

“Personally, I think he’s lost his mind. Humans, they just go squish. Too easily broken. If he wants a partner, why not just go ask for a Mini-Con?” Dropkick remarked.

“It’s not a matter of their durability,” Shatter countered, crossing her arms. “Think for a second, Dropkick; the Autobots constantly pull victories from the jaws of defeat on this planet. Clearly, they’re doing something different from us.”

“Yeah, gathering all our best troops. Told you from the start that it was a bad idea to use criminals and thugs for half of our forces, and I told you again when Knock Out defected back to the Autobots. But look what happened! Hey, just ignore me!” Dropkick grumbled and if the irony of him being a war criminal had occurred to him he decided not to voice it. “Should have just grabbed as many unhappy former Decepticons as we could have and made a run for it. Less loose ends to worry about!”

“Oh, I’m staying out of this…” Swindle remarked as he walked off throwing his hands up in the air in frustration. “You two lovebirds have to settle this on your own! Peace!”

With that, the tan Decepticon took his leave.

“You don’t think we tried getting former Decepticons?” Shatter scoffed. “Not everyone is a yo-yo of a Con like Starscream. Poaching wanted criminals was so much easier.”

“So basically you’re saying Onslaught’s lazy,” Dropkick remarked. “Fine, what’s the plan? We grovel before the humans saying we’re all about love and peace? Yeah, after Acid Storm’s little make it rain incident I doubt they’ll readily believe that. Primus, our faction name is ‘Decepticons’! That might strike a chord, just sayin’.”

Shatter actually managed a smile, patting Dropkick’s head in a condescending way. “Oh you silly bot, true Decepticons don’t grovel. We have a plan to sway the humans.” She leaned in, whispering the details to him.
“Oh, that is good…” he smirked. “Still, that leaves a few loose ends. The Autobots human allies in the government. What if they raise their objections? They could blow our whole plan wide open!”

“It’s not our job to worry about them. Acid Storm is already en route to deal with that particular issue,” Shatter waved off, her smile not faltering. “Now, are you done arguing?” she asked as a groundbridge opened up behind them. Dropkick sighed before transforming into his vehicle mode and driving through it, with Shatter soon to follow as a muscle car of some sort.

In Texas, at the Lackland Air Force Base the soldiers stationed there were treated to a rather unusual sight upon seeing a blue ute type vehicle and a red muscle car entering their base without any sort of clearance.

“Sir!” one of the soldiers said as he ran into General Bryce’s office. “We’ve got two unidentified signals entering the grounds.”

“Well, suppose I’d best go greet our new guests,” Bryce replied after taking a sip of his coffee. “First Contact, never was in my job description…”

He, along with a ton of other soldiers loaded down with weapons were treated to the sight of the two vehicles forms’ massively shifting and changing till both Dropkick and Shatter stood above them. Shatter opted for kneeling down to their level and gestured for Dropkick to follow.

“W-Wait, what are you doing?” Dropkick muttered under his breath before he sighed as Shatter shot him a look. “Ugh, fine… Can’t believe I’m doing this. It’s so embarrassing…” he muttered as he followed Shatter’s lead.

“People of Earth, we are Decepticon peacekeepers,” Shatter began. “We would be honored to have a moment of your time and speak.”

“So speak. You’ve got five minutes,” Bryce said as he held up a stopwatch.

“Thank you,” Shatter replied, bowing her head. “We Decepticons would like to form a treaty with Earth. The exact terms can be decided upon later, but a free exchange of ideas and technology is the end goal.”

“There’s a but coming. In all my years as a member of the military,” Bryce responded. “There’s never been something quite so easy as what you propose. Nothing’s given away for free.”

“Well, you’re a smart one. Cybertron is dead,” Shatter told him lying through her teeth. “We would like rights to some land and the means to produce energy for ourselves. All we ask is you helping to keep those Autobot criminals who’ve come to steal Earth away from us off our backs and in return we will protect you. Is that negotiable?”

“I believe it is yes. What’s your name Madam?” Bryce asked not entirely trusting this one given she herself said she was a Decepticon but if she was willing to give answers as to what was going on he was willing to listen.

“Shatter,” she answered holding back a smirk. “And yours, sir?”

“Before I give my name away, I must ask about your title.”

“Oh, yes. I apologize if that scares you,” Shatter replied. “It’s just a simple craven Autobot scare tactic. The name was meant to demonize us. Instead, we wear it as a badge of honor, for if speaking the truth is deception, then we are gladly guilty.”

“Well then Ms. Shatter, you can call me General Bryce. Now, I believe we have some terms to discuss…?”

The Autobase:

“Bit quiet around here isn’t it?” Knock Out asked Prowl as the two took a stroll through the base. “Miss the little pitter patter of human feet,”

“The humans have their own lives,” Prowl answered, his expression neutral. “It would be rather cruel to hold them here in the base indefinitely.”

