• Published 1st Sep 2018
  • 3,590 Views, 106 Comments

Love Letters of the Princess of the Sun - Echo 27

"I believe that I will, for the time being, use this diary to record my thoughts on the matter. Perhaps this will help clear my mind."

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January 27th - January 31st, the Year MCCCXLVIII

January 27th, the Year MCCCXLVIII

My body aches still. My recovery has been a gradual one, and much of my power has yet to return. It will be a slow process. But I am alive, and that is reason enough to be grateful.

The battle is won- not an absolute victory, but the kingdom is safe, and its people are free of Sombra’s menace. The damage he has brought has been horrendous, not just the aftermath of our battle, but the years he has spent toiling against us. The deaths of my people in Appeloosa, Manehatten, the insurrections in the Griffon Kingdom, the murder of the librarian in the Crystal Empire, the destruction in Vanhoover… his wrath has been unrelenting against us. I am grateful he has been defeated.

I only wish that he had been destroyed. Try as we might, the combined power of the four Princesses was not enough to take him down, but only to weaken him and drive him from our borders. Through our combined strength, our war of attrition against Sombra was won, and he fled west out of our borders and beyond my sight. I can no longer sense his spirit roaming the wilds, no illness plagues my heart. He has truly left.

We have survived, though the four of us are exhausted and in some cases injured. Twilight will never fully recover from her injuries- the limp she now bears will remain with her all her days. The blow against her was savage, and intended for me; Twilight instead leapt forward to protect me from the blast and the price of her bravery was very nearly death. I feared she had been lost to me.

Luna, the ever-wily warfighter of ancient days, escaped the fray with little injury, save for a few scars and burns. Already she has returned to patrol the wildlands, unwilling to rest for any great length of time. She is dedicated to the sanctity and protection of her homeland, almost to a fault. If the whole world possessed half her courage and will, the bravery of men would never be questioned.

Cadance fared well, for the most part. Her eyesight will return in time, but it will be diminished for quite a while. I have already begun to give her lessons on how to operate without sight, and she works with some of Luna’s soldiers to practice even further. The determined, loving mother refuses to be nothing but a shining example to her young children and I love her dearly for it. I wish I had a million just as brave and steadfast as she.

My side still twinges. My arm will be in its sling for a few more weeks before it can be brought to full function. Dark magic, such as the arcane violence Sombra wields, cannot be overcome through traditional medicine- and heals slowly. All of us who were struck by his wrath will have marks that never heal, and scars to bear forever. Even Ford, despite my best efforts to keep him away, now carries a new scar that runs along his body like a bolt of faded lightning. As soon as Twilight had been hurt he leapt forward, throwing himself into the fray to keep her safe, knowing full well he could have been killed. When I asked him what had possessed him so to do such a thing, Ford was unable to recall the moment, and questioned me for details of what he had done. I wonder if fear blocks the memory from his mind, or it is some vile curse from Sombra that now harms his thoughts. I hope for the former, for no sorcery of the darkness has the right to dwell within such a wonderful man.

The palace remains in a strange state, an odd amalgamation of sorrow and elation. Truly, the entire kingdom is gladdened that Sombra has been defeated- but at such cost. It may take years for Vanhoover to fully recover. Thousands of lives have been forever altered in a way I cannot repair. And, though no soul dares to speak it, we all know that Sombra still lives and threatens us all. It may be years before he has strength to threaten us again, but his shadow will cloud every sunny day until he is cast from the living world and into the abyss forever.

For now, I am grateful that we can rest. But someday, Sombra will return and I must be ready to face him again. Thankfully, we have time and vigilance on our side- and the wonderful mind of dear Twilight. The stolen book has been recovered, and Twilight studies it thoroughly in between bouts of resting. She protests, but I have asked her friends to ensure she cares for herself. I will not have the young woman who was like a child to me fall into exhaustion. We have time now- and she needs to rest. We all do.

January 30th, the Year MCCCXLVIII

And so that is his plan. I thought we had time, a delay in which we could prepare for the inevitable war. Instead we have nothing.

Twilight has completed her studies and requested I meet her privately to discuss what she had found. Well, in truth she wished to come to me, but I insisted she continue with her recovery and that I would come to her. I asked Ford to accompany me, and the two of us quietly visited Ponyville where Twilight awaited us. Few knew we had even arrived, and Twilight was glad to have us- though my heart turned as I saw her half-stumble along with a cane as her aid. She is still so young, yet she struggled to walk on her own.

“Spike prepared some things for us to eat while we talk,” Twilight said as we settled down in her study. “He and Starlight are off somewhere enjoying themselves for the time being. I think they’ve found this place to be rather stuffy since I returned.”

I looked about her study and saw the mountains of books and scrolls, the air tinged with the musty smell of old parchment and ink. I glanced at the makeshift bed in the corner and wondered if Twilight had been refusing to care for herself these past few days in an effort to continue her work.

“I think I recognize you,” she said as her eyes settled on Ford. “Aren’t you the one who helped me in the Crystal Empire? Princess Celestia said you helped save me when Sombra attacked me.”

Ford, ever self-effacing, seemed uncomfortable with such praise. “I did what I should, Your Highness,” he said. “I’m glad I could be there to help.”

“Twilight,” I said quietly, trying to get my student’s attention.

“I hope you weren’t too badly injured. I’m still sort of struggling to get used to mine, myself-”

“Twilight,” I said, my voice becoming more forceful. “I wanted you to get some rest and heal. Truly heal. Have you been working throughout the night?”

“Princess, it’s not a big deal-”

“It is to me, Twilight,” I said and my voice struggled. She was bright and lovely, a beacon of hope for a better future that Equestria so desperately needed. Yet here she was, hardly able to stand on her own without help and worn down by a vile darkness. She did not know how deeply the sight affected me. “I am glad you’ve found something, but after today, rest. Real rest- do not make me have you under watch to ensure it happens.”

Twilight’s seemingly cheerful demeanor suddenly vanished, leaving the beautiful girl drained and sorrowed. “I wish I could, Princess,” she said in a timid voice. “If I’m being honest, I made my discovery two days ago- but I didn’t know what to do next. I- Spike said he found me in a strange sort of sleep atop a pile of books and he was afraid I’d passed out. I… I don’t really sleep well anymore.”

Sombra’s power. A mark so deep that it may never be undone. More scars, more wounds from that horrid beast that could not be taken away. And to think I had once- I am forgetting myself.

Twilight brought the forth the stolen tome and set it on the table before us, letting the stink and rot of ancient pages rise before us. The book was most assuredly old, perhaps older than even I was.

“It’s ancient,” Twilight said. “So much of what’s written in here, I’ve never even heard of before. Creation and beginnings, dark demigods that feed on light and life- it’s a horrible, horrible book. Fascinating, but- just awful. I hate the sight of it.”

“Burn it once it’s done,” I said to her. “Be rid of it and let its presence haunt you no more.”

“Some of it is important, Princess,” she said, staring at the book with distaste. “I’ll have to transcribe some of it to make sure the knowledge isn’t lost- but too much within it is dangerous.”

“How dangerous?” Ford asked.

“In Sombra’s hands… he could cause unimaginable suffering,” she said, gently pushing the book forward with only the tips of her fingers. “I think- this is- definitely is what he wants.”

The sight of the tome repulsed me, and I dared not touch it, instead leaning over it and beginning to read the words aloud:

Of all the mighty jewels that were crafted in the early world, none have given rise to greater legends and more monstrous demons of the deep than the Philosopher’s Stone. Beautiful and resplendent jewels crafted by Ferrarius during the Dawn of the World as a gift for his beloved Aestima, and were given among the Firstborn so that they might drink from the pools of the infinite, and dwell among the world forever. However, Tavan, the One Who Marrs, despised the joy of his kinfolk and sought to bring despair upon them. So he struck out and destroyed many of the Philosopher’s Stones and broke them like glass, scattering others across the world and hiding them in the deep to never be found. Only a few came to survive Tavan’s wrath, and these were hidden away until Tavan’s assault on the world was halted. Once the danger had passed and the world had begun its healing, the Philospher’s Stones were declared to be worthy only to a select few who would be able to stand and shine amidst the present darkness that now plagued the earth. These Philosopher’s Stones were gifted to the Alicorns, who alone stood worthy to hold the mantle of eternal life. Those that had been scattered by Tavan, according to rumor, were sought out by the Alicorns and destroyed, knowing that the wickedness of the world could not be allowed to hold such a power. Though they are thought to be destroyed, rumors persist across the world that some have still survived, and are yet to be found in the deep places of the world.

The powers of a Philospher’s Stone, just like the stone itself, are the subject to endless rumor. Though the Alicorns only wielded a portion of its power, the gift of eternal life was held in their blood and passed down through generations among the pureborn Alicorns. However, further rumors of the powers of the Stones persist- chief amongst them are its ability to create limitless amounts of wealth, and create vast armies of warriors at the users behest. Such a weapon in the hands of the Alicorns has proven to be prosperous, though would likely be disastrous in the hands of the wicked.

“That’s it, then,” Twilight said. “That’s what he wants. Sombra is looking for a Philosopher’s Stone so he can live forever- and build an unstoppable army. With unlimited wealth he’d be able to buy allies all over the world, and- Equestria would never be able to stop him.”

The words had been painful. I reached out for Ford’s hand by instinct, struggling to hold myself together as I felt so much of my world crashing around me.

That was why I was immortal. The power of the Philosopher’s Stone had been passed down from bloodlines immemorial that had begun long before I was born. Pureblood Alicorns held that power to endless life- Twilight and Cadance, though immeasurably powerful in magic, did not hold it. The Alicorns had once held the duty of protecting the world from such great power- but now only two, true-blooded Alicorns remained in the world. My sister- and me. We were alone against Sombra and a horrifying future. An Umbra with the power of immortality- what would we be able to do if he succeeds?

What are we going to do?

January 31st, the Year MCCCXLVIII

I have made up my mind. There can be no other way.

I will have to begin preparations immediately. But first, I wish to tell Luna the truth. All of it- of Sombra, myself, what he is truly after- and what I will ask her to do. I am afraid of what I must do, but I fear what Sombra may unleash far more. My mind is made up. I am resolute.

May I may the right decision tonight.

Author's Note:

OK, so I had some spare time before my move.

And so the endgame lies before us. One more chapter to go. May 13th, 3:00pm EST, be ready to see what comes. For this story, and for me.
I have something to say.

Comments and corrections below. As always, enjoy.