• Published 1st Sep 2018
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Love Letters of the Princess of the Sun - Echo 27

"I believe that I will, for the time being, use this diary to record my thoughts on the matter. Perhaps this will help clear my mind."

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January 1st - May 3rd, the Year MCCCXLVII

January 1st, the Year MCCCXLVII

Time makes fools of us all.
Has it truly been that long since I last wrote within this diary? So much has come about since then. I believe that, whoever reads this now, will find that the world has changed. It is a brighter place than this time a year before.

The winter has been mild, a thankful prayer for many. Equestria’s fears of war have long been abandoned. The Man of Black, whom I once feared, has seemingly disappeared into the vast corners of the earth, far from our shores. Luna’s reports from her border guard have bode well for all of us. The wild things of the world have settled themselves, and the roads between cities have become safer. Equestria, it would seem, is on the verge of a golden age.

Twilight’s effort in Ponyville has brought forth more good and gladness for my people than could ever be measured. Science and innovation has truly begun in earnest as her horde of pupils bring forth new inventions, new ideas and philosophies, new joys and hopes that benefit us all. Twilight still seems so young to my ancient eyes –and indeed she is- but her works and toil speak to a timeless intellect, and an ageless wonder at the world surrounding her. She is growing as a leader in ways she cannot begin to suspect. Though she is not my child by birth, I have spent too much time around her to not feel a sense of motherly pride. Borne by the strength and aid of her friends, she has flourished, and much of Equestria’s recent prosperity is because of her relentless effort. I could be more proud.

Cadance has been busy- busier than I would wish for her. But she takes it all in stride, that calm happiness she spread to others nestled deep within her own spirit. After all, she would need it more than ever- Flurry Heart was enough of a handful, now she has another daughter to keep track of! Little Gleaming Shield, a shade darker than in color than her father, but nearly a carbon copy. Shining Armor can hardly wait for her to grow older so he can teach her his trade. The Crystal Empire will be kept safe by a strong, brave lineage for many generations to come.

Saber Ford has grown old, if only in spirit. He is a man in heart and mind, the youthfulness of his early days forgotten in time’s flow. He is one of my best soldiers, and Hearth Fire’s greatest asset. Just as predicted, Ford has proven himself to be an excellent leader, the scars of battle tempering what could have been an overeager spirit. Instead he is a mediator, his natural quiet bringing forth the wisdom and compassion he always bore. He remains, to this day, a naturally intelligent man. Literature interests him little, but he has taken it upon himself to meditate in his quietness, and learn about his soldiers as best as he can. He remains solemn, introverted, but every word he speaks is useful for teaching and correcting- and a smile is on his face more often than not. He is something to be proud of; I most certainly am proud of him.

As for myself? I could not be more joyful. My kingdom is at peace. My people are free and safe. My sister roams the wildlands in reckless abandon. My old pupil brings forth prosperity for a kingdom. And I am loved more deeply than I could ever have imagined. It is all too much, a gift too great and wondrous for me to ever have believed I would come to possess. So, for all of it, I am thankful. And that is all that really needs to be said.

March 23rd, the Year MCCCXLVII

It was a special day, though I had not truly realize it until Ford spoke to me. On this day, two years ago, Ford kissed me- a moment and sensation to this day I cannot ever forget.

What was it about that moment that struck me so? In many ways it was not special. It was a moment that has been repeated by millions across the strands of time, over and over again. A man kisses his lady and romance blossoms ever onward. It is a tale so old it may well be another trope of common fairytales. Yet that fairytale beginning is how we came together. He loved me all his life, and through his loyalty I became swayed. It could have been anyone, I sometimes tell myself. Anyone could have been struck as he was, and they likely would have done the same thing. Yet Ford, out of all the world I’ve known in these long, long years, is the only man I have ever loved. With all my long, long years, his heart is the only one that has held mine. So I guess, through my aimless ruminations, it has lasted because of who Ford is, rather than anything else. He wanted to give himself to me, and only expected my affection in return. He gave no cares of my standing, the power, regality- it was myself that he truly desired. Some may call it foolish, but I find it priceless.

It has been a long time since then. Still Ford remains- and I with him. It has become, in some ways, far easier to manage our discretion and arrange our rendezvous. Repetition and experience has given us that edge. Yet, on the other side, his rank calls for greater duties, increased responsibility, and more time away from me. Through it all, none of us has chosen to waver. He belongs to me and I to him, and there is no other way in which I would have it.

Luna has yet to accept it, really. Sometimes I think she would tell me openly, but cannot raise the courage. She wishes it had been a passing fancy of mine, or simply Ford’s own foolishness. I sometimes wonder if she has ever conceived a means of whisking him away elsewhere so as not to bother me. She may never truly accept Ford as a part of my life, especially in such an intimate manner. Occasionally she asks me what I see in him. And so, I ponder the question every time before I give an answer, allowing me to know why I chose him that day two years ago- and why I would choose him over and over again.

Ford is not special. He is not some magnificent champion, some great conqueror with a mighty army behind him. He is not wise. He is not counted among the most desirable of men. Ford is, in many ways, average. I say this not to disparage him, but to allow him to stand for what he is. Because though he may not be set apart by the eyes of the masses, who he is within his own heart is what truly matters to me more than anything in the world. He bears a quiet spirit, calm and collected until it blooms in a soft smile on his face. His dedication to his craft is unlike anything I have ever seen, his work ethic unmatched by any on this earth. He maintains his standard to the end, and gives himself no quarter. He expects the best of himself. He is forgiving and gentle when possible, and loyal beyond what words can express. To me, that is what makes Ford invaluable. Because of who he chooses to be, day in and day out, he becomes exceptional. Some may say there are more handsome, more desirable men in the world. But not to me. And that is how I would have it, no matter what end.

When Ford returns to his quarters tonight, he will find a gift awaiting him. I feel shame at the thought, but I have given him so little in return for all that he has given me. His steady hand and love have been beside me for two years now, and more than once I have awoken to flowers and gifts at my bedside. I have waited too long to return the favor. Tonight he will return home and find an old heirloom that once belonged to his family. A family crest that had been lost when his father had passed, now returned to its rightful owner. It is not enough to settle the debt of gratitude that I owe him, but I hope it is a start.

My dear Princess,

I don’t know when you will see this, but I write this now as you sleep the night away. It has been long, and spending it with you has been more than gift enough.

Has it truly been only two years? To me it has been a lifetime. So filled with joy and warmth that I hardly dare to believe it is even real. Who would have believed that I would be able to say I hold dearly the love of a Princess? Even the most foolish would have laughed.

Celestia, there are times I look upon you and find myself unable to fathom what you saw in me. I was bound by emotion, hardly able to contain my own struggles. I kissed you that night because I simply couldn’t take it anymore, I was so wrapped up in my own lust. I longed for you for so many years, and there you were- I just couldn’t stand it. When the moment passed, I thought I would be killed. Instead, I received a second kiss- and thousands more since that I hold dearer than any gold or priceless jewel could ever hope to match.

I see your smile and it is as though I look upon the sunrise. I see your peacefulness and feel the warm happiness of the sunset. Your laughter is like the noonday brightness shining down upon me. And the warmth of your spirit is more holy and wonderful than any words could describe. I am glad to know you, to love you. These past years have been a treasure that surpass all hopes and dreams. To merely hold your love in my heart has been more meaningful and more wonderful than all I have ever known, and I am glad to love you so.

You hold my heart forever, dear Princess of the Sun.

~ Saber Ford

May 3rd, the Year MCCCXLVII

Ford has been dealing with increased responsibilities lately, more and more he has been dealing with high-profile matters relating to the whole of the Solar Guard. Though he is certainly an accomplished soldier, it in truth is more by necessity. Some of our most experienced were lost to us during the battle in Griffonstone, and he remained to see through it all. Ford is being forced to deal with matters far beyond what would normally be required of him. I wish it were not so, but I do not see it coming to an end. Hearth Fire has come to rely on him so.

Ford takes it in stride, though I sometimes see the exhaustion in his eyes. He works hard, and is proud to do so. He has always seen his responsibilities as his way of helping me and looking after me, so I guess it gives him a great sense of happiness. But I do wish he had true time to rest. More and more I see him being pushed to the brink of exhaustion to help fill the gap. It is a gap that will never truly be filled, and even if it is, Ford will forever be one of the Royal Guard’s most senior leaders from here on out. The role is upon him now.

I have tried to find ways of helping him cope. Discreetly, of course. And without causing interference in his work. But to help his body and mind relax and recover from their weariness. Today, I asked him to come to visit with me in the mountain pools, the warmth of an early summer making the private baths a splendid place to seek shelter. When he arrived, I simply asked him to join me in the waters and let their coolness flow. Little words were spoken and few needed to be. As the time went by, we let the silence fill the gap. I watched as the tension freed his muscles, each moment that passed allowed his shoulders to relax further. His jaw unclenched and the shadows behind his eyes lessened. Though there was tiredness in his smile, it was a genuine thing.

When the pure waters of the pool had done their work, we settled out on the pathway and found a place that overlooked the city. Parties and celebrations have become common in Canterlot at night now, and we looked down into a city of resplendent light and happiness. The fear and anxiety we had known a year ago have gone completely, allowing both Griffon and Equestrian to mingle peacefully once more. Though the merrymakers below us did not know it, they were spied upon. Occasionally Ford and I would make remarks about the things we saw, or point out small moments that were occurring before our eyes. It was a small, fleeting glimpse into the world of others.

Finally, I heard a long, wearisome sigh from beside me and turned to see Ford sagging where he sat, a look of discontent upon his face.

“What is the matter?” I asked him.

“Celestia, do you ever feel old compared to those around you? Maybe even compared to your sister?” he asked.

It was a strange question. Yes, I was certainly far older than all those I knew, including Ford- and my sister, though only a brief span between our entrances into this world. Did I feel older than them? Not truly? My immortality gave me the appearance of a woman in her mid-30’s, despite how long I had lived upon this earth. Those whose appearance gave a greater look of age, in many ways, felt older and wiser than I. But never did I truly feel older than those around me.

“I cannot say that I do,” I replied. “What makes you ask such things?”

He gave another sigh, and I wondered if I saw a new line be added to his face. “I feel stretched thin, Tia,” he said. “Look down there. You see couples and friends, men and women, so many right around my age. Yet I feel more separate from them than I have ever known, like I’m worlds apart. I feel old.” He gave this wretched sort of laugh that I did not enjoy hear escaping his lips. “Is this what it is like to grow up? Or have I been struck by something worse?”

“You work too hard. That is what ails you,” I told him. “You take too much responsibility on your own shoulders rather than delegating, or asking for aid. I know Hearth Fire asks much of you, but that does not mean every task he gives you must be completed by you alone.”

“I am needed. It’s what’s asked of me,” he countered.

“And I need you in your wholeness, not as someone who wearies of his life. As do they.” I put my hand upon him and brought him beside me, kissing his cheek. “You are tired. Not old. You weary because you allow yourself no rest. Do you not think I afford myself no relaxation or reprieve?”

“You’re the Princess. You can do whatever you want,” he said with an impish grin.

“Yes… that is somewhat true,” I admitted. “But what I mean is that you need to allow yourself rest. True rest, not just sleep. Your mind needs a way to escape your duties. I know that you and I have our moments together, but what would you say to me teaching you lessons?”

“Lessons on what? I am no spellcaster,” he said.

“Nothing of the sort,” I laughed. “Ways of healing. Science and arts. Meditation and how to examine oneself. There is a method to it, though it may seem like madness.”

“And what should I expect from it all?”

“A healthier, well-rested mind. And greater peace in your heart. Does it scare you?” I added, hoping my teasing would strike his pride.

“Not at all. Just that you know I am not a scholarly person,” he replied, a hint of fire now evident in his voice. “I can certainly try.”

“I am surprised it took this long to convince you,” I said, kissing his forehead. “After all, it only means more time with me. Is that not desirable any longer?”

He laughed, this time a gentler, softer sound. “Desirable is too weak a word to describe what I feel.”

“Then why not show me instead?” I said, taking him by the hand. “Have you ever given your lady a dance?”

And so, that night, we danced until the moon shone bright in the midnight sky.

Author's Note:

Time flies sometimes. It's been many years since I left home and joined the military. Now that part of my life is over, and feels like a whole other life. There are days it can be so easy t feel old.

As always, comments and corrections below. Enjoy, everyone!