“We never were holding them, they were always free to do as they wished,” Knock Out replied. “Sure, you maybe held me and not without good reason but the humans? Never! This is in no way related to the recent loss of Swordbreaker is it?” he inquired cautiously.

“I apologize for my poor phrasing. In other news, Pyra Magna is on the road to recovery. She may be able to resume her duties within a few cycles.” Prowl replied.

“Well, that’s wondrous and all, but you still haven’t answered my question. Don’t forget, before I got involved in this whole mess I was a doctor. You’re deflecting,” Knock Out told him. “Swordbreaker’s loss. It got to you, didn’t it?”

“Of course not,” Prowl answered, though he had clearly hesitated. “In conflicts like ours, losses are inevitable. Sometimes bots die. Simple as that. There is nothing to be gained from dwelling on these things,”

“This is the second loss to your crew you’ve suffered since you’ve landed on Earth,” Knock Out replied. “Hound was the first, and now you just lost Swordbreaker under your command. It’s getting to you, isn’t it?”

“I have already told you my feelings on the matter. I must ask that you do not inquire further.”

“Oh fine!” Knock Out exclaimed in exasperation throwing his hands up in the air. “Hide behind your logic, be robo-Spock if you must!” he continued as Prowl walked off. “But remember, closing yourself off from all of this, in the long run, it isn’t healthy!”

Knock Out then punched a wall in frustration cracking it.

“Primus above…” he muttered before he felt a soft hand on his shoulder.

“Don’t blame Prowl,” Road Rage told him. “It was bound to happen eventually. I’ve heard stories about this. He’s always locked himself behind logic and all of that whenever he’s trying to cope with a loss. Exiling the humans from the base? He’s just trying to prevent more death if he can, that’s all,” she explained.

“Better we protect them then let them get killed by angry Decepticons,” Knock Out mumbled to himself.

“Who’s to say we aren’t? We protect them from the shadows,” Road Rage told him. “In time, Prowl will come around. He’ll realize what an idiot he’s being and apologize. You just need to give him time. Everyone copes with it in different ways. Gimu, that’s what the Japanese call it. Obligation, in short.”

“Pressures of leadership huh?” Knock Out sighed. “That which is the burden hardest to bear.”

“We’ve had worse times, remember?” Road Rage joked lightly although Knock Out didn’t look amused.

“Yeah, when do they get better? That's what I wanna know…” he sighed in return.

“Prowl’s just feeling boxed in, like the weight of the whole world’s on his shoulders,” Road Rage continued patting her friend on the back. “The same thing happened to Optimus Prime when the Matrix was passed to him. Optimus learned to live with his gimu and accept it. Now, while Prowl may not be any Matrix-Bearer, he’ll have to learn how to accept his duties and work with them. There’s not much really we can do to help, this is something he’s got to resolve for himself,”

“Don’t like it, not one bit but I understand,” Knock Out replied before continuing on. “Gimu huh? Nice name for it. In the meantime, I suppose we’ve all got our other duties to worry about. Not just protecting the humans but trying to figure just how a certain you know what ended up smack-dab on Earth and if it’s only the tip of the iceberg,” he said as the two entered Perceptor’s lab.

In the middle of the room, hovering in a tube of energy was this massive adorned sword with a sharp blue blade. The legendary Star Saber, said to have been forged by Solus Prime herself as a gift for her sparkmate, the now infamous Megatronus better known nowadays as the Fallen. When he fell, Solus used her Forge to smash it into five pieces with Nexus Prime hiding them away. As legend had it, Alpha Trion would later recover the pieces sometime before War Dawn and return them to the Cybertronian archives. Whether any of this was actually true or not was questionable at best but apparently, the Saber itself was real.

How it ended up on Earth was another question, although Perceptor suspected it like many other Cybertronian artifacts were sent off-world as soon as the threat of Iacon being overrun became very real.

In any case, this was what had been hidden in the Hoover Dam by the US Government and somehow the Decepticons had gotten wind of it and staged a full-scale assault in the hopes of recovering it.

“And now it’s our job to unlock its secrets and keep as it far away from the Decepticons as possible,” Knock Out muttered. “Lovely. We seem to get all the difficult jobs don’t we?”

“And it’s a task that should be made much easier now that I’m around,” a female voice said as the massive form of Pyra Magna walked into the room. “But first, tell me what’s become of my crew and my ship.”

Author's Note:

Okay, so first off huge thank you to Thunderclap for helping me write out Prowl and Shatter in this chapter. And yes, Shatter and Dropkick are a part of this story now, the final two Cons I plan to introduce. Kinda knew as soon as I saw them in the previews of Bumblebee they'd wind up to be good characters to use and when I saw the film proper last month I wasn't disappointed. It was just thanks to Fourshadow that I learned how to use them in the story. So love to him as well.

As always, comments, thoughts, speculation, and critique are welcomed